Playgrounds - Tumblr Posts
A List Of Things I Have An Unreasonable Grudge Against Part 1:
The Indonesian language (particularly Bahasa Indonesian)
The word ‘liar’
The noise Alexa makes when she’s trying to connect to an account for the first time
The country of Lesotho (not the people in it)
Mountain Dew
People who use water on their cereal
The color orange
Anyone who likes or is neutral to the color orange
Blankets that are less than 4ft by 6 ft
Why don't bars have playgrounds? I'd like to drink and then play on swings and hang on a jungle gym before I start feeling adult pain again.
The amount of uninhibited euphoria I get from swinging really high on a swing and then leaning back far enough to feel like I'm upside down is insane. Is there a way to bottle this feeling and take it as a pill? I feel like it would be a good antidepressant ngl