Predators - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

No-metix aliens

I feel if I done two no Ben aliens counting, I couldn't stand not count Nemetrix predators too.

I gona cheat again with the firs one, so I gona give you one more to be fair


I count aliens who's DNA isn't in the Nemetrix

It's inportant to be an animalistic species or a knowen predator of some other aliens (cannibals not playing)

It's not nesecary to know wich transformation of Ben/wich species would be it's prey (but I'll try to choose one or more)

Mutants and Reboot still not count

So, come and counting with me


0. Anubian Baskurrs

No-metix Aliens

Yes, I mention it, 'cause Zed just wore the Nemetrix, but her DNA newer was in it

They posess average animalistic powers like enchanted senses and good phisyque, but not more knowen powery. However, their apperace is metalic like, so maybe they have some kind of armor-fur

These aliens can be teamed with good care and easily become loyal

They are related in a way to jackals as their "Anubian" name refers to Anubis, the jackal headed Egyptian god

Unoffical prey: being very much wolf/dog like , so probably they hunt for something similar prey like them

1. Gracklflint

No-metix Aliens

These spider form creatures poses enchanted strengh, agility, wall climber ability and an extremly violent behavior

They can split a venom from their mouth wich one can be used as an antidote while it's fresh. But remember: it doesn't mean it's not a poision! So far the only knowen effect of the venom is makes the eyes burn badly

Unoffical prey: because they eat fruits but attack humanoid creatures as well, the most logical prey for them the human like Floraunas (Wildvine's species). For the same reason, they can prey for Methanosians (Swampfire's species), however it's not so sure because of the species' flames

Also, because they can stealth well and because of their venom's effect maybe their prey species is the Opticoids (Eye guys)

2. Cerberush

No-metix Aliens

It only appeared in UA, "Map of Infinity" episode and it hadn't even a name (this one only on Fandom wiki)

On the same page, it sayes his home planet is Mykdl'dy, but actually in UA that planet's only offical inhabitants are Necrofriggians, so, maybe it was (were ?) brought to the planet

It has the ability to shoot fire from it's right and ice from it's left mouth

Also, despite of it's reptilian apperance it isn't bothered by cold enviroment

Seemingly the heads functioning independent way, cause one still can attack when the other one is knocked out.

Unoffical prey: because one of the Necrofriggians (Big chills) mentioned Ben's team can't survive without a guide, it's possible they are not natural preys of this species. However, it still could hunt for fire/ice power based life forms, but because Pyronites (Heaetblasts) have their natural predator, maybe it hunter of the Polar Manzardills (Arctiguanas) or the Hightbreeds/DNAliens

3. Krakken

No-metix Aliens

This one would be interesting, because in Ben prime universe Krakkens are actually liveing on Eart

However, they are animalistic predators, and nothing prevents to be a sample from it in the Nemetrix

Because it's quete sure it's not a mutant and kryptids only were bring in Omniverse (when Ben met Saturdays) maybe this species have an alien origin and now they are liveing on multiple planet

This species posess two tentacles what they can use as arms, have powerful jaws. And, despite of their enormous size, they can stealth well. They also incedible strong and seemingly invulnerable

Unoffical prey: They are feed on fishes, but if they are really aliens, than they might came from Piscciss and hunt for alien "fishes" just like Piscciss Volanns (Ripjaw's species)

4. Time beast

No-metix Aliens

This creature appeared in Omniverse, in the "Let's do the time war again"

But they still can be hit or stoped by gravity (in that chase they become a black hole and die). Their ray mix with electrycity cause a timefreez

Their main ability to manipulate the time, it allowes them to travel through it, make dust from closly anything by ageing it (even do it just for secound) and "teleport", move in space and time at the same time. It also capable to shoot energy beams from it's mouth

Unoffical prey: they would be perfect predators of the Chronosapiens (Clockwork's species). They can follow their prey through time, dodge their rays and make dust from their armors

5./6. Sand ripper & Root Shark

No-metix Aliens

These creatures move like worms but deadlyes as real sharks Or even more

Root Sharks debuted in "Simon Says", Sand rippers in "OTTO Motives"

We don't know too much about these two species' powers, but Root Sharks can jump very hight (despite of their lack of limbs) and both have sharp teeth and capable of tuneling greatly

