Malevolent Arthur - Tumblr Posts

An old-ish storybook Jarthur thing I did

The OG King in Yellow design from Robert Chambers’ book has stupid little bells on his hood and I thought it would be funney if John had them too so I made a lil comic 😭

Jarthur ends up at the rainforest cafe

Here’s my guy

Fuck it we ball
Hey. Hey you. Artist scrolling the Malev tag. Reblog this post and show me all your Arthurs. Other posts for other characters maybe later.
Just fell into the Malevolent hole so here have an Arthur sketch

If I had a nickel for a suicidal and self Sacrificial character that was a private eyes. That both lost someone they loved because couldn't protect the person they loved the most. Then became self Sacrificing, I would have two nickels but it werid it happened twice right?
Complete Work
28 Feb 2024
Major Character Death Graphic Depictions Of Violence John/Arthur Lester Arthur Lester John (Malevolent) Character Death Gun Violence Hurt No Comfort Movie Night Aftermath of Violence Violence Hospitalization Hospitals Arthur Lester Needs a Hug Ambulances Alternate Universe - No Powers John (Malevolent) Has His Own Body Bleeding Out Medical Inaccuracies Minor Original Character(s) Only there for plot reason
Arthur and John go see a movie and Arthur gets shot
Prompt: character A is dying in the hospital and character B is there, watching them slowly pass away, with tears in their eyes
So I made an God au for Malevolent here who I got so far
Arthur-God of death & Tragedy
John-Wisdom & Judgement
King in Yellow-God of madness
Faroe-Goddess of water
Addison-Goddess of Revenge
Eddie-God of mechanary
Larson-God of wealth & greed
Marie-Goddess of home & hospitality & fire
Kellin-God of war
Kayne-God of chaos & choices
Yellow-God of Lies
Bella-goddess of childbirth
The trader-God of trade
Scratch-God of Nightmares
Butcher- God of music & hunting
Oscar-God of life
Noel-God of mysteries
Parker-God of patience

[Id uncolored Paper drawing of a man with hat with white Lily in it that has a veil covering his face he wears a corset and a vest with a short sleeve shirt under it. Has gloves and striped pants id ends]
This is Arthur in the God au. He is the God of death and tragedy. He is aroallo and in a queerplatonic relationship with Bella and John. Bella and Arthur have a daughter together named Faroe, Goddess of water, who they love and adore. Arthur loves helping children out after they die. He will let children follow him around until they feel comfortable going into the afterlife or have parents to take the child to the afterlife. He doesn't get angry easy but if your horrible person then he will very aggressive person. He adores Faroe's wife, Addison and is like a Father figure to her.
Arthur, Juno and Warren are all so sad characters. Juno and Warren were both abused as children; Arthur's parents committed suicide. They all manipulated by horrible people who use their own tramua against them.
I can imagine if the song Blackbird by the
Beatles was made in the 1930s, Arthur would sing that to Faroe.
The song It's Alright by Mother Mother is so John and Arthur coded.
If I had a nickel for a podcast character that has religious trauma I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but weird it happened twice.
![An Official Colored Design Of Arthur From My God Au :]](
An official colored design of Arthur from my God au :]
I’ve made a few posts about Arthur being an Eye Avatar which a few people have been confused about! So, here’s an explanation for all that jazz because I definitely think something is there.
Especially in Season Four, there’s a lot of odd, sort of seemingly compulsion moments that come from Arthur. It’s most clear in his interactions with Collins and Noel (highly recommend relistening to Part 34. Tasty avatar on avatar stuff there). Even in the Dreamlands, Arthur makes some sort of comment about how all humans are “scared of the unknown”. Some of the comments from Kellin in the car as well hint at a funky Beholding Arthur. Take this along with Arthur’s need for answers and eye related trauma (hell, a number of those deaths could have Eye Avatar’d his ass) and we’ve got an Eye!
Now! I know what you may be thinking, “Ocelli! Arthur is ✨blind✨. Wouldn’t that disqualify him?” Not exactly. So, unlike Melanie who completely gouged her eyes out reducing them unusable, Arthur’s eyes are still functional. Yes, while it is true that he doesn’t have control over his sight, his eyes are still working and that is key. He and John are like a funky package deal. They serve different Entities but rely on each other to feed. It’s quite neat. Additionally, I don’t think Arthur is a Dark *Avatar* as I don’t really see any feeding moments related to it (him inflicting it on another person) like I do The Eye. However, Arthur is definitely *marked* by all the fears. Poor babe…
Hopefully that clears some things up!
FUCK- I can’t doodle any of my traumatized podcast men without making them babygirl. This is a crime.
mf telling arthur to "look at him" cracked me up to oblivion KANDJAJSKAKSKAKK LIKE OH OPSIE FORGOT I GOTCHUR EYES SORRZ

[Episode one]
John: I am an evil entity I want suffrage I want to commit MURDER I have killed I will kill again
[Episode one like 5 minutes later]
John: Arthur what the fuck do NOT kill that man ??? Freak ?? The hell you acting crazy for ?? What the hell man why would you try and kill him he's done nothing wrong
[Episode 2]

im on day three of starting malevolent, im on episode 20 (dont ask me how, im still confused)
im so sad and not alright thanks!