Parl Jimin Imagines - Tumblr Posts

POV: That one time Jimin FaceTimed you. 😍
Jimin: “Hi beautiful.. I’ve missed you.”
You: “We just had dinner half an hour ago babe?? Wait a minute.. Is this still the hunger talking?? Seriously babe! 😅 Jimin: “Yeah, I’m always hungry for you baby..”
You: 😳

POV: That one time Jimin went home drunk after camping with Jungkook.
You: “Chim? Is that you..? How’d the camping go with Kookie?”
You: “Babe..?”
You: “Baby??.. Wh-Where are you? baabe?!!”
***you see him plastered on the floor***
You: “what the… yaah!! PARK JIMIN!!!”😤
Jimin: (moans in tiny) “Who…are…youu…? (Tries to push you away) Get..awwway from.. me.. i—i already..have……a girlfriend…y’ know..”
Jimin: “Y/n…!!!? Y/n…!!! This…this.. ajumma is bothering meee.. Baaaabb..iiee!!… i have.. a girl-” (dozes off)
You: 🥲

***facetiming Jungkook***
Jungkook: “Yooo-bow-Se-yow!”
You: “Yaaaah! Jeon Jungkook!!! why is my boyfriend passed out in our living room???! What’d you guys do???!!.. he’s so hammered he called me an ajumma!! AN AJUMMA!!! Yaaaahhh!!! 😫😭😠
Jungkook: “noona let me explain..” 😅🥲