Please Ask Me Stuff - Tumblr Posts
I need asks for Squid, James, and Justin
Bro I’ve been overdeveloping on Dan/Larimar for GemCYT S-0 I’ve been doing the others SO DIRTY I NEED to develop more on the others
send me questions on Squid (who’s a lapis), James/ThxCya (who’s half human half emerald), and Justin (Blue Diamond’s Pearl) I need ideas brewing and I need questions to answer
This but I’ve got like 3 followers
how many followers do i need to get random asks god be nosy u little shits ask me about my personal life this is fucking boring getting nothing
11, 12, and/or 24? :)
Musical theater ask game!
Send a number into someone's ask box for them to answer the question!
Favorite musical
Least favorite musical
Unrealistic dream role
Realistic dream role
Favorite musical you haven't seen live
Favorite musical you have seen live
Favorite song from your favorite musical
Least favorite song from your favorite musical
Actors you wish to meet
Musical you want to see again
Musical you wish you saw more content for
Musical you wish you saw less content for
Movies you wish had musical adaptations
A musical you like better than the movie
A movie musical you like better than the stage show
Interesting theater experiences?
Musical you wish had a bootleg/slime tutorial but doesn't (to your knowledge)
A musical you wish you could see the proshot for
Favorite musical main character
Favorite musical villain
Favorite "I want" song
Favorite villain song
Favorite opening number
Favorite closing number
Musical that deserves a cast recording but didn't get one
Musical that closed too soon
Musical that has stayed open for way too long
Musical you used to love but now hate
Musical you used to hate but now love
Just something I've been toying around with in my head, I'll add more if requested!
In honor of Munday, here is your chance to ask the mun anything you’ve been wondering!!
Come in the ask box on anon or not, ask about our lives, our writing, our pets or children or significant others! our habits or anything else you can think of!
Im REALLY bored. And i have a fair amount of knowledge on the TF2 universe.
So if you want you can ask me random question about the TF2 universe and I'll either make something up or answer the best i can, because I'm really bored and I haven't been able to talk about TF2 or share my knowledge on it for as long as I've liked the community and the game.
Also fun fact: in French, bread is written Pain, And on sliced bread packets it can sometimes say "Pain Sandwich." So in French, you can grammatically make a Pain Sandwich :D.