Alien Vs Predator - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Yautja ramble


Recently I got reminded about Cryptic pregnancy and wonder if that would be a thing amongst Yautja females. I assume not since breeding period and advanced technology and whatnot.

And if not, I think it would be pretty funny to imagine a human trying to explain to a Yautja about people not knowing they're pregnant and just going to the doctors under the assumption of stomach ache or other complications and Bam, Newborn baby.

I can imagine the myriad of reactions ranging from like confusion, exsperation, slight intrigue, probably annoyance, and maybe horror and maybe awe. (Going on if labor is considered an actual chiva)

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1 year ago

HEY GUYS!!! I have some awesome news!

SHOUT OUT TO @shaymin-99 for helping me bring this to life! 1/3 of the Nomad Clan Predator Comic is finished including the cover! It’s been in development for awhile now and now that I have permission, Imma be showing it off via video and leaving the pictures here if I can! I hope you guys enjoy what’s coming!

(Shaymin I wanna note, is drawing the whole comic, I simply wrote the story. However some things will be changed to fit both our vision)

Let’s spread the news!🔔

@artiststarfire @araghorn07 @burninggladiatorprincess @bunnyraptor69 @black-suns-rim @captainraye @captainrayessketches @chillxxdash @daswhox @dragpopsoda @exileraptorda-goat1906437 @glitterfilledcriminal @gothikangelica @gracecelestial @kazumiabi @loser-brain @leechandoki @lunaerebus @probablyspooky @queenlybeastly @vinylghast @wolfsnowphoenix @whereisxyro @yautja-addict

HEY GUYS!!! I Have Some Awesome News!

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1 year ago

I've been reminded of the "Would you still love me as a worm?" Meme n it's quite fitting for my predator oc pairing, I believe that meme would sum up the shenanigans in their relationship when they're officially dating.

However, it's really funny to imagine Nova asking that jokingly to Ta'jiel when they're friends n that's how he finds out she can shapeshift.

Nova: Ta'jiel, would you still love me as a worm?

Ta'jiel: *confused and turns around* Love you if you were a worm???

Nova: *as a worm* ...

Ta'jiel: *as himself but exhausted* ....

[I'll try to give a profile of these ocs of mine so yall can see what I'm talking abt🫂]

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11 months ago
A Bunch Of Assorted Doodles Of Catheline, My Other Main Girl Of My Fic Songbirds And Tigers
A Bunch Of Assorted Doodles Of Catheline, My Other Main Girl Of My Fic Songbirds And Tigers
A Bunch Of Assorted Doodles Of Catheline, My Other Main Girl Of My Fic Songbirds And Tigers
A Bunch Of Assorted Doodles Of Catheline, My Other Main Girl Of My Fic Songbirds And Tigers
A Bunch Of Assorted Doodles Of Catheline, My Other Main Girl Of My Fic Songbirds And Tigers
A Bunch Of Assorted Doodles Of Catheline, My Other Main Girl Of My Fic Songbirds And Tigers
A Bunch Of Assorted Doodles Of Catheline, My Other Main Girl Of My Fic Songbirds And Tigers

A bunch of assorted doodles of Catheline, my other main girl of my fic Songbirds and Tigers

She's the defition of short and sweet.

(1) A color test of her hair. It is not dyed, that is how it naturally looks. She got some lucky genetics she supposes.

(2) That's her Tattoo design. She has it on the back of her left shoulder, so it's not easy to notice. It was a birthday gift for her 20's.

(3) Just her enjoying a nice cup of tea, relaxing on the couch while wearing her favourite night gown.

(4, 5, 6, 7) She's trying out a couple of outfits her big space girlfriend gifted to her. She added herself all the flowers motifs and she's just vibing with these looks. Wy'ld however might need to take a moment or otherwise she might let her instints to 'mate' take over.

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11 months ago
They Are So Adorable, I'm Obsessed With These Two Brothers.

They are so adorable, I'm obsessed with these two brothers.

