Jimin Pov - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
POV: That One Time You Wanted To See Jimins New Back Tattoo. But He Makes You Work Hard For It.

POV: That one time you wanted to see Jimin’s new back tattoo. But he makes you work hard for it. 🔥

You: “Baby…”

Jimin: “Mmm..?”

You: “You haven’t shown me the new ink you got..”

Jimin: “You wanna see it?” (Pulls down the neck of his shirt)

You: “yeahh.? 😃”

Jimin: “uhmm…”

You: “baaaabeeee… take the shirt off for a sec, i wanna see!” 😩

Jimin: “Why don’t you come here and take it off for me..?”

You: 😳

Jimin: **stares darkly**

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time You Went And Watched Jimin Perform.

POV: That one time you went and watched Jimin perform.

You 4:57pm : i’ll be seated in A4.. try to spot me. 😅 have fun up there babe and blow them away. You always do 😘

Jimin 5:10 : you know i always spot you even in a crowd of thousands.. i love you baby.. xx

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2 years ago


Pairing: Idol!Jimin x Y/N

The one where you try to confess to Jimin.

The one where you get caught thirsting on Yoongi.

The one where you facetime Jimin.

The one where Jimin builds you a house.

The one where you both just don’t want to end the call.

The one where Jimin takes you on a birthday trip.

The one where Jimin channels Jungkook.

The one where you kept Jimin waiting.

The one where Jimin makes you work hard for it.

The one where you watch Jimin perform. 

The one where you do flying yoga together.

The one where Jimin came home drunk. (ft. Jungkook).

The one where you and Jimin wake up next to each other.

The one where Jimin wasn’t ready for your date night.

The one where Jimin got jealous.

The one where Jimin wanted you to call him “Oppa”, too. (Part1) (Part2)

The one where you give Jimin a massage. (ft. Taehyung)

The one where Jimin saw you for the first time and his heart flutters. (ft. Jungkook)

The one where Jimin almost killed Jungkook.



Over Sunsets and Samgyeopsal

He’s Leaving Me



Out of The Friend Zone (Part One) (Part Two)



“How Are You?” by Dylan Brady

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time You And Jimin Did Flying Yoga Together And He Got A Little Handsy During The Break.
POV: That One Time You And Jimin Did Flying Yoga Together And He Got A Little Handsy During The Break.
POV: That One Time You And Jimin Did Flying Yoga Together And He Got A Little Handsy During The Break.
POV: That One Time You And Jimin Did Flying Yoga Together And He Got A Little Handsy During The Break.

POV: That one time you and Jimin did Flying Yoga together and he got a little handsy during the break.

You: “Babe! come on, let’s take pics for the gram.. i’ll take yours first..”

You: **blown away by his pose** 😳

Jimin: “Am i doing it right babe?”

You: “Are you kidding me?? You’re so flexible you look like you can take over the teacher’s job now.”

***you hand him the phone***

You: “Okay my turn.. take mine now babe... make it aesthetic okay?”

Jimin: **takes a close up of your butt.**

You: “Okay, lemme see!! … Wha-What is this?! 😩PARK JIMIN!! I said make it aesthetic, not ASSthetic!!”🤬😒

Jimin: “Sorry babe, i got distracted.. you know how i’m weak for that ass.”🤤

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time Jimin Went Home Drunk After Camping With Jungkook.
POV: That One Time Jimin Went Home Drunk After Camping With Jungkook.
POV: That One Time Jimin Went Home Drunk After Camping With Jungkook.
POV: That One Time Jimin Went Home Drunk After Camping With Jungkook.
POV: That One Time Jimin Went Home Drunk After Camping With Jungkook.
POV: That One Time Jimin Went Home Drunk After Camping With Jungkook.

POV: That one time Jimin went home drunk after camping with Jungkook.

You: “Chim? Is that you..? How’d the camping go with Kookie?”

You: “Babe..?”


You: “Baby??.. Wh-Where are you? baabe?!!”

***you see him plastered on the floor***

You: “what the… yaah!! PARK JIMIN!!!”😤

Jimin: (moans in tiny) “Who…are…youu…? (Tries to push you away) Get..awwway from.. me.. i—i already..have……a girlfriend…y’ know..”

Jimin: “Y/n…!!!? Y/n…!!! This…this.. ajumma is bothering meee.. Baaaabb..iiee!!… i have.. a girl-” (dozes off)

You: 🥲

POV: That One Time Jimin Went Home Drunk After Camping With Jungkook.

***facetiming Jungkook***

Jungkook: “Yooo-bow-Se-yow!”

You: “Yaaaah! Jeon Jungkook!!! why is my boyfriend passed out in our living room???! What’d you guys do???!!.. he’s so hammered he called me an ajumma!! AN AJUMMA!!! Yaaaahhh!!! 😫😭😠

Jungkook: “noona let me explain..” 😅🥲

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time You Woke Up With Jimin Beside You.
POV: That One Time You Woke Up With Jimin Beside You.
POV: That One Time You Woke Up With Jimin Beside You.
POV: That One Time You Woke Up With Jimin Beside You.
POV: That One Time You Woke Up With Jimin Beside You.
POV: That One Time You Woke Up With Jimin Beside You.

