Portgas D Ace X You - Tumblr Posts
I love this so much omg
Dancing In The Rain
Werewolf!Ace x GN!Reader
Chapter 16
You woke up to a empty but warm bed, it smelled of cinnamon and freshly baked pumpkin pie. It made all your insides warm and comfy, shuffling over to the other side and nuzzling into the pillow. It seemed to make you feel better, it also made you fall a sleep again. You seemed to do this over and over, waking up, inhale the scent and just pass out. Nothing could help whatever you did while sleeping. Even when it came to Ace checking on you, and it really surprised the werewolf.
How you grabbed him with such sudden strength and pulled him in the bed with you, cuddling and curling up to him. Ace couldn't escape, hell he didn't want to, he's never had a animal lay on him. He's heard that it's terrible because they don't want to move, they can't, it was apparently illegal. He now knew that feeling, and he knew it would feel very illegal to move. Looking at your peaceful face, body rising and falling from breathing. He loved it, it was so fucking adorable, just the thought of moving made him feel terrible. Slowly and unsure if it was okay if he wrapped his arms around you, but he did. Holding you close as you nuzzled into his body all so innocently. It just made him really happy and stomach twisting and turning, god it made him feel all weird. But somehow, and for some reason, the fact that you were comfortable in his arms made him really happy and proud. Almost calming as well. Looking down at you sleeping body, trusting him, even after what he did. It made him happy and, made him feel loved.
He snuggled into your hair and tried to sleep himself, Ace got up at least three hours before the sun rise to hunt deer down. It wasn't that hard, only getting hit with a antlers once by one buck. He hanged them up and did the usual thing when you get deer, saving the pelt to maybe use for a coat when winter came back. Breaking the meat from the bones and cutting off any area that smelt bad or looked weird along with the fat. Just throwing it far far away, he would have to go around and out his scent out. Just in case if anybody got too cocky. Then he did another round of cleaning, taking more stuff out of the car and putting things away, trying to get things to work. The hardest thing he had to do, was ignore Isuka that was calling you. The times the phone just rang and rang while doing things, his body just itching to cave in. Eventually he just turned your phone completely off and just continued to work, he got the electric to work. Sadly there wasn't no air conditioner, the only thing that was there was the fire pit.
But from the time he stayed in the little place, the dirt and stuff kept tried to keep it warm, even during summer it was freezing which was a problem. Plus the forecast was usually always rain around the area so it would be cool in the place, even if the air was hot and humid outside. It wasn't always a good thing, but hey, fresh water. Although, he didn't know how you were going to take it that the only fresh water was from the rain to drink, the sink didn't work, but the bathtub did. It was really odd, but hey, at least you got to wash. Just thinking about it made him extra tired and thankfully made him fall asleep faster once he got into bed. Happy that you felt safe and trusted him, it made him feel very loved, it was almost scary.
When you woke up, a very muscular chest was flush against your face, titties on both sides of your head. They felt squished against you a bit, the sound of a steady heartbeat and that fresh fall like smell. A small smile made it's way up to your lips as you felt his chest rise and fall, the little snores that Ace always made. They were so adorable. Laying there for a few minutes, not moving, enjoying the warmth while it lasted because you had a feeling that the place was going to be cold. You started think about all the stories you heard about werewolves. How they're dangerous creatures without any mercy for creatures. How vile and wild they can be. The way they would howl and pray on humans during the night. Movies all about vampires vs werewolf/lycans. They were always made to be the bad guy in almost every story, but, it was so hard to believe.
Preparing yourself to get up and start out the day by maybe looking to find a store near here to buy food. Wiggling a bit in his arms made his body go stiff before relaxing and pulling you even closer. It was squishing you, barely giving you space to breath. Your ribs were being squished and your back even popped. He stunk, it made your nose scrunch up a bit as you tried to scoot back away from him. Because you couldn't scoot back so you scooted down, being careful to not trigger his arms. The thought of being hit while he was sleeping didn't sound good, because it wasn't, from the last time it happened. It was working until you just had to get your head out, and boy was that hard.
Little wheezes left you as you struggled out, it was like Ace was purposely keeping you in a headlock. But you got out, after however long, probably like a half a hour. Taking deep and heavy breaths as you sat up, looking back at Ace's sleeping face. Drool slowly come out of the corner of his mouth. Face was relaxed and squished a bit, it was cute to see him so soft like that. You softly rubbed his head, watching as his head followed your touch. Pushing some stray hair out of his face and cupping his chubby face. It wasn't hard to imagine his puffed out face and lower lip as he poured about it. How adorable, without thinking of it much, you leaned over and pecked his forehead. Not really caring for it, you were tired and just wanted to try and get things done. Standing up quietly and trying your best to tip toe out of the room. The doorknob was cold to the touch which surprised you, the room was actually warm. The floor wasn't even cold, and now that you thought about it that surprised you. But it also scared you, if the room was nice and warm, then would the rest of the house might be cold.
Turning the doorknob and opening it, you were met with the faint sound of rain that was pitting and patting against the roof. Or really the dirt above, and you were right about the rest of the house, it was freezing cold. Looking back into the room your eyes landed on one of the thick blankets that must of fell off. Tip toeing back to the bed you grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around your body. Then softly opening the door once again and walked out, closing it behind you as you looked down the hall. The bedroom was the very last door in the hallway, it was dark and cold, almost like a horror pixel game. Taking a deep breath of bravery you walked down the hall, listening as the rain seem to come down harder. There was another door on your left, but for some reason you didn't want to, you didn't trust it. Which was odd but you didn't question it too much. When you got to the end of the hallway you saw the living room. The place was way cleaner that you remembered. Did Ace clean the area up? No! No way! He seemed to lazy to do that. But you shrugged your shoulders and just continued walking around. Looking at the random little things like trinkets, random little jewelry.
Creaking the front door open to look outside, it was pretty cloudy and rain dropped from the trees and bushes. Squinting your eyes a bit you saw in the little clearing out in front of the house were five, gigantic containers taking the rain. Not only that but there were a lot of FUCKING DEER CARCASSES AROUND THE FUCKING TREES! The opened bodies were on full display, making your stomach twist and turn. Slapping your mouth over your face as you quickly closing the door. Taking deep breaths to calm your stomach and keeping anything from your stomach from coming out of your body. Opening your eyes they landed on the kitchen, your eyes widened once again at the sight of all the meat. What the hell was Ace doing while you were asleep!? There was also some plants on the other end of the counter, looked like some wild carrots, raspberries and blackberries, mint leaves, apples, and kale? It looked like kale, looking at it up close to make to be sure that it was kale. Along with the rest of the things to make sure they were what they looked like. Not anything that was going to be able to poison them.
It all looked ok, thankfully, but the meat was still another problem. Why was there so much cut off meat? You knew Ace LOVED meat but this just seemed like too much. Why would he need to hunt? Wasn't there already food here or at least some canned food? Opening the fridge you were met with a disgusting rotten and mold like smell, quickly shutting it and turning away. Blocking your nose and coughing while gagging as well. Walking away very fast and even throwing the door open to get fresh breath, fresh damp air, it was better than the fucking rotten food or whatever was in that fridge. Taking deep breaths and trying to not throw your all of your organs up.
A sudden crash coming from the woods beyond made you freeze, eyes widened as you scanned the tree lines. The trees were mostly tall cedar trees or red cedar trees. The rain hit the ground with loud thinks, large water droplets, it was getting harder to see. There was a loud yelping sound from from the thick woods, you've heard stories about urban legends that lived in the deep woods. Creatures that smelled of rotten meat, screeched loudly and could mimic voices. You never did believe them, but you never believed in werewolves either but you're staying with one. Closing the door swiftly but quietly, taking deep breaths and slowly walking back. If this was really what you think it is then you were fucked, especially with this meat. Grabbing the meat and looking around to try and see if you could hide it anywhere. The only thing you could think was the bedroom or the bathroom. But when thinking about the bathroom that feeling came back again, so you just went to the bedroom. But then a sudden screech went through the underground house.
