Persisting - Tumblr Posts

La « diète mentale » joue sur le fait que nous nous parlons à nous-mêmes toute la journée, tous les jours. Nous sommes presque toujours à penser à quelque chose, et entretenons des conversations intérieures sur le sujet en question. Arrêter ce discours intérieur s'avère être quelque peu difficile parce que, pour beaucoup d'entre nous, c'est quelque chose qui est juste automatique.
En nous parlant à nous-mêmes toute la journée, nous posons les fondations de la réalité que nous vivons actuellement et dont nous allons faire l’expérience plus tard. Si nous n'aimons pas ce que nous vivons en ce moment, nous devons orienter notre discours intérieur vers la direction que nous aimerions prendre dans notre réalité, afin que celle-ci reflète enfin ce que nous désirons.
Même si vous avez l'impression que rien ne change dans votre 3D, il y a TOUJOURS du mouvement. Vous ne pouvez juste pas le voir.
Comme l'a dit Neville Goddard, il faut accepter de fermer ses sens (je sous-entends par là la perception physique des choses, les 5 sens) et ne se concentrer que sur votre 4D. Si vous changez votre discours intérieur, alors la réalité n'aura pas d'autre choix que de vous refléter vos attentes... Mais ça, vous ne le verrez probablement pas venir !
Alors ne vous inquiétez pas ♡
Persisting is the key

persist: continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

When it comes to manifesting something, what you have to do is persist. When we say to persist we basically mean to continue your regular day while knowing that you already have what you want. A lot of people mistaken this term and believe that persisting has to do with the 3D and "waiting" for the desire to reflect. If you do this, I have to tell you that you won't get anything at all. Everything we do that has to do with changing ourselves to the desire version of them has to do with imagination. So the reason why you persist in an assumption is because it has already been done. When you already have something, you don't wonder if you actually have it I mean, doesn't this sound dumb? For example, you know that you have a bed in your room. Do you ever wonder to yourself "wait do I actually have a bed in my room?" Nope. You know that you have it, you are persisting in the assumption that you have it. That's it. That's exactly what you have to do:
Know that you have your desire the second you accept you do.
Continue living your day while knowing that you have it, aka persisting.
Let's look at an example: A girl named Rachel decides to manifest longer and healthier hair. She reads a post where it says that her only job is to persist. So what do you think Rachel exactly has to do in order to get her long and healthy hair ?
persist in the assumption that her hair is long and healthy in imagination and that's what matters.
persist in the assumption that if she constantly tells herself that she has long and healthy hair, this will reflect in the 3D soon.
If you choose the first bullet congrats you understood today's post ! If you choose the second, re-read this post as many times as you need to understand it.
Persisting has nothing to do with the 3D. Nothing about manifestation at all has to do with the 3D. If you keep "persisting" in the idea that in this way it will reflect, you will just get disappointed for not getting shit and you will continue repeating the same circle. Change yourself in imagination and persist in this idea. That's all you have to do.