Pokemon Ginter - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

The kind seller is the only correct answer xD

d0wnlll - D0wnsL

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6 months ago


Twink lose eheh


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5 months ago
I Made Him A Suit, Because He Most Likely Wont Be Added To The Masters
I Made Him A Suit, Because He Most Likely Wont Be Added To The Masters

I made him a suit, because he most likely won’t be added to the masters

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5 months ago
It's Always In My Head When I See A Picture With Clan Leaders And Volo
It's Always In My Head When I See A Picture With Clan Leaders And Volo
It's Always In My Head When I See A Picture With Clan Leaders And Volo

It's always in my head when I see a picture with clan leaders and Volo

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2 years ago

Ginter: We also have this Mechanical Cabinet we found- are you crying?

Akari, covered in ash from almost dying to Lord Electrode, almost to tears: Arceus- I mean, Almighty Sinnoh set me a Fridge! Now I can save leftovers!

Ginter: Kid are you ok-

Akari: Take my money!

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2 years ago

Ginter: Akari. I know you just got back from the Icelands, but we have this box that looks like the other Mechanical thing you cried about, do you-

Akari: *just handing him a bunch of money* Yes. I can both keep food cold and warm it up afterwards! ...I’ll just need to get another Rotom to power it. Or maybe I can have the one switch between them since the food should still stay cold as long as the doors is closed...

Ginter: Kid I know you can see value in things most can’t but I’m starting to get concerned.

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2 years ago

Ginter: Akari-

Akari: *just pulls out some nuggets from her bag and hands them over.* Yes! After these two all I need is a Lawnmower... which I have no use for outside of completing Rotoms Dex.

Ginter: Do you even know what this Pinwheel and Tub are meant for?

Akari: The ‘Pinwheel’ will keep my house cool in summer and the ‘Tub’ will clean my clothing for me!

Ginter: You have three oddly color Pokémon and the Pokèmon the clans believed in why are you so excited about these items who claim can do these task-

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2 years ago

Ginter: So, we found another Mechanical Thing for you, but it looks like a saw... what is this supposed to do?

Akari: Oh you can use it to cut the grass.

Ginter: That’s... That’s it?

Akari: Yeah. Won’t have much use for it here but still nice to have for the sake of when I came from... maybe I’ll lend it too those working the fields.

Ginter: You trust them with this?

Akari: I’ll have to train a Rotom first but yea... This should be the last one I need for the dex so they shouldn’t be showing up anymore.

Ginter: How does this-

Tuli: Ginter, please stop questioning this.

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