It was followed by a long and sorrowful wail of sadness, like some kind of mother crying out for it's child. It shook you to your core, the way it cried and cried and cried like it was calling out for something it lost. But you continued to the bedroom, knowing that when you got there Ace could protect you, right? He was going to protect you, even though you have raw meat in a bowl that's in your hands. He would still protect you. You weren't sure that he fully would, Ace did still have some dog like features. His head would turn from side to when he didn't understand things, sniffing the air and then following said scent that you can't smell, those sharp fangs.
Just thinking of the fangs made every bite on your body suddenly burn and pulse. Leaning against the wall as you took deep painful breaths through your clenched teeth. There was bangs on the door. Someone, or something was definitely there, but when you actually heard the noise, every liquid nearly left your body.
It made a noise of a zombie. A zombie. A FUCKING ZOMBIE!
Every horror film with zombies ran through your head, World Z, Resident Evil, The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, Zombieland, 28 days later. Every way they moved and screeched, how rotten their bodies were. Not only that, but how they bit into people, how they tore them apart and ate them. Tears started to flow and your knees shaked, was it a fast or slow zombie!? How intelligent was it!? Did the meat attract it!?
More bangs on the door for you out of your thoughts, more painful and hungry groans/screeches came from it. Not wanting to wait any longer you stood up and charged to the bedroom. Opening the door and closing it softly to try and not alarm the rotting monster that you were in the house. But it may of been too late. Setting the bowl in the empty closet and rushing to Ace.
"Ace! Ace!" You whisper yelled as you violently shook him, "wake up wake up!"
"Mmmh, five more minutes luffy-" he went back to snoring.
"Ace! Please wake up! There's a monster, a zombie and it's trying to get in!" You got louder and started to sniff because of the snot running from your nose.
The werewolf shot up from the bed and grabbed ahold of you, a tight hug that blocked your view. All you knew was that he was moving very swiftly.
Suddenly you were shoved under the bed and blocked in with a pillow, blanket along with some kind of rock crystal thing. There was also a flashlight and a, cowboy hat?
"Stay here no matter what, and hold onto that rock or whatever until I get back. I'm going to block you in real good so it looks like there's no room underneath the bed. I'll be back," and with that he out boards all around the bed, even the head of the bed even though it was against the wall.
There was thuds and doors opening and closing, the bangs getting louder and more violent. It made your stomach turn and nearly made you sick. All those zombie movies, what if Ace couldn't beat it? What if he turned into a zombie himself!? A zombie werewolf!? No, don't think of that, you needed to calm down. Taking deep and soft breaths through your nose and out your mouth. Calming your body along with your heart beat while looking around, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness. There wasn't much room so it would be hard to stay comfortable. But you tried, fluffing the pillow up quietly and curl up under the thick blanket. Despite being shut in, it wasn't hot or sweaty, just really fucking cold.
But what was odd was that the hat he gave you was warm, like, his body temperature warm. Did he give it to you for that reason or to help keep you calm? Or maybe it would help heat the room up a bit? You weren't sure. But, it was something you've never seen before. Like, how the hell did he keep this hidden from you, along with that damn weird jolly roger tattoo on his back! Ugh, you would ask him about that later-
"Luffy! Stop biting him he's a damn zombie! You're going to get infected yourself, hell I don't even know if you can be infected!"
That was Ace's voice yelling at, a person named, Luffy? Wait, didn't Ace say something about a person named Luffy when you were waking him up?
"Luffy! Wait, hold on! You can't go in there!" Ace yelled closer this time, way closer. Two pairs of heavy stomping footsteps came closer.
"But I smell meat!"
It sounded like a man, maybe a young adult? The bedroom door suddenly burst open as two bodies stumbled in.
"What! Luffy stop! Sabo help me dammit he always liked you better!" Ace yelled at another person.
"What, both of us know we can't stop Luffy from eating meat. Even if it's raw, you used to eat raw meat when we were little, remember that?" Another male said.
"Yes I know I used to, but I was a stupid child! I was teething and hungry and every animal near by smelt good and it made me extra hungry. My senses were kicking in then! It's not my fault!" Ace whined like a child.
It made you giggle, but you quickly learned that you shouldn't have done that.
"Ace, who's here?" The male that was talking before asked in a serious tone. You were screwed.
"No one, it must of been a mouse, or a rat! I haven't been here in the really long time-"
Just then, one of the boards were pulled out and a hand grabbed your shirt. Pulling you out from under the bed, the face you were met with was that of a teenager. Large eyes and a scar underneath his left eye, black shaggy hair, a big large piece of bloody raw meat hanging from his mouth. You screamed, grabbing the board and with all your might you hit him with it. Even when he was down you continued to hit him.
"Hey! Wai-"
"Gah! Luffy! Ace do something!"
"What do you want me to do!?"
A gloved hand grabbed your wrist, turning your attention from the boy to a blonde big eyed older looking boy. Around Ace's age, a large scar over his left part of his face. You screamed again and this time started hitting the blonde with the plank.
You didn't know how long you did that until large warm hands grabbed you and pulled you away. You were kicking and shouting, swinging the plank around till hitting someone.
"Ow! Y/N calm down!" Ace said, suddenly grabbing and plank and throwing it.
"No! Why should I!? They came and grabbed me while you just stood there! You grabbed me really roughly and scared me, especially when they have large eyes!" You cried, eyes closed tightly because you were afraid of seeing them.
"Oooww, Ace, why'd you have them under the bed? That's not a very comfortable place to put someone," the young adult teenager boy said.
"Yeah, why the hell were they under there! We're you keeping them hostage! There's no way you have a lover, absolutely not! You must of been keeping them hostage!"
"What! No they're not my lover!" Ace argued back.
"Then why are you trying to hide them!? Are you afraid that we'll embarrass you infront of them!? I feel offended!" The blonde said with a huff.
"Yeah, it's just like that time you hid all those meat plushies in your closet when we came to visit you."
You stopped your tantrum of fear and opened your eyes to look at Ace. His tan freckled face had a bright hue of red across if it.
"You had meat plushies?"
"No! They're lying! I'm a big grown strong man, psh! Plushies are overrated!" Ace said trying to act cool.
"Yes he does, he has tons of them and likes to cuddle with them all. Some of them smell like actual cooked meat so sometimes he wakes up with stuffing in his mouth because he tried to eat some in his sleep!" The young black haired male laughed. Which made you laugh as well, really loudly.
"What! No I don't, I would never! I have a role to uphold!" Ace argued back and was know the one throwing the tantrum.
"Awh, how adorable, do you want some kind of burger plushie or maybe a fried chicken plushie~" you baby talked to him, scratching under the poor werewolf's chin.
"I don't need any plushies!"
Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
@catgirlwannabe @whatamidoing89

hi! could i request for fluff and comfort with ace? there was this one reddit post i saw abt a guy who rambled abt being so grateful and happy that he's loved by his girlfriend, and the post described how he felt that way when they were having a bath together (nonsexual, i promise! feel free to look the reddit post up). i thought the prompt suited ace so much, esp since the guy in that reddit post mentioned that he cried out of happiness, so maybe smth like this with ace x fem!reader?
ofc, feel free to skip if it makes u uncomfy ^^
~ ♠️ anon
shower me in your love | Ace x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Fluff, Comfort
Warning(s): Nudity (non-sexual)
A/n: I loved this idea so much anon, I was so excited to write it for so long TT but post-exam creativity block really hit hard so this is a bit later than I had hoped to put out. Also, you asked for fem!reader but I think this fic never specified any body parts or pronouns at any point, so it ended up gender neutral haha... This is my first time attempting to write Ace, so please forgive any oocness ><
Please do not ask me the mechanics of a bathtub on a pirate ship and let's just pretend that can work out because the sea is on my side, 'kay? I hope you enjoy ♡ and thank you for the request!
also available on ao3!