POV: That one time you woke up with Jimin beside you.

You: “Good morning babe.. did You sleep okay?”

Jimin: “Mhhmm.”

**just staring at each other**

Jimin: “Baby….”

You: “hmm..?”

Jimin: “Are you forgetting something?”

You: “huh?.. What?”

Jimin: “No morning kisses?? Baaabbee… 😕”

You: (you chuckle) “Come and get it…i might give you more than just a morning kiss..”😙

**he crawls up on you and pins you down.. and you just let him.**

POV: That One Time You Woke Up With Jimin Beside You.

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.

POV: That one time Jimin wasn’t ready for your date night.

You: “Babe!? Are we still going out for dinner??”

Jimin: “Of course baby.”

You: “Then why are you still not dressed?! I’ve been getting ready for the past hour and you’re still on your game! Why don’t you just take your game to dinner with you ?!” 😫(you walk out)

Jimin: “Babe..!! Okay, i’m sorry! I’ll be ready in a sec, let’s go! Babeeee…babbbieee..! 😕”

after a few good minutes of Jimin trying to apologize with kisses and hugs, you caved in but he never stopped being touchy the entire date..

POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.
POV: That One Time Jimin Wasnt Ready For Your Date Night.

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time Jimin Couldnt Help But Get Jealous In One Of Your Date Nights.

POV: That one time Jimin couldn’t help but get jealous in one of your date nights.

Waiter: “Here you go. Just something for the lovely lady.”

The waiter placed a nice plate of cake in front of you, and hovers around with a smirk and playful glint in his eyes. Completely ignoring Jimin who was just seated across from you.

You: “Oh, we didn’t order dessert. There must have been some mix-up.”

Jimin adjusts himself on his seat, annoyance laced his face. He knows where this is coming from. He has had a hunch since you entered the restaurant. This guy hasn’t stopped ogling you for the past half an hour and it’s starting to get on his nerves.

Waiter: “Nah, it’s on the house.”

Still focusing on you and not even lifting his eyes to Jimin.

Jimin doesn’t blame you though. His trust in you and your relationship is secure enough, he’s not really gonna let a harmless flirting come between you. Especially one that you don’t reciprocate much less be aware of.

He’s always been aware of how your beauty and presence stand out and command a room full of hungry eyes without even trying. And with how you’re so elegantly dressed up tonight, he knew something like this is bound to happen.

Don’t get him wrong. Having a kind, smart, funny and gorgeous girlfriend like you makes his heart swell in pride. Although, it’s sometimes a struggle to ward off anyone who thinks they have a chance with you, too.

You’ve clearly got everyone under your spell and he knows this because you have made him feel the same way in all your years together. He just couldn’t stand those types of guys (or girls) who relentlessly try to flirt with you and you being so oblivious of this everytime makes his frustration hit the roof.

He’s not the jealous type. He tells himself that. But it’s just so hard sometimes. And he’s only human. He’s bound to get irked one way or another.

You: “Oh, wow! thank you! That’s very nice of you. This is really great service!”

Waiter: “Sure.. anything for the lovely lady.. Just let me know if you need anything else.”

Jimin rolls his eyes at the sheer audacity this guy has. He must really think he had some real chance with you or something. And that thought makes him scoff.

You: “Thanks!”

You: (Turning to Jimin..) “Babe i can’t believe we got free cake!” 😄

Jimin manages to stay calm as the waiter finally goes back to the counter. Despite the raging desire to give him a piece and a fist of his mind, he won’t. He doesn’t want to ruin this night for you.

Jimin: “Baby, i can’t believe you still don’t notice these things..”

You: “huh? Notice what? What do you mean?”

Jimin: “Babe, that waiter’s been checking you out since we got here. It still amazes me how you’re so oblivious of people trying to flirt with you.”

You: “Are you jealous?… Is my baby jealous??..”

Jimin: “Of course i’m jealous! I can’t help it..” 😒(He does that pout you’re so soft for)

You: “Awww.. my baby.. you know i only have eyes for you.. right? There’s nothing— and i mean absolutely nothing— could ever take my eyes off of you. You know this!”

Jimin: “Really now…? Even a shirtless Henry Cavill?”

You: “pfft.. it’s a no for me.”

Jimin: “Matt Smith with that Targaryen hair?”

You: “Tempting.. but no..”

Jimin: “Chris Hemsworth doing a bench press?”

You: “Babe, you think so little of me.”

Jimin: “Min Yoongi, Suga, AgustD…?”

You: “oh…hmmm… i don’t know.. maybe?”

Jimin: ☹️

You: “I’m kidding!!! I only have eyes for you—Park hotness Jimin. Okay?? I’m yours baby. Just you.”

Jimin: “Fine.” 😏

Jimin was deadset in marking his teritory in the entire date. A hand on your thigh, an arm on your waist, a kiss to your hand, Soft whispers to your ear. He knows he’s being extra touchy. He wants them to see.

But before you could leave the place, you take matters into your own hands. Much to Jimin’s surprise, you decide to put on a little show for the curious eyes. When The same waiter ushered you out of the restaurant to wait for the valet, you grab Jimin by the collar and pull him down for a kiss.

