Pokemon Direct - Tumblr Posts
I know it's nearly impossible for us to get PokePark 3 during the pokemon direct tomorrow, but if we do I will actually cry tears of joy. That or a ranger game would actually put me on the floor. Pretty please Nintendo just once bring back some of the banger spin off games.
Gen 8 starters, ranked. Okay so I just heard about these new guys and I think I should say my opinions on them. First of all Sword and Shield don't really fit the previous naming patterns of colors and gems but I like it regardless. Let's go Scrooble? Sobble? Something? He's just a little tadpole with a weird name. He also looks like this: :0. Not the first tadpole pokemon but I believe in him. 7/10 Scorbunny Looks too much like a mascot or children's show character. Good colors though. Name is easy to find meaning of, yet awkward to say. 4/10 Grookey Is it grew-key or grow-key? Either way he radiates friend energy. He's just a good one. Good colors and orange definitely looks good on him. I trust him. 10/10 Can't wait to see their evolutions and I look forward to the new game bye y'all

I want to see my little boys (here they come). Grookey! Scorbunny! SOBBLE! I love them all, thought I’d do my own twist on them.

I’m so ready for the Pokemon Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl! It looks really good in my opinion!

Pokemon Legends Arceus got me FLOORED. IT LOOKS SO GOOD.
Had to draw a trainer and my favorite birb, Rowlet

That Pokemon Direct got me SOOOOOOO excited, had to sketch Cynthia for the fun of it!

These new Pokemon on Pokemon Legends: Arceus are SO COOL.
I’m so glad Stantler and Basculin finally got evolutions. They’re my favorites
I had to sketch them all

Happy Pokemon Day Trainers! In celebration of this, I drew all 100 of my favorite pokemon. (This is an old drawing but I still wanted to share it!)
Also Gen 9 already? hot damn that was quick lol

I love all the starters for this new Generation lol
I am leaning towards either the Duck or the Apple Boyo

Penny from the New Pokemon games!
(She kinda reminds me of Velma... lmao)

Ice Liege, Grusha
EDIT: Sooooo It turns out Grusha actually is a male... so I’m going to call them Ice Liege instead, but hey, still love the design

PALDEAN WOOPER (Wooper but dipped in Chocolate) and FIDOUGH ARE EVERYTHING and Cetitan is pretty cool
Everybody is already hating the staters for gen 8 and while i can say yes the starters seem a bit off to me honestly they'll grow on me. And just saying people hated the starters for gen 7 then more information came out, there final evolution got out and wowie look at that! People started to like them! (Well some hate was still there but still!). So yeah there will be hate now but later on as more information comes out about the new starters, people will start loving them or still hate whatever floats there boat also Im team grass monkey

I love sobble!!