Park Jisung Au - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Okokok Feeling Very Inspired By None Other Than Ms Taylors Song, I Just Feel Like Its Very Much A Jwi

okokok feeling very inspired by none other than ms taylor’s song, i just feel like it’s very much a jwi song :( the whole fearless album in general !!! jwi vibes everywhere

everything ‘bout bf!jisung — pjs.

in which you fall in love with park jisung.

in this love story, park jisung falls for you first. you two had never really talked and had the bare minimum of overlapping schedules—just a few classes where you’d be sitting across the room and that was probably it.

what had his heart racing though, was when you had sat next to him in ap calc (it was because you were slightly late and there were no more seats left, but whatever!). his eyes couldn’t help but glance over at you every now and then, he noticed how whenever you got particularly bored—you’d scribble little smiley’s or moons all across the top of your notebook.

“psst, jisung-ah.” you quietly whisper over to him, catching the teen boy off guard and when you say he turns bright red, he. turns. bright. red.


you have this boy a stuttering mess, and all you actually needed was a refill for your mechanical pencil, which he didn’t end up having. he would feel so awful about that, though.

“alright class!” your professor grins, pushing his weirdly large glasses up his nose bridge. he quickly packs up the stacks of paper scattered on his desk as he glances towards the clock on his computer.

“we’ll be having a little exercise that’ll be due next week. you’ll be needing to finish exercises 5.8 to 10.” a chorus of groans filled the small classroom as your professor couldn’t help but chuckle.

jisung prays to whoever would listen that, if there were pairings, the pairings wouldn’t be random, he didn’t really like socializing much out of his little circle.

“oh don’t worry. you’ll be working in pairs! specifically, those next to you.”

his world spins.

your meetings for the homework consist of jisung’s uncontrollable blush, your teasing of said blush, and just a little bit of ap calc.

you were glad to say you had more to say about jisung other than, cute cheeks and hair. sure, you’ve always noticed the boy but so has practically everyone in your course had noticed him. he was the crush of the whole campus, wayyy out of your league in your opinion—so you kept your distance.

but the first time you watch him dance was the day he stole your heart.

“did you hear?! park jisung is gonna perform with the dance team,” a group of gossiping girls caught your attention, it wasn’t like you were meaning to eavesdrop—they just talk really loudly.

they all squeal together, their cheeks reddening as they thought of the black haired boy on the dance floor. “the team were short one, so they had him fill it in.”

you hadn’t expected to be mesmerised in the way you were.

watching him move with the music playing from your gym’s speakers had you thinking that that surely wasn’t jisung, was it?

a sly smirk was tugging on his lips as he pushed it even further and flashing a wink towards the crowd. this jisung was confident and bold, much different to the nervous and shy jisung that you knew. dancing was obviously the one way he could completely express himself, and you, in turn, were completely smitten.

“j-jisung! hey,” the next time you bump into him—or he bumps into you.

“sorry y/n!” chuckling, jisung gently pushes you aside by your waist as he whips by. another boy comes rushing after him, screaming out his name.

you shake your head at your antics, but the burning of your cheeks and the beating of your heart is the solidifying moment that yep, you like park jisung.

jisung had never really planned on doing anything about his teeeny tiny crush on you. he thought that you wouldn’t like a person like him, especially since you were barely even friends. so, he stayed away. he’d bump into you every now and then around the campus, but even then you two would only exchange one or two words before rushing off to your separate classes. but the moment im nahwon from his physics class had laid eyes on you, he couldn’t help but feel protective and slightly jealous.

“hey y/n!” he would smile at you and bring you chocolates. jisung would watch your reaction closely, taking note of your blank cheeks. you’d shyly acknowledge the other boy, his shameless flirting wasn’t exactly what you were you used to.

jisung would later find out that you weren’t keen on receiving chocolates, and preferred sour sweets instead.

homecoming was rolling around, and you still didn’t have a date. secretly, you hoped a certain park jisung would be the one to ask you to it, but you weren’t that hopeful.

“dude, just ask her.” mark lee scrunched his nose as he quickly stole a french fry off of lee haechan’s tray. the younger boy would sigh, his eyes lingering over to your table—watching you shake your head at someone’s lame joke in your small circle of friends.

you’d look over, barely catching the pink on his cheeks. “and if she says no?”

jisung bit his lip, fiddling with the god awful pizza slice on his tray. mark shrugs, fending off haechan’s greedy hands from taking his chips.