POV: That One Time Jimin Couldnt Help But Get Jealous In One Of Your Date Nights.

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time Jimin Really Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part1)
POV: That One Time Jimin Really Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part1)

POV: That one time Jimin really wanted you to call him “Oppa”, too. (Part1)

Read Part2 here. 😊

Jimin is not a jealous boyfriend. He tells himself that. He could go on and shake off the harmless flirting from other guys, as long as it’s not initiated and reciprocated by you. It doesn’t irk him that much because you’re usually so oblivious of things like this.

However, when it comes to his band members it’s a completely different story. He knows you had a thing for Yoongi way before you and him got together. He knows Yoongi was your bias. But you swore it was all before you and Jimin ever met and started dating. You promised him this one night, when he sat you down to clear things up.

Of course it would be Jimin—Now that you are together-together, it all just makes sense that your boyfriend is your bias. Yoongi was it, before Jimin ever came to your life. But it’s different now.

Jimin believes you. He trusts you. You are in a committed relationship after all. And as you said to him that night and the other nights that followed, “Babe, there’s nothing-and absolutely nothing-that could take my eyes off of you.”

You loved Jimin and there’s no one and nothing that can change that. You’re absolutely head over heels for your sexy, cute, and lovely boyfriend.

Yoongi is like any other celebrity you really admire. After years of being acquainted with him through Jimin, you still see him as a celebrity for sure, one who you really look up to as a rapper and music producer. Only now it has been upgraded a little bit as Jimin’s friend and older brother. You respected Yoongi as with the rest of the members.

However, there are times when the fangirl in you would still be blown away with Yoongi’s eccentricity. But that’s just it. You don’t feel things for Yoongi the way you feel them for Jimin.

You respect Yoongi. You’re crazy in love with Jimin.

Yoongi being your bias has become an inside joke of the group and he was chill about it.

The boys would tease you sometimes. Jungkook even used to go as far as bring it up in the most awkward moments like that time you first met Bang PD in one of their intimate dinners. The teasing went on for a while but nothing really became of it.

Jimin, on the other hand, wasn’t initially so cool about it. He even sat you down one night to clear the air. That speaks volumes on how it used to bother him. But you understood where it was coming from. And so you reassured him that he only has your heart. And he soon became okay with it.

Jimin knows it sounds petty. It is petty. Don’t get him wrong, he’s aware that Yoongi being your bias shouldn’t really bother him and he knows it’s supposed to be the logical thing. But he’s just another doting boyfriend who wanted her girl to only look at him. He’s possessive of you like that. And sometimes his insecurities get the better of him. Especially when he knows that as perfect as you are in his eyes, you could have whoever it is that you’d want in your life. He still can’t believe that that person is him. You chose him. That As crazy as he is for you, you are crazy for him, too.

But during movie night with the guys the other day, you unknowingly made a mistake that got Jimin all riled up the entire night.

As everyone was getting comfortable in their chosen seats in the living room, you and Jimin settled for the couch. The other guys chose to camp up on the floor which Taehyung and Jungkook had filled with soft mats and huge pillows.

Jimin had plopped himself on the far end of the couch comfortably waiting for you to come and settle next to him.

Everybody seemed to be settled down except for Yoongi and Hobi.

Soon enough, Hobi called dibs on the other end of the sofa claiming its his favorite spot. So that leaves Yoongi to take the spot next to you.

Yoongi seemed reluctant at first, but as the movie was about to start, you called on him to take the seat. Albeit, too excitedly.

You: “Oppa! Come here and sit down!”(you pat the space next to you) “the movie’s about to start!”

You didn’t notice Jimin scowl as he scrunched his nose to the tone of your voice. You seemed too excited for his liking.

When Yoongi finally took the seat, you faced him and handed him the bowl of popcorn that Jimin prepared for the both of you and certainly not for Yoongi.

You: “Oppa, want some popcorn? Let’s share! I hope you like creamy parmesan.”

Yoongi only smiled with a muted “Thanks.”

You made sure Yoongi was comfortable and with just enough popcorn for the rest of the movie.

Jimin couldn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes and doing that tongue thing when something starts to get on his nerves.

POV: That One Time Jimin Really Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part1)
POV: That One Time Jimin Really Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part1)

The truth is, Jimin has always wanted you to call him “oppa”, too. But as you were the same age as him and Taehyung, born in the same year and actually just a month later than him, you saw no need for it. You found it awkward in a sense. You found it weird so you both dropped the matter and he didn’t press you on calling him oppa since then.

“Baby”, “babe”, or “jagi” were enough. And according to you, “Seokjin, Yoongi, Hobi and Joonie are my only real oppas, here. Sorry babe.” 😅

However that didn’t really change the fact that he still wanted you to call him “oppa”.

Jimin couldn’t concentrate on the movie. He was busy thinking of a way to “mark his territory”.

He’d take your hand in his lap and pepper it with kisses. He’d snake an arm around your waist and smell your hair. He’d pull you closer into his chest and kiss your temple. He’d grab the popcorn from Yoongi and pop one on your mouth. He’d put a hand on your thigh with a gentle squeeze.

You’d give him a smile every now and then, But you seem to not really get the hint that he wants you to do all these things to him, too! He’s growing more and more frustrated by the minute.

