Johnny Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

↳ an alpha’s touch | johnny x reader | 4.0k | oneshot | 18+ genre: smut, supernatural, werewolf, alpha/omega mates warnings: dom/sub themes, possesivness, spanking, size kink, praise kink, oral sex, a little manhandling
❝ determined to finish your studies before you would start dating, you had rejected your mate a year ago. as your heat approaches, your alpha and mate johnny wants to do everything he can to help you through the pain. will you resist him or will you give in to your alpha’s touch? ❞
note: this fanfic is for @nct-writers halloween event. an excuse for me to finally write a fanfic about my ult-bias. beta read by my best friend @you-better-stob thank you amanda ily. hope you all enjoy!

The cold wind grabbed hold of you as you walked down the street with your two best friends sending shivers down your spine. Couldn’t you have chosen a café that was closer to campus? None of you talked on your way over, the bitter cold in October being enough for even your loudest friend Laura to keep quiet.
One foot in front of the other, you thought as you crossed your arms over your chest. Head down as you hoped to God you would reach the café soon. Longing for that hot pumpkin spiced chocolate you had been craving all day.
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NCT 127 ˜ Edie's Masterlist💚
We can stay like this forever
But this is a no-strings-attached thing
I saw her first (+ Mark)
I saw her first (+ Jaehyun)
Suddenly I’m soft :”)
[0533] Your legs hung over the edge of the rooftop. Pink, orange and purple streaks stained the silent sky. You released your grip on the shirt that laid in your lap. “Do you believe in love?” your soft voice broke the silence.
“Yes,” Johnny replied, matching your volume. His eyes drank up the view of you. His flannel in your lap to keep you warm, the wind running through your hair gently, and the rising sun tanning your skin with peaches and lavenders.
“Why?” you asked, facing him. Confusion was written all over your face. “All love does is leave you broken and it’s-”
“Because I love you.
JN (Part II)
I’d like to thank everyone who loved the first part of this mini-series, so now I offer you the second part. I’m not sure how many parts this will have; I’ll have to see my archive first.
As a clue to what you’ll be reading, here’s a GIF of him in his trademark off-duty outfit. Doesn’t he look cozy? And if you’ve noticed, he tends to use that word a lot too.

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: Yup, our content for this whole week and possibly into the next ones will still come from my writing based on the prompt list created by @neoculturedrabbles.
POV: 2nd person for both.
Word count: 1,600+ words
Prompt #3: “Is that my hoodie?”
Living with Johnny and Mark means you get to swipe items from each other. If not that, either one of you uses the item of the other.
For example, every time you bring out your sandalwood soap, Johnny and Mark use it. You noticed that it was used when there were remaining bubbles on the soap when it was your turn to take a bath. You wrinkled your nose in annoyance, remembering that Johnny criticized your soap preference.
“Baby, this smells like a man’s soap. Unless you like that, of course,” he told you one time you stepped out of the shower after using a newly-opened bar of sandalwood soap.
“The hell you care, dude. I’ve become used to it, and it helps with my skin conditions,” you grumbled in response before storming back to your room.
To pay back for his bashing and using your soap with no permission, you decided to get one of his million hoodies inside his closet. You were lucky that he didn’t lock his room at all – it was easy to get one of them whenever he was out. Mark was abroad again, and that means you have the apartment all to yourself lately.
You got a light brown hoodie from his closet, which was one of your favorites on him. You tried it on, and you wiggled in delight at how soft and comfortable it was. “This is mine for now, Johnny Suh,” you whispered to no one in particular before leaving his room.
When he arrived at home late that night, you were lounging in your room in his hoodie and your jogging pants. You were working on your novel again, writing about the back story on one of your characters. As you typed furiously in front of your laptop while listening to a curated playlist to get into the mood, you didn’t notice him enter your room.
As you write about to finish one sentence, you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up and saw the towering form of your housemate, who raised his eyebrow at you.
“Hey,” you greeted briefly before going back to your manuscript.
“Hey yourself,” you heard him through your headphones, “and is that my hoodie?”
