Possesive Love - Tumblr Posts

I am so happy that our blog had crossed more than 100 followers today. You don't know how happy and emotional you had made me as this blog and writing means a lot. Thank you so much all for your love and support it means a lot. I hope we all stay like this and you people keep enjoying my writing and fics. Your support,comments, love and unique requests always encourage me to keep writing and posting. It also helps me increase my writing skill and creativity. Really thank you so much all. I Love you. You all are a ray of sunshine. We will grow bigger and happier. I hope you all stay happy and healthy.
Requests are open. So Please feel free to send. Love you 💕
A Little Drabble About My Yan Characters Attending A Wedding
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Yan Secret Admirer: Brought you here with him under the name of company representative. (and giving you his black card for dress shopping for this wedding with no budget limit)
Yan Arranged Fiance: Dragged you here with him against your will and told every guest you were his beautiful fiancee while showing your huge ass diamond engagement ring
Meanwhile you the whole time giving him dead glares.
Yan Neighbour: who brought you as his date and stabbed a fork in someone's hand because they were flirting with you.
Yan Stalker: who is attending this wedding as wedding crasher only to stalk you.
Yan Cowboy: Attending this wedding only in hope of meeting you by chance.
Yan Boyfriend (the one who was jealous of your nephew) : excited to attend wedding with you thinking soon it will be yours. Observers every detail of wedding to plan yours. And yes your nephew is definitely gonna be the ring bearer. Period.
Yan Husband ( with pregnant reader) : didn't wanted to come at first place thinking about your and baby's safety but ignoring his protest you still came so now he is with you following and acting like a personal bodyguard.
Yan Human Prince: who left in middle of ceremony because he was missing his mermaid y/n. ( Goes to sea shore to meet you)
Yan Bruce Wayne: Making sure his beloved wife don't turn into demon and eat some man instead of wedding food.
Meanwhile yan tribe following you around the forest like a puppy.
To read about this yandere characters fics checkout:

That, “After all I am just a girl 🎀”, sent me! LOL! It’s such a fat fucking mood I have 24/7
So follow up request, how about a Hyper/Extreme Masculine Man x Hyper/Extreme Feminine Woman Reader
Give me someone who is wholesomely sexist that is so damn fine that the red flags start to look green
Hello! Thank you for your love. Glad that you liked my work. I hope you like my writing. This is my first time writing something like this so please be kind. I hope you love this. Enjoy!
Yandere Sexist X Reader
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• You and yan dated throughout the college and after graduation he proposed you. You were madly, irrevocably and passionately in love with him.
• Yan Husband who is a toxic sexist who is a excellent manipulator. He tells you after marriage how his parents were a traditional gender role household meaning husband being the bread winner and leader of house while wife being a good pretty house wife. He wants to try it. You were reluctant at first but after enough manipulation and sugar coating you agreed. After all this man is an excellent manipulator.
"Baby please just try it for me. If you don't feel good after doing this for a month we will stop it. You had been working so hard throughout the college. You can relax a bit by this and can also take a break and get the time to do all those hobbies and stuff you were interested in doing but couldn't due to college work. We have just got married why so eager for a job? Settle down have some rest. I have a very good paying job to provide for both baby. Please try this for me love?" He would say while holding your face delicately in his hand and looking at you with his gorgeous hazel eyes.
• You slowly started to delve into it. Baking, cooking meals, taking care of him and house and decorating, doing household chores, gardening vegetables, beautiful flowers and loving it.
• He was slowly brainwashing you into his little pretty house wife without you knowing.
"Baby you don't have to think about anything I will take care of everything. Hmm? You know I love you and will take care of you."
• You were a definition of hyper feminine now. Long forgotten your old ambitious about your career self in college.
• Pretty Ribbons in your long hairs, delicate cute dresses, High heels, make up on, hosting parties for his colleagues, shopping, baking, reading, trying new recipes, doing house chores while waiting for your husband to come home were now part of your daily routine.
• Yan and you you would go out for dinners and if somebody looked at you a little long he would break their bones. After all you were his wife and wouldn't allow a weird creep to stare at you.
• He was the provider and you were his pink pretty princess housewife whom he loves to dead.
• Will shower you with gifts like vacations, jewellery, dresses.
• Yan Husband who is dominant in your married life and in bed.
• Yan Husband who is a toxic manipulator sexist who will make you totally dependent on you to make sure you don't run away from him ever.
"You need me baby as much as I need you. I am your husband I know what is best for us."
"You contribute to the household by taking care of me so good which helps me to do my job properly and soon you will be the mother of our beautiful children, darling."
• Looking at his handsome face with beautiful eyes oozing masculine energy always made you forget everything.
• You know your husband is always right and will take care of you.
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For more yandere reading:

Yandere Enemies to Lovers
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• You and yan were detectives at x police station. You hated each other more than anything. The whole station knew this. You both were like cat and mouse chasing, teasing, mocking, always arguing with each other. You both were like a free entrainment to watch for your colleagues and senior.
• The whole station knew it was a recipe for disaster from scratch when your senior assigned you two together on a case for fake pretending to be a couple in a wedding and not any wedding but the wedding of a drug dealer's daughter where you both will be surrounded by mafia, underworld , corrupt powerful people. One mistake and you both are dead.
• The whole station has bet so much money on your failure that you decided no matter what happens you are gonna successfully complete this mission and prove all people wrong and take that money. The only problem? Your partner yan detective is a pain in ass.
• "I can do this without screwing up" you chanted many times in your mind while standing at the venue parking smoothing out your beautiful pink silk dress you had wear for your facade waiting for yan to arrive.
• Yan arrived in a few seconds wearing a dashing black suit, hair set, looking handsome. "You ready my lady?" He asks coming towards you with a huge grin. Making you glare at him.
• "You don't like my lady? What about my love?" He said teasing you. While you ignored his words and started walking towards the venue were wedding was going to take place.
• Yan put his hand on your back and started leading you forward. You looked at him and he just whispered " in loving boyfriend character". You just nodded.
• "I swear to god yan. This is important. One mistake and I will pull out my gun from holster and shoot you." You said entering the hall and taking your seat beside him.
• "Lovely. I like my woman being dominant and feisty" he whispered in your ears his hot breathe tickling your neck his faces inches away from your making you all red while he just chuckled. Definitely playing and teasing you around you thought and started paying attention to the guest present and looking for your target.
• The ceremony ended and the whole crowd was shifted to another hall for reception. Yan Detective has been working with the drug dealers, mafia people as one of their group's people undercover for months hence everyone knows him and were talking to him as a part of family. While you just stand beside him giving nervous smile. Well you were never a people's person. He is really good with people you thought. You on other hand are new and meeting them today for first time as his fake date.
• You observed how even talking with many people he never left go you. He would always touch you whether holding your hand, his hand wrapped around your waist, or behind your back. Kissing your temple or cheeks and smiling when someone says How good you two look together. He was really into character you thought.
• An grandpa flirted with you while yan said "Grandpa I respect you but stop flirting with my woman." Making everyone laugh.
• He was separated from you by some people for some separate chat when an women in her early forties came to you gushing " Oh my god you are even more pretty than yan described" the lady said complementing.
"I am sorry what?" You asked confused.
"I am sorry I just talk to much when I am excited. Well that dear boyfriend of yours always talk about you with so much love and admiration and I have to admit that you are pretty just as he said. Beautiful long hairs, pretty eyes and an adorable face." She said but excused herself when someone called for her.
Wait a second!! You were assigned to this case with him two days ago so why he has been talking about you with love and admiration long before? Pretty eyes? Adorable face? Is this the same yan colleague of yours or mafia kidnapped him and send you a duplicate one? What does all of this means?
You looked at yan seeing his tall handsome self still talking with the group of men which took him. Is it possible that he likes you? You thought but soon threw that idea out of your mind thinking it might be one of his pranks on you again.
Your senior informed you through your ear piece in disguise of earring telling you yan has collected enough evidence and the team outside the hotel is ready to enter and strike now. "Be ready officer." He said before cutting off.
You feel yan being beside you now and whispering "You got the message from senior?"
You simply nodded looking forward not ready to look in his eyes.
The door burst open with your team surrounding every exit and screaming to surrender and to get down on floor. You took your gun from your holster hidden under your dress and pointed at them while yan detective doing the same with a evil grin as everyone was surprised to get to know he was from police side. He really played well as his character.
After some screaming, cursing, bullets flying your team arrested most of them some ran but you were satisfied with the people you guys catched.
After everything under wraps You got to your senior and thanked him for putting you on this case as it will definitely increase the chance of your bonus. But your senior's words shocked you. "You should thank Yan Detective. I told him he can take anyone with him. It was all his plan. He chose you not me."
You got of his office and moved towards your table before taking a peek at yan detective on his table working. Thinking " Is it true? That this man might like me?" Well as a good detective one thing is sure you are gonna find out the true feelings of yan detective about you no matter what it takes.
Oh baby you have no idea how badly this man is bad for you. He teases, argue, pranks, fight with you just to get your mere attention. This man will do anything to get your attention. Good luck with finding out about his feelings for you!
Want part 2? Let me know through comments.
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For more yandere reading:

can you stop using the male reader tag if its not a male reader? 😭 if it's for reach, there's other tags
I am so sorry!! I always post with so much hurry and just put everything into tags. From now on I will make sure to double check. Thank you for telling me about my mistake. I hope you enjoy and keep reading my fics. Thank you!!