You, on the other hand, were so engrossed with the movie because you were really looking forward to watch it and partly because you had to occasionally argue with Jungkook about his commentary.

You were oblivious of the big ball of a sulky boyfriend you had brewing next to you.

Jimin spent the entire night sulking in silence. But still had his arm protectively spread around you, as if to put a wall between you and your “oppa”. 😒

Once you got home, you asked him what’s up with his now apparent lack of interest as you went off with how the movie was so good and how Jungkook was so annoyingly misinformed with all his commentary.

You: “hey babe, what’s wrong? You’re being silent. Is everthing okay?”

Jimin: “it’s nothing.”

You: “Baby.. you know you can talk to me.“

Jimin: “I said, it’s nothing.”

You: “Babe.. come on.. What’s the matter? Did i do something wrong?”

Jimin: “I said drop it y/n!! I’m not in the mood for this right now!”

(Your eyes go wide as his loud voice startles you. He never yells at you.)

You: “What is up with you?? i didn’t even do anything and you’re yelling at me.. for what??”

Jimin: “oh i don’t know.. Why don’t you figure it out with your “oppa”, you want me to call him for you?!”

You: “What are you talking about?? Is this—is this about Yoongi? For chrissake Jimin, not this again!”

Jimin: (he scoffs) “of course, you just don’t care about what I feel sometimes, do you?”

But before you could press him for more, he walks out and slams the door to your shared bedroom.

You were fuming. And he was, too. You soon figure out what went wrong that night. You didn’t realize how it really must have hurt him.

If he felt neglected in anyway tonight, it wasn’t what you intended. Making him feel hurt like this is the last thing you would ever want. The guilt is slowly creeping up on you.

You love him. But you also see nothing wrong with you being friendly with Yoongi. Bias or not he’s still Jimin’s friend—his brother.

Jimin is being difficult. But you still wanted to comfort him knowing you caused this. But instead of crawling in bed to cuddle him, you decided against it and just let things cool down. You went on and did your night routine. But by the time you get to bed, Jimin already had his back turned away from you.

Maybe tomorrow it will all be better.

Except it wasnt.

The next day Jimin went on to give you the cold shoulder.

POV: That One Time Jimin Really Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part1)

Read Part2 here! 😊

Check out more in my masterlist!

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2 years ago
POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)
POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)

POV : That one time Jimin wanted you to call him Oppa, too. (Part 2)

Read Part 1 here. ☺️

Jimin is acting like you don’t exist after a fight. But you’re ready to try just about anything to change that. Even if it means teasing your way back into his arms.

Jimin is still giving you the cold shoulder.

After that fight you had last night—the one where he got jealous of you calling Yoongi your “Oppa” and not reciprocating his PDA filled attempt on making you focus on him and only him during movie night—Jimin has gone the extra mile of ignoring your existence.

It was a Sunday and Jimin made sure that by the time you wake up, he’d be out of bed and out of your sight. So he made an effort to wake up earlier than you and go out for a run.

He’s still mad at you. Other people would probably think he’s being petty. You would probably think that, too. But he’s sick and tired of denying the fact that it hurts him when your eyes sparkle everytime you’d look at Yoongi. He wants those sparkles in your eyes to only be for him.

He’s tired of denying the fact that he’s jealous of how extra nice you are to his Yoongi hyung. It irks him when you become all shy when he compliments you. You’re never like that to Jungkook or Taehyung. You’re not even like that to Hobi and Seokjin. And you’re certainly not like that to Joon.

Jimin knows Yoongi was your bias. You told him once that before you even knew him, you had posters of Yoongi on your bedroom walls back in your parents’ house. And that you once bought the exact same beanie Yoongi had always worn many years ago. Yoongi still had that beanie lying around in his room somewhere and it annoys Jimin everytime he sees it around the dorms.

But you also told Jimin that it’s different now— that him becoming your boyfriend had shaken things up. He believes you. There’s not a trace of Yoongi in any items you own now. The merch you still buy are all of Jimin’s and Chimmy. Well, except for the ones Seokjin gifted you for Christmas. He got you a bunch of fans with his annoying face on it. And of course he got you RJ keychains and pens. Jimin makes sure you get the exclusive ones that had his signature for you to cherish forever. He had recently gifted you his Photofolio. And you were excited about that.

By the time Jimin finished jogging, he went back to your shared apartment to find you still in bed. You were awake and tapping something on your phone, not making eye contact.

He knows he had hurt you, too. He had never really raised his voice on anyone, much less with you. But last night was really tough on him, he was too emotional and wasn’t able to control his temper.

In truth, Jimin fears that one day you’d wake up and realize you didn’t want him anymore and that you would find someone better than him. Someone who could give you things he couldn’t. Someone who would give you the world, someone who would make you happy, and loved.

His insecurities have always hindered Jimin in your relationship. He sometimes wondered if he could really be that guy for you. You are so independent, brave, gorgeous, intelligent and kind. He’s deadset in thinking all the other guys see that in you, too. And it’s just a matter of time they realize how great of a catch you really are. You could actually have anything and anyone you’d want if you so wish it.

It takes all the willpower in him to not jump in bed with you, cuddle you and apologize for being a jerk last night. But he is still really hurt and his insecurities still clouds his mind. So he just went on with his business like you weren’t there.