Offical prey: Root Sharks are the natural predator of Arachnichimps (Spidermonkey's species) while Sand rippers prey for Tetramands (Four arms' species)

7. Arburian Carcharodon

No-metix Aliens

They appeared in the Reboot's alien worlds exploring seria

These goblinshark like creatures are liveing in oceans, it's unkown if they can survive on land or not (wich woul gives to their preyes a great advantage)

Possibly their teeth strong enought to break Arburian Pellarotta's armors, but they can be stunt by be hit by them

Offical prey: they hunt for bathing Arburian Pellarota (Cannonball's species)

8. Pantophage

No-metix Aliens

This one would be exceptional, because Pantophages are humanoid specis However, they are stupid enouth to be categorised as animalistic species

They not showed any superpower, except enormous size and enchanted strengh

Their name means "all-eater"

Offical prey: they are the predators of the Levodans

9. Nullvoider

No-metix Aliens

Maybe they better knowen as Null Guardians, but originally they got this name

They poses sharp teeth, wings wich allows them to fly and tentacles what they can use to walk on

Also, they can fire energy beams from their mouthes and has the natural sensors to track life energy

Unoffical prey: maybe it's a common mistake, but they are not the only inhabitants in the Null void. So, personally I think they are hunting there for Hawok beasts

10. Omnivirus

No-metix Aliens

Pictures from insane-mane and rizegreymon22

This species was originally planed to be in the show but in the end it wasn't

It supose to be the smallest transformation of the Nemetrix

We don't know too much about this alien, but it would cause a cold like disease to Way big. And, being a virus, maybe multiplaying

Unoffical prey: It's already oblivious it would be the To'kustar (Way big's species) predator.......or more a disease








You could ask ; Why didn't count Panicular, when Zed's species was here? The anwser is easy; the Panicular, who wore the Nemetrix realy was a simple member of it's species..... However, Khryber made it to transform into an Ultimate Panicular, wich means there was a sample of the species' wich one was evolved into Ultimate form

Arachnichimps have a phrase; "Jumping the root shark" wich means the same what humans use with "shark" (being famous temporary)

Null guardians not a natural species, they were created by Galvans

When Ben's team and Dr. Paradox fought (in "Paradox") against a time manipulating mutant, Paradox mentioned the bubblegums long "lifetime". Maybe they would be effective against a Time beast too.

Gracklflints are not carnivorius species, 'cause they can eat plants too. That makes them herbivores, more possible omnivores

So, these were 10 No-metrix aliens. I hope you liked it, but I don't know what to do next, so I'm open for any asks. 🖖

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If yall aren't following this artist, RUN to follow them

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OMG...the adorable-ness is too much. I didn't know I needed this in my life!

Oh my ❤️.

Baby Yautja......I'm dead that is so cute and squishy!!! PLEASE TAG THE ARTIST THIS IS Amazing!!!!

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When you influence your mom to start seeing a "monster" in a different light.

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Just yesterday we were at a family gathering and we were talking about Bigfoot videos from YouTube. My mom said she didn't like Bigfoot (or believe in him) but she likes the predator, he's good looking.

She used to see him as just scary and gross. 😝

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When You Influence Your Mom To Start Seeing A "monster" In A Different Light.

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2 years ago

I am no predator, I am a friend.

Dear friends of Tumblr,

Today at my school we had an assembly about internet predators and when I had said that most of my true friends are over the internet and they gave me a lecture about how “I don’t know who I’m talking to” blah blah. So please, if you aren’t a predator in any way, please reblog so i can prove a point.

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1 year ago
They Talking About Something Else,

They talking about something else,

While in my mind…👇🏻Why Not?!

Be crazily obsessed over fictional characters, read fanfics all day without a care in the world, curl up to watch fixated edits, listen to music/create playlists based on our fav fictional characters🥹

If the ‘others’ aren’t on the same chapter pages as us, well, they never will understand us.

Life. IS. Too. Short.

Thank you for stopping to read this🩷. Love to my mutuals!

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4 years ago

Boi. I ain't no murderer....though i am an angst writer so people might be murdered with feels.

Dear friends of Tumblr,

Today at my school we had an assembly about internet predators and when I had said that most of my true friends are over the internet and they gave me a lecture about how “I don’t know who I’m talking to” blah blah. So please, if you aren’t a predator in any way, please reblog so i can prove a point.

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