Bts Chimchim - Tumblr Posts

Miss you guys every day!

Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: College Au, Friends to Lovers
Word Count: 1,500ish
Summary: Jimin finally realizes he wants out of the friendzone, but will you feel the same way when he finally makes his feelings known?
AN: I finally found the time to write pt. 2. I hope you like it. I listened to “Fire Away” by John Michael Howell while writing this.
Read Part One.
The mood in this movie night has quickly shifted from playful banter between friends into one in which you feel judged for sharing that you had finally met someone. You feel yourself crawling into yourself more and more. For a moment, it feels like your friends were ganging up on you, deeming you as some unattractive, poor excuse for a woman who is unworthy of attention and love.
They didn’t actually say that, of course. But your mind has gone into the rabbit hole of overthinking that fast. At this point, you believe it’s becoming more of a second nature to you. You just can’t help it, and you hate yourself for it.
The whole conversation had really made you so self-conscious. You genuinely believe that Taehyung doesn’t mean to hurt you in any way. He’s not a bad person. He’s your best friend. But sometimes words could cut even if you don’t intend them to.
You just don’t get why he just had to make it sound like you’re making the biggest mistake of your life, that you’re being crazy for wanting to finally date.
What’s wrong with dating anyway? Don’t you have a right to meet guys and go out on actual dates?
Are you really that awful as a person to the point that even your friends would forbid you to go out with a guy you think is great?
You feel so betrayed. What kind of friends would gaslight you into thinking you aren’t good enough to date?
And if they tell you one more time that this is them being protective of you, then they’re being complete jerks. This is absurd, you think. You’re a consenting adult, capable of making choices for yourself. And you don’t need to be babied like a middle schooler.
By the time Jimin showed up, Taehyung started acting more frantic than he was prior. He’s still going on and on on why you can’t be thinking about going out with Namjoon. The other guys chimed in, too. Going so far as judging him because he’s a varsity player. But you genuinely think that Namjoon looks decent and nice for someone who plays sports.
He’s nothing like most jocks you’ve come across with in campus. Most of which have either been a fuckboy or a totally egotistic maniac. Namjoon was a great guy. And all these misconstrued notions they have of him is getting in your nerves.
Jimin has been quiet ever since. He hasn’t said a single word to you. He didn’t back you up like he usually does. He’s being too quiet, actually. You’ve been trying to catch his eyes but he hasn’t looked at you since he entered the room. He also suddenly picked a seat on the floor, instead of his usual spot next to you. It’s almost as if he’s suddenly ignoring you.
Feeling so frustrated, you fire back at Taehyung, raising your voice and startling everyone in the room.
“And why should I listen to you!? You’re not my dad, none of you are! You can’t tell me what I can or cannot do! ”
“Oh come on, that’s not even what I’m trying to do, y/n. I’m just worried about—“
“Worried about what?? Can’t you just be happy for me for once?! Damn it Tae!”
“Hey, hey, guys… Stop it. We came here to watch a movie and hang out. Come on.” Jin tries to pacify the tension while blocking your view of Taehyung.
“Right. I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to—“
You didn’t even let Tae finish, you stood up and made a beeline for the door.
Before you could hit the elevator button, a firm warm hand grips on your wrist.
“Y/n. Please… Don’t leave.”
You recognize Jimin’s voice. You feel the warmth of his body close to you. His scent overpowering you for a moment.
You scoff as you try to pry your hands away.
“So, now you speak. Where were you when Tae was in my face the whole time in there?”
You turn around with much force, yanking your arm away from his hold.
“He doesn’t mean it. He’s just—”
“—being Tae. Right. And I’m supposed to just let it slide, like every time?” You cut him off. Frustration and disappointment laced heavily in your tone.