You didn’t respond, intent on finishing the sentence you were working on.
“Is that my hoodie you’re wearing?” He asked again, his voice louder (and a bit annoyed) this time.
You took off your headphones and looked at up him again with a smile on your face. “Yeah, it is. It’s mine now,” you said confidently, flashing him your pearly whites.
“Hey, is this your payback for using your soap? Come on! I like that hoodie!” He whined, now sitting beside you and tugging the sleeve of the hoodie you were wearing.
“You have a lot of hoodies, Youngho. You bought what, like 4 or 5 of them in one go? It wouldn’t hurt for you to let go of one,” you muttered, prying his fingers off your arm.
“But that’s one of my favorites! It’s part of my Top 5!”
“Nope, it’s mine now.”
“Essieeeeee!” Johnny tackled you on the bed, and you thwacked him on the head. “Duuuude!” You grumbled, sitting up to put away your laptop on your vanity. “Don’t do that when my laptop is here.”
“And you’re more concerned about your laptop than me?” He fake-sobbed first before tackling you again back to the bed.
What ensued was a hilarious (and a bit awkward) bed wrestling fight – you two were a tangle of limbs on your messy bed.
“Ow!” He cried when he got poked by your plastic hand bookmark that has now escaped the book you were hiding under your bed. “Serves you right for messing with me!” You stuck your tongue out and pushed him off you.
He didn’t let you do that easily – he pinned both your arms and was now on top of you.
“Give back my jacket please, baby,” he purred, giving you his best aegyo even if his face was as flushed as a tomato.
“No, it’s mine. For now, that is. Can’t I borrow it for a week?”
Johnny let go of his hold on you and laid beside you on the bed. “Fine, just for a week. After that, it goes back into my closet.”
“Then I’ll pilfer another one next time,” you snickered, which earned you a pinch on your sides. You glared at him, which he ignored as he continued to pinch you more.
“No, I get to choose which one you’ll get next time,” he said, now tilting his body to face you. “There’s nothing wrong with you wearing my stuff, but you’ve got to ask permission first, okay?”
“But you didn’t ask for my permission when you used my soap!” It was your turn to whine, and he just laughed at your statement.
“Essie, it’s just soap. And I bet you have a truckload of that since you always ask your sister to get you that every time she goes to the States. So please, don’t mind us when you use your soap.”
His words took a moment for you to absorb. “Mark uses it too?!” You were close to hysterics already, making the tall guy laugh harder. “Yeah. As you said, it smells good, and it helps with skin conditions.”
You looked at him for a hot minute and focused your attention on his neck. “I doubt it’s helping you,” you said, pointing at the red mark on his neck. “Your insect bite is still there.”
“Heeeeey!” He swatted your finger away from his neck and held it. “That doesn’t count. But maybe if I use it more…”
“Fine. Let’s call it quits. You can use my soap, and I get to keep this hoodie.”
“No way, Jose! It’s still mine. You can use it for a week, that’s it.”
“But Johnnyyyyy!”
Prompt #19: “Hey, babe?”
“How much do you love me.”
Sometimes, you wondered how much Johnny loved you.
Even if you always get into spats now that you’re already in the fourth month of your relationship, he never seemed to hold his anger for long. It was usually him who apologized first, and you forgot what you fought about when he made up with you.
Tonight was a normal night for you – cuddling on the bed watching Netflix, your bedside tables with a bottle of beer each. You wore one of his shirts and a pair of boxer shorts, while he wore a sleeveless shirt and sweatpants. You were watching ‘Money Heist’ on his iPad Pro, and both of your arms were linked around each other’s bodies – yours were on his neck and his were on your waist. You nuzzled your face on his chest, and he responded by kissing the top of your head.
“Did you miss me that much, baby?” He asked, tilting your head to look at him. You were not sure if he was tipsy – his face and ears were flushed.
“Yeah,” you murmured, stealing a peck from his lips, “we’re always so busy during the weekdays that we can only catch up every weekend.”
“I’ll fix my schedule so we can have dinner at least every other day. Sounds good?” It was his turn to peck you on the lips, which you returned with much force.