“then you move on. simple!”

how would jisung explain to them that you felt like his missing piece?

he didn’t end up asking you to homecoming. im nahwon had gotten you first—a scuffed illustration hanging on his fingers with the words “PROM?” written on it. it had been two days before the event, so you had just said yes.

how would you explain that your eyes kept wandering to the boy in the corner, pink on his cheeks as haechan fiddled with his tie?

“shitty night?” jisung’s soft voice cut through the cold october night. you turned, your green dress flowing smoothly as the wind pushed some of your hair back, a sight jisung would probably remember forever.

you smiled slightly, eyes sparkling as the soft music sounded from the high school gym. “yeah, you could say that?”

you both laughed quietly as you turned to admire the view.

“you know, i actually wanted to ask you to tonight,” jisung shocked you with his bold statement, his gaze fixed on the night sky, the pink on his cheeks very evident.

“i would’ve insisted if i knew how much of an asshole im nahwon would be.” you chuckled at his statement and made no attempt to deny, because truly—im nahwon was a shitty homecoming date.

“it’s… it’s not too late to ask me, you know?” you grinned, meeting his gaze as he smiles shyly, his heart racing.

“then… mind if i have this dance, y/l/n y/n?”

that night, you’d find out how terrible park jisung was at the waltz.

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3 years ago
Just A Lil Something For The Best Boy Park Jisung :) M Sooo Hung Up On This Man I Swear Ill Write For

just a lil something for the best boy park jisung :’) m sooo hung up on this man i swear i’ll write for renjun soon !!!! anywaaays here’s a soccer captain!jisung x bubbly!reader >_<

sweater — pjs.

in which he makes sure to get an extra large because he knows you love all things oversized.

“good morning, ‘sung!” you grin as you bounce down from the steps of your house. the lanky boy stands tall as he waits, a large white sweater hanging on his form and a black duffel bag strapped from his shoulders.

“mmm. morning.” he yawns, reaching out to place soft pats on your head. you both start your fifteen minute walk towards school, your brisk walk filled with your rambles about the night before.

jisung smiles to himself when you briefly get distracted by a small pebble on the road, your feet instinctively going to kick it forwards.

“oh! you wouldn’t believe what yena and hyuck did last night!” you gasp, turning towards the taller boy. your hands grip his sweater as you tug on it to catch his attention. he shakes his head, already knowing what you were going to say. “hyuck finally grew the balls to ask yena out!”

you laugh loudly, bringing your hands together as you think of how cute of a pair they make. jisung chuckles, grabbing your hand to place it in his pocket whilst enveloped in his after noticing the slight shivering of your fingers.

“it’s like you’re forgetting hyuck is one of my best friends, y/n.” he grins, looking towards you as you both enter the large gate of your school.

a pink blush places itself on your cheeks, because you did forget. whoops?

jisung nods towards the few boys standing near the field, chatting amongst themselves as they wait for their captain. “i gotta go love, i’ll see you later?”

you smile up at him as he pulls you close—placing a chaste kiss to your head. you had expected for the boy to leave, to jog over to his already waiting teammates. but instead, he stops to bring his duffel bag off his shoulders and starts to pull his sweater over his head.

you’re surprised when jisung places it on your figure, his hands coming to ruffle your hair.

“i know you’re cold. hold onto that for me, yeah?” he smiles, kissing the ring on his finger—the same one you had given to him. you blush at his gesture, the lanky boy running off to his team. they all simultaneously laugh at their captain and the blush on his cheeks.

sometimes, you hated the cold. but if it meant you’d get jisung’s sweaters, how could you ever complain?

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3 years ago

[9:39 am]

you shut your camera off as your back slides down your chair. this class was going on for a lot longer than you thought—your back was hurting and your eyes were drooping.

ping! your phone lights up as you stare down at the notification.

jisung: y did u turn off your cam?

a smile tugs itself onto your lips as you quickly type out a reply.

you: why do you mind?? miss me? :O

jisung: of course! turn your cam on rn.

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3 years ago

[10:22 am]

“are you on cam right now?” jisung’s hushed whisper pulls your attention away from the notebook on your desk. your eyes glance at your computer—your teacher’s mundane tone slowly lulling you to sleep.

he watches in anticipation as you click the small camera icon off, “it is now—mmf!”

you’re frozen in place as your boyfriend rushes into your room and engulfs you in a hug. his subtle cologne surrounds you as you laugh softly into his neck.

“happiest birthday, y/nnie!” jisung pulls back as he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek. you smile, feeling your heart swell as he proceeds to happily sing you a happy birthday.

“you’re the cutest, ‘sung.”

