Princess Bride Reference - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

As You Wish

James Kirk x gn!reader

⚠️: none really, for some reason reader hasn’t seen the Princess Bride

word count: 1,007

Jim was nice to you, but you thought nothing of it, he’s just a guy right? He was friends with everyone so it couldn’t be a big deal that he visited you in engineering yesterday morning. “Hey, Y/N!” Kirk greeted gleefully, “ow!” You sucked in a breath and attempted not to curse as you had hit your head on the counter you were working under. “Sorry! Are you alright?” He recoiled as he heard tools begin to clatter. “Yeah, I’m good. What’s up Jim?” You assured as you slid out from under the table, covered in grease and various other unidentified debris. “Well” Jim hesitated as he rocked on his heels with his hands held behind his back. “Brought you some water and a snack because Scotty said he hadn’t seen you leave the engine room since lunch yesterday” he finished in a rush as he held out the food and drink. “Aww, thanks you didn’t have to do that” You thanked him as you stood up. “Hey could ya open those for me” you requested, referring to the bag of pretzels Jim had brought. “Greasy hands” you explained as you waved your hands up in evidence of your point. “As you wish” Jim smiled as he opened it for you. “Oh hey, before you go, can I ask you a favour?” You asked Jim just as he set the pretzels on the table you had just been working under. “Of course, Y/N. What do you need?” Jim agreed instantly, “it shouldn’t take long, but it would be great if you could hold some wires in place for me while I secure them” you stated. Jim was already getting on the ground next to you as he said once more “As you wish”. ——— Or this morning when he was making a run for coffee and asked if you wanted some. Would have asked other people if they didn’t already have their own coffee, right? “Hey, Y/N! I’m getting coffee, you want some?” Jim asked before heading over to the turbo lift. “Yeah, could I have mine with ice though?” You asked, “As you wish” he replied just before hopping into the turbo lift. McCoy turned to you, “How in the stars are you still single?” He remarked, “What are you talking about?” You asked. “His ‘as you wish’ business?!?” McCoy pointed out, “I’m sure he says that to everyone!” You argue. “Oh bless your heart, he doesn’t say that to anyone else, and have you never seen the Princess Bride?” McCoy rambled. “No, what has that got to do with anything?” You ask defensively, “you’ll see, come to my quarters and we’ll watch it after my shift is over” McCoy stated simply, it wasn’t so much an offer as it was an order. Kirk came back a few moments later with coffee that you quite honestly forgot you had asked for. “Thank you” you said as you took it from him, “Of course” Jim replied, giving a cordial nod. ——— The shift had passed slowly, but it was over now and you were on your way to McCoy’s quarters to see a movie that would supposedly clear things up. You put the pin in the keypad (not that you’re supposed to have it, but what Starfleet Command doesn’t know, won’t hurt them). “Oh, hey!” McCoy greets before pausing a moment, “how’d you get in?” He asked in realisation. “I’m in engineering” you state plainly. Leonard seems a bit concerned by this, but moves to put on the movie anyway. “Sit down, you’re not gonna wanna stand the whole time” He says looking up to you from the couch. ———

An hour and a half later and all you could really remember of the movie was When he was saying as you wish, what he meant was I love you. You turned slowly to look at Leonard “and Jim’s seen this movie?!?” You ask in disbelief, “one of his favourites in fact” McCoy stated casually, as if this weren’t Earth shattering information. You ran out of the room and down the hall to Jim’s quarters. You had to do this before your courage ran away from you. You knocked on the door (you’re not really sure why you did it since there’s bell, but moving on), it was only a few moments before the door slid open. “May I have some tea” you requested quietly, you were banking on him saying it again, otherwise this didn’t work and it was just a random request for tea. Jim smiled down at you “As you wish” he declared softly and simply as he moved for you to come in. “I love you too” you had said just as he was turning around. You had said it so quietly that for a moment you weren’t sure Jim had heard you, if that were the case you were entirely prepared to forget about this. He turned toward you again and pulled you into a hug, it was full of warmth and it was tight. He pulled back to give you a kiss, just as warm and pleasant as his hug. Jim pulled away “Did you still want that cup of tea” he asked with a smirk, “as long as you’re offering” you say as you walk the rest of the way into his quarters. Something could vaguely be heard one room over, but you figure nothing of it. ————— Bonus scene: McCoy and Scotty had run into Spock’s quarters to put their ears against the wall closest to Kirk’s room. “Pay up, Scotty!” McCoy nearly shouts, “I told you I could do it!!” Scotty grumbles to himself as he pulls out his wallet. “Excuse me gentlemen, but I would appreciate it if you could leave now” Spock deadpanned, Leonard and Scotty look over to see Spock, wet and still wrapped in a towel. “I really hope you sleep in pyjamas, otherwise that’s a mental image I really don’t need!” McCoy spit as he and Scotty went back to their respective rooms.

As You Wish

Also this is what I used as the layout for the quarters in case you were wondering.

As You Wish

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