You paused the episode you were watching and caught up with you intimately with cuddles and kisses. When you pulled away to catch your breath, he pressed your forehead against yours.
“Hey, babe?” You started, looking up at his deep chocolate eyes.
“Yeah?” He tightened his hold around your waist and pecked your forehead.
“How much do you love me?” You cringed inwardly at how saccharine you sounded, but you were curious to know his answer.
“Baby, do I really need to answer that?” He broke his hold on you as he massaged his temple with one of his hands. “Of course, my love for you is limitless! It knows no bounds! It can’t be measured at all.”
“Why do you love me so much?” This time, you sounded as if you were about to cry. You were quite moved with his answer, but you just had to hear more from him.
“Because I just do?” You cocked your head to the side, signaling for him to continue. “There are some questions that don’t need answers because really baby, actions speak louder than words.”
With that, he kissed you again, and you reciprocated with all the love you have.
You were lucky to have a man like him in your life, and you wanted everyone to know of that. Maybe soon, because now he’s all yours for the taking.
“You’re so clingy right now, are you ovulating?” He asked, squeezing your butt. You thwacked him on the shoulder and bit his upper forearm.
He yelped in pain, which motivated you to dig your teeth deeper into his arm. When his scream sounded more girly than yours, you let go.
“You idiot, of course not! I just missed you, that’s all,” you said after wiping the saliva from your mouth. He glared at you for a moment before peppering your faces with kisses.
“And I missed you too. I hope we can have more moments like this every day, baby.”
“Same, love, same,” you whispered, caressing his cheek.
You exchanged more mellifluous words before Johnny decided to continue watching the series you put on hold.
You were back again in your original position, arms wrapped around each other as you watched ‘Money Heist’ in his device.
Quarantine Series (Part II)
For this week, it’s going to be all about this series. Let’s be consistent for a change!
This picture of Johnny inspired me to write this second part, and I mean, who wouldn’t want a man who can carry a bag of groceries like that and more? I also love this look on him: his hair color and eye makeup look gorgeous!

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: Aside from what I have mentioned, expect something hilariously awkward here. You know, it’s my thing. If you don’t like it, you can pretend that you didn’t read it. But it’s the truth anyway when you’re in or have been in a relationship with someone.
POV: 3rd person
Word count: 700+ words
Johnny is someone who can’t stay still at home and he’s slowly losing his mind the longer he is in the apartment. He feels that his body becomes heavier, making him lethargic.
Given the situation now – have you not heard of the Coronavirus pandemic? – he has to limit his exposure outside for fear of risking the health of his housemates Mark and Essie.
He kept on pacing the whole place as a simple way of exercising, then eventually got his workout gear and did an hour-long routine in the living room. When he wasn’t satisfied, he decided to walk around some more before deciding to check on his friends since their doors weren’t closed.
Mark was asleep and he didn’t bother to wake up the younger guy. God knows that he needed it – the Korean-Canadian was overworked and this was the perfect opportunity for him to catch up on sleep.
Essie, on the other hand, looked cozy in her bed while typing away on her laptop. He noticed there was a mug of coffee on her bedside table and a plate of biscuits. She looked happy as she typed swiftly on the keyboard, but he ruined her moment when he completely opened the door to reveal himself.
“Jesus Christ, John! You scared me!” She gasped, clutching a hand to her chest. “Sorry about that, baby,” he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck, “I was just checking up on you guys. Mark’s sleeping like a baby.” He sat at the edge of her bed, which prompted Essie to put away her laptop to fully accommodate him.
“He needs it badly, man,” she whispered, patting the free space beside her. Johnny crawled to her right side and got under the covers. “So, what brings you here, sir?”
“Is there anything you need to buy outside? I can do some grocery shopping if we’re running low of some supplies,” he offered, hoping that she doesn’t berate him for his desire to go outside in a time like this.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she flicked the space between his eyebrows with her fingers, “you want to go outside. You know, if there wasn’t any pandemic right now, I’d let you do whatever it is you want. But we’re dealing with something we can’t even see, for Christ’s sake,” Essie sat up on her bed and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m concerned about our health, Youngho.”
