Prepare For Shameless Self Promotion - Tumblr Posts
Too Trad Catholic to be into Star Trek, and Star Wars isn’t enough…
But probably deemed too much of a “Heretic” for WH40k because while like bits and bobs of the Imperium, Eldar, and Tau, the closest thing to ‘good’ factions, I don’t like their ideologies
I find them all to be a denial of the transcendent good of God and replaces it with Nietzschean or Marxist gibberish
The Imperial Truth pre-heresy was militant atheist humanism and a post-heresy is Nazi Race Mysticism, both flaying The Catholic Church and wearing its skin as a pelt
Eldari are weird Neo-Pagans who are really not that different
And Tau are just Samurai Space Commies
So imma take what I liked and wanted from the latter and make my own thing.
Cue the Space Marines, Eldari, and Tau breaking down my door for being a “Heretic”, “Mon’keigh”, and opposed to “The Greater Good” respectively and The Emperor calling me “Superstitious”