divinecomedyproductions - "Comedia est Transcendens"
"Comedia est Transcendens"

The Tumblr Blog of Retro Ace, Head of Divine Comedy Productiosn and aspiring storyteller of high-fantasy blended with various genres

476 posts

Too Trad Catholic To Be Into Star Trek, And Star Wars Isnt Enough

Too Trad Catholic to be into Star Trek, and Star Wars isn’t enough…

But probably deemed too much of a “Heretic” for WH40k because while like bits and bobs of the Imperium, Eldar, and Tau, the closest thing to ‘good’ factions, I don’t like their ideologies

I find them all to be a denial of the transcendent good of God and replaces it with Nietzschean or Marxist gibberish

The Imperial Truth pre-heresy was militant atheist humanism and a post-heresy is Nazi Race Mysticism, both flaying The Catholic Church and wearing its skin as a pelt

Eldari are weird Neo-Pagans who are really not that different

And Tau are just Samurai Space Commies

So imma take what I liked and wanted from the latter and make my own thing.

Cue the Space Marines, Eldari, and Tau breaking down my door for being a “Heretic”, “Mon’keigh”, and opposed to “The Greater Good” respectively and The Emperor calling me “Superstitious”

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More Posts from Divinecomedyproductions

https://youtu.be/hJjjmotf_xw A video justifying the likes of Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, and other “trashy” or “sunshine and rainbows” stories, which to me comes from the exhaustion of grimmdark and tragedy. Not to devalue them, but rather its overstayed its welcome in my opinion.

Featuring @neopoliitan’s RWBY Evermorrow

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'The Annunciation' By Takato Yamamoto

'The Annunciation' by Takato Yamamoto

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I have a theory that Marxism and Nietzscheism is the result of the Individual and the Collective being torn asunder from the abolishment of the Monarchy which kept both in check.

Without a 3rd side ordained by God, it leads to a vicious cycle

which leads to my theory that The Trinity also is a damning refutation of Dualism because of its fatal flaw to make one the measure of all things and the other evil without something higher than themselves to keep them in check because its something and someone bigger than themselves taking into account what the other side won’t touch even with a ten-foot pole

And as a result, both sides as much as they hate each other will put up with each other and even make deals with each other under the table if it means going after something they both hate even more

I call it "The Demonic Duality"

I think CS Lewis came to a similar conclusion

I'm something of an integralist

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why do IzuOcha and BakuCamie play off each other so damn well?

Its like a cute punch buggy and dune buggy compared to sleek sports car and an armored military truck

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