You, on the other hand, are growing frustrated as the hours pass by. It’s hard enough that your boyfriend is mad at you and waking up in a cold bed without his warmth and morning kisses really made you lonely.

But what he’s doing to you now—acting like you’re not even in the same space right now— is just pure torture.

It has been hours without Jimin acknowleding your existence. Not even a “hi” nor “a good morning”. He’s not even trying to look in your direction.

He’s camped out in the living room, reading a book while putting on some lofi music to drown the excruciating silence in the house.

You think of ways to break the ice. You knew he’s never going to cave. He’s stubborn like that. But so are you.

You made breakfast— coffee and toast. But he didn’t even touch it. So you went on to cook lunch. He’s never even once got in your way as you busied yourself in the kitchen.

He made sure he’s got all the things he needed in his little space on the couch— his water bottles, coffee, snacks and a couple more books to read just in case.

You had almost given up after he didn’t budge during lunch time. He just got up and took a portion of his lunch to eat by the couch. He’s so stubborn. You couldn’t believe he was really going to let this whole day waste just like that.

And after almost a whole day wasted in silence, you took it in you to turn the tables on Jimin. You knew that if cooking and making him coffee couldn’t make him not ignore you anymore, you’d have to take a completely different route.

So you put on those tight work out clothes you knew he liked on you. The ones with the matching white top that gives him a peek of your cleavage and the skimpy shorts that hug your ass in the right places. You decided that if he still won’t look your way after this, you’d just jump him until he looks at you.

So you clench your peaches and tucked your tummy in as you paraded yourself from the bedroom door which was directly across him, to the kitchen where you pretended to check something in the fridge making sure to give him a nice view of your ass.

POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)
POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)
POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)

He doesn’t say anything nor make a move towards you, but you feel his eyes follow your every move.

You make your way back to your shared bedroom, not saying anything. Only to make sure to glance at him before you reach the door. And He’s already looking at you.

Jimin is shocked. You were practically naked, wearing only those little pieces of clothing that left nothing to his imagination as you saunter your way down to the kitchen. He knows he’s supposed to be ignoring you but damn, you’re making it so difficult for him right now.

His mouth went dry as you made your way back to your bedroom with your tits and ass jiggling as you walk.

He almost choked on his water when you suddenly looked at him and you caught him ogling you.

You decide to stay in the bedroom and wait for any reactions. If that doesn’t work, you’re just going to storm out and confront his ass once and for all.

But a few more minutes has passed, and you hear the door to your bedroom open. You’re seated on your side of the bed and have your back away from the door so you don’t see Jimin hesitate for a while. You busy yourself with your phone and check your socials for what feels like the millionth time today.

After another long silence, you feel the space dip next to you. And two determined arms snaking their way into your waist as Jimin cages you in between his thighs.

Jimin: “Baby…“

He nuzzles your neck as he breathes in your scent. The motion only sparks something in you. But you don’t budge. You contemplate on giving him a little dose of his own medicine.

Jimin: “Jagi… i’m sorry.”

You don’t make a move. You don’t attempt to let go or push him away. He leans in more, closing the space between you. You feel him plant a kiss to your neck, to the space below your ear and to your jaw.

Jimin: “I was being a jerk. i didn’t mean to yell at you. I was jealous of how you took care of Yoongi hyung while I was right there, next to you. I know we’ve talked about this before, but it really bothers me when you look at him like that.”

You: “Look at him how, Jimin?”

Hearing this, you decide to face him so he can see the hurt in your eyes. But he keeps his face buried in the hollow of your neck.

You: “He’s our friend. He’s your brother. I don’t see him as anyone other than that.”

His hold on you tightens as he breathes more of you in.

You: “He doesn’t make me feel like you make me feel. I only look at you like that.”

He pulls away to look you in the eyes now. He’s hurt, too. You see the regret in his eyes as he intertwines his hands in yours.

Jimin: “I know that. It’s just —it’s just.. sometimes i think that.. that one day you might wake up and realize you don’t want me like that anymore.”

You take his cheeks with both your hands and look him in the eyes. You understand what he’s thinking now. His insecurities are eating him up.

You: “Baby, how can you think that? I’m so in love with you—too in love with you— you’re the only thing I think about all the time. You’re so beautiful, and good to me, you’re perfect, Why would i not want you? I’m so so crazy in love with you Chim. Why don’t you see that? I love you and i’m not going anywhere.. baby.. what more can i say to prove it?”

Hearing these words from you lifted any haze of insecurity that filled Jimin’s mind. He crashed his pillowy lips into yours, hungry and needy. You kiss him back with the same need, like you have been so deprived of his lips in a long time. He smiles into your lips as you both pull away to breathe.

Jimin: “I love you y/n. Having you here like this is enough. I love you. (Kiss.) I love you. (Kiss.) I’m so in love with you.” (Kiss)

You smile in between his kisses. And you savor his taste in your mouth for a few more seconds before you pull away.

You: “I love you, Jimin Oppa.”

Jimin is wide eyed hearing your new little term of endearment. And It’s enough to make his already semi-hard bulge twitch. His eyes quickly went from shock to pure lust. He takes your hand and guides it to palm his hard cock. And your breath hitches. You forget to breathe as your mind nearly stops working.

