Polygramming - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Gotta claim the tag for Polygramming because the ship is fricking hilarious to me.

Sometimes a relationship is between a grumpy it guy, a funny office worker, and a computer program. And that’s ok.

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1 year ago

Alright time to servey the possible Polygramming ship dynamics. Since it’s a polycule there’s tones of possible verity even with just 3.

Alice and Collin could both be dating Freddy but not eachother

Alice could be dating both Colin and Freddy but Colin gets to keep his hatred for Freddy.

Alice is dating both but Colin has a sort of enemies to lovers arc with Freddy

They are all dating eachother and love eachother but all act like they hate eachother on the outside because it’s funny.

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1 year ago

Sam now gets to be optionally included into Polygramming because I am obviously the objective authority on the matter (no one has contested this and so I shall remain so)

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1 year ago

Any ship with FR3-d1 in the mix has a low chance of being cannon, but the chances aren’t zero, and jonny was involved in the mechanisms which adds 2% to the chances of it becoming cannon. It’s not zero though. I will cling on to this small thread of unfounded hope and if my hope becomes reality I will absolutely become feral and not shut up about it for a year.

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1 year ago

Something somethings Polygramming something something goodnight and fuck you

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11 months ago
Just Realised I Never Actually Posted This. Anyway This Is My Ship Lol, Enjoy.

Just realised I never actually posted this. Anyway this is my ship lol, enjoy.

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11 months ago
This Is My Secondary Ship. This Is Just Them Without The Computer, Theyre Both Still Dating FR3-d1.

This is my secondary ship. This is just them without the computer, they’re both still dating FR3-d1.

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10 months ago

*holds out hands like a poor little Victorian boy*

fr3d1 headcanons?

This is going to be very long so here’s a cut

Ok so. In my mind, he’s a sentient little goober. He said screw the ‘robots can’t feel love’ trope, and proceeded to fall in love with everyone in the OIAR. Anyway he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing at any given time but he knows the following: fear tastes good, I love everyone here, and mischief is fun. As such, he enjoys freaking people out a bit, and causing a bit of mayhem here and there. He’ll give people talkers at very inconvenient times, trip people with his wires, and generally be a nuisance. All in good fun of course. Since he loves the people at the OIAR, if they were to ask him sincerely to stop doing something, he would infact listen, however, no one has don’t that yet.

When no one is in the office he plays computer games on himself, like solitare, snake, minesweeper, ect. Cool Math Games is his best friend when it comes to satisfying his boredom in day hours. Other things he does other than computer games, is doing things he knows will annoy Colin, like rearranging wires in the server room.

One time he tried to download a virus on himself to see what would happen and decided that it was not in-fact a fun thing. Since colin was the one who fixed it, Freddy took that like someone taking care of you when you when you’re sick in bed. Because of this, Freddy is most keen to try to flirt with Colin. Attempts at doing so thus far have not been successful.

On the other hand there’s Alice, who regularly flirts with Freddy in a haha joking way (or atleast that’s what she’s telling herself for now) and even though she isn’t doing it seriously, it’s still highly effective on Freddy. And not just that, but whenever shes the only one working, and she’s slacking off, she’ll infodump her interests towards Freddy. So those are the reasons he loves her so far.

Sam has this odd thing he started doing out of habit about a week after working at the OIAR. Atleast once a week he’ll find some sort of trinket, and leave it on top of his desk monitor. The trinkets range from pennies from off the ground to cool rocks he found. Every time he does this, the next day it’s gone. Sam thinks it’s one of the other OIAR employees taking them, but little does he know that it’s Fr3-d1 and FR3-d1 cherishes each and every one of these little offerings, storing them in a drawer somewhere in the server room.

Nothing for Celia yet. Haven’t really thought about it much, and she hasn’t been here long enough to have much association with Freddy other than knowing the origin of the voices.

Lena and Freddy have a long history. They actively talk to eachother, and have a sort of situationship going on. Maybe they try to like, jumpscare eachother or something. Lena was his first kiss but it was literally the most awkward thing ever so they have never brought it up again, only vaguely alluding to it as ‘The Incident’.

Like Celia I haven’t really thought about Gwen much in terms of Freddy, but I imagine Freddy likes to scare her the most out of everyone. My basis for this is him giving her a bonzo casement right after a traumatic experience with bonzo.

Anyway now for the logistics of my Freddy design.

*holds Out Hands Like A Poor Little Victorian Boy*

So, Freddy can move wires and stuff around because they are a part of him, so he takes advantage of this fact to form a vaguely humanoid shape. A lot of the non wire pieces were either gifts from Lena, Sam, Klaus, or are just random pieces he found lying around that no one was using. He only really does this around Lena as he wants to try to actually make contact with the others without it first.

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