Kirk X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Captain Kirk fluff alphabet

A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)

Oh boy does he have a helluva time with that question if you actually ask it. The answer is definitely your hips/lower waist, if you have love handles all the better, he loves to love the love handles. Seriously pulls you in by the waist all the time, for kisses, hugs, snuggles, everything.

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

Not right now, he wants to give his potential children a normal life, and by that he means one that doesn’t put them in danger out in space. But at the end of the five year mission, you bet your buttons he wants mini hims and yous running around. Of course if you don’t want children it’s not a deal breaker for him, but then he does want a pet instead.

C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)

Basically nonstop. He doesn’t care if there are people around, he likes knowing that you’re there and seeing you just isn’t the same as feeling you near. If you sit in his lap he’ll die, you can’t leave now. If one of you can’t sleep, then you end up in each other’s quarters, curled up together and sleeping harder than anyone knew was possible. When you’re in bed Jim really loves when you put your head on his chest, he likes that he can still see you, he also likes that it gives him the opportunity to rub your back or play with your hair.

D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)

You’re both busy people so you have dinner together every night just to guarantee to get to see each other, so he longer really considers dinner a date. Dinner would definitely be involved still, it just isn’t the main event. If you’re on shore leave he would find a concert that he thinks you would enjoy and depending on late the show is he’ll either take you to dinner before or after.

E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))

It feels kind of cheesy, but you’re his Universe. It was bound to happen, I mean the man absolutely adores you AND you guys are in outer space, it was gonna happen. At first it surprises you a bit because he’s not much of a “you’re my ___” kinda guy for the most part, but you quickly come to love it.

F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)

Back in the academy when he was having an absolute nervous breakdown. He was a mess, a wreck, shaking and babbling total nonsense. It was caused by the anxiety of final exams, Jim didn’t think himself at all prepared. And you seeing a grown man having a breakdown, what did you do? You plopped down right next to him and gave him a hug, told him that he was gonna do great because you knew him, he was born a Captain. You even offered to help him study. And he didn’t think he could have made bigger heart eyes 😍 at you in that moment… he was wrong the heart eyes have definitely gotten bigger over the years.

G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)

Kirk is just a big puppy dog of a man. He would never intentionally hurt you and if he ever did he might die inside. He’s so careful it’s kind of ridiculous. He’s still Jim, he’ll still crack jokes and flirt (not just with you), but if he ever finds out that bothers you when he makes flirty comments to others, then it all comes to a crashing halt. This man will not stand for hurting you or your feelings in any way, shape, or form.

H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)

Holding hands is nice, but he probably only holds hands at more formal events or if you’re uncomfortable with more contact than that in public. Jim likes to be touching you as much as possible, he’s more of an arm-over-your-shoulder kinda guy. He just hates being alone and loves physical affection, please love him 😫🥰😩

I = Impression (What was their first impression?)

Jim’s first impression of you isn’t bad, but it’s maybe not what you would hope your first meeting with anyone would be. You were talking to some and weren’t looking where you were going, you tripped over a tree root. Boy, are you lucky he was there and has such quick reflexes, otherwise you would have absolutely bit it. So his first impression is that you need just a little bit of protecting and he was willing to be the one to do it. Looking back, Kirk thinks that he was actually in love with you right from the moment you landed in his arms.

J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)

Both yes and no. Jim doesn’t at all care what you say, flirt all you like, but it’s when touching is involved that he gets a little nervous. If someone’s hand lingers too long he might swing by and give you just a little kiss on the cheek. If you hug someone (even though he completely understands that sometimes people just need hugs) he will cling to you for the rest of the day. Someone else making you laugh will do the trick too, it’s not “hey that’s not allowed to happen” type of jealous, it’s “gee I wish that was me making you laugh” kind of jealous because he loves hearing laugh, and it makes him so friggin happy to know that he got to make you laugh.

K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)

Jim just loves kissing you, period. But he really really loves to kiss the top of your head because it usually requires a hug to get there. He also loves to kiss your jaw, just little butterfly 🦋kisses because if you kisses light enough it elicits giggles from you! Your first kiss on the lips was an accident, you both happened to go to kiss each other on the cheek at the same time. In the general though, the first kiss was initiated by you. Jim had just given you a really fancy copy of your favourite book, and you got so excited that you kissed his cheek and gave him a hug. It was a very difficult moment for him because you weren’t together yet, but it was after he had realised his feelings for you.