He made love to you that night. And Only the delicious sounds of your sweet moans that sang his name and your new found endearment filled the room.

Now you understand the power that one little word had. And how it could rile Jimin up even in bed.

You promise to use it more often after this.

POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)
POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)
POV : That One Time Jimin Wanted You To Call Him Oppa, Too. (Part 2)

Check out my masterlist for more Jimin x Yn!!

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.

POV: That one time you gave Jimin a massage. And taehyung wanted one, too.

It was a lazy afternoon at the boys’ dorm. You had to tag along after their practice because Jin had promised to cook some new recipe for dinner that he really wanted you guys to try out.

The other guys were mostly spent after a two-hour dance practice where hobi took a good amount of time critiquing each member’s moves. Some were washing up in their bathrooms, the others cooped up in their bedrooms while waiting for dinner.

Jungkook was playing overwatch on the big living room tv. While Taehyung just sat there criticizing Jungkook’s “technique”.

Jin must have been really looking foreward to trying out this new recipe because he seems to still be energized in some way. He promised it will be done in 45 minutes.

While waiting, you made yourself comfortable on their huge couch. Jimin sprawled lazily next to you, resting his head on your lap.

You watched him lovingly while you absent-mindedly played with his hair as he made himself comfortable— his eyes closed, hands holding on to your arm, which was wrapped lazily on his chest.

Your boyfriend is beautiful. How on earth did you ever become this lucky is still beyond you. The way his pillowy lips contour in that cute little pout makes you want to kiss it until he’d be begging for you to stop. (If he ever would. Which you highly doubt.)

You don’t want to interrupt his peace but you just couldn’t resist. You run your fingers to his cheeks—smooth as marble and supple like a baby’s. His skin is flawless and smoother than yours will ever be. You’re so amazed with how perfect he is. And, if you’re really being honest, you’re almost jealous.

His long lashes curve deliciously upward. You almost question the heavens how it’s so unfair that guys like Jimin were blessed with natural, long, pretty lashes while you, as a woman, still had to spend hours with make-up and falsies just to fake your way into having them.

After a few good minutes, Jimin has started to stir on your lap, reaching for the annoying discomfort on his shoulder muscle that clearly disrupted his attempt to relax in your hold.

By instict, your hands followed his and took charge by lightly shooing him away so you could massage the stiff spot.

Soft moans erupted in his cute little satisfied pout as your hands do their trick in untying the knots in his shoulder.

You proceeded to pat him on the back to switch positions. You let him lie on his tummy, giving you more access to his back. You sit next to him on the edge of the couch to gently but deeply stroke his aching back.

You bask in the sensual feeling of touching Jimin. You memorize every dip and curve of his back muscles.

You silently thank the universe that he’s only wearing a thin white shirt that gives you a peek of his back tattoos. But you’re not going to lie to yourself because you really wish you could rip this thin material, so you could feel his perfectly smooth, warm skin on yours.

Oh, how you’d wish you were alone right now so you could have him naked. And maybe give him a little more than just a massage. Damn, this tension is starting to cloud your mind. You are brought back to life as Jimin speaks.

Jimin: “mmm... A little more to the left babe.. ”

You: “is this good?”

Jimin: “mhhmm.. it feels so so good baby..”

Jimin’s soft delicious moans started to fill the room and at one point it had become a bit too loud that even Jungkook whipped his head so quickly to find the sound, distracting him from his game.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had long since abandoned Jungkook’s game. His attention drawn towards his soulmate, who seemed to be having the most relaxing time of his life.

He slowly hovered on you and Jimin wearing his trademark boxy grin while clutching on his own stiff shoulders, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

He wishes he could get a massage from you, too. So he decides to push his luck.

Taehyung: “Jiminah, is it okay if y/n could give me one, too?”

You swear you haven’t seen Jimin whip his head so quickly at the sound of Taehyung’s voice, shooting him a deadly glare. You’re sure he had somewhat strained his neck by that sudden action.

POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.

Jimin: “Are you kidding?! NO!!”

Taehyung: “urggh! Come on! Just this once. Please? My back is really killing me today and my butt kinda hurts,too!”

Jimin raised his brows in disbelief and gives Taehyung a warning in that low voice register that kinda turns you on.

Jimin: “Taehyungah, you should seriously stop talking now. The only back or butt her hands will ever touch is mine.”

Taehyung turns to you with an almost desperate look.

Taehyung:“Uggh! Y/N back me up on this will you?”

Jimin couldn’t believe the audacity Taehyung has. Over his cold corpse will he ever let you touch another guy like this. Even if it’s his best friend. Especially because he’s his bestfriend! Hell would have to freeze over before he could let that happen!

Jimin: “Yaaah!! Get your own y/n!!!”

Taehyung: “But there’s only one y/n!”

Jimin: “Exactly!! And she’s all mine.”

You shoot Tae an apologetic smile.

You:“Sorry, Taetae.”

POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.

Check out my masterlist for more of Jimin x Reader!

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.

POV: That one time you gave Jimin a massage. And taehyung wanted one, too.