“But I’m perfectly healthy! I observe proper hygiene and wash my hands, like, over a hundred times,” he whined, mirroring her actions and ending his statement with a pout.
“That’s not the point, love,” she grumbled, dropping her arms on her sides. “But if you insist, fine. I’m about to run out on some essentials, like…” It took her a while to complete her sentence, which made the guy beside her cock his head to the side. “Yes, what is it that you need, princess?”
“I need sanitary napkins,” she whispered while looking him straight in the eyes.
There was a moment of silence as the two stared at each other. “Would that be regular, with wings, overnighter, or a combination of two?” He whispered back, which earned him a slap on his forearm.
“Johnny! You already know my napkin preference!” Essie’s face was red as she threw playful punches on his arm. He laughed at her cute flustered face before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into a hug. “Of course I do, it’s been six months since I’ve been buying your napkins,” he kissed the top of her head. “Anything else to add to that?”
“Well, let’s list everything that we need so you don’t have to go out that much,” she said, standing up to get a pad of paper and pen to write down what they needed to replenish in their household.
“Hey! I can only carry so much, baby! Unless you come with me?”
“No, I’m going to stay put here. Sorry, but I don’t want to risk our health,” she returned to the bed with her tools, “and fine, you buy whatever it is you can fit and carry in two shopping bags.”
“And then I get to go back to the grocery soon?”
“Johnny, I swear to God,” she groaned, “maybe give it a week or two before you go back there again, okay?” She pinched his cheek before uncapping the pen. “Now, where were we?”
Quarantine Series (Part III)
Remember their Relay V Lives last April? Yes, those have inspired me to write the next two installments of this series.
For this one, the GIF below says it all. Isn’t it exciting? I got it from Tumblr too but I can’t seem to find its source, so please let me know who this belongs to. Thank you!

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: I already said what you needed to know about this piece above, so I would just like to add that Johnny’s outfit here is inspired by this photo of my first love Adam Driver. Dang, I really have a thing for big, tall men!
POV: 2nd person
Word count: 1,200+ words
“Get up, loser! We’re going to exercise!”
Johnny Suh screeched, banging open your door to report of this so-called mandatory activity. “Why are we going to exercise?” You whined, burying yourself deeper into the comforter. “No buts, ma’am! We’ve got to shake that ass to get that toned bod!” Your housemate said, removing the blanket that covered your body and twirling you to look at him. But before you could even complain that you didn’t want to, your eyes widened at his outfit.
“What the hell are you wearing?” You shrieked, absorbing Johnny’s chosen workout attire of a bandanna, skimpy tank top (with ‘Let’s Get Physical’ printed on it in silver glitter), and a pair of neon booty shorts. “The weather’s hot, baby. And maybe I want to show off the fruits of my labor so you and Mark will be motivated to work out even more,” he said, now showing off his rainbow-striped tube socks and retro sneakers.
“You look as if you stepped out of a cheesy 80s aerobic video, but whatever,” you grumbled, finally getting up from the bed. “Can you give me five minutes to change?” He responded with a thumbs-up before he screamed again in the hallway. “I’ll let you do ten push-ups if you don’t comply with that time!” You could only roll your eyes at his words before you search your closet for a pair of jogging pants.
Four minutes later – for fear of doing something you didn’t even know how to do properly – you emerged from your room and saw that Johnny had already set up the living room with mats, kettlebells, and weights.
“Wow, you’re early,” your instructor said, eyeing you from head to toe. “For a beginner, you sure dress well,” he gave you another thumbs-up, which you replied by flipping the bird on him. “Mark Lee! Where the heck are you?” His booming voice made the younger guy come out, who wore all black for his workout attire. “I see you’re in black, Mr. Lee. Maybe we’re going to mourn the loss of your excess fat after this,” Johnny snickered, earning giggles from you and your fellow attendee. “Now, let's get it!”