L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)

Jim does, this is actually when you realise you have feelings for him. He had just gotten the scores on his final exams back, he aced them!!! He ran to your dorm with his PADD in hand and the scores pulled up. He didn’t even knock, he dashed right and picked you up. “I love you!!! You’re the best!!!! I passed all of my exams! I couldn’t have done it without you” he swings you around before finally calming down enough to put you down and show you his actual scores.

M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)

If you couldn’t already tell he’s big on physical affection and snuggles 🥰 so his favourite memory is definitely the first time you two cuddled. You were both exhausted on the couch and watching a movie in his dorm and the cuddling just kind of happened.

N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)

Jim would love to if that’s what you want, but he himself is really a quality time kinda guy, like sure he’ll buy you pretty much whatever you want, but he really really really wants to cuddle and watch a movie! Like pretty please 🥺 snuggle the baby.

O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)

It’s warm brown. It reminds Jim of a teddy bear 🧸 and you are his teddy bear, he snuggles you to relax and to quell any anxieties he may have. You’re his anchor and his teddy bear in the best way possible. Warm and cozy brown

Captain Kirk Fluff Alphabet

P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)

It’s not super creative, but he won’t change his mind, Sweetheart and Sweetie are his favourites for you. He can’t help it if they happen to be true, you’re the sweetest person he knows and he wants you to know it!

Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)

Cabins in the woods. He loves the fireplace. Cabins are the most perfect place to snuggle in. If you stay in a cabin together, you will be alone even less often than usual. He will drag you to the couch to cuddle under a blanket in front of the fire.

R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)

It’s not even a question, you aren’t leaving bed. He will hold you hostage for snuggles while you listen to the rain. If it’s cold he won’t turn on the heat either, we all know that body heat is the best way to warm up. 😢🥰

S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)

Hugs. If you look upset he will find you later so he doesn’t embarrass you in front of others. When he finds you, he won’t even ask, he knows you'll tell him what’s up when you’re ready. He engulfs you in the biggest bear hug and won’t let go until you do. If he’s upset he’s probably gonna want to snuggle with you and put his head on your chest so he can listen to your heart beat, please please run your fingers through his hair❤️‍🔥, he will be eternally grateful.

T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)

He’s a bit more of a listener, he could listen to your voice for ages. But when it is his turn to talk, he likes to tell jokes and funny stories because like I said before, he loves making you laugh. If you also like to hear him talk though, he will tangentially talk about anything to make you happy, it’s stream of consciousness, anything and nothing.

U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)

Taking naps, naps are his remedy for basically everything, but it only works if it’s a nap with you. He must have snuggles, otherwise he’ll be left to stew in whatever’s worrying him. Also if you thought his snuggling was aggressive before, he’s got in a vice once he falls asleep, will.not.let.go

V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)

Honestly? He’s not much of a show off, but he loves to show off for you. It’s dancing he loves to learn new and fancy dance moves just to impress you. McCoy once caught Kirk practicing a move that required a partner and got himself roped into helping Jim practice. This man dips and twirls you like no one else! 🩷❤️🩷

W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)

You'll have been together for quite awhile before Jim proposes. He just wants to be 1000% certain that marriage is what you want too. It doesn’t need to be fancy or extravagant, but it does need to be meaningful. If Jim really gets the feeling that you do want to marry him then he’ll wait until you’re both back on Earth. He’ll take you back to the academy under the guise that he’s to be a guest speaker. On the way up to the main campus though, he would pretend he dropped something right in front of the same tree root you had tripped over. He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. “Yes!! Oh my god YES” you would yell before he could start “can I say a few things first, Sweetheart?” Of course you said yes again, but it was difficult because now you’re crying. “I know you’re the one who tripped here so long ago, but I was the one who fell. I didn’t know it then, but when I caught you it was the best thing to ever happen to me” you’re absolutely sobbing now “That- that was ssso cheesy, but I’m still saying yes” you cried.