It was a lazy afternoon at the boys’ dorm. You had to tag along after their practice because Jin had promised to cook some new recipe for dinner that he really wanted you guys to try out.

The other guys were mostly spent after a two-hour dance practice where hobi took a good amount of time critiquing each member’s moves. Some were washing up in their bathrooms, the others cooped up in their bedrooms while waiting for dinner.

Jungkook was playing overwatch on the big living room tv. While Taehyung just sat there criticizing Jungkook’s “technique”.

Jin must have been really looking foreward to trying out this new recipe because he seems to still be energized in some way. He promised it will we done in 45 minutes.

While waiting, you made yourself comfortable on their huge couch. Jimin sprawled lazily next to you, resting his head on your lap.

You watched him lovingly while you absent-mindedly played with his hair as he made himself comfortable— his eyes closed, hands holding on to your arm, which was wrapped lazily on his chest.

Your boyfriend is beautiful. How on earth did you ever become this lucky is still beyond you. The way his pillowy lips contour in that cute little pout makes you want to kiss it until he’d be begging for you to stop. (If he ever would. Which you highly doubt.)

You don’t want to interrupt his peace but you just couldn’t resist. You run your fingers to his cheeks—smooth as marble and supple like a baby’s. His skin is flawless and smoother than yours will ever be. You’re so amazed with how perfect he is. And, if you’re really being honest, you’re almost jealous.

His long lashes curve deliciously upward. You almost question the heavens how it’s so unfair that guys like Jimin were blessed with natural, long, pretty lashes while you, as a woman, still had to spend hours with make-up and falsies just to fake your way into having them.

After a few good minutes, Jimin has started to stir on your lap, reaching for the annoying discomfort on his shoulder muscle that clearly disrupted his attempt to relax in your hold.

By instict, your hands followed his and took charge by lightly shooing him away so you could massage the stiff spot.

Soft moans erupted in his cute little satisfied pout as your hands do their trick in untying the knots in his shoulder.

You proceeded to pat him on the back to switch positions. You let him lie on his tummy, giving you more access to his back. You sit next to him on the edge of the couch to gently but deeply stroke his aching back.

You bask in the sensual feeling of touching Jimin. You memorize every dip and curve of his back muscles.

You silently thank the universe that he’s only wearing a thin white shirt that gives you a peek of his back tattoos. But you’re not going to lie to yourself because you really wish you could rip this thin material, so you could feel his perfectly smooth, warm skin on yours.

Oh, how you’d wish you were alone right now so you could have him naked. And maybe give him a little more than just a massage. Damn, this tension is starting to cloud your mind. You are brought back to life as Jimin speaks.

Jimin: “mmm... A little more to the left babe.. ”

You: “is this good?”

Jimin: “mhhmm.. it feels so so good baby..”

Jimin’s soft delicious moans started to fill the room and at one point it had become a bit too loud that even Jungkook whipped his head so quickly to find the sound, distracting him from his game.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had long since abandoned Jungkook’s game. His attention drawn towards his soulmate, who seemed to be having the most relaxing time of his life.

He slowly hovered on you and Jimin wearing his trademark boxy grin while clutching on his own stiff shoulders, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

He wishes he could get a massage from you, too. So he decides to push his luck.

Taehyung: “Jiminah, is it okay if y/n could give me one, too?”

You swear you haven’t seen Jimin whip his head so quickly at the sound of Taehyung’s voice, shooting him a deadly glare. You’re sure he had somewhat strained his neck by that sudden action.

POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.
POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.

Jimin: “Are you kidding?! NO!!”

Taehyung: “urggh! Come on! Just this once. Please? My back is really killing me today and my butt kinda hurts,too!”

Jimin raised his brows in disbelief and gives Taehyung a warning in that low voice register that kinda turns you on.

Jimin: “Taehyungah, you should seriously stop talking now. The only back or butt her hands will ever touch is mine.”

Taehyung turns to you with an almost desperate look.

Taehyung:“Uggh! Y/N back me up on this will you?”

Jimin couldn’t believe the audacity Taehyung has. Over his cold corpse will he ever let you touch another guy like this. Even if it’s his best friend. Especially because he’s his bestfriend! Hell would have to freeze over before he could let that happen!

Jimin: “Yaaah!! Get your own y/n!!!”

Taehyung: “But there’s only one y/n!”

Jimin: “Exactly!! And she’s all mine.”

You shoot Tae an apologetic smile.

You:“Sorry, Taetae.”

POV: That One Time You Gave Jimin A Massage. And Taehyung Wanted One, Too.

Check out my masterlist for more of Jimin x Reader!

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time Jimin First Saw You At A Fansign And His Heart Fluttered.

POV: That one time Jimin first saw you at a fansign and his heart fluttered.

The first time Jimin saw you was when Jungkook called dibs on you. But you only had eyes for Yoongi.

It was minutes before the fansign starts. A big crowd of armys have lined up and waited for this. The cheers echoed in the room as each of the members settles in.

Jungkook: “Jimin hyung, hot girl, twelve o’clock. The blond one. Dibs.”

Jungkook whispers into his ear. Jimin doesn’t care. He’s not even remotely listening to the maknae anymore.