Although Mark was fitter than you, he was showing signs of fatigue from the routine that your instructor demonstrated. You can say the same for yourself, but you didn’t want anyone of them to see how exhausted you are. However, Johnny was still in high spirits by teaching you guys how to do exercises with the kettlebell and even pumped up the music. To be honest, you didn’t want to take his workout seriously because his playlist was all over the place – aside from the aforementioned cheesy 80s aerobics music, he also had promiscuous rap songs and even techno headbangers from the late 90s. As much as you wanted to laugh at how the playlist shifted from Vibez to Crazy Frog, Johnny berated you when he caught you not following instructions.
“Miss Park, please! If I catch you not following again, I’ll make you do 10 more,” he hissed while moving the kettlebell up and down.
“Can we get a break, please,” Mark groaned, looking paler than usual. “We’ve been at it for 20 minutes, hyung. Please?”
When the brown-haired guy dropped the kettlebell on the mat, you and Mark rushed to the kitchen to get some drinks.
“Don’t drink anything that isn’t water or any sports drink! We’re not yet done!”
Johnny’s exercise routine took 45 minutes, and it ended with you and Mark lying on your respective mats in pain. “Am I that out of shape?” He huffed, looking up at the ceiling. “Nonsense, you’re fitter than I,” you replied, your breath still catching up with your exercise. “Look at me, I might die anytime soon.”
“That’s even more nonsense!” Your instructor sat beside you with a huge smile on his face. “You did great, baby! I never thought you were that flexible,” he handed you a bottle of Pocari Sweat, which you accepted wordlessly.
“How about me, hyung?” Mark’s question was answered when Johnny threw another bottle of the sports drink at him.
“This was really fun! Maybe we should do it twice a week. We don’t have much to do during this quarantine anyway.” He was ecstatic at how he made you and Mark tired from exercise that his eyes were practically glowing.
“Who says we don’t have much to do? I can list a lot of things I can do during this quarantine that doesn’t involve exercise,” you grumbled, sitting up so you can now drink your Pocari Sweat.
“You and your sedentary activities,” Johnny scoffed. “Why don’t you and Doyoung make a club? You two are practically holed up in your bedrooms anyway.”
“There’s a certain joy of staying inside, Mr. Suh. For someone who isn’t an extrovert like you, you wouldn’t understand.” You placed the bottle on the floor with a thud, shaking Mark a bit.
“Hey, noona. Calm down,” he whispered, scooting closer to you. “And please, don’t fight. If there’s one thing I don’t want all of us to do, it’s that.”
You stared at Johnny, who returned the gesture. You had a stare-off that lasted for fifteen seconds before you heard Mark stand up and go back to his bedroom, mumbling something along the lines of ‘never-ending sexual tension’ and ‘dense as fuck’.
“But seriously, Essie. Exercise is good for everyone. I don’t need to remind you that, right?” You couldn’t look at the guy beside you, who talked with such a soft and loving voice. You could only nod in response and looked at your lap. “I’m going to make this a regular thing, and of course, you and Mark could also hold activities of your own that all of us can do.”
“I’m guessing Mark will make us perform a song together, considering all of us play instruments,” you chuckled, remembering the times that he gathered everyone in the living room so each one can perform a song of their liking.
“I think so too,” you heard Johnny move closer to you, “and I wonder what’ll be yours?” When you looked up, he linked an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “Maybe eat,” you said matter-of-factly, making him laugh. You felt his abs as he did so, and you tried to move away, so you don’t completely become a flustered mess. He didn’t let you and tightened his hold.
“It’s all balanced then,” he kissed the top of your head before letting you go. “Our next session will be two days from now, so talk to Mark which one of you is in charge of tomorrow’s activity.” He helped you stand up, and in return, you helped him clean up today’s set-up. “I think I want to go first, I want us to eat something I haven’t eaten in ages…” you mumbled after packing away the last of gym equipment into its respective cabinet.
“Oh, is that so? But still, talk to Marky.” Johnny jerked his thumb toward the younger guy’s bedroom. “Yeah, I know. But thanks though for today.” You grinned, giving him two thumbs-up. “And thank you as well, my grumpy baby,” he messed your hair with his hands, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s feast.”