Reader (overthinking) : Would you still love me if I were a worm?
Yandere (obsessed) : Yes. I would carry you with me all the time in my pocket.
Reader: 🥹
For more yandere reading :

Hello everyone!!! Thank you so much for your love. Our blog has crossed over 200 followers now. When you folks like or comment on my work I feel so happy and satisfied that someone is enjoying my work. You all are the best. Before posting any fic I feel like it's not good and worth posting but your likes, comments makes me feel that yes it is a good fic. I just love you all. You all are too precious for me. Please take good care of yourself and stay healthy. If you wanna talk to someone I am there for you feel free to message. Love you all💗
Requests are open! Please let me know if you have any requests for any imaginary scenarios, Drabble or headcanons or yandere. Thank you.
This is how I feel whenever you like or comment on my work:

Yandere Bruce X Maneater Demon Reader Drabble
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Yan Bruce : Why did you eat that lady at party, y/n?
Reader : I already told you many times that I was hungry and she looked delicious so I ate her. *Saying this while not meeting his eyes*
Yan Bruce: (sighting) I am asking you one more time y/n. Why did you eat her? I want the truth.
Reader (frustrated) : Fine I will tell you. I was jealous that she was flirting with you a lot so I ate her. Happy?
Meanwhile Yan Bruce chuckling at your jealousy.
Yan Bruce: I thought you only ate men.
Reader: Oh, I go both ways baby.
Yandere Bruce X Maneater Demon Reader Fic :

Can I request Yandere doctor x patient???
Yandere Doctor
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• The world should just end. It was the only thing you were manifesting right now as you were walking down the street.
• Why? Because well when you were mourning at home on your parents death anniversary your boyfriend of years was cheating on you with some random girl. And also your landlord has given you the notice to leave the house in 2 weeks all of a sudden. The only thing you have now is your job.
• You were going to meet a broker to find a new house when your stomach ache started again. You have been feeling this way for quite some days but you ignored it as you haven't got much time between finding a new house and your love life's drama. And on top of that this stomach ache. Just great. Please god just kill me you thought when out of nowhere you felt fainting. No. No god I just thought that figuratively not literary Please don't kill me you thought before black took you over.
• You woke up and found your self on an hospital bed. An IV attached to your hand.
• An handsome doctor came in giving you a polite smile. "Glad you woke up. You fainted on street a kind stranger got you here. You fainted due to appendicitis. It was infected so we took out via surgery. The staff called your emergency contact which is your friend I guess. she signed all the surgery and consent paper while you were unconscious. We have to keep you here for two days under observation just in case nothing serious." The handsome doctor said. Well that explains everything how I ended here you thought.
• After the doctor went your friend came in. Fussing all over you.
• Your friend stayed with you most of the time during the 2 days. You both thought that the doctor was so polite, good looking and handsome. Especially more handsome in his scrubs
• During the two days you were in the hospital. Yan Doctor would stop at your room a lot unnecessarily.
• He would check up on you a lot saying "doctor duties" when it was not at all necessary but who is gonna tell you anyways.
• Would try to chit chat with you and your friends during his break.
• Switched his shift with his colleague just to be around you went it was his day off.
• When he heard you were looking for a house. He told you a house beside his is empty and affordable so if you want you can move there.
• After getting discharged you went to get a look at the house. It was so spacious and beautiful yet it's price was too low according to its infrastructure you thought when it should cost a lot. Nevermind the owners loss you thought and moved into that house.
• You and yan doctor were neighbours now.
• He would often invite you for meals at his house. Under the facade of "I again made too much".
• Helps you in shifting and settling down. Saying "I am just being a good Neighbour".
• Well in reality the owner of that house is none other than yan doctor. He knew that this house's rent value is a lot but he told you less because he wanted you closer to him. In fact he wanted to give you this house to live at free but that would cause a lot of suspicion so he told you a very low price.
• Has been obsessed with you since he saw you unconscious on the stretcher brought into hospital looking beautiful as angel. He thought you looked beautiful while unconscious. But when he talked to you saw you smile, heard your voice he thought you were out worldly. Just Divine.
• This man is madly in love with you.
• Kills your ex with a overdose of drug making it look like an accident just because he was jealous and mad that he hurt you emotionally. How could someone cheat on such a perfect human? He thought.
• Tries his best to become close to you and become your friend and more.
• Gives you health advice all of the time.
• You fell sick? This man becomes your personal doctor, nurse everything.
• Has so much money that always showers you with your favourite coffees, meals and tickets to movies or concert. His reason? "Well I was just passing by and saw this I know you like it so I bought it for you". When in reality this man specifically goes to that place just for getting it for you.
• He sees your one smile and feel like he won in life. This man is whipped for you.
• If you ask this man for his heart he would literally tear his chest and pull his heart out for you. Nothing matters to him except you. You are his everything.
• When you get an invite to a wedding. You thought who should I take with me as a date?
• Yan Doctor keeps throwing hints at you all week indicating that he wants to be your wedding date. This man is so desperate for you.
• When you finally ask him to be your wedding date. This man is the most happiest person in world. You might think you just asked him to marry you by looking at his happy expressions.
• Well don't worry darling because he is damn sure you are gonna marry him one day.
• With you being conscious or high with drug. Choice is yours darling. After all he is a good doctor and knows how to use them well.
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For more yandere reading:

If it’s not too much trouble how about a yandere firefighter. I really like what you write and your ideas are amazing. I hope you take care of yourself and have a great day.
Yan Firefighter x Reader
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• A regular day in your boring office. only the fact that you and your bestfriend were doing your favourite thing to do in this office which is well, your office is right beside fire station filled with handsome strong mens. And everyday during lunch time or in between time most of the ladies including you and your bestfriend would come by the glass wall to look at this handsome, muscular strong mens practicing, exercising and doing their work. What? After all i am just a girl 🎀
"Hey y/n I am thinking of lightning this office to fire just to get carried in the arms of this beauties." Your bestfriend said.
"It's a good idea but no." You said while wishing to do same. You knew your bestfriend was always the joking, chill person.
• Your break got over and you went to your cubicle doing the old boring work. When out of nowhere you smelled like something burning and a second later the fire alarm of office started screaming and water droplets started to spread all over the place.
You looked at your bestfriend and screamed "I told you to not do it."
Your bestfriend replied back screaming "I swear to god I didn't do it". But you didn't believe it.
"We will argue later first let's get out of this place before we get real cooked" your bestfriend screamed at top of her lungs making a point.
You both started running towards exit. Thankfully the fire station was just beside your office. So hoses of water, fire extinguishers and firemens were already at your office saving people.
You were running when your leg sprained out making you moan in pain. God not now! You thought. Due to sprain you weren't able to walk fast but did your best. You looked out for your bestfriend but in the running crowd it was impossible to find someone. Am I gonna die here today? You thought.
• No baby you can't die until yan Firefighter is alive. He won't let anything happen to you. EVER.
• As you and your friend has always been looking at them through glass wall admiring them. The same way yan has been looking for you for quite some time only he is more discreet.
• This man is obsessed with you.
• He watches you whenever he gets any chance.
• Always does his best while doing training and exercise because he knows that you are watching through that glass wall.
• Always tries to overdo everyone as he doesn't want anyone else doing the best and getting your attention. He wants your attention only on him.
As soon as he gets to know your office got caught on fire. He is furious thinking about your safety.
Starts Running the fatest to get you and make sure you are alright.
Searches for you all over the office when his eyes finally lands on you.
As soon as he sees you he just lifts you in his arms bridal style without any thinking carrying you out side finally feeling relieved that you are safe.
You are in his arms. Just feeling you in his arms makes him smile like crazy.
You feel safe in his strong large arms. Soon you are out of the building your bestfriend running towards you "God I was so scared when I didn't found you outside with me. Thank God you are safe." Your friend all serious which she rarely is in life.
Yan Firefighter places you on your feet even if he doesn't want to and just wants to feel you in his arms.
You thanked him for saving you while he just said "just doing my duty, mam" while looking at you with heart eyes.
"I have to say you were looking so good in his arms you two should probably date" your bestfriend said chuckling again going to her casual self back after fussing over you.
You want to punch her in face for saying this comment as you are red as Tomato now and you could feel that the firefighter who saved you would be embarassed too only to find out upon looking at him he was blushing like crazy upon hearing the sentence. While your bestfriend enjoyed the free show you were providing for her.
To clear the awkwardness yan Firefighter clears his throat and says "I should move back to see if anyone needs my help even though almost everyone are out".
You just nodded at him still a bit red. Definitely from fire not from the earlier sentence you said to yourself.
Yan Firefighter started to move back before turning back to look at you and say " By the way after work would you like to go on a date with me y/n?" He asked a bit shy and scared of rejection.
"Yes. Sure after all you saved my life" you said smiling making him smile and run towards his team.
Seems like you wouldn't have to punch your bestfriend after all. Atleast this fire did something good to you.
"y/n please make me maid of honor in your wedding after all i set you two up" your bestfriend said jokingly while you bump your shoulder with her. Smiling like crazy waiting for your date tonight.
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For more yandere reading :