“You know what, I’m sick and tired of taking all this shit from you guys. Whenever I talk to you about my dating life, you get like this. EVERY. DAMN. TIME! Am I not allowed to do that? Is there some kind of rule that I cannot go out there and meet people? I know you guys care about me, but for crying out loud, stop treating me like the helpless little sister you never had!”
The silence that followed your outburst was excruciating. Jimin was wide eyed as he watches you lash out on him, mouth agape and jaw stuttering before he could manage to respond.
“That’s not how I ever saw you.” His voice was soft it’s almost a whisper.
“What?” You ask.
“I never saw you as just a little sister y/n.” Jimin pauses to look at you.
You don’t understand where he’s trying to go with this but you keep mum and decide to let him talk.
“You were more than just that to me. You have no idea.” He scoffs. He keeps his eyes on you as continues to speak his mind.
“And can you please stop thinking that we’re ganging up on you. That we don’t care. That we’re out here to hurt you—God! That’s the last thing we’d ever want for you! And Tae—he’s just trying to… get me to do something about it.”
“About what?” You press him to go on.
Jimin seems hesitant to speak again but he decides it was now or never.
“Y/n, listen to me. Don’t go out with Namjoon. I—“
“Jimin, not you too! For fuck’s sake just—“
“I like you, okay!! There! I said it! I like you!” He cuts you off, hands thrown in the air.
You stop moving and breathing altogether. His sudden confession rendered you unable to speak. You didn’t really know how to respond to that. You feel like you’ve been blindsided by your best friend. You just stood there with eyes bulging, seemingly shocked at what he had just blurted out. Before you could figure out what to say, he’s talking again.
“Look, this isn't how I wanted to do this. Part of the reason Tae acted so rashly is because he knows I was supposed to tell you tonight after the movie but.. you just—I mean, you’ve started seeing people and you’re not supposed to—I mean, I can’t dictate what you can or cannot do.. but.. I haven’t… I just… I had to— God, why is this so hard!? I feel like an idiot!”
Jimin pauses to catch his breath. He rakes his fingers through his hair as frustration starts to crawl up to him.
Taking a step closer to where you’ve been frozen in place, Jimin takes your trembling hands in his. In another breath, he bares his soul to you.
“I’m in love with you y/n. I have for quite some time now. I just— I haven’t been brave enough to admit it. Even to myself. But I want to change that now. And this is me finally doing what I should have done the first time I realized it.”
Jimin watches you for any reactions. But you’re beyond speechless with how things turned out. You’re suddenly hyperaware of his existence in front you.
He’s held you like this before, so many times actually that you’ve lost count already. But the touch of his skin and the way he tightens his grip suddenly feels foreign to you. It almost feels wrong. Like he’s not supposed to hold you like this. He’s your best friend. He’s not supposed to touch you and tell you these absurd things while looking at you like… like he… like he’s actually in love with you.
“Please say something?” He demands with his voice that suddenly sounds so sweet yet yearning.
You look into his eyes as your mind goes haywire in full panic mode and all you can think of doing at the moment is the one thing you genuinely believe you’re good at—running.
And so that’s what you do. You run.
You run from this situation. From your best friend. From the feelings that suddenly feels so suffocating.
Your voice finds you as you tremble and break the contact to hastily step back into the elevator.
“I… I can’t— I can’t do this.. Jimin, I—I’m sorry.”
As you wait for the doors to close., the last image you see is Jimin’s hopeful eyes morph into pain. Like someone just ripped his heart out of his chest.
Part Three tbc.

Sir, yes sir! 🔥

I’m Ready!!! PJM2!!!

my muse… 💜✨

Blonde Jimin always gets me. 😍🥰💜🐣✨
I love you babe!💜🐣✨
I love you babe.. I want you babe.. 🐣✨💜 so catchy!!!

Blonde Jimin is a masterpiece. My Muse.

This has been on repeat all day! Jimin! You melt me with that voice! 🔥

I’m in love. 😍

Damn the power this photo holds over me. Park Jimin what sorcery is this..🔥
Today is the day. I renewed my Disney+ subscription for this.

Blueee jimin 💙

Accurate 👌🏻

Amen! 🌸

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Smol mochi! 😘💕❤