The sun had dipped beneath the horizon but the sky was still clinging onto a fading orange. Above him, it was already starting to look like a dark midnight blue mixing into violet. Ace's shoulders slouched, the tension seeping out as he made his way to his sleeping quarters. The day had been hectic, and even the usually energised division commander was feeling a bit exhausted.
Ace couldn't wait to drop into his bed and fall asleep but the plan went out the window when he opened his door to find you sitting on his bed, your back to him.
"Hey," he called out, making you snap your neck around. Just the sight of your bright smile got a little more tension out of him. You bounced up to him, hands immediately coming up to cradle his face. You pulled him into a soft kiss and Ace exhaled slowly, pressing his body into your own soft one.
Out of the two of you, Ace was definitely the one with the higher body temperature but somehow, when you hugged, he couldn't help but feel that you were more… warmer. It was a different sort of warmth than physical– more emotional, he supposed. You felt a little bit like coming home, like coming to a fireplace after a day out in the snow.
"Hey," you said quietly, pulling back just enough to admire his face. He didn't have to say anything; he could see the understanding on your face with just one glance. "It's been an exhausting day, huh?"
"Mm," he didn't feel like talking about it, instead opting to drop his head on your shoulder. Ace pressed his nose into the crook of your neck, taking the familiar light scent of you. You giggled at the sensation, playfully pushing him without any real strength to it.
"That tickles!"
"You smell amazing," he whispered. You blushed, pushing at him with a bit more strength now.
"I'm sweaty, what do you mean?" You huffed out another short laugh. "And so are you, mister. C'mon, how about a nice hot bath, hm? I already set it up for the both of us while waiting."
Ace finally pulled away, looking at you with the softest expression. This time, he was the one to cradle your face in his hands. Pressing a light kiss on your forehead, he murmured a quiet admission of love. Gentle hands guided him toward the bathroom, shutting the doors behind him. Ace stood there as you removed his clothes and accessories with somewhat practised hands. When the both of you were undressed, you pulled him into the bathtub and sat down in between his legs.
This close, you could feel that Ace was running warmer than even the hot water around you. He quickly pressed a peck on the tip of your nose to surprise you, then grabbed the bottle of shampoo and soap to start but you stopped him. You took the shampoo out of his hands and smiled warmly when he looked at you with curiosity.
"How about I wash you today?" There was a hint of shyness in your voice, along with a sparkling in your eyes. Ace just nodded dumbfoundedly, watching you carefully squeeze out some of the shampoo into your hands. "Alright, stay still, I'll go sit behind you."
You stood up, the water splashing a bit as you carefully manoeuvred around to sit on the edge of the tub that was attached to the wall. Ace let your free hand guide his frame in between your legs and waited for a few seconds.
The moment your shampoo lathered finger dipped into his hair, he felt boneless. You weren't even doing much, just carding your fingers and working out the tangles as you ensured that the shampoo properly washed the roots and the tips, but it felt so good.
Ace couldn't really remember the last time someone touched him with such gentleness, such care and love. (He couldn't even remember who would have touched him like that the last time. Was it his mother?) You hummed a song he had heard you singing in passing, as you pressed your fingers into his scalp for a slight massage.
Another shaky exhale left his mouth along with the last remaining tension in his shoulders. Ace closed his eyes. With a soft hum, he pressed his head back into your stomach, heart singing at the sound of your giggle echoing in the small bathroom.
"Hey!" You said indignantly, pushing at his foam covered head. "Don't put your shampoo on my stomach."
It made Ace smile and he obliged, leaning his head away. You didn't touch him for a few minutes and he cracked his eyes open to look around at you, to find that you were shampooing your own hair now. You slid down into the tub and he made some space between the wall and him so you could sit properly. Once you were done, you wiped off the foam on your hand and switched to the soap.
"Alright, c'mere, my big baby," you grunted, trying to pull him by his arm. He blinked then let you pull him into the position you wanted. And then you are sitting in his lap, soap being lathered onto his skin with diligent hands. He didn't say anything and just stared quietly at you from the close proximity.
Normally, having you in his lap would get him a little… excited, but today, the action was so non-sexual and domestic, it seemed to hurt. Every movement and word you had said felt mind-numbingly relaxing. Half a year ago, if someone had suggested he would be in this position with you, he would have laughed and called them to get their marbles checked.
Right now though, he couldn't believe his own luck as your fingers dragged over him with a gentleness he had yet to experience from elsewhere. He was strong. Everyone knew that. You knew that. But even knowing that, you always touched him so softly, so gently, that it made him feel like he was made out of fragile brittle glass.
He kinda liked it.
To be vulnerable in front of you only was something he could agree to. No one had ever been this patient and loving towards him, and the fact that he loved you too much to even put it into words crashed around inside him as he watched you soap yourself up.
You were beautiful, obviously. He had to be blind to not notice how gorgeous you were. But sometimes, he couldn't help but think that your real beauty lies in how you just fit in with everyone so well. You were understanding, you were kind and you were there whenever anyone needed you. You were there when Ace needed you. And even though you were there for him, silently understanding what he needed, you never expected anything back for it. It was purely an act of love.
He wasn't talking much like usual today, but you didn't say anything about it. You only continued in your actions, washing away the soap and the shampoo with the water. Ace continued to stare at you, wondering if you were really real.
You were so good to him. He remembered when Marco had mentioned after you announced your relationship that you were good for him. He hadn't really understood the depth of that sentence until now. Until this moment, sitting in his bathtub that was definitely not made for two people, as you washed him even though he was a grown adult who could do it himself.
And it wasn't really about the ability to do it, was it? It was more about the feelings and the thoughts behind the action– it was about the care you felt. Of course you knew he could do it– but you wanted to do it for him anyway because you loved him.
You loved him so much, he couldn't help but feel thoroughly loved and blessed. You, who could have fallen in love with anyone, had fallen in love with him. On his down days, he couldn't help but think that you deserved better than him. Right now though, he couldn't think of anything else but the fact that he was so grateful that you chose him out of everyone.
Whatever made you choose him– he would forever be grateful to it. You were the best thing to happen to him.
"Ace?" Your concerned voice startled him out of his thoughts, and he looked at you. You were done cleaning off both of you, but you were back in his lap. Familiar hands came up to wipe away what Ace realised were tears streaming down his face. He felt a little mortified that he cried over something so small but, like always, it was like you could read his mind. "It's not insignificant if it makes you feel something so strong. Just let it out, hm?"
He didn't really need your 'permission', but the moment you said that, his body seemed to take it as the cue to cry even more. Warm tears rolled down his cheeks and he felt you guide his face into the crook of your neck– you knew he felt embarrassed about crying in front of you. You just did it to let him save face; you let him hide his face in your embrace.
Ace sobbed into your neck, body shaking as he felt your fingers card through his hair and draw hearts into his back, over his tattoo. The two of you stayed like that for a while until the tears finally stopped.
"Let's dry up?" Your eyes were soft as you helped him stand up and out of the bathtub. "And then we can cuddle in bed all night. How does that sound?"
You didn't need to say it out loud to let him know how you felt. Ace watched you wrap a towel around him and then yourself, the unspoken words lingering in the air alongside the steam.