Thank you so much all for over 300 followers. Love you. Take care of yourself. All of you and have a great day!!!💕
Requests are open!
Please keep sending me ideas and requests to write. I love writing for you people. Your requests gives me so much ideas on what to write.
Can i request a yandere fashion designer please
Yandere Fashion Designer
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• Yan is globally famous and one of the most expensive fashion designer.
• He has his own brand company. Whose worth is in millions.
• He is the trend setter in fashion. Period.
• Every girl's dream is to own something of his brand.
• And every model's dream is to walk for his brand.
• Yan's whole life is all about creating fashion masterpieces. Nothing else matters to him.
• His workaholic life made Yan's mother worry about him. So she forcefully set him on a blind date with her friend's daughter which happens to be you. To get some sense and enjoy his life instead of designing clothes every hour.
• Upon spending some time with you he likes you. Your attitude, your personality, the elegance with which you carry yourself and dress.
• First time in his life he didn't thought about working while meeting new people. You have changed this man's chemical equations and feelings.
• He has seen and worked with many beautiful models, supermodels but there is some spark in you that he can't just pin point.
• You becomes his inspiration, his muse for designing clothes and jewellery.
• Yan designs many beautiful and exclusive clothes, jewellery, handbags, heels just for you. And the things he makes for you exclusively are so beautiful that many people tries to convince him to make a dress for them like that too by giving sums of millions but he won't. Because this only belongs to you.
• People have their signature perfumes you have your own exclusive signature wardrobe thanks to this man.
• Yan launches a special collection of dresses, purses, jewellery, heels in your name.
• You have become his muse. Most of his fashion is inspired by you.
• Makes sure that you always attend his shows.
• Always makes sure you wear the most important dress in every show of his when attending. No model gets to wear it but you. That after the show the buzz about the dress you are wearing is more than the models representing on runway.
• Whenever asks about his inspirations in interviews he would always take your name.
• This man has badly fallen for you. Thinks you are the most perfect muse he could ever have.
• Makes exclusive dresses and jewelleries only for you. No one will have that in their wardrobe other than you.
• You are the most perfect person according to him.
• You are the most adored duo in the fashion world.
• Yan fashion designer who makes sure to always keep you busy with his brand work to keep you close to him. He doesn't want any other to have you, have his muse.
• Yan who is very jealous when it comes to you. You once wore and complimented another designer's work. The next week he makes sure to present the most beautiful fashion work of his so no one talks about that fashion designer especially you.
• He would do anything for you. This man would worship the ground you walk. All his creations, art, fashion now is nothing but a figment of you.
• He spoils you so much that all the media and magzines has given you a nickname "(Yan's brand name) Princess". Which Yan loves a lot by the way.
• If someone tries to flirt with you or tries to take you out for date he makes sure to beat them till blood spilling. Because you are his, his only no other can have you. This man is crazy possesive when it comes to you.
• Designs a personalized wedding gown and diamond ring all by himself for you in preparation of asking you to marry him.
• After all you are his muse and he is your Artist.
Requests are open!
For more yandere reading :

Can we get a yandere baker x reader pls?? 😭🙏 Thank you for your good stories like always
Thank you so much for your love. I hope you like this fic.
Yandere Baker
Requests are open !

• You got a new job. The same boring sitting in your cubicle and working on a screen. But the best part about your new job is a Bakery near your office.
• You were a regular customer there since the starting of your job as you have a strong sweet tooth. And on top of that their baked goods are so delicious that they are your new addiction now. They make the best pastries according to you.
• You go their everyday even on weekends as your house is near the office for their sweet treats that now the owner of the cozy bakery is your friend who always greets you with a cute smile. And not to forget that the baker himself was a treat for eyes with his apron, good looks, messy hairs and a boyish smile.
• Yan baker who has been owning this bakery for quite some years and is always busy with many customer. But you ... You are just awesome. The way your eyes sparkle while looking at all the baked goods kept at display, the way your face is glowing with a happy smile and vibes when you take the first bite of your pastry. This all makes him fall for you like a crazy.
• He always gives you freshly baked treats for free saying you are his "favourite customer."
• Always give you discount saying that this is for their all regular customers when in reality such thing doesn't exist.
• When he gets to know you love a specific pastry always make sure to bake them for you often even though it doesn't sell much.
• Bakes the most beautiful looking and delicious cake of your favourite icing and toppings for your birthday as a surprise.
• He loves weekends more because you stay at the bakery longer sipping coffee, reading book while enjoying coffee due to no office.
• One day you didn't came to the bakery which was very unusual so he goes to your house with a box of your favourites only to find out you are sick. (Yes this man and you spend time and talk so much in bakery that you both know a lot about each other even address. It's like you are best buddies.)
• Upon finding you sick he takes care of you and cook for you. This man's cooking skills are fantastic just like his baking skills.
• Names his new pastry after you. And also to mention that you were the first one to taste it.
• Yan once heard you saying that you wanted to learn baking one day. So after few weeks this man opens a baking class for afternoon weekends just for you to join. Tries his best to make you join his class.
• You asked him how all of a sudden he started classes. He only replies with "I love baking and I wanted my afternoons on weekends to get occupied by something".
• He is the happiest in the class teaching a bunch of people because you are their and his baking. His favourite person and thing to do of his under one roof.
• You and him would enjoy doing baking while dancing, singing to the music put on after class. (Some Kind of your own personal baking class 🤭). Yan would just stare looking at you doing all this thinking he is so lucky to even be near you.
• This man is so badly down for you. Your one smile or compliment on his baking he would becomes a puddle of blushing happiness .
• After mustering up enough courage he finally knocks at your door holding your favourite cake in his hand freshly baked by him and a question written with icing on it "Will you go on a date with me? Yes or absolutely yes"
• Well after all how could you say no to such a tempting offer including a delicious cake with a good looking baker holding it, right?
Requests are open!
Part 2 :
For more yandere reading:

Hello! Since i saw ur bio that you take requests and i want to ask for a yandere boyfriend that wants to marry you immediately since you guys were at the right age, (hes 21 and the y/n is 20)
And I'm going to add something, like the boyfriend gets too jealous whenever there's other boys are looking at y/n or other people
(i don't know if you take baby fever? kind of thing, though just the boyfriend wanting a baby with you once you accept his marriage)
And just a headcannon of boyfriend getting so, sooo jealous whenever you get crushes on fictional men, you can add what you think of this! So and Is it okay if I give him a name? If yes, then Elliott, Thank You!
Keep up the good work! I really love it! And i also hope you'll do a part two of the Yandere Dom Kidnapper!
If you need ideas please do say!
(sorry for any grammar, english is not my first language! 😭)
Thank you for your idea. I hope you like this fic. And yes please keep sending me ideas. I love writing for you all.
Yandere Possesive (Dark)
Requests are open !

• You and Elliott dated throughout the high school. He was older than you but only by one year.
• You were happy with him. He is caring, charming, has a good humour with which he always tries to make you laugh. He is love of your life and you are his.
• You and Elliott were in same college as he doesn't want to be away from you no matter what. Recently you celebrated your 20th birthday with him. Everything went well only the plot twist was that Elliott proposed to you on your birthday night. You love him and you know he is the only one you want to marry but not now. You were just 20 and Elliott 21.
• But after much convincing or more like manipluating Elliott convinced you to say yes. Life didn't changed much only the difference now was that you were engaged. You thought to yourself that you were just being anxious about marrying too young but was not a issue atleast to you and Elliott as he was a really good patner.
• Elliott would bring flowers for you weekly, cook delicious meals for you, read a book to you while you snuggle in his arms, go out on dates with him, watch movies, bake together, talk with each other till late night and then falling asleep in each others arms.
• But as no one is perfect and everyone has their own flaws. Elliott had them too. He was extremely jealous and possesive about you that it many times led you two to an argument which always ended with Elliott fucking you against the wall or wherever you are making you beg for him while he would ask you
"Who do you belong to, darling?"
• You were talking to a man who was not him for some college project? This man becomes extremely jealous. That after your conversation he threatens the poor boy to stay away from you.
• You loved your stuffed teddy and would often cuddle with it. Well this man is even jealous of your teddy bear. What can I say whatever or whoever catches your attention he gets jealous of it and when you ask him one day "have you seen my bear?" "No. Darling but don't worry I am here cuddle me whenever you want until we find that stuffed bear". When in reality he has thrown that bear to a very distant place in jealousy. This man wants your attention 24/7 on him. Madly obsessed with you.
• You read many romance books and whenever you compliments some fictional character he gets jealous and says "Let's recreate those spicy smut scenes of your novel so I can show you how much better I am than him."
• A guy tried to flirt with you when you were hanging out with him at bar? Elliott beats that person until he is an bloody mess.
• When some random boy looks at you a bit long kisses you infront of them. To show how you belong to him just as he belongs to you.
• This man worships you like a goddess but is a freaking dominant in sheets fucking you until you are a dumb drooling mess.
• Elliott often thinks about you with a glowing round belly pregnant with his child. Having babies of you two. Showing it to the whole fucking world that you are only his and carrying his child. Hence leading to his baby fever.
• Would often show you cute videos of babies and saying "Our's will be more adorable with your pretty eyes, darling".
• Shops all the cute baby stuff he finds under the saying of "For future, darling". While you just ignored his baby fever thinking it's just a phase.
• You both got married on the fixed date in a beautiful church.
• Elliott cries like a baby while seeing you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding dress looking like an angel which you definitely are according to him.
• After marriage you thought Elliott's jealousy would become less as you are husband and wife now but it doesn't lessens even a bit. Hence leading to many arguments again.
• This arguments scares him thinking you might leave him so he baby traps you with him knowing too well you would never leave him while having a child. He knows he is fucked up. But no matter what he is never losing you. And after all you both love each other and the unborn baby so anything else doesn't matter to him. Now only you and the baby matters to him.
• Elliott knows that he is crazy for you. But after all love makes us do crazy things, right?
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For more yandere Reading:

hi, how are you doing? If is not a bother can you make a yandere ex fuckboy x insecure reader, she is insecure of his past and the girls he used to stay with before they start dating and is terrified of him cheating on her, that bothers the yandere a lot and he goes to the extreme to prove to her that he doesn't want anyone else.
Hello I am doing well and hope you are doing well too. I hope you like this work.
Yandere Ex Fuckboy X Insecure Reader
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• You were always on edge thinking that your boyfriend is with some other girl cheating on you when he is not with you.
• You love your boyfriend a lot. And he has been an amazing boyfriend to you all the time being caring, protective, sweet, understanding towards you. But his past. His past always haunts you and makes you feel insecure.
• In the past before you two got into the relationship yan was the Fuckboy of your college. Girls always surrounding him and being attracted to him like a moth to a flame as he was tall, good looking, rich and extremely good in bed with his smooth as butter flirting skills and charming personality.
• Some even say that he slept with more than half of the girls in campus.
• But after meeting you this man gets changed for forever. He has never felt something so strong like this for anyone ever.
• He tries his best to court you. Begging to you on his knees to make him your boyfriend. This man becomes a simp when it comes to you.
• But you ignored him knowing his infamous Fuckboy image.
• To get your attention he follows you around like a lost puppy, Spoiling you with flowers, meals, coffee anything you want just please let him be your boyfriend and let him love you.
• Frustrated by his constant chaos you finally give him a chance and say yes.
• He tries his best to be the best boyfriend for you not wanting to disappoint you on the chance you have given him. And true to his words he is a really good boyfriend to you.
• You don't know that this is the first relationship yan ever had. Yes he slept around a lot but never dated anyone. You are the first.
• When he gets to know his love, his darling is feeling insecure due to his past he does all the possible ways to show you that he belongs only to you and no one.
• Wearing tshirts which have things like this written all over it " My girlfriend is hotter than you" or "I love my girlfriend" while walking around the campus showing everyone. If his tshirt doesn't have this written on it then it definitely will be a photo of you printed all over his tshirt.
• Wears the handmade bracelet you made for him 24/7 not taking it off ever.
• Always wears your hair ties on his wrist in case you need it and to show people he is already taken by his beautiful girlfriend.
• Is one of the best player of the college's football team and whenever he earns a goal during the matches he dedicates his goals to you pointing at you and screaming "I love you y/n" infront of the whole crowd.
• By the way he changes his jersey number to your birthday date number showing his jersey back to everyone.
• When a girl from his past approaches him he straight up says "I have a beautiful girlfriend whom I love to death so please leave"
• This man is so in love, committed and loyal to you that it's sickly disgusting for others to watch.
• Everyone thinks you have done some kind of witchcraft on him because he has suddenly became the most loving boyfriend for you from the college's Fuckboy.
• This man would do anything for you to never be insecure again that he would even say this "We can get engaged or even better married if it puts your mind to an ease y/n."
Meanwhile reader : "........"
• This man would kill himself before even thinking about cheating on you and hurting you. The thought of some another girl other than you now makes him nauseous let alone even think about touching them.
• Yan is utterly whipped and in love with you. He would even bring the fucking world infront of your knees if you want.
Let me know what you think about this fic.
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For more yandere reading

Hiii not a request but just wanna say that I love your writing so much!! ✨

Thank you so much!!!! You people always brighten my day by your comments, requests and likes. I am so happy that you love my work. As a writer this is the most precious thing to me. Thank you. Thank you for saying that. I hope you have a great day!! Love you all. And Thank you for always supporting my work.
Requests are open !
Omg pls marry us platonically 🫵🫶💍 love your writing sm🥺🥺 yan tribe part lookin delicious frfr

Oh my thank you so much!!! And yes I would happily marry you platonically!!! 🥰 Thank you so much for your lots of love. You made me so emotional and cry 😭 Really thank you so much. Thank you for saying that and giving lots of love to me and my work. I love you all a lot. You all are the best part of my every day!!! 💕🥹🥹
Hi, just want it to say that i love your works. Anything new coming today?
Thank you so much for your love!!!! And Yes. A Requested Fic is going to come today. I hope you like it. And really thank you so much for your constant love and support. Have a great day!! And if you or anyone need someone to talk I am here. Love you.
Hello!!! I love your stories and i read them a lot, thank you for all of them like really 😭😭. And i see you doing request, can i please have a yandere grumpy husband but clingy x reader. Like when he is a boss of company, he's super strict and grumpy to his employees but when he get home, his personality turns 180 degree for reader, being clingy to reader a lot (you can take this easy if you want to, thank you. Hope you can write more of this ❤️)
Yan Grumpy with a soft spot only for you ~
Requests are open !

• Yan is the director of a multinational company.
• All the employees were scared of him due to his cold personality and strict behaviour.
• He is a perfectionist when it comes to his work and will call out the employees even for the smallest error or mistake hence every employee checking the file thousands of time before submitting to him as not to face his wrath.
• When he is walking around office employees change their whole path taking the longest one just to avoid him. He is just too scary.
• He is so cold and expressionless all the time that it is impossible to read him or predict his next words for the employees.
• Perfection is the word you can describe him with. His suits, his confidence, his work ethics , his personality, his speaking skills all perfect. And if one of his employee doesn't do their work perfectly get ready for hell to pour upon them by him.
• Many employees would gossip in their break time saying that you yan's spouse must have been having such a hard time putting up with their boss and his cold strict personality. But only if they knew.
• As soon as yan enters your shared penthouse his personality changes 180 degree. Changing from the cold strict perfectionist boss to a cute golden retriever who wants your attention on him 24/7.
• The whole office and world won't believe but this man's love language is touch. He would always be touching you in public events through holding your hand, his hand on your back or wrapped around your waist or on your thigh or holding your Pinkie or playing with the end of your curls. This man just had to touch you in some way or else he would loose his mind.
• Yan has a huge soft spot for you. After all you are his precious spouse. You have never seen him being angry or even raise his voice in frustration infront of you even if you break his favourite expensive limited vase or changed the whole room's furniture causing his OCD to irk. But he would just smiles at you meanwhile he would peel his employee's skin for even doing a single mistake.
• Yan is so cuddly and clingy with you at home that if someone saw this they would think it's his Doppelganger and not their grumpy boss.
• He is all smiling, clingy, obsessed and madly in love with you that grumpy is the last word you would describe him with.
• Is very clingy with you. Cuddle with you, back hug, hugging and kissing you anytime and any chance he gets, he can't sleep without his arms around you.
• His secretary who has seen his both side with you and in outside world is damn sure that yan has double personality due to his 180 degree change.
• Yan's Employees : Oh our boss isn't a human he doesn't even know how to smile.
• Meanwhile you making him blush and all smiling still to this date after so many years of being together and married just from giving him a causal compliment.
• Yan keeps his personal life and you shielded and private from all the media and other people to keep you safe and protected.
• One rare time in an live interview an reporter asked about you to him and just by hearing your name yan smiled a little making everyone go crazy as they always see him with a expressionless face.
• After this interview yan's smiling face at the mention of your name clip was quite viral in buisness sector.
• This man is the literal definition of "Die for you" when it comes to you.
• The framed picture of you and him on your wedding day and pictures of you are on his office desk. He will look a lot and I really mean a lot of time at your pictures during office hours everyday because he miss you and can't wait to go back home and have you in his arms.
• This man in reality is a golden retriever but only for you.
Let me know through comments how you felt about this fic.
Requests are open !
For more yandere reading :

HELLO!! I really love your stories and i wanna request something, like a yandere gamer bf or husband that streams for a living, and whenever he is off camera he always wants your attention and love even though he gets attention from the streams he makes.
And when he gets invited to an event, he will be sad since you are not yet known to the internet world, he keeps you a secret since he only deserves you, but when he was streaming, you accidentally And almost let yourself know but a fan noticed it and asked about it
And that's it! Just a quick question, do you take any anons? And i really love your works and i was hoping for a part 2 for the dom Kidnapper yandere, but keep your time! Once again i really, reallyyyy love your works! Bye bye!
Thank you so much for your love. And yes I take anons. I hope you enjoy this fic.
Requests are open !

• Yan is a gamer famous for his skills and techniques.
• His streams have millions of view. Other gamers admire him for his skills. He is always bathed in attention and praises from his followers which are a lot that when you saw the number your mouth just fell open.
• This man has the attention of more than million people on his streaming but he wants your attention on him. His so precious y/n.
• As soon as the camera gets off he is a cuddling mess in your arms looking at you with heart eyes.
• He is invited to numerous gaming tournament but whenever he is there he misses you so dearly, wishing you were here. But you can't.
• Because you are his secret. No one knows about you. No one even knows that yan is in relationship.
• When asked by his followers that if he has someone in his life he would say "I am fully focused on my gaming career right now"
• He doesn't tell about you to others because he thinks you are too precious to get to know by anyone but him.
• Is a lot possesive about you.
• No one but he deserves you. You are too good for others to even look at you.
• He is just very much in love with you.
• He wants you all to himself. Just thinking about you with some else makes his blood boil.
• He thinks you are his lucky charm. Hence always carrying something of yours to his every tournament.
• You are everything. His lucky charm, his gf/bf, his future spouse, just everything.
• You are a gamer too but you are just a beginner recently started and still exploring everything.
• Yan would teach you so many skills, techniques, ideas about the game.
• When he is not streaming he would have you lying on his chest while playing and giving you little pecks of kisses in between.
• Plus he looks so fucking hot with his glasses, headset on, agressively punching the buttons by his fingers and intently focused on screen.
• One day accidentally you came in the camera filming region while he was streaming online making everyone question "Who you they?"
"Is it your gf/bf?"
"They are good looking"
• Well that's it as soon as yan saw some people saying you are good looking he has to claim you to make this people shut up. (This man is just too jealous)
" Yes that good looking person is my gf/bf and soon to be my wife/husband. So stop looking at them".
• Hearing yan say your going to get married soon made you gasp and blush both.
• Well this accidental reveal sure was good and beneficial you thought.
• After few days he officially proposed you with beautiful decorations.
• The best thing is that you are officially his now and yan don't have to miss you in his tournaments now as you would be there supporting him with a ring telling everybody that you are already taken.
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