Piskel - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I still kinda want to learn pixel art. I made what I thought was a really nice Holy Symbol for the DnD game I'm in right now using Piskel but I'm not super artsy so I've not really made much (and hence, not improved much from my base skill level).

Distant Castle

Distant Castle

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1 year ago

i saw this poll on twitter (with less options) and it didnt get a lot of reach and im curious what program is the majority rn

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1 year ago
a gif of a dragon breathing fire on purple stone

a thing i made on piskel

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1 year ago
Look At This Thing! Isn't It Neat? Wouldn't You Think My Collection Is Started?

Look at this thing! Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection is started?

I made this. Well, not the outline. I got that off of a different flower and then filled it in. I'm officially one drawing into however many I do until I die. Congrats me! I spent like two hours figuring out how colors work. I'm still not sure about all of it but it's done now!

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7 years ago
This Took Me Roughly Seven Hours To Do And Now I Could Go For A Nap. I Also Should Have Been Working

This took me roughly seven hours to do and now I could go for a nap. I also should have been working on my portfolio for art but why would I do something I’m supposed to?

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