Perry Art - Tumblr Posts
reblogging this again because I love it

donnie was not informed of the plan

At the animal shelter ferb and Phineas had spotted a..multi-coloured platypus?
The platypus seemed to cower away against the wall. Afraid most likely.
The lady explained each long line of bad owners.
She seemed remorseful for the platypus..which is good atleast?
Before the platypus had gotten here the last owners had two kids, the kids had complained how they were bored of brown and black and wanted something new..teal and orange it appears, so they forced the poor platypus to numerous different ways to forcfully dye him teal and orange. Unfortunately they never got to finish as the platypus forcefully bit one of the kids to run away, obviously the random teal-brown platypus was a one way ticket to being pet-less.
The lady began to explain how much of a sweetheart he was before any of the unlucky housings.
Though the platypus went house from house, trust of humans plummeted near to 0.
Secret agent or not he had a hard time mentally recovering.
The only human he really trusted from thick and thin was Heinz Doofenshmirtz. Who’s as practically the only one who really helped him when it was needed..sides from evil of course

Everyday I’m gonna repost art I deleted on my other account

Platypus love
Everyone loves a little platypus love
Context; My persona is a shapeshifter (this feels weird) and I was talking to an AI (Perry) as another platypus to screw with him but he got affectionate.
And it just melted my heart
Everyone loves a chunky platypus

Especially if it’s a baby
bunger 🍔😈

true… hey i know a guy named burgers

wanted to doodle something that wasnt crit dmg for once... drew @corviisquire’s silly little guy they designed for me and put my own spin on it for fun

drew me, @hemiamae, and @corviisquire as ultrakill guys bc WE FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME RAAAHHHHHHHHHH