Parker Malevolent - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

What do you think Parker sounds like?

What’s his accent? What’s his articulation like? Diction? Is he really expressive when he talks? Or more monotone? I feel like he would talk really fast.

Is his voice higher or lower than Arthur’s? I feel like it would be, but only by a bit.

I don’t have a specific voice in mind, so I got no voice claims ://

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6 months ago

I think the comment about Arthur’s soul being fractured glass has gotta be the best description of him I’ve ever read

Ok this was orginally a joke about how Arthur managed to hit rock bottom so many times but can you imagine if somehow, Parker was able to meet him now?

This man, that Parker pulled off a bartop and into a detective's office because he couldn't stand to see someone so clearly hurting left alone. This man, who was cold and angry and hated everything he was and had been allowing some wound he never mentioned to fester for years, but at his core was genuine, and kind, and wanted to help people. This man, who Parker found drowning himself in booze and pulled him up from the bedrock, who he was close enough with to share an apartment and an office. This man, who strangled Parker to death with his bare hands.

Who is now covered in a patchwork of scars that should have been -and were- the end of him. Who is now willing to draw his gun on anyone, who might even enjoy doing so if Parker looks a little too closely. Who has been fractured, the shattered pieces of a tender soul that was hardened into glass pushing up against his skin as if they were trying to claw their way out of this husk of a man. Who has died. Who has wanted to die. Who has been rendered blind, yet has born witness to so much more than any human was ever meant to.

This man, who would hear Parker's voice, and his face, but not his eyes, would fill with dread as the implications crashed down on him.

This man, who would go against his instincts and lunge forward, crushing Parker into a hug, because he knows all too well that if he isn't holding onto something so tightly his knuckles go white, it will be taken from him.

This man, who knows he can't save anyone he loves, who hasn't been able to save anyone he loves, yet who finds himself loving and losing regardless

This man, who Parker would take by the shoulders, hold at arm's lenght, look up and down across the tapestry of all manner of hurt and loss that has been woven into his skin and his soul and ask

"What the hell happened to you, friend?"

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11 months ago

So I made an God au for Malevolent here who I got so far

Arthur-God of death & Tragedy

John-Wisdom & Judgement

King in Yellow-God of madness

Faroe-Goddess of water

Addison-Goddess of Revenge

Eddie-God of mechanary

Larson-God of wealth & greed

Marie-Goddess of home & hospitality & fire

Kellin-God of war

Kayne-God of chaos & choices

Yellow-God of Lies

Bella-goddess of childbirth

The trader-God of trade

Scratch-God of Nightmares

Butcher- God of music & hunting

Oscar-God of life

Noel-God of mysteries

Parker-God of patience

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7 months ago

i was actually gonna send you a message about further arcana alignments bc i loved the initial post - potato-lord-but-not seems to have already gotten most of what i was gonna suggest, was initially gonna put faroe as death but the world does work much better. yknow who would work Better as death though? parker. both i guess in the literal sense and in the sense that parker has been the herald of major change in arthur's life? ie death-as-metamorphosis. the death arcana is generally misunderstood as physical death but the emphasis in meaning is actually on cycles and change, specifically death/rebirth. like. i can't be the only one who sees the parallels with the guy that singlehandedly Started the narrative the guys are on through his death (and also his entry in arthur's life). idk i havent really done this before but i am a little Obsessed with this concept feel free to fact check me on that

YES!! SOMEONE ELSE GETS IT!! (and awe thank you <3) Death is one of my favorite cards. Like The Devil, it's generally misunderstood what it actually means (guilty as charged. The Catholic side of myself took a minute to separate the meanings when I was first getting into it). Death is SUCH a beautiful card and you nailed it with the "metamorphosis" description. Parker is a wonderful pairing with Death. On the surface level, yes, Parker died but his death means so much more than that. Like Faroe's death being an end to Arthur's somewhat normalcy, Parker's death signaled the end of that cycle of Arthur's life. He was irrevocably changed the moment he opened that book. That's a key aspect to Death as a card. It is inevitable and resisting the change only leads to more pain. It is the acceptance of it and moving along with it that allows for it to bear fruit. Death as a card is good. It is very much a light at the end of the tunnel sort of thing. Arthur lost his partner, but he eventually gained an even deeper love and connection with John. And THAT is beautiful. This a very long-winded way of saying absolutely Parker is Death.

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8 months ago

malevolent 42 spoilers (ish)

Malevolent 42 Spoilers (ish)
Malevolent 42 Spoilers (ish)

im gonna need john to pull out the astral projection here and save arthur. please harlan can we have nice things

Malevolent 42 Spoilers (ish)
Malevolent 42 Spoilers (ish)
Malevolent 42 Spoilers (ish)

faggots. no sorry it's pride month. nice little queers

Malevolent 42 Spoilers (ish)

she's my roman empire tbh............ t4t bella + arthur canon (trust me)

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7 months ago

Please. Please reblog with your Parker designs. I will pay you $100 in cold fake cash.

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7 months ago

Got some Malevolent coded songs

I love doing song annotation, and recently have been doing more. here's my Malevolent song annots so far

Parker Annot: Like Real People Do by Hozier
Google Docs
Like Real People Do by Hozier [Verse 1] [1]I had a thought, dear, however scary About that night, the bugs and the dirt Why were you diggin

Like Real People do by Hozier This one is for Parkthur, the companionship, and silent support. Not caring what the other has done. Also Parker's ass is dead

Oscar Annot: Touched by Vast
Google Docs
Touched by Vast [Verse 1] [1]Touched, you say that I am too [2]So much of what you say is true [3]I'll never find someone quite like you ag

Touched by Vast Oscar annotation. Oscar is down bad for Arthur, and his eldritch and atheist swag

Private Eyes Annot: Howl by Florence + The Machine
Google Docs
Howl by Florence + the Machine [Verse 1] [1]If you could only see the beast you've made of me [2]I held it in, but now it seems you've set

Howl by Florence + The Machine Private Eyes song. They are toxic yaoi, that like to fight each other.

Arthur Annot: IN MY MOUTH by Black Dresses
Google Docs
IN MY MOUTH by Black Dresses [Verse 1: Dizzy] (1)I wanna put you in my mouth I wanna crush you in my jaws, I wanna I wanna put you in my mou

IN MY MOUTH by Black Dresses Arthur, my homeboy is a cannibal, and a bit of a freak.

Parker Annot: Work Song by Hozier
Google Docs
Work Song Do by Hozier [Intro] [1]Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm The most meaningful, emotional, deep lyrics of the whole song. The

Work Song by Hozier Parkthur, again Parker's ass is dead. Parker also saved Arthur. This one is good for resurrection Parker AUs

Music make me feral, and Malevolent makes me feral. ALSO IF YOU LEAVE COMMENTS I LOVE YOU

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7 months ago

the fact that Parker dies before the series even starts is the biggest travesty of Malevolent

I think we should make a Travesty Trio, of Bella, Faroe, and Parker. Host a book club or something. I think they deserve comfort, and companionship, a safe place to talk about their lives, and Arthur

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4 months ago

Made a lil' audio edit for Malevolent!

I might do other characters, most likely Oscar

Song is Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery

Other audio is Part 26 "The Bedrock" from Malevolent, by Harlan Guthrie

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