X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)

Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen. He loves it because it’s a relatively chill rock song. He also has definitely at some point or another brought you to his quarters, turned out a majority of the lights and played this song to dance with you to. After the first time he does it, turning out the lights and dancing becomes a really good way for both of you to relax.

Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)

All the time, he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you. If you don’t want to get married that’s fine too, but he still wants to spend the rest of your lives together. You’re his Universe and he can’t imagine a future that doesn’t have you in it.

Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)

A dog, any kind of dog, but a really big one. He would love to wrestle with a big dog (in a loving way). And he would run with that dog too, like you might never see him again if it weren’t for the fact that the dog would get hungry and thirsty eventually. He would love that floofer to bits.

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1 year ago

How the TOS crew reacts to being stuck in the turbo lift with you

requested by anon: “how would the tos crew react to getting stuck in the turbolift with reader?”


He only briefly looks up when he realises that the turbo lift has stopped.

Has no reaction whatsoever and goes back to doing whatever work on his PADD because he figures somebody has to notice it’s out of order fairly quickly

He just goes about his business until he hears you hyperventilating

He already knows why you’re panicking.

Spock does his best to comfort you by telling you that there’s only one turbo lift and therefore someone will have to fix it soon.

He’ll 100% tell you all about the history of elevators and how the turbo lift is so much safer 🤓

If you’re still worried after that he’ll let you hold his hand until someone finally fixes the turbo lift.

Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy

Internally, he also freaks out a little bit

Bones somehow keeps his composure despite being trapped very close to you

He’s entirely in his own head about it until he realises that he can hear you freaking out even more than him

His inner country boy breaks out a little and pulls you close to him

Absolutely kisses your hands and maybe even your cheek to make you giggle a bit

He’ll remind you that you guys have been through way worse than a stopped turbo lift.

Jim Kirk

“Huh” his exact words after realising you’ve stopped.

Honestly, he really really trusts his crew so he won’t be worried at all

But the moment he hears your breathing pick up he’ll start cracking jokes

“Actually this works out perfectly, I was on my way to a meeting”

Pulls you into a big bear hug and tells you how he’d much rather be here with you

if you’re still panicking he’ll say something like “do I have to order you to calm down”

Keeps telling jokes until you laugh

and when you do laugh, he’s pretty sure his heart jumps out of his chest.

Nyota Uhura

Absolute girl boss about it

Would 100% wait it out if it weren’t for the fact that she could see you panicking

But you’re panicking and she can’t bare to see you with anything but a smile on your face

She pulls out her comm and calls down to engineering (why did no one else think to do this? 🧐)

Once she’s done that all she can really do is wait

She won’t even wait or hesitate, she’ll pull you to the floor and sit with you

10/10 would recommend getting stuck in the turbo lift with Nyota, she will cuddle until someone fixes the lift


“Oh my”

His mind seriously blanks

But he kicks into gear when he remembers you’re here too

He pulls out a deck of cards and asks if you like magic 🪄

(I dunno why I just think Sulu can do card tricks and stuff 🤷‍♀️)

Card tricks quickly devolves into an intense game of war

Its unexpected for sure, but it works


It takes him a moment to notice

But when he hears your breathing he looks up and realises that you’ve stopped

You’re lucky to be stuck in the turbo lift with the head of engineering

He gives you a quick wink 😉 and smirks when you blush

He’d turn around, open up a panel that you didn’t even know existed, and fix it

Bam, problem solved

If you’re really shaken up by it though he’ll probably take you for a drink after or make you tea if you don’t drink

I hope you like it, anon. I’m super sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind, feel free to re-request it with more specific parameters if this isn’t what you meant.