Emily is showing some memes to Ju'hka'de. She also has a blog where she posts photos of her everyday life with her older brother, everyone just thinks it's some big guy in a costume XD

I love them

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1 year ago

Name a character that you don’t have a crush on but wouldn’t turn down the offer, so basically you would date them if ur pookie didn’t exist.

Mine so far consist of Jason Voorhees, Mileena Amanda Young, Jake Park, Yui Kimura, Thalita Lyra, Jane Romero, Tiffany Valentine, Lady Dimitrescu, the Predator, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Eddie Munson, Ghostface, and Arbiter.

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7 months ago
My Favorite Xeno! Can't Wait To Watch The New Alien Movie

My favorite xeno! Can't wait to watch the new alien movie ❤️✨️

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2 years ago

So a while ago you made headcanons about kitty-slasher (which were super adorable) and recently I was thinking... what would Yautja (is that spelled right?) be like as cats? I imagine they would be the like my cousin's cat; always getting into fights outside the house but extremely cuddly and loveable inside the house. What do you think?

I agree. Yautja already share many behavioral traits with felines. After all, they love to hunt and purr; their society is also centered around strength and survival.

Yautja as a Cat…

● Hierarchy of strength. The alpha gets the best spots–that’s just how it goes. Of course, there are always your other cats trying to test the boundaries. Simply put, your lil’ mate is probably kicking butt on a daily basis. Did another cat lay in their spot? *Sniff sniff, opens jaw* Uh-oh, someone’s getting paw-slapped.

Note: Being a master tactician, they won’t attack right away. Instead, they’ll lull your other cat into a false sense of security before exacting justice.

● Really weird gifts. A dead bird? But of course! Your cat is a master of the hunt–unparalleled in their cunning and stealth. Chest lifted in pride, you’ll get to see some extra smug strutting. I see you’ve found my gift, (Y/N). Indeed, you’re in the presence of the ultimate bringer of death. 

● Super Tough but Secretly Snuggly. Oh, you know your lil’ mate would purr just for you. Fresh from a fight (which you may or may not have broken up), they’ll prance on inside, hopping onto your lap for snuggles.

● Protective. Are you carrying them upstairs? If anyone–human or cat–threatens you, prepare for low growls. Translation: Don’t even think about messing with us!

● Lots of scars. Anyone who looks at your cat is immediately intimidated. Lumber across the room like a miniature puma, their energy screams â€˜badass’.


How they act on catnip…

Run away! Eyes as round as saucers, your yautja will attack anything that moves. *Looks at inanimate object* IT MOVED!!! *Launches self at the soon-to-be-destroyed item*

Cloaking practice. â€œYautja, I can see you!” No, yautja is hidden–invisible to ooman detection. Yautja is master of hiding. Poke their exposed lower half and enjoy the chaotic death rolls.

Their favorite toy…

Ping pong balls. After all, your little destroyer needs a challenge–something that won’t just submit to death. *Bats ball with paw* Where are you going? You cannot escape your doom!

Their favorite place to sleep…

On your bed. After the introduction of a heated blanket, it’d be their spot. Habitually kneading their claws into the soft fabric, it would quickly become a mess of random tufts.

In trees. Your fluffy tyrant is a skilled climber. â€œYou want outside?” Once you open the door, they’ll make a bee-line for their tree. (Note: They have a specific branch. If any feline uses it, your cat will chase them off.)

Sleep sensitivity…

It depends on the location. In your room with the door closed? They’ll be dead to the world. In a tree? Sleep-balancing. Honestly, they’re a little ninja.

What bothers them…

PDA. Are you outside? No, get away from me! Don’t let the other cats see us together! What if they lost respect for your cat? What if they stopped fearing the claws? The harder you try, the faster your cat will be to dart away. Turn to them? *Leaves* â€œI was looking for the other cat!”

Level of Clinginess…

Words aren’t needed. You have a silent understanding. While your cat isn’t lap-cat friendly, they’re loyal to you and you alone. Whenever you’re in private, that’s when the snuggling occurs. They also only listen to you. Simply put, your cat is a wild animal that cannot be tamed–unless they hear your voice. Puuuuuuurrrrr.

