Pinkheart Tuftoa - Tumblr Posts
Pinkheart Tuftoa
Thought to be related to the cloudflowers of Sky Buddy World, the Pinkheart Tuftoa may have adapted to grow low to the ground due to the fact it grows in central Furheart Iiah, away from most free-flowing water sources and depending largely on being able to gather water from the mist that always surrounds the continent and from the occasional drizzle. This might also explain the recess in its middle, low to the ground closest to the roots where the water it gathers can nearly touch the roots already.
Cotton from the Pinkheart Tuftoa is highly sought after among Fashion Buddys, though it usually needs to be processed first before use as the plain cloud-like material is usually very soggy due to its spongy nature, another feature that comes in handy in its natural environment.
When dried out, though, the cloud-like material floats on its own, which can make for some ethereal, sky-themed looks especially popular among Fashion Buddys with ties to or lineage from Sky Buddy World.
Using Pinkheart Tuftoa cotton for stuffing pillows and the like is generally not recommended unless one would like for the objects in question to float away in the night. It usually needs to be processed into a heavier form for use in objects that are not meant to float away.