“Same here,” you laughed, now dashing toward Mark’s room. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to talk to Mr. Lee here.”
Quarantine Series (Part IV)
Although this is the last one I’ve written for this series so far, that doesn’t mean it’s the end. I might write more if time allows and inspiration hits.
Like with the previous installment, here’s a GIF (credits to this post from @jeongjaehyuns) to let you know what this is going to be all about. You know your girl loves her North America-based boys!

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: Johnny and Mark’s indoor camping V Live has got to be one of my favorite videos of them of all time. I think I watched it twice or thrice. Maybe I should watch it again. Anyway, enjoy this piece inspired by that cute and hilarious video.
POV: 2nd person
Word count: 1,000+ words
Mark decided to set up a tent in the middle of the living room as one of your activities during this quarantine period. He also got Johnny’s foldable table, which he used to place some snacks. A wicker basket was nearby, hopefully containing more snacks and some drinks. There were also fairy lights strung around the tent to give it a cozy feel. In short, Mark did a great job of making a cute set-up.
“Nice work, Mark,” the elder guy remarked, eyeing the tent’s interiors. There were a lot of pillows inside along with three blankets, meaning each one of you won’t get cold and fight over one piece of fabric. “So, what are we going to do here?”
“Yeah, what’s the concept for today’s session?” You piped in, pushing Johnny gently so you could crawl inside the tent. He grunted at your action but let it slide when he saw how ecstatic you looked once you settled comfortably inside.
“Well…I don’t know. We could just chill and stuff?” The younger guy replied, scratching the back of his head. “Wait. I think I have some Legos…” He returned to his room to retrieve said toys.
“What are we, five?” You grumbled, looking at Johnny who seemed pleased with the idea. “Seriously, Youngho?”
“Hey! I bet you didn’t get to do them when you were young,” he scoffed, running a hand through his caramel locks. “You missed out a chunk of your childhood if you didn’t.”
“Oh yes, right, just like missing out on reading the Harry Potter series,” you muttered, looking at Mark return to the tent with boxes of Legos for you to create.
“This is all I have, and look! I have three sets for us to work on. Perfect! Now each of us will work on something,” he shook the boxes before handing one of each to you and your other housemate.
It took you an hour to finish yours, while the guys finished earlier. “This just proves that I really didn’t get to play with Legos when I was young,” you murmured, figuring out where to put the last block on the piece you were making. “Hey, let me help with you that…” Mark offered, which you accepted since it has been over two minutes that you’ve been struggling.
As he examined the piece you were working on, you spied Johnny holding in his laughter. You raised an eyebrow at him, and he responded by letting out his trademark cheeky laugh. “What’s so funny, John?” You put both hands on your hips and glared at him with all the annoyance you could muster.
“Oh baby, it’s just you’re so funny,” he said in between laughter, “your sisters were right. You are effortlessly funny.”
You tackled him on his side of the tent, and all of your Lego sculptures tumbled to the ground as Johnny accidentally kicked the bed table that all of them were on.
“Johnny hyung!” Mark whined, eyeing the mess he made. “Blame Essie! She made me do it!” He pointed at the girl who was playfully punching his forearms. “You’re such a bully sometimes!” She complained, punching his sides this time.
“Essie noona! I expected better from you,” the younger guy commented, now packing up all the Legos that were scattered on the floor. “But he’s laughing at me for no reason at all, Mark! How can I not get pissed off with that?” You pointed an accusatory finger toward the taller guy, who has now composed himself and looked at both of them seriously.
“Okay, Essie. Sorry about that,” Johnny said as monotonously as he could, “And Mark, now that our Legos have all collapsed, what do you suggest we do next?” His tone changed to a cheerful (yet sarcastic) one when he faced his hoobae.
“Do you want some drinks?” Mark suggested, who was standing outside the tent with the three boxes of Lego sets on his arms.
“Alcoholic or not?” Johnny pinched your side after asking the question. “Essie, don’t you have any concept of drinking alcohol at certain periods?” He hissed, pinching you again.