How they beg for food…

There will be no begging. Your yautja is a master of survival. Food? You mean their prey? Of course, they’d be more than willing to accept treats. But begging? No. They’re just too mighty for that.

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2 years ago

I want one 🥺🥺

Having a Yautja Hunting Hound Would Include:

Having A Yautja Hunting Hound Would Include:

● They are incredibly protective. Your hound would literally lay down its life for you if it comes to that. Yours will follow you everywhere. And if it thinks you’re approaching something dangerous? Tug! You’d be startled to find them latched on to the back of your robe, gently tugging you to a safer area.

● They are loyal to the end. Nothing, I repeat, nothing is stopping this thing. They are dedicated thick-skinned troopers. Even hurt, your hound will faithfully stand beside you, no matter what may come.

● Training them is so much fun! Did you know that adult lions will exaggerate pain when a cub attacks them? Indeed, they do! It’s to encourage the little lions. This same principle applies to yautja hounds. You’ll be surprised the first time your tiny pup launches itself at your mate–only for him to collapse and roar with feigned terror.

● They take themselves way too seriously. Even as a puppy, yautja hounds think they are the scariest beasts to ever walk the universe. They’ll strut about, looking majestic, only to be startled by your sneeze.

● You can ride them. Yes, the day has finally come: your own ridable pet! While yautja are far too large, you (a tiny ooman) can easily ride a fully-grown hunting hound. In fact, your mate would surprise you one day with a saddle. Remember: once full-grown, a yautja hound is closer in size to a massive bear. That, plus their extreme strength makes carrying you an easy task.

● They are a hardy species. The first time your hound was severely injured, you’d been heartbroken. As you’d sobbed over the whimpering pup, you’d begged your mate not to put them down. He’d cocked his had, utterly baffled by your words. “Why would I do that?” You were sure it’d at least have a limp–and you knew the Yautja didn’t tolerate weakness. To your disbelief, however, the next morning saw your little troublemaker up and about, ready for another walk.

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1 year ago

Who is your favourite oc?

my favourite would definitely be "O'Jih" ^^

Who Is Your Favourite Oc?

made this one for an art trade with a friend

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1 year ago

Made this piece for a commission, and I am a lil obsessed with it 🤷‍♀️

Made This Piece For A Commission, And I Am A Lil Obsessed With It
Made This Piece For A Commission, And I Am A Lil Obsessed With It
Made This Piece For A Commission, And I Am A Lil Obsessed With It

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9 months ago

I can't believe I've never actually watched this movie (or the rest of the series baring Prometheus, which I didn't realize was part of the series till the end, for that matter). It actually took me 20 years to watch AVP.

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2 years ago

Yautja x Fem.Reader

Yautja X Fem.Reader

Edit: I see someone wants a part two, if ya'll get this to 200 notes by next Saturday, I'll totally do it. I'll give ya a little extra if you make it to any number higher than that, even by one. *genuinely intrigued about how this'll go* Edit 2: Here it is babes, Part 2

I hear people are looking for this so, here. Also, this is my shitty attempt at a dark fic, because I wanna try one--even though it's faaaar from my regular style, I'm far from a darkfic writer, but I like challenges-- and it seems many people have been craving a dark fic of Yautja more than not, so I'll hopefully help y'all out (I wrote this when I was sleepy so idk how it was). *puts all smutty writing experience into this*

Want more from me? Ask or check out my Masterlist!

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

Breed (Predator)

Warning(s): Probably the smuttiest smut I've ever smutted, noncon details, breeding, rough, unprotected, a creamy little pie, size difference, triggers (so do not read if they apply to you), this turned long asf.

You survive with a Predator who killed all of your friends...but it seems the Yautja have taken an interest in you and don't plan to let you leave...


You groan out, tossing your head to the side.

What makes you realize you aren't in your bed is a few things.

There's an echo.

It feels like you're laying on a hard table.

Your wrists are bound to your chest.

Your ankles are weighed down by something heavy, which after moving around your toes you realize are cuffs connected by a chain, where most of the weight came from.

And most importantly, you can't see, you noticed as your lashes fluttered against a cloth.

"Where am I?"

"Above earth," an amused, disembodied voice responds.