"Sounds amazing."
I love you too.
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
★ Taglist for Ace:
@toertchen | @boomboom-tanjiro2019 | @katiemrty | @writingmysanity | @akaashi-todorki
let me know if you want to be added/removed!
absolute mushiest of the mushies🤜💗

Louder than Words - Portgas D. Ace
Portgas D. Ace x Reader
This is like the mushiest piece I have written. I was kinda embarrassed...but here it is. Let's give him the hugs and space he needed huh? This could also be a message to you lovelies out there too. MasterList linked at the bottom too!

Ace didn’t know what came over you, but whatever it was, he wasn’t complaining. Per se.
You’d cupped his face gently, rubbing your thumbs along his cheeks tenderly, while he just looked back at you, curious. He smiled, in hopes of easing or appeasing whatever drudge was swirling in his chest and tainting this moment, “everything alright?”
You hummed and nodded at him, not a line on your expression but the bliss that pulled at your lips, revealing your peaceful serenity to him. His breath hitched slightly as you pressed your lips to his forehead, lingering for a moment. Then a shorter peck to his nose, before nuddling it back and forth with your own. He reopened his eyes when you tilted his head, still cradled in your palms, and pressed kisses to either of his cheeks.
You pulled away enough to look him in the eyes, and he felt his heart chase after you, beating with a tenacity meant to jump ship from his chest to yours. Your eyes dropped to the last target on his face, and he felt his entire physiology twist in anticipation.
You guided his face to yours gently, holding him as though he was the most prized treasure of all the seas. If he ever said that aloud, you would agree.
Your own personal One Piece.
You guided him, and he followed eagerly, gravitating towards you naturally, and you met him somewhere in the middle, colliding in an explosion of euphoria, igniting the wiring of his entire being.
His every sense sharpened, yet by attuning himself to your every move he melded into you. He-his edges-seemed to all but disappear as he chased after you unwilling to disconnect for a moment longer than necessary. Your pull, irresistible-inevitable as he continued to dive deeper into it.
Deeper and deeper.
Closer and closer.
Chest to chest.
Heart to heart.
Until you gently guided him away, again cradling his face and rubbing sweet, sweet, tender circles into his skin, massaging your warmth into him. Your eyes again held his, and gosh you’re just so beautiful. He’s pulled out of his daze when he felt your chest struggling under his. You’re panting slightly, your breathing a little strained, and he realized that his weight on you definitely isn’t helping.
He lifted himself up just slightly-unwilling to completely part but-no longer crushing you. He couldn’t help but wonder: when had he ended up on top of you like this?
You’re gently moving his head about in your palms again, pressing another kiss to his forehead. Then another to the crown of his head and for a moment he’s so glad he showered and washed his hair yesterday.
“I’m so thankful to have you in my life,” you breathed into his skin, lips inscribing the words into his forehead, and tugging on his heart strings.
Again his head is guided by your hands and again his eyes are treated to the sight of yours. Like a rope with a knot catching onto a splinter of wood, the air caught inside his chest. Your own eyes trailed over his features, slowly, carefully, as though committing every part of him, every detail, to memory. You studied him with a sort of reverence, your awe manifesting in a choked gasp and subtle widening of the eyes.
Your hands slowly slipped from his face, and he found himself missing your touch immediately. Thankfully, he didn’t have to part with it for long.
“I am so grateful,” your fingers ghosted along his cheek moving to his lips, “that you exist,” your words tugged at that stuck knot.
“That you were born,” a warmth spread through his chest - yet he couldn’t breathe.
“That you exist in this world - and that I,” your expression became impossibly soft, “that I get to know you.”
He opened his mouth desperate to return the sentiment, but you continued gently tracing his lips as you did, “that you’re allowing me to love you like this.”
He couldn’t-
You let out a little squeak at the speed and force with which he sat the two of you up and held you. His fingers interwoven with your hair, his nose buried in your neck, his other hand pressing you into him, melding you into his body. Soon enough, even his legs came to wrap around your own, completely preventing any chance of escape.
Though to be honest, you escape to him, not from him.
Oh the things you did to him.
He might be made of fire, but his devil fruit couldn’t protect him from the way your affections effectively set fire to his very brain-his heart. His chest heaved, pressing against yours, his eyes water and his grip tightened. Tremors overtook him as he fought the urge to crush you completely into his body.
How could joy resemble a knife tearing through his chest? How could the tearing pain feel so delightful? The contradictions were enough to make his head spin and his thoughts knot up.
A gentle hand - your gentle hand slowly worked its way through his hair, patiently undoing any tangles your fingers came about, consequently undoing the intricate knotting of the net entangling his mind. The delicate trails your fingertips drew along his scalp soothed his thoughts such that each raging beastly emotion was conquered in turn. It wasn’t too long before he’d vanquished the confusion, your tender care steering him to clarity.
You were steering him towards dreamland too if he’s honest, as his consciousness began to ebb under the rhythmic flow of your fingers through the waves of his hair. It wasn’t long before it plunged completely into the ocean of unconsciousness.
// ——
When he regained consciousness you were seated beside him, reading something or another. You were really engrossed in whatever it was you were reading, so much so that you startled a little when his hand lethargically claimed your own, pulling it closer to him.
He brushed his lips on the back of it, grinning up at you with eyes that drooped with the sleep still in them. He delighted in the flustered expression you wore in response to his own affections, blinking at you slowly. You marked your page with your free hand, before closing the book to give him your undivided attention.
“How was your nap, love?” Love you called him. Love.
His eyelids closed, succumbing to the weight they seemed to carry, basking in the bliss washing over him like a gentle summer shower.
He could hear you moving about, his hold on your hand tightening as you shifted. A little groan left him as he struggled to open his eyes and mouth to speak to you. You were not helping with how your other hand came to comb his hair again, but he managed, “mmm you’re…gon’ make me fall ‘sleep ‘gain.”
“Then that means you need more sleep m’love,” m’love, not just any love, your love. Yours.
He was your love.
He was yours. Happily so. Forever would be too. If you’d have him.
He hummed, lips weakly pushing through sleep to show you his satisfaction.
Your voice was much closer to him now, speaking from right above his head, and he fought an uphill battle trying to open his eyes to look at you. His whole body felt heavy, completely sapped of strength. Heck even his grip on your hand was as limp as ever. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was in contact with sea stone or something.
He felt you press your lips to his forehead again, gently fueling him enough to pull his lips into a drowsy, wobbly, smile.
“Get some rest love,” you spoke softly, “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Stay wit mmmmm,” talking was proving to be a challenge, “c’mere.”
He threw a heavy arm over what he hoped was your waist. It probably was? Gosh he couldn’t care with the way you were giggling next to him.
“Sure thing love,” you had to be doing some kind of magic with how he felt like he was levitating despite the weight that seeped into his bones, “just let me brush my teeth first.”
He couldn’t hold you down if he wanted to with how tired he was, “mmm back soo,” he mumbled.
“Sure thing,” his lips wobbled themselves into a smile as you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead again.
He was out instantaneously. You kept your promise though; through his daze he felt you slip in and embrace him. Seems like his body knew what to do too, despite its earlier lack of cooperation, and he wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you in return before he was out again.
He woke up in your arms.
His head rested against your chest, with your arm languidly around his shoulders. Taking in a deep breath filled him with the nostalgia of the scent of home. A home that did not exist in his memories. Which meant it probably existed in his imagination then. A home that could be. A home with you.
It was the scent of home nonetheless.
He tightened his hold on your waist nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
I’m so grateful you exist.
His arms instinctively tightened.
That you were born.