Although his pinches hurt, you ignored it and beamed sweetly at the person you were talking to. “Uh, I was thinking of making us hot chocolate,” he said.
“Sounds good to me!” You gave him a thumbs-up, which the guy beside you mirrored as well. “Then, hot chocolate it is,” Mark disappeared into his bedroom first before he went to the kitchen to prepare probably some Swiss Miss.
“Isn’t he such a great host?” You said, eyeing the younger guy’s movements from inside the tent. “Yeah, he is. A good kid too,” Johnny replied, grabbing one of the pillows first before lying down.
“Now I feel pressured on what to do when it’s my turn,” you looked at the guy beside you, who patted the space beside him. “Lie down with me,” he whispered, and you complied immediately.
“Don’t sweat it. Look at us, just hanging out inside a tent at the living room since we can’t go camping outside,” he shifted his position so you’ll have more space, “and after having some snacks, I think we’re just going to do whatever, you know?”
“It’s been a while since we bonded like this too…” you tilted your head to look at Johnny again, who surprised you by kissing your forehead. “I guess so? We haven’t had heart-to-heart talks. You two might have since you were together for the past few weeks, but the three of us? It’s been way too long.”
“I agree with that,” Mark’s booming voice startled you and Johnny. “Hey, here are your hot chocolates, which pair perfectly well with these tasty waffle biscuits,” he took out a huge red packet from the basket and placed it on the table. “Bon appetit, guys.”
After your simple snack, your host decided to just spend the rest of the day catching up with everyone. Mark was often out due to his projects, and whenever he returned from them, he was often sleeping and rarely got to talk to anyone of you. If he did, your conversations barely lasted five minutes before he had to head out or sleep.
Although unfortunately, there’s a global pandemic right now, it was time for the overworked young man to catch up with rest and know what’s up with his beloved housemates whom he loved so dearly.
I don’t know what’s up with the Tumblr app, but the whole content of this post got deleted when I posted it. Hence, I deleted it, and I’m starting all over again. I’m actually pissed about it if I’m being honest.
We’re going way back to my first writings, so you might be reading some of my Y/N stories in a few weeks.
Here’s a piece that will put a wrench into Johnny, Essie, and Mark’s relationship. We’re getting somewhere, aren’t we? Before you get annoyed with me, enjoy a cute Johnny and Mark GIF first!

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: This story takes place before Johnny and Essie got together, and she hasn’t moved into his (and Mark’s) place yet. Read on to know how a simple trip to a restaurant become a tense situation. Oh, how I love to make tension so I could complicate the timeline!
POV: 2nd person
Word count: 935 words
Warning: Italics are for thoughts, and italic and bold are for lyrics. I have also embedded the music video of the song mentioned below for your listening pleasure.
You didn’t need to go to karaoke when you’re out with Johnny and Mark. The three of you always sang inside the car without any care for the world.
Since Mark was back from his trip abroad, it was time that the three of you catch up on life. The Korean-Canadian was Johnny’s housemate, and boy, was your best friend over the moon that his ‘younger bro’ was back.
You decided to eat at this Spanish restaurant that just opened, which already has rave reviews online. Since Johnny’s always game to try new restaurants and Mark was pretty much a guy you can easily tag along with, you orchestrated this trip before lunchtime. You didn’t want to fall in line, especially with these ‘grumpy old men’ you are bringing along.
Johnny was the designated driver, and as always, he assigned you the tunes for this excursion. Mark didn’t have any role since he was the guest of honor, so he hogged the back seat to himself.
Everything was going smoothly, with one of you singing or humming along to your playlist. When Yellowcard’s ‘Ocean Avenue’ played, Mark immediately sat up and began singing.
Sometimes, it’s best not to judge a person by what he listens to. You were sure that Mark only listens to hip-hop and rhythm-and-blues, but he surprised you once again by jamming to one of your pop-rock hits back in the day.
Johnny joined in as well, even headbanging a bit as he drove. Before you knew it, all of you were singing the chorus.