A familiar voice, one of your friends.

"Ester...? I thought you died..."

"What you didn't see didn't happen."

"Hey, can you take this stuff off me?" you grunted as moved to shift your arms to no avail.

"Why would I do that? I put you there."

Your brows furrowed, "What?"

"You see. That whole thing was a setup, I was working with them this whole time."

"But why? They killed your friends! Our friends!"

She chuckled, "Oh, that's what you believed. I was just doing my job to survive. To find them the perfect specimen."

You grunted as you struggled and failed to loosen your restraints.

"You see, they've been for years, creating more advanced creatures to hunt. They've already tried to with another species, Xenomorphs--the ones that spit acid. But they wondered if they could try such a thing with humans..."

Your blood ran cold, "Please don't tell me..."

"They realized they could, they hunted for the perfect human, one who possessed certain genes that had a high percentage of handling a Yautja seed. And when one wanted to kill me after hunting all my allies a few years ago, I offered to do anything. Now I've found you."

"So-ugh--then what? They're just gonna let you go?"

"Well, my part of the deal is finished. There's no other use for me."

"Exactly, idiot," you muttered.

Suddenly you heard a loud thumping sound.

"Ah, here they come."

You moan in despair as you try to move, the cold metal biting against your ankles, "This is hopeless."

"Here's the human you left with, she's perfect, she's worthy of you due to her survival."

Yes, you remember.

Suddenly you found yourself helpless, the two...Xenomorphs you supposed, had terrorized your college class during your international trip to the Daintree Rainforest.

The other creature--the...Yautja had killed a few security guards and three of your friends. As you grew to understand this Predator, you realized it only killed something that seemed to be a challenge, everyone that was killed by it had a weapon at some point.

But you, you're a tough one. You survived, and the Yautja gave you weapons to aid it, you managed to kill a Xenomorph on your own.

You had enough education about tribal tradition to know when it smeared some of its excruciatingly burning blood on you, it found you worthy in a sense.

Or he, since as far as you know most creatures bred with the opposite sex.

"I can leave now, right? If you want I can tell you where I can be dropped off," Ester happily spoke up.

You heard a familiar sound slice through the air, his weapon.

"W-wait...what are you doing? I did what you--what you asked...No! No! No-!"

You heard a body thump and a strong smell of blood fill the air, you knew the smell with little effort after the last two days.

There was some shuffling, you guessed she was being dragged away to be dumped by another one of them.

Then the thumping footsteps started up again, getting closer. Until he stood next to your... examination table.

You tried to shift away, not being able to do much but hold yourself up and not fall halfway off the edge. Only for your arms to get tugged and move you back to the more comfortable position.

"Please...I can't--I can't provide you with anything."

You jumped as you felt a nail trail down your jaw before a scaly hand--that was still surprisingly smoother than you expected--gripped your chin, twisting your head left and right.

You couldn't help the shiver that ran down your spine.

A thumb brushed against the acid mark he gave you on your cheek.

The only sound you heard was a sharp grunt, in disapproval or satisfaction, you didn't know.

His thumb dragged across your lips before his hand went lower...

You stiffened when the wandering hand paused, before yelping at the sound of a blade moving through the air.

He slowly sliced through your long-sleeved shirt and bra, your breath hitched as you felt the cold metal graze your skin. If there was any more pressure, he would've sliced you open.

You let out a breathless sigh as the restricting bra released you. You hated bras sometimes.

You could feel him move and tried to shift away, only for him to catch you by your neck and slide you back into the position you were in.

With a quivering lip, you felt curious hands explore your breasts.

"Please, just let me go..."

You bit your lip at an experimental squeeze.

You couldn't seriously be reacting to this? Could you?

But when you felt something brush against your sensitive bud...

Your breathing skipped.

Another pause, before it was tested again.

Your hands tightened into fists.

Then without warning, he relentlessly rolled the hardened bud between his fingers.

With a whine, you tried to move away, only for his grip on your neck to tighten.

You tried to keep as much self-control as you could, but that changed a few minutes later when his hand moved, your stomach jumping as it came and went and stiffening as the hand stopped at the band of your pants.