“miss y/l/n? what are your thoughts on this prompt?”


self-indulgent … it’s my birthday today! thank u jisung for the greeting ( ◠‿◠ ) lmfao i wish

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3 years ago
I Recommend Listening To Ready To Love By Svt And Dive Into You By Nct Dream While Reading!

i recommend listening to ready to love by svt and dive into you by nct dream while reading!

hows of us — nct dream.

in which they all have their own “hows” to loving you.

MARK … and you would have a pretty open relationship, he wouldn’t be the type to flaunt your relationship but he wouldn’t be the type to hide it either. the dreamies knew about you two and would absolutely love teasing you until your cheeks were bright red.

RENJUN … would probably want to keep you hidden for a little while. it wasn’t like he wanted to hide you away as if he was ashamed of you, more like he loved you so much and didn’t feel like sharing.

JENO … was head over heels for you. the dreamies knew about you way before you two had become a thing—so they knew just how whipped jeno was. when you both had gotten together jeno wouldn’t necessarily scream it on the top of his lungs, but he wasn’t quiet about it either.

HAECHAN … was very boisterous about your relationship. he would always squish your cheeks and pull you into his embrace, screaming a very high pitched “so cute!” while doing it too.

JAEMIN … would very much initiate pda with you in front of the dreamies on purpose. he’d drop some cheesy pick-up lines just to cringe them out, but he’d be very sweet and romantic behind closed doors.

CHENLE … would love showing you off. one hundred percent. he would always giggle and hold your hand, a loud “there’s my s/o!” leaving his lips every time he’d first catch sight of you entering the building.

JISUNG … would definitely be the private but not secret type of boy. he wouldn’t post much on his instagram or twitter, but when he did it was usually with you—with your face out of the picture. just something to show that he was taken but his love was just his to see.

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2 years ago
Park Jisung On My Mind Im Back! (i Think) My Writers Block Has Finally Been Defeated!!!

park jisung on my mind 😓😓😓 i’m back! (i think) my writer’s block has finally been defeated!!! ୧⍢⃝୨

arcade — pjs.

in which your boyfriend takes you to the arcade.

“y/n y/n y/n!! look look! they have stuffed bears in there!” jisung lights up at the sight of the multi-colored bears sitting inside the glass box.

you can’t help but laugh at how excited your boyfriend was getting. the small arcade he brought you to was packed with people—friend groups and couples alike wander around the two of you.

jisung’s fishing his pocket for the small card that allows you both to waste your time on the countless machines scattered across the small store. “just sit there and look pretty, babe!”

your boyfriend’s tongue pokes at his cheek as he stares intensely at the brown bear he was trying to take. the metal claw moves as he controls it with the knob settled outside the machine.

“go ji!” you’re smiling so much your cheeks hurt. your hand is holding your phone as you film the tall boy. “what was that?!”

he’s whining now—watching the small toy fall from the claws seemed to make his legs turn to jelly.

“let me try again.” he huffs, swiping the card to try once more.

“ji, love—it’s okay!” you can’t contain your giggles directed at the pouty boy next to you.

“but i really wanted to get that for you!” jisung whines even louder this time, both your hands filled with loads of tickets from walking around the whole arcade.

your gaze catches a small booth hidden away in the corner. a flash of recognition lights up your eyes before your jumping up and dragging jisung away.

“look look look! they have a photobooth!” he’s grinning from ear to ear as you pull him towards the cramped booth. there’s a big screen waiting for the two of you—it shows the both of you as you settle into the small bench.

“are you ready, ji?” you smile at him as you swipe the card. a robotic voice echoes around you ‘please select your camera setting and get ready for your shots!’

“where do we look?”

neither of you have any time to ask anymore questions when the loud voice starts to count down.

“oh my god! um—“ you’re giggling as you push your head against jisung’s. you’re both smiling and the first picture snaps into place.

your boyfriend’s arm reaches behind you to pull you closer to him—his face scrunches into a wink as your cheeks tint pink while you flash a shy smile at the camera.

“what do we do now?” jisung lets out a loud laugh as you both try your hardest to think of a pose on time. you barely hear the camera shutter amongst both your giggling.

you both strike a couple more poses, throwing up finger hearts and some wacky faces—but you’re now on your last picture and you’re out of ideas.


“um—what else can we do?” you’re laughing as you stare at yourself through the massive screen.


you feel jisung’s soft touch on your chin, he tugs gently so you’re looking right at him. his lips are curved in a soft smile.


and he kisses you.

i’m so sad i want to go to the arcade with a special someone now </3

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2 years ago

jisung au recos

Jisung Au Recos

dancing high - genre - fluff | idol!au 8 letters genre - fluff | angst | high school!au word count | 18.2k words

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