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Flake's podcast - Harmony in Music
published on yt 2020-04-29, but probably podcast earlier
A lecture on Harmony in music, Flake plays the songs in order, starting with songs with one keynote, then two etc.
Some of the first songs he discovered in relation to cars, for instance at 0h16 a song he found on a CD that came with the car that he bought from a befriended singer from another band (that starts with Knor and ends with Kator), or at 0h20 a song they used to play in the car when Flake travelled along with other bands to their gigs, just to tag along hoping they'd let him play his casio with them (when Feeling B wasn't playing much).
Feeling B is mentioned a couple of times, like at 0h39, when Flake plays King Crimson, a band he discovered when the old drummer of Feeling B played it (who was a huge fan), Flake tells how he went to the guys house to listen and how they got in the mood to jam in the middle of the night, without soundcontrol in the room, so the entire appartementbuilding woke up from the drumming (a neighbour came round to complain, but the drummer just stared him down and the neighbour left).
At 1h38 Flake talks about the trip Feeling B undertook to the USA, travelling, playing for a handful of people, and being all together confused about the country, completely misunderstanding distances, so having to walk for hours, getting soaked in the rain, just to get breakfast, and indulging in all you can eat buffets (where Flake ate so much pudding he had enough for a lifetime).
Flake also mentions a couple of films he watched in the GDR when young and that mesmerized him, like (1h06) The Last Waltz about The Band, and particularly Muddy Waters' song Mannish Boy in it, which was pretty much the anthem of the East German bluesscene, or (1h25) Blues Brothers with Ray Charles.
At 1h11 he plays German band Trio, who played at a tv show, and at the end where voted the best of the show and asked to play again. The band played, but the singer just stood there eating an apple (while he voice could still be heard, clearly showing they were using playback). Flake thought that very cool, to show it that way, not bothering about lipsync.
Talking about cool, when he at 0h49 plays Daddy Cool (by Boney M), Flake tells us he always wanted his kids to think he was cool, so when travelling with Rammstein he always tried to find nice souvenirs for his kids, the house is full of Eifeltowers by now (the kids don't even look at them if he brings one of those), boomerang didn't work, kangaroo-in-can turned out to be a stuffed animal (and fortunately not kangaroomeat) so that was okay, but when he bought a real native american doll in the USA and came home with that, it turned out to be a barbie that you could also buy at Berlin-Kreuzberg (and Barbie wasn't considered that cool a toy by the kid's mom anyway, so no luck there).
One small Rammstein anecdote at 1h32: the band went to the MTV awards in Milan, and this time were asked to present an award to The Offspring, so Flake along with Paul and 'our drummer' (as he always refers to Schneider) agreed to do that. Flake thought it would be really funny if he, when announcing the award, gave a thank you speech instead. Well as it turns out Flake was the only one who thought it was funny, no one else did, least of all the actual awardwinners 😊
more of my takes on Flake's podcasts