Jimin sees you. Beautiful. Elegant. Sexy. And just simply gorgeous.

He’s not one who’s easily swayed with anyone’s presence. But you are different. You make his heart feel a myriad of different things all at once.

He feels his throat go dry as he gives you a once over, ogling you, shamelessly stopping at the right places committing everything into memory and forgetting that multiple cameras may be capturing just how whipped he probably looks right now.

It’s your smiles. They’re like a vice grip into his heart—locking him in, towards you and your warmth.

If you could just look at him.. He vows to return them full force. Maybe even send you one of his killer ones that’s bound to make any woman melt.

But.. why are you not looking at him?

It’s been a while, and as you wait for your turn to line up for the fansign, you’ve never even once given him, (nor Jungkook), a glance.

He follows your line of sight and—

Of course.

Your smiles were clearly made for him.

Min *fucking* Yoongi. Jimin thought, not again.

How does he compete with his Yoongi hyung? How does he compete with The AgustD?

He doesn’t know it yet, nor does he want to believe. But it seems pretty likely that Yoongi is your bias.

Jungkook: “I’m gonna give her my number.”

Jimin whips his head and glared at the maknae for that. He has to deal with Jungkook first.

Jimin: “You’d have to go through me first.”

Jungkook: (wide eyed) “I called dibs!?” (whisper yells)

Jimin shot the deadliest glare on the younger boy. And he gets the notice.

Jungkook: “It’s not fair! You always don’t honor the dibs!”

Jimin smirks and looks for you again.

**Not for this one, I won’t.** Jimin thought. He’s deadset on making you notice him right there and then.

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2 years ago
POV: That One Time Jimin Almost Killed Jungkook.

POV: That one time Jimin almost killed Jungkook.

While you and Jimin were checking up on each other via facetime, Jungkook had other plans.

“Jugeullae” - 죽을래 means “do you want to die?” (It is usually used between friends like when someone plays a prank on you)

Jimin had been busy with all the promotions for the upcoming release of their new album. It was that time yet again. The band’s schedule was packed and they barely even had time to rest in between the late night shootings, recordings and dance practice.

Jimin could only thank the universe that he had been blessed with a girlfriend like you who was beyond understanding of all the chaos that came along with having him as your boyfriend.

You were never the clingy type and you’ve always let him do what he had to do as Jimin- member of BTS.

You have come to accept early on that at the end of the day, beyond all the glitz and the glamour, and no matter how busy he would be, he’ll always be Jimin- your doting boyfriend.

It was almost past midnight on a Friday. You were enjoying your nightly Netflix binge, when the face of your handsome boyfriend flashed on your phone screen signaling he wanted to facetime.

You were too excited to finally have the time to see him after days of not being with him, you answer the call without even bothering to pause the now soon to be forgotten episode of “Friends”.

Jimin: “Hi Baby.. i miss youuu—”

You didn’t even have the chance to say a proper “hello” when the phone was suddenly snatched from your boyfriend and all you were able to hear were the loud hollers from whoever was running away with his phone.

You could only standby and watch as the screen went dark and you hear a scuffle. And more teasing erupted from the background. Apparently, the boys were all together. Probably sharing a drink or two at the dorms.

**yaaah!!! Jugeullae!!?? Give it back!!! Yah!!!** ,

You hear Jimin’s slightly muffled shouts in the background. Probably running after the culprit.

**hahaha!! Come and get it!! Babieee~~(kissing sounds)**

You: “Babe? Hello??.. what’s happening? Guys??”

**hey! Is that y/n?!**

**y/niieee!!! I miss you!! Y/nnnn-yah~~**

**hahaha Y/niiee, tell your boyfriend to not kill our Jungkookie.”

**Yah! Yah!! Hajimaaaa!!! Hajimaaa!!! Aisssshhh!!!**

**hey, both of you, STOB IT!”

**Jeon Jungkook!!! You little shit!! I’m going to strangle you!!**

You: “Baby!? What’s going on?… Chim??”

A bit of silence and muffled voices, then Jungkook appears on the screen.

POV: That One Time Jimin Almost Killed Jungkook.
POV: That One Time Jimin Almost Killed Jungkook.

Jungkook: “Yah, noona! Why are you not here, hmm? You should be drinking with us you know. I miss you already!”

You: “Kookie!! Of course, I miss you too!”

Jungkook: “hahaha, JIMIN hyung!!! Do you hear that? Your girl misses ME. Not you!”

You: “hey!! I didn’t say that!!”

Jungkook: “He’s coming, he’s coming!! Hahaha! Jimin hyung is going crazy without you here, noona!”

**yah!! Give it now. While i’m still being nice. Give it back now!**

You hear Jimin panting in the background, annoyance laced thickly in his warning. Jungkook is really asking for some good old beating.

But then he switches the camera to coo at Jimin’s face.

Jungkook: “Noona, Just look at him..”

POV: That One Time Jimin Almost Killed Jungkook.

You: “Aww baby, how are you this cute??! Kookie, can you let me say hi to my boyfriend now!!? I miss my mochi.”

Hearing your doting words had Jimin melt into a puddle of slush. And Jungkook got away with a handful of smacks at the back of his head.

Check out my masterlist for more Jimin x y/n! 🐣

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