"Please...don't..." you desperately pleaded.

There are a few seconds of dragging his thumb back and forth against your hip, as if deciding, but ultimately tearing it all off in one motion.

You squealed at suddenly being exposed, trying to clench your thighs together.

He denied you of this, effortlessly opening your thighs to expose for him to fully see.

You decided to be defiant as you felt him shift onto the table.

"This is--isn't going to work. Humans and Aliens aren't going to be able to--do this," you tried to move your legs, the heavy chain helping you none, "I'm not even remotely aroused--"

He interrupted you as you felt him lean closer to your wetness, feeling his breath hit the sensitive area.

The clicking sound he made almost sounded amused, before making you gasp as he rubbed a curious finger against you.

"Mm--stop--you--you can't--!"

Shuddering as a finger slid into you, you attempted to wriggle out of his hold. Only for his grip to tighten a little more, at this point, he was definitely warning you.

You felt embarrassed by the light squelching sound you heard. At least you didn't have to see.

Then two more were added.

"I can't--that's too much!" you cried out.

But when his wrist brushed against your cilt, your body completely surrendered.

He realized how greatly that affected you and decided to continue learning.

With a shaky breath, you desperately tried to hold back. Tried to deny your body's pleasure with your mind.

You clenched your thighs together at an attempt to stop his hand, but all it seemed to do was piss him off and force your legs apart, his originally slow and curious pace becoming rougher.

You bit your lip hard, keeping in any sounds.

But in the end, your body betrayed you, and with a long whine and bucking hips, you released.

He pulled his hand away and for a moment you thought he was done for now.

Until you felt something rubbing against you, something you could tell already wouldn't fit.

"That's not gonna--!"

You whimpered as he effortlessly slid in with a gravelly groan, the stretch stung.

"It's not gunna--It's not gunna...Take it out...."

Your head thumped back onto the table.

Without a break in movement, he kept moving, the chain connecting your ankles lightly clinking.

You let out a little sob as you bit your lip, you didn't know if it was from the violation or the pleasure, possibly both.

Every time he thrust forward, you could feel the stretch.

"It's gunna...gunna..."

He slid his hand up your throat just enough to push down the lip your teeth dug into with an index finger.

He wanted to hear you.

But with defiance, you swallowed every sound you made.

Until the speed changed, the cold metal rubbing against your back from the table, a stark contrast to the heat you felt.

Finally, he started getting little sounds out of you, whimpers, pleads.

Abruptly, he pulled away, leaving you empty, before easily moving the weighted chain that felt like a ton to you and flipping you over on your knees.

You winced as your face smacked into the table. Your arms still bound in front of you.

You groaned into the metal as he completely filled you again.

As he moved, you felt more force behind each thrust.

"I can't--It's too--too much-ah!"

He slammed harder, which made you try to cushion your face.

Your heard a few sharp grunts, yet not of effort, which didn't surprise you. You were probably a warm-up.

Your body gently quivered from the force.

And the chains loudly clinked in time with him.


Combing his fingers into your hair, he tugged you back, landing seated in his lap.

He sat motionless for a few seconds, a throaty groan was let out.

You made one last attempt to wriggle away.

And you think that made him completely snap from annoyance.

And you knew this because when he moved again, it was like he'd decided to completely destroy you.

With roughness you never experienced before, a deepness you never felt, a speed you didn't know was possible, he pounded into you at least a few times before your skin even slapped against his again.

And it seemed he was satisfied, every sound you hid before was milked out until you couldn't even process where you were anymore.

All you could feel was him, the pleasure, that stretch, all you could hear was the squelching of your wetness.

Your mouth couldn't even close anymore, completely drunk off him.

Your thighs shook terribly, barely able to handle him.

And you wouldn't even be surprised if he still went easy on you.

You were close.

When he tightened his grip, cutting off your breathing that was it.

Your hips bucked wildly as you released for the second time, a long moan ripping out of you.

Clenching around him so deliciously made him follow after. Filling you to the brim, and dripping down his length.

You sighed, as you began to settle only to whimper when you realized...

He wasn't done yet.

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