Pokemon Scarlet And Pokemon Violet - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Walking Wake

Dipplin Doodle

Hydrapple is a dope ass pokemon

Blood Moon Ursaluna
Hi! How did the gang meet the ruinous legends?
Lore time!
Ian and Natasha had a serious argument and the two ran away late at night. Both heard mysterious voices that led them to the shrines. After touching them, two of each legendary fused with them. Natasha fused with Chi-yu and Wo-chien. Ian fused with Chien-pao and Ting-Lu
I will never NOT rag on Tpc for how they handled Scarvio, but I will give credit where it's due. They handled the Pikaclone of this Gen wonderfully 😁
I Have polls now so,
Path of Legends be like
*MC and Arven facing off against the Stony Cliff Titan*
Arven, trying to warn them: To the left!
MC, without pause: TAKE IT BACK NOW YALL- *instantly gets hit by Klawf’s Rock Tomb*