“If I can find you now, things would get better…we could leave this town and run forever…”
You and Johnny shared a knowing look since this was your jam during your middle school days. When you looked at Mark, you saw that he was so into the song. He was doing the air guitar, for Christ’s sake!
You couldn’t help but laugh and reached him. He took your hand with his and squeezed it, still singing his heart out.
Together, you sang the bridge part. “I remember the look in your eyes when I told you that this was goodbye…”
The two of you exchanged lines this time, realizing later on that the lyrics fit well with your scenario.
“You were beggin’ me not tonight, not here, not now,” you sang, which Mark replied with, “We're looking up at the same night sky, and keep pretendin' the sun will not rise…”
Then, together again: “We'll be together for one more night, somewhere, somehow…”
Your hands didn’t leave each other, and you sang the lines while looking at each other. Never mind that your position was uncomfortable; you were too focused on singing with Mark.
You didn’t notice that Johnny wasn’t singing along anymore or the fact that his knuckles were almost white from gripping the steering wheel.
When the chorus came again, that was the time you pulled away. You and Mark finished singing along still with the same energy. You peeked at your back and saw that he was imitating his Henry hyung by doing an air violin impression. You laughed again, covering your mouth with the hand that he held. It still felt warm.
You remembered the time that he dropped by your apartment a few months ago, singing your melancholic favorites. You shared a similar moment, hands touching and staring into each other. Although a few months have passed, you still don’t know how to describe your feelings for him.
After all, you were conflicted. You also love the man who’s willing to drive you anywhere and feed you whenever you’re hungry. He was beside you, and he was oddly silent as the next song played.
“Hey, Johnny. Are you okay?” You couldn’t help but ask despite knowing that he didn’t look like it.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he grumbled, eyes focused on the road ahead. This was the time you noticed his grip on the steering wheel, and you gently touched his shoulder. “No, you aren’t,” you said softly.
He took a deep breath first before he relaxed. One of his hands went limp beside him, which you took immediately. He looked at you funny as he drove with one hand.
“I’m not going to let this go until you are okay,” you pouted, squeezing the hand in your care.
He sighed in response and continued to drive in silence. Why could he be suddenly not okay?
When you took a glance at Mark at the back, he was absentmindedly scrolling through his phone and lip-syncing to the song playing.
You felt Johnny’s grip on your hand tighten, and that’s when it hit you. Is he jealous because I’m getting touchy with Mark?
Your eyes widened in realization, and you felt more confused about your situation.
Mark, who was seven years your junior, admitted that he has feelings for you.
You, on the other hand, were starting to fall in love with Johnny.
Although there were instances that your crushes on Taemin and Kai will resurface, it could never compare to your love for Youngho.
You didn’t want to lead on two men. You only want to end up with one.
You looked at Johnny again, who tried his best to look unaffected. You squeezed his hand and kissed it.
You are sure of who your feelings are for now.
Good thing the stoplight was on red or else he might’ve pulled the brakes sooner. He didn’t expect your action, and his cheeks and ears were red.
You gave him a small smile before letting go of his hand. The stoplight turned green now.
P.S. I got the title because I had 'Welcome to My Playground' playing in my head. And of course, that word came from Johnny's lines in the song.
I loved this. The development of the relationship was done really well especially from their first interaction together. I’m going to read part 2 immediately so that I can see the conclusion to this work of art.
the legend;

∎ Everyone talks about him. Literally. He is at every party you go to and he always has a great time. No, an amazing time. This dude is a legend. You hear about all of the crazy things this guy does; swimming in the river in the middle of winter? It was bet; his 24h keg challenge? Did it without giving it a second thought; and the senior girl he slept with when he was only a freshman? I told you, a legend. He is the guy every girl wants to take to formal, but no one actually has the guts to ask.
∎ pairing: johnny x reader.
∎ genre: fratboy!johnny; angst; smut;
∎ warning: NSFW (explicit sexual content); alcohol and drugs consumption;
∎ word count: 20k.

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johnny yuta taeyong jaehyun mark renjun jeno haechan jaemin chenle jisung