His inhale was a stuttery one, his own lips and vision stuttering as well. He buried his face further into your neck, taking in your scent again. Yet all that did was push the tears out faster.
That was the opposite of what he’d expected!
Urgh. One of those hot, salty blobs ended up on your skin.
To his relief, and dismay - oddly enough - you remained unconscious. Your eyes closed and breathing consistent. Though that didn’t last long, as you shifted slightly, the arm around his shoulder worked to pull him into you, as your other one came up to play with his hair-you really liked doing that huh?
“Get it aaall,” your voice was thick with sleep, “get it all…out,” you hummed a bit, “let all that poison out.”
“Darlin’, did I wake you?” It was pathetic how his voice cracked - he hated this weakness that was welling up...again.
Just like that, your hold on him tightened, your lips pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head.
“I’d be upset if you didn’t,” you sounded much more awake now, “you’re one of the people I want to be there for the most.”
Unfortunately, a choked sob left him. Gosh he was so pathetic. He was a full grown man! He wasn’t supposed to be some weak crybaby! To think he used to get mad at Luffy for crying too!
He. couldn’t. stop.
His shoulders shook, the tremors traveled his body, and a violent shiver wracked it. Yet you laid and held him and ran your fingers through his hair, kissing your favorite spot on his forehead consistently. Every kiss, every gentle brush of your loving fingers tenderly working through his hair, every tender trace of your fingertips on his scalp, brought a fresh wave of tears to follow the next. At some point he’d started clutching on to you, like you were the life-ring preventing him from drowning.
He wasn’t sure how long you two stayed like that. All he knew that in between his sniffles and his sobbing there was your voice.
“Get it all out love,” you lightly encouraged - as though he wasn’t lesser for crying like a baby.
“I’m so proud of you,” you said a few times too - as though this pathetic display wasn’t shameful.
“I love you so much,” you reaffirmed time and time again stroking his hair - as though his weakness didn’t make him less desirable.
For whatever reason he didn’t doubt a word. Despite the mental cesspool working overtime to drown him in darkness, the light of your honesty shone through. No matter how far he fell, it followed.
He wasn’t sure how long you two lay there, holding each other, and he wasn’t sure when he’d lost consciousness again. His eyes were so incredibly heavy when he woke up again though. They must be swollen from all his crying. You weren’t next to him this time, however as his senses came back to him, he could hear the sounds of a pen scratching and paper flipping.
When he sat up, he noticed a pitcher of water and a tall glass with an opaque yellow-tinted liquid and some mint leaves in it-lemonade probably-on the bedside table. He had a moment to locate you at his desk before you turned to face him, “hey there.”
“Hey,” he croaked, voice still thick from lack of use.
You put the pen down, got up, and walked towards him with a kind smile, “I made you some lemonade, and got some water,” you sat down near his legs, “gotta replace all those fluids you lost.”
That got a chuckle out of him, “your lessons with Marco are going well, huh?”
“I also have a lot of personal experience with these things,” you grinned at him.
“With crying like a baby?”
You just hummed and nodded.
“This might sound bad,” you weren’t looking at him as you confessed, “but I’m kind of…” you trailed off, shooting him a quick glance, “happy,” you shrunk, your shoulders reaching your ears, “you felt safe enough to be that vulnerable with me.”
“So, you liked seeing me cry?” He poked at you. “Should I cry more for you, doll?”
“Ace,” you groaned, your smile only growing fonder as you looked at him.
“Didn’t peg you for a sadist,” he kept teasing, “I’m not sure how I feel about this kink of yours.”
He loved the way you rolled your eyes, but revealed your teeth with how big your smile was getting. “I don’t like seeing you cry,” you corrected, “I like that you feel safe with me.”
You paused, then appended, “well safe enough to not hide your pain.”
“Hide my pain?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Crying is one way to get pain out of your body,” you twisted your body to face him more fully, voice soft as you shared your opinion, “emotional pain especially.”
“Isn’t crying just weakness?” He frowned at you.
“It’s not?”
“Do you think I’m weak when I cry?”
“But you’re a woman.”
A tired look flashed over your features momentarily, “so men aren’t allowed to cry?” You challenged, tone still as patient as ever.
“Only weak men cry,” for some reason the words sounded less convincing in your presence.
“Who says?” His gaze snapped up to meet yours and you repeated yourself, “who said?”
“Isn’t it just something that everyone knows?” His brow furrowed, scowl taking his features.
“No,” you paused as you said that, “well I guess in a sense,” you squinted at nothing, “yes… it is something that many people assume.”
“You just saw me cry like a baby,” he countered, “you don’t think I’m weak?”
“On the contrary,” he felt his eyes widen despite the weight embedded into them, “you’ve been carrying all that pain.”
An ache tormented your gentle expression, “and you choose kindness and warmth and bring joy to those you care about despite it,” you looked him in the eye again, “that isn’t something a weak person could do.”
A shiver traveled down his spine at the way your eyes studied him, softening as you opened your mouth to speak again, “kindness is the mark of the strong, Ace,” you placed your hand on top of his notably larger one, pride dripping from your voice, “and you’re so incredibly kind.”
What was with you and stealing the air from his lungs? He felt his chest constrict like he’d been punched too.
“We’re so lucky to have you in our lives,” your thumb traced circles onto the back of his hand, “we’re even luckier to be loved by you.”
He could feel that prickling in the back of his eyes he was becoming way too familiar with for his liking. “We really have to do something about that crying kink of yours,” he joked.
You scoffed, shaking your head, but you weren’t mad. “I think I’m just going to have to tell you more often how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
His heart lurched in his chest, “I think I’m the lucky one.”
“We can both be lucky.”
“Then I’m luckier.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yea huh.”
“Agree to disagree?”
“No,” he has a huge grin on his face at your scowl.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes, rising from the bed with a dramatic sigh, “I’ll let you believe whatever you want to believe.”
“Oi!” He couldn’t help the chuckle that left him.
“Drink some water and your lemonade, love,” you gave him a little peck on his forehead again, “then let’s get you showered and fed.”
He caught your wrist as you moved away, “where are you going?”
“To the desk,” you blinked at him.
“What’re you up to there?”
“I’m just going through some paperwork,” he really was the luckier one of the two of you.
“Marry me,” the words flew out of his mouth before his mind could even register them in his thoughts.
You laughed, raising your left hand for him to view, “already did.”
“Now,” mirth still colored your expression, “you drink your lemonade while I get these papers done.”
“Yes ma’am,” he saluted you and allowed you to slip out of his grasp.
It was when he’d finally moved to lean back against the wall and grabbed the drink you’d prepared that he heard you giggle a little. Strange, given what you were working on, “see something funny?”
“No,” you singsonged, cheerfully wiggling in your seat, “it’s just my husband asked me to marry him, again, and I’m feeling very happy.”
His head clunked against the wall he rested against, heat rushing to his cheeks as a disgruntled groan left him, despite the way he was grinning, “I swear I didn’t forget.”
“I didn’t think you did, love,” you giggle some more, turning slightly to look at him, “I’m just so happy you would want to marry me, again.”
“I’d marry you again every day if I could,” he took a swig of his lemonade enjoying the way you fought and failed to keep your smile contained as it threatened to split what he could see of your face.
You turned back around and he could see that you were fighting to focus on the papers in front of you.
“How about we have another wedding on the Moby Dick?” He found himself scooching his way down the bed, his excitement uncontained. “We can get you a proper dress this time! Your own!”
He looked up thinking some more, “and I’ll wear a proper suit with a vest and a tie and everything!”
“I’m surprised you know about vests and ties,” you shot him a teasing grin.
“Hey! I took some etiquette classes as a kid!”
“You did?”