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11 months ago

TOS headcanons

Prompt: I could really use a hug


He’s highly concerned, you’re usually alright with the fact that he’s not interested in sharing physical affections in public

He will hug you, but it’s really you who’s hugging him

He won’t stop the hug until you let go

Unfortunately for him that means he might be here for awhile

not that he really minds, he just can’t help but think of the duties he’s meant to be performing at the moment.



did you say hug?

yeah he’s a little worried about why you felt the need to say it, but he’ll always give you hugs

He knows you’ll tell him what it’s about when you feel like it, so for now he’ll just hold onto you

Warmest bear hugs

he doesn’t care how long you need

when you are ready to be let go he’ll give you a little squeeze before letting go


Oh, okay

“Come here, darlin’. It’ll be alright”

He doesn’t know that, but now isn’t the time to mention it

will run slow circles on your back and kiss your head until you want to be let go

when you do want to be let go he will hold you at arms length and looks you in the eye with a sympathetic look before giving you another kiss

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11 months ago

you look at a draft and go “I started really well and now I have no idea how to end this”

You Look At A Draft And Go I Started Really Well And Now I Have No Idea How To End This

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11 months ago

TOS headcanon

prompt: Hey don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself


Please come down from the tree

you really shouldn’t have climbed that high up the tree

he will pace around under the tree until you decide to come down

and then you tell him you’ll come down

hes so relieved

and then he looks up and you look like your about to jump

“Don’t do that! You’ll hurt yourself!”

of course you had already let go of the branch

and of course, you did in fact get hurt

long long lecture about how you shouldn’t do that again (Vulcan version of I told you so)


He’s somehow simultaneously laid back and a worry wort

You’re swimming and he’s just hanging out with Bones by the bar

then he looks up and nearly has a heart attack because there you are

You’ve climbed up to a cliff edge (for cliff diving purposes)

Yeah there’s water below you, but all Jim sees is the fact there you’re very high up

“Sweetheart, don’t do that you’ll hurt yourself!” He shouts from the bar as calmly as possible (which is not very calm)

You were fine this time, but Jim still nearly passed out while Bones just kinda smiled at you as if he were congratulating you on your accomplishment


“Don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself”? You mean the thing that he spends all day, everyday saying?

at this point he only half registers when people are doing semi-dangerous things

your probably messing with some gadget that you aren’t supposed to even have

when he looks up from his book to see this he just raises an eyebrow

goes back to reading before realising what he’s just seen

gives a half hearted “hey don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself”

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11 months ago

TOS headcanon

prompt: would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?

images imply x fem!reader, I’ll probably do an x masc!reader next


Yes, yes it would be

He’ll still do it if it’ll make you happy

but he’s gonna ask you a bunch of questions about it while you show him possible outfits.

You’re lucky you’re on shore leave otherwise he would say no, just for the sake of professionalism

TOS Headcanon



Do it, show him all the options!

after this it’ll probably become a regular thing

is bouncing up and down the whole time

he loves it even more because it gives him an excuse to be extra clingy

won’t leave your side because “without you the outfit doesn’t make sense”

TOS Headcanon


heavy sigh

yeah fine, but only because you look so excited about it

if you weren’t on shore leave he would never agree to it

mutters under his breath about how ridiculous this is the whole time

secretly loves it, which becomes not so secret when he says “I get to pick next time”

TOS Headcanon

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11 months ago

TOS headcanon

prompt: would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?

x masc!reader images this time


Yes, yes it would be

He’ll still do it if it’ll make you happy

but he’s gonna ask you a bunch of questions about it while you show him possible outfits.

You’re lucky you’re on shore leave otherwise he would say no, just for the sake of professionalism

TOS Headcanon



Do it, show him all the options!

after this it’ll probably become a regular thing

is bouncing up and down the whole time

he loves it even more because it gives him an excuse to be extra clingy

won’t leave your side because “without you the outfit doesn’t make sense”

TOS Headcanon


heavy sigh

yeah fine, but only because you look so excited about it

if you weren’t on shore leave he would never agree to it

mutters under his breath about how ridiculous this is the whole time

secretly loves it, which becomes not so secret when he says “I get to pick next time”

TOS Headcanon

Obviously Bones wears the one that says Mr. Always Right

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11 months ago

As You Wish

James Kirk x gn!reader

⚠️: none really, for some reason reader hasn’t seen the Princess Bride

word count: 1,007

Jim was nice to you, but you thought nothing of it, he’s just a guy right? He was friends with everyone so it couldn’t be a big deal that he visited you in engineering yesterday morning. “Hey, Y/N!” Kirk greeted gleefully, “ow!” You sucked in a breath and attempted not to curