Pizzafake - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I think that after Feppino recovers from all these kisses, he will pull Pizzahead to himself by force (holding him by the straps of his overalls). And he will kiss him on the lips so well that Pizzahead will burn on the spot from embarrassment.

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6 months ago

His face is burning, and his heart is about to come out. But it's still a nice feeling.

His Face Is Burning, And His Heart Is About To Come Out. But It's Still A Nice Feeling.

The most careless linart I've ever drawn

I think that after Feppino recovers from all these kisses, he will pull Pizzahead to himself by force (holding him by the straps of his overalls). And he will kiss him on the lips so well that Pizzahead will burn on the spot from embarrassment.

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6 months ago
Escape From The Crumbling Pizza Tower

Escape from the Crumbling Pizza Tower

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6 months ago

Yes, sometimes I draw based on what I write about.

If we continue the topic of the disease, then I like someone's headcanon about Pizzahead suffering from mold. At least Feppino could have ca


And have a good rest if you're sick right now~

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6 months ago

I've finished another sketchbook, hooray!

Thanks for the idea, by the way.

TW: suggestive

Close enough

He feels very good

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6 months ago

I think peppino wants to throw pizzahead out of a skyscraper (with hate) while fake peppino wants to throw him out of a skyscraper (with lust)

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6 months ago
“It’s so ridiculous! Peppino Spaghetti, me and Peppino, of all people! Can you even imagine that ever working out!? I never shoulda set foot in his restaurant. Oh god, Peppi, I never shoulda done it. Me and him, what a joke! I hate him so much, that rat bastard and his stupid, stupid restaurant. Every day I ask myself, ‘Why couldn’t it’ve been me? Why couldn’t my restaurant get all the praise, all the glowing reviews?’ God, I hate that man so much. But I can’t get him out of my head. It makes me sick. I’m so disgusted with myself, yet I can’t get enough of him. I want him so badly. I want him so badly I ache, but whenever I’m around him, I get so angry I can hardly stand being in the room with him. I can’t be happy either way. How’s that for a sick joke?”

"You’re nothing like him at all, and I don’t deserve your love. I don’t know how you put up with me, knowing that I’ve used you like this".

It's still "Double Vision". Again.

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6 months ago
No, I Just Can't Fight This FeelingMy Head Is Spinning, I Think It's WinningNo, I Just Can't Fight This

No, I just can't fight this feeling My head is spinning, I think it's winning No, I just can't fight this feeling And it's beating me down

In fact, I like to draw him shy and covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

And he successfully loses to his feelings.

I'm thinking about the opposite concept of pizzafake, which would not involve peppizza.

About the concept where Pizzahead doesn't like Peppino, and it's mutual. But he likes Feppino, and it's mutual too.

The concept is that it is difficult for Pizzahead to show feelings for Feppino, because he is a clone of Peppino (very "poorly" made, but still). Of course, this is not the most pleasant feeling, to realize that they are similar to each other, and you literally love the "imitation" of the one you hate most in the world.

Pizzahead would actually perceive Feppino as a separate person, but the very fact of his resemblance to Peppino repels him.

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6 months ago
I want to give him an axe, I'll give him an axe
"The combination of the wine, the twirling, and the soft, strange voice whispering sweet things to him finally was getting to Pizzahead. He began laughing giddily, getting increasingly dizzy as the two of them waltzed around the small space". - Excerpt from "Nothing Compares"
Song: Junior Caldera - Can’t Fight This Feeling

There should be four pictures here.

The latter is on my Twitter account.

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6 months ago
Peppino: I'm going to throw you off the tower!
Pizzahead: Just try it, bitch~

Feppino: I'm going to throw you off the tower!~
Pizzahead: Ehehe...~ (Holy Shit)
I Was Inspired Again By Posts From @butchhatred

I was inspired again by posts from @butchhatred

And this is the second time today that I've taken a photo of my drawing instead of scanning it.

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6 months ago



Commission For @furiouspatience!!!

Commission for @furiouspatience!!!

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5 months ago

That one meme thats like "hasnt kissed anyone before / expecting a kiss with tongue" but its pizzafake and both of those options are pointing at both of them

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5 months ago
Everything Continues

everything continues

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5 months ago

The second concept is already related to Peppizza, and is that Pizzahead eventually chooses Peppino, ignoring Feppino's feelings for him.

The latter is ready to defend his boss and will not leave him. Even when the others turn away from Pizzahead, Feppino will be ready to kill anyone for him and be a "vest for tears and other people's thoughts." Only he won't voice his own thoughts on this matter.

And he hates Peppino because he's too perfect and doesn't deserve Pizzahead.

I'm thinking about the opposite concept of pizzafake, which would not involve peppizza.

About the concept where Pizzahead doesn't like Peppino, and it's mutual. But he likes Feppino, and it's mutual too.

The concept is that it is difficult for Pizzahead to show feelings for Feppino, because he is a clone of Peppino (very "poorly" made, but still). Of course, this is not the most pleasant feeling, to realize that they are similar to each other, and you literally love the "imitation" of the one you hate most in the world.

Pizzahead would actually perceive Feppino as a separate person, but the very fact of his resemblance to Peppino repels him.

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5 months ago

In general, I combined a couple of the remaining posts into one large one. Because I like this post and it is very sweet and warm, so that I can lose it irrevocably (even under a depressed state). Well, I added a little paragraph to it.


I like the idea of making Pizzahead softer.

But in the context of him eating well and teaching Feppino to cook something edible (and delicious). But due to the fact that PH is actively moving, fat accumulates in his body slowly. However, if he sits down, bends or stretches, there will be a bulge in the abdominal area.


I like to think that Pizzahead has soft sides, and at the same time he has strong arms with which he easily lifts the floor from the first floor of the tower straight to the roof.

Pizzahead might even have easily lifted a person with one hand. Or a barbell with a lot of weight, or a brick from the tower. Who knows, who knows...


Maybe closer to winter, PH will gain a little weight, due to the fact that most of the time he wraps himself in blankets and walks around the apartment in sweaters with warm socks (he will return to his normal state closer to summer). And that makes him a little lazier and a little more affectionate with Feppino. Although hugging the latter is very cold.


I think Pizzahead would often have squeezed Feppino's sides for fun when they first settled together after the fall of the tower. Well, Fakey will have the opportunity to cuddle PH in return after several months of cooking. I already had an example somewhere here.

Feppino could quite legally put his head on Pizzahead's tummy (as on a pillow) and hug his sides while they watch a late show on TV. Pizzahead would switch channels with one hand, while playing with Feppino's hair with the other. But eventually he turns off the TV and the two are left in the dark. It's a pretty nice burden for Pizzahead. They fell asleep on the couch before they reached the bed.

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5 months ago

One winter, Pizzahead and Feppino decided to go out to the grocery store.

And while Pizzahead was cartoonishly fighting with a customer for the last loaf of bread, at the other end of the hall, Feppino climbed to the ceiling to pick up a jar of olives from a high shelf. A familiar voice caught the clone's attention, and he noticed them.

Peppino and Gustavo walked forward through the hall, also buying food and ingredients for pizzerias. Sometimes the grumbling in their conversation was replaced by warm laughter and carelessness. The clone stared at the couple until they were out of sight. It's a good thing they didn't notice him.

Feppino did not immediately notice how tightly he was clutching the metal jar, thereby bending it. He envied them.

He envied him.

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5 months ago


I think pizzahead is the type of person to have really corny nicknames for people he likes

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5 months ago

Pizzahead: You're my cherry puff pie~ (pinches his cheek)

Feppino: (purrs blushing) Mmm, is Pizza Pie in a good mood today?~

Meanwhile, Peppino, looking at it from afar:

Pizzahead: You're My Cherry Puff Pie~ (pinches His Cheek)


(I can't stop thinking about the tag under that post + the nickname PH from the fanfiction. literally two funny pies)

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5 months ago

Pizzahead is that karaoke singer who sings very badly. And Fake Peppino doesn't have a musical ear, but he likes the way Pizzahead "sings".

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