“I didn’t tell you?” He’d have to tell you more about his life before he set sail then. “Yeah back when I was in the East Blue,” it’s been a while since he left huh? “Makino-a barmaid from the village nearby-taught me manners.”
“So she’s the one that taught you about vests and ties?”
“Yeah,” oh wait a second, “we can have Thatch make us a huge cake and a feast!” Now that he was back on the original topic he had so many ideas! “Pops can officiate! Marco can be the one to bring you down the aisle! And-and-”
“You really want to have another wedding then?” You were now turned to face him completely.
“Yeah! How about it?” He scooched even closer to you. “Our first one was nice too, but we were in a hurry and I remember we had to go with whatever we had.”
“Is it bad that I liked our small, humble wedding?”
“Huh? No of course not! It was great!” Where did that come from? “I’m just saying we can have another so I can ‘marry you again.’”
“Hmm the idea of seeing you all dressed up in a three piece suit is tempting,” you hummed.
He guffawed a bit at that. “I’d probably mistake you for an angel if I saw you in a white dress.”
“Aww you wouldn’t recognize me?”
“Nah because,” he smirked, “I’d be blinded by how beautiful you’d look.”
When you hunched your shoulders to your ears and looked away a bit, his chest swirled with pride. He was getting better at this flirting with you thing!
“Maybe we shouldn’t then,” sounds of protest were leaving him before he knew it, “I don’t want to blind you.”
That had the two of you laughing.
When you calmed down, you turned back towards the work waiting for you, “there isn’t much left to do commander, so stop distracting me.”
Your distraction quickly chugged the rest of that refreshing glass of juice, and moved back to pour himself a glass of water. Something seemed to click within his head as he pondered your order: “I’m distracting now, am I?”
He burst out laughing. “Well we’re even then,” he proceeded to take a loud slurp of water.
He almost choked on it laughing when he saw you startle a bit, his flirt landing well with you again.
Cradling his glass, he opted to just watch you work. He’d make your second wedding happen. You deserved to be celebrated again and again. Besides, it’s not like pirates didn’t party regularly. So it’s not like they’d be going out of their way really-if that’s what you were worried about. Well, knowing you, that was something you were worried about. He found an amused little huff leaving him at that thought.
“See something funny, love?” Seems you’d heard him.
“Nope,” he grinned your way, “just thinking.”
“Should I be concerned?”
“You come up with some pretty crazy schemes,” he noticed the little smirk on your lips - oh you cheeky - “they’re usually fun, even if they’re dangerous.”
“Like you’re one to talk!” He grinned. “You always add on more crazy things!”
“My crazy things are to make your crazy things less dangerous,” you hummed, “I very much prefer you alive, well, and healthy you see.”
“You just like me,” he beamed at you with a laugh.
“I love you, actually,” you responded without missing a beat nor looking up from your paperwork.
He was definitely giving you that second wedding here on the Moby Dick. Maybe even at one of the prettier spring or autumn islands on Pops’ turf. Whatever you’d like the most! Heck he’ll give you two second weddings - er - a second and a third. Wedding. Yeah.
Maybe he could even surprise you with it!
He ought to get started on it - today! Right now!
He threw back the rest of his glass of water and rushed to the door.
“Ah! Ace! Wait a second!” He paused right before opening it up. “I’m just about done with this! Let me finish and I can help you with your hair and back!”
“Huh?” He raised a brow at you.
“Huh?” You returned equally confused. “Weren’t you going to shower to feel better?”
“No?” He tilted his head.
“Then you’re going straight for the kitchen?” You continued, still confused. “Didn’t you want to eat together?”
Oh that was tempting. He couldn’t say no to that. Wait, even the shower help was tempting. You’d been the one to teach him how to properly scrub his scalp after all. But he didn’t want to delay his surprise a second longer!
“Then, I’m gonna get some fresh air,” not really a lie, he’d get fresh air on his way to see Marco, “then we can eat together.”
“So no shower?”
“Wouldn’t we get caught?”
“What do you mean? I’m just washi-Ace!” You let out a garbled sound making him laugh.
“Alright, alright darlin’,” he gave you a lopsided grin, “I’m just teasing. Yeah we’ll do both.”
“Okay,” you seemed pleased with that outcome, despite it being more work for you.
He let go of the door handle to come press a kiss to your forehead, “love you.”
“Love you too,” you returned immediately.
He walked out the door feeling lighter than he had in a while.
Yeah he was definitely giving you the grandest wedding he could, and he was a Whitebeard pirate, and they really knew how to party.

Later during an “Official Division Commander Meeting”:
Izou: she must be the one to pick out her dress
Ace: then I’ll take her out to get one picked
Izou: absolutely not! I will
Ace: hey she’s my wife
Izou: exactly! You’re not allowed to see her in the dress until the ceremony you fool!
Marco: (placing a comforting hand on Ace’s shoulder) well, there’s no one better for this task than Izou yoi
Izou: hmph! but of course
Thatch: you all have the easy part, I have to make all the food, and the cake
Ace: it’ll be worth it!
Thatch: for you maybe, you’re not the one cooking to feed a fleet. I swear I have the most difficult job
Marco: we have feasts all the time, no need to do anything extra yoi.
Ace: except the cake! The cake is really important!
Thatch: yeah yeah I heard you. groans
Marco: Besides your division has a bunch of cooks to help you out doesn’t it?
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OP Memes#5

THAT damn face-

What just happened!?! 😳 🤤
God damn 🚬, just realized it was so good that I posted it twice ❤️🔥😈❤️🔥

— SWEET TOOTH: portgas d. ace x reader
KINKTOBER DAY SEVEN: FACESITTING ᥫ cw: nsfw, facesitting, oral sex ᥫ wc: 1129 ★ erm . this prompt was meant for kiryu but i couldnt figure out how to do it, so we are getting ace instead yipee cross posted on ao3 — MINORS DNI! —
[♡]: he wasn’t quite a picky eater at all and he was always willing to try new things. the things he wouldn’t eat were a small dwindle of a handful of things, but even then he’d eat the if they were prepared right. ace didn’t have preferences, well, that is except his sweet tooth for you.

WHEN ACE FIRST ASKED YOU TO SIT ON HIS FACE, he knew you were hesitant. For starters, you had never done this before. Though it was far from the first time Ace would eat you out, you couldn’t help but be nervous. Sure, you’ve heard couples doing these things but you never thought to actually try it. You weren’t quite sure how it went and all the more you were unsure how it would go. Despite being more or less willing to try all of Ace’s requests when it came to your sex life, every time he suggested something you couldn’t help but be just a bit nervous about it. It was natural to be wary of new things after all. But you trusted Ace, and really, sitting on his face seemed harmless enough.
“S’okay, baby, I can take it. Don’t gotta worry ‘bout me,” he had said reassuringly with a cheeky grin. “‘Sides, I know you wouldn’t hurt me, yeah? I’ll tell ya if it’s too much.”
Still there was some hesitation on your part, but you agree regardless, admittedly a bit curious on how things would go. So there you were, Ace’s face lay directly beneath you while you sat on your knees above him. Looking down, you can see the way he eyes you hungrily, tracing over the space between your thighs with such intense want it makes you shiver and clench instinctively. He licks his lips in anticipation, big hands resting on either of your thighs, rubbing circles on your skin to calm you down.
Your lip quivers at the sight of him, the way his lips are slightly parted, the way the edge of his hot breath fans against your skin, the way his eyes aren’t even looking back at yours, just tunnel visioning on your sex, eager to taste it. You swallow nervously, waiting for Ace to move, to say something. But instead he stays still, he stays quiet. The only noise from him is his deep breathing, it sounds like he’s panting. And the only movement from him is the twitch of his fingers, the steady drum of them against your skin.
It takes a bit for it to click that he was waiting for you. The realization only set you a bit more on edge because you had been waiting for him. And really you thought that this proximity was enough, that Ace would meet you halfway. But you supposed you weren’t really sitting so much as you were somewhat awkwardly hovering over him. With mustered scraps of courage, your hands find support in the headboard of the bed as you shakily lower yourself, just slightly to test the waters and see how low you can actually get.
Ace’s breath hitches when you move, and you hear the soft sound of him squirming around beneath you. It’s enough to encourage you to go a bit lower, lower and lower until you feel his nose brush against you. You jolt at the sudden touch, a shiver running up your spine at the realization he was way nearer than you anticipated. You feel his fingers dig into your skin, his grip on you tightening in an almost desperate way.
“Baby…” Ace pleas, breathily, dreamily. His hands travel from the sides of your thighs to your hips.
Then suddenly, you’re pulled downward, strong hands pressing you flush against his face. He straight up moans at the contact, not wasting a second to start licking and sucking away at your warmth. It takes you a second to recover from your initial shock, the sudden electric shock that tingles all over your body when his tongue laps over your hole with gusto. You grip the headboard tighter, your body lurches forward that your head’s now against it too. Moans and whines leave your lips like prayer as Ace eats his heart out, making sure every inch of your sex is given the same attention from his tongue and his lips.
He eats you out messier than normal. There’s a slick, almost sticky feeling that runs against your thighs and his cheeks; you’re almost certain it was his spit. You moan as your thighs clench, trapping his head between them. Ace groans in response and his mouth moves faster, hungrier, like you had added more fuel to the fire. His hand stay on your hips, holding onto the for dear life. You whimper when you feel him nuzzle his face against you, his nose brushing against your skin.
“H-hah— Ace… W-wait, you— Need to b-breathe—” You rasp between pants and whines, finally finding the courage to look at his face.
He feels your thighs clench when his eyes meet your pretty, pleasured expression. You must’ve been taken aback from the sudden eye contact. Ace chuckles at the thought, you were such a cutie.
What he doesn’t realize is his chuckles, muffled by your weight, vibrate so nicely against you. You sit up-right at the feeling, unknowingly grinding your hips against him, chasing your own high. If you had the mind to conjure coherent thoughts, you might’ve noticed Ace’s lips briefly curl upwards into a sly smile before going back to eating you out. His hands begin to help guide your hips, rocking you steadily to the pace you set. God, that bastard.
“Clo-close—! Ace—” You moan in strangled cries as your cum, thighs pressing against each other, locking his head in place, body freezing up as waves of pleasure wash over you, eyes shut tightly in blissful release.
All the while, Ace laps up your release, his tongue working against the crevices of your entrance as his hands continue to slowly rock your hips against his face, letting your ride out your high. You whimper quietly as your body slowly relaxes, your hands finally letting go of the headboard. You tilt your head back to stare blankly at the ceiling, catching your breath and letting the final fleeting waves of pleasure wash away.
There’s a short moment of almost complete silence before Ace hurriedly pats at your thigh. Dazily, you look down to meet his eyes, only to see his brows are furrowed and there’s this almost panicked look in his eyes. Only then do you realize Ace very much needed to breathe.
Quickly you hop off him and he instantly gasps for air. You lean over him, worried. You scan his face for any sign of discomfort, but you’re met with the aftermath of your orgasm, the entire bottom half of his face covered in his saliva and remnants of whatever cum he wasn’t able to swallow. Shyly, you lick your lips, an action that doesn’t go unnoticed by Ace, who bears a lopsided grin despite his heavy panting.
“Wasn’t so bad now was it, sugar?”
Just wow~ currently swooning

the man of my romance book (ace)
summary: just ace giving you the most mind-blowing sex requested: @weasleyjumpeer reader: fem!reader disclaimer: piv, references of stalking, reader wears glasses and reads books, squirting, very rushed, reader is slightly shorter than ace, confusing timeline wtf, references of cunnilingus, Ace is referenced to have a big dick (but nothing's explicit about it because it's about technique, not size), unprotected sex-reader might get pregnant uh oh!, manhandling, dirty talking, references of filming/recording, did i mention that it's lowkey rushed... i'm sorry genre: smut a/n: hi, hello... its been a minute... so i had multiple factors on why i disappeared, one being that i am a busy woman with a job, went through the loss of a dear family member and other factors I don't want to get into. furthermore, i had a draft ready for this, and i accidentally deleted it, which led to me losing my shit and motivation. but here i am rn, and i hope i don't disappoint thanks to my hiatus. I do sincerely apologize, however, to keep you waiting for three—almost four months. i hope you enjoy this piece :)

crossposted on ao3
The night bloomed with the moon's gleaming essence shining through the room as it highlighted the discarded clothes thrown due to the immense desperation and lust shared by the two individuals who had known each other not too long, yet not too short.
Ace has had his eyes on you for so long, his friends and crew were just mere muffled background sounds, as you were sat across his with a book laid in front of you on the other side of the cafe. His gaze juxtaposes admiration and lust, with your figure, your hair, your perfect skin, and your facial expressions when the little words on the stack of papers cause you to react subtly, he has been examining you.
Unbeknownst to him, you did catch up to his examination and tried your best to keep your attention away from him. But how could you? You would be lying if you said he wasn't candy to your eyes. Shirtless with tattoos painted all over his body, cowboy hat that concealed the greasy top of his long curly hair, manspreading with his arms splayed across the booth seat behind him and his crew, freckles that can be seen from afar that speckled across his face; he was the embodiment of the protagonist you would read in your dark romance.
His crew set sail on your island for a while and you would see him frequently, wherever you went, it was guaranteed that he'd be there, almost as if he was intentionally stalking you and knew where you were going.
Still, though, you kept your eyes on your book, not giving him the satisfaction of providing him the attention he sought and instead hoping he could grow the courage to come over and ask for a date, or a good fuck.
Ace suddenly stood up, eyes still glued to you, causing his crew to look up at him curiously, as he moved out of his seat and walked over to you, almost like you've entranced him to come over without looking at him.
You sensed a tall presence looming in front of you, resulting you in getting out of the reading world and going back to reality to meet with the fine man standing in front of him. You two held eye contact, almost like you’ve unintentionally entered a staring contest, waiting for one of you to speak. Ace gaped his mouth, wanting to say something but his voice failed him as it cracked, making him clear his throat and scratch his neck, his flustered pink tones radiated up to the surface of his tan skin. You began laughing as you covered your mouth, making Ace’s skin crawl in embarrassment.
“God dammit, I fucked up,” Ace thought to himself, nerves getting the best of him. He should have walked away and faced the music of mockery from his crew, but what he didn’t expect was you extending your hand, signaling him to sit while you pushed the seat away with your foot.
Ace looked down at the chair and then back at you, bemused like a dog getting a new command from its owner, before sitting down while you simply closed the book and put it in your bookbag. You smiled at him as Ace nervously tried to recollect himself.
“Sorry, I am not usually one to stumble on my words… or go through a second puberty,” He muttered the last sentence, in an attempt to make it incoherent for you, yet you heard him loud and clear, making you chuckle in response.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, besides, I think that voice crack was adorable,” You teased, making Ace scoff back at you. You got closer, placing your arms on the table, extending your arm for a handshake, making Ace look down at the hand then back up at your beautiful yet alluring smile.
“I’m (Y/N)”
The curly-haired pirate reached out and shook your hand back, mirroring your grin.
“I’m Ace, but I guess you know that already, since y’know…” He shifted his eyes and cocked his head, which you nodded back as you scrunched your face with a smile as you found him endearing right then and there, pirate or no pirate, he was adorable.
Time passed and you once thought he was adorable, and he was, but you assumed he was a nervous wreck with a deceiving look. You certainly didn’t mind breaking his shell, but he certainly exceeded your expectations when he slowly leaned in to kiss you when he wanted to drop you off from your guys’ date. You were astonished by how good his lips were on yours, for a nervous fellow, he sure kisses like he isn’t. When he pulled away, your lips were chasing after his, causing him to smirk as he held your chin firmly, almost like he caught you underestimating him.
“I can do more if you want to, but I’ll save it for another time…” He husked his voice, as he teasingly leaned in, running his thumb across your bottom lips before he leaned back and walked away backward.
“Good night, babe,” His departure almost felt like a mixture of goading yet exhilarating anticipation of what’s to come the next time you see him.
He might be the death of you.
Some more time has passed and the term “adorable” is not a word you would give at the moment when he has you wrapping your legs around his hips as he carries you to your bedroom with his lips attached to yours with sheer fervor. As soon as you mentioned that you lived alone, Ace jumped at the opportunity to get closer to you however he wanted. It was a risky move from your end, letting know a man you knew.
He has you where he wanted you to be as you are to his. You gripped the back of his neck and tugged on the hairs revealed from his cowboy hat. With the feverish atmosphere, his hat was tipped back to his back as he pushed you onto a wall and began his attack on your neck. You gasped a beautiful sound that Ace intentionally tried to extract as he nipped on the sweet spot by your neck, making you throw your head back as you began to let out breathy moans.
Ace pulled back and looked down at you, his freckled face was flushed with desire while his eyes had lust and plead shown between his bangs as he pants.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Ace whispered, lips still close to yours and his thirst was quenching the more he looked at you in your most lustful state. You told him where it was through your huffed tone and he didn’t hesitate to carry you into the bedroom before he threw you into the bed with such strength.
He carried you and threw you onto the mattress like you weighed nothing—it seemed as though his muscular physique was not for show after all. You were astonished by his roughhousing, yet he left you no room to react as he pinned you down onto the bed, his large hands encapsulating your wrists with his lips remaining attached to your lips. Your breaths were shaken with anticipation as his lips began their exploration across your soft skin. He tongued from your jaw down to your collarbone, while his calloused fingers reached for the hem of your shirt and began lifting it to expose any skin. With your shirt out of the way, his lips began attacking your body again, this time he began grazing his teeth around the soft skin of your breasts, just above your bra line. You arched your back to allow room for him to reach around and remove your bralette, only for him to pull away, hold onto the fabric, and begin ripping it from the center, leaving the piece ripped in half. You gasped at the sudden motion while he just groaned at the sight of you sprawled half-naked with eyes wide and blown with desire.
“Oh, fuck, baby…” He growled, before reaching down again and began open mouth kissing your supple breasts, making you whine at the exhilarating sensation of his warm mouth around your nipple.
“Ace…~” You breathed with hooded eyes as Ace roamed lower with his hands following along, goosebumps arising from your skin. Ace didn’t respond immediately instead he just smirked looking up at you teasingly as he nipped at your mound.
“Hold on, baby… we’ll be here all night, I just want to give this sweet…” Ace paused looking down at your breasts again and began kissing the side of it and massaging it before leaning onto the other breasts to give it the same attention, “Breasts of yours some love… you’ll let me right?”
And some love your breast was given by him, and he meant it.
And many more, as time passed and Ace showed no sign of stopping. His gapped and moaning mouth was covered with nothing but your sweet nectar while his rough hands were gripping your hips as he was thrusting into you at such a pace no man could maintain. His hair fell forward while his necklace swayed along with the beat of his thrusts. Your legs spread as you began screaming out his name while the tip hit a pleasurable spot you never thought existed, a promise that Ace had mentioned while he was getting ready to eat you out.
“I’ll make sure your neighbors know of me as the guy who fucks you good instead of a criminal, no good pirate,” he chuckles darkly as he placed himself between your legs, face inches away from your glistening pussy, “I know you like that shit, I know girls like you would love to be fucked by pirates who do nothing but wreak havoc, am I right, pretty girl? Tell me I’m right because I know I am…”
And Ace maintained that promise as you attempted to cover your face with a pillow due to the volume you were producing thanks to Ace’s rough yet pleasurable thrusts, only for him to chuck the pillow across the room with such aggression and grounds your wrist onto the mattress, leaving you no room to wiggle yourself away.
“No, no, baby, I need to hear you, I need to hear you become a mess for me.” Ace gritted his teeth as he groaned out strings of curse words while you were calling out his name like a prayer.
“Oo~ Ace~ Fuck yes!” You whimpered as the heated sensation was enflaming your insides—a funny correlation with having fire fist Ace ramming his hard cock into your pussy. A pussy that craved nothing but a specific type of pleasure that only a man like Ace can achieve, a one-of-a-kind man, and Ace knew of that and he relishes the fact that your body craves him and him only.
Even though you two don’t know each other for long, you gave him a sense of confidence no girl ever gave him. He knows he’s a good lover, but you made him a lover that a pornstar would envy to have. Especially with how you were writhing underneath him, whimpering out begs and his name.
Oo fuck me, Ace~
Sounds like he would love to have recorded, it’s a shame he left his den den mushi somewhere in the apartment and a camera back on the ship, he would have used it to his advantage.
The sounds of squelching skin-to-skin sounds, dubbed with your combined moans of pleasure were music to Ace’s ears, especially with how you were approaching your orgasm.
“I’m—fuck—I’m coming!” You whined out as your moans started to border onto panting, making Ace hit a deeper spot as he tried to keep with your pace. He nodded with a smirk as he panted out, “Same here, baby… come on, come for me and I’ll come for you…”
And with those words, you arched your back as Ace sent you to a space where you could only see white with how you rolled your eyes, thanks to the overwhelming pleasure he had put you through. Ace nearly fell on top of you as he landed on your shoulder, biting onto it as he came inside of you. After the two of you began catching your breaths, Ace pulled away to look at you before he placed his forehead and gave you strings of passionate kisses.
He pulled away, not after you bit his bottom lip to bring him back close to you, making him chuckle. You smiled up at him shyly as he just looked at you with such glamor and adoration.
“Wow… no one has ever fucked me like this…” You whispered, making Ace snort out a laugh as he shook his head, “You thought it was over?” Ace responded with a menacing smile on his face.
You widened your eyes, he fucked you this good, and there’s still more?
Your shock state unsettled Ace, his smirk dropped due to the lack of response, “unless you want us to stop—”
“No!” You exclaimed, making Ace flinch and you tight-lipped your mouth shut after you made a fool of yourself. Thankfully, Ace only chuckled and kissed your lips, the intention undetected yet the ardent intensity was present.
“You’re so cute,” Ace comments after pulling away from the kiss. He pulls himself up, only to look down at the scenery below him with a gasped delight. Your eyes followed his, and there you saw was a puddle of your essence staining your bedsheet, mixing with Ace’s pearly cum that fell out your pollen.
You gasped as you felt a rush of embarrassment coursing through you, yet you oddly had no sense of shame in your system. You looked up at Ace, shyly, hoping he doesn’t give you a reason to feel otherwise. Thankfully he leaned in again with another feverish kiss, before pulling back with a smirk, lips barely touching.
“Want us to create more of a mess in the shower? The floor? Or more on the bed? Anything you want, baby, because I’m not done…”
And you hoped it wouldn’t end anytime soon…

characters are owned by oda. i will not tolerate nor accept translation, reposts on other websites, or plagiarism. divider made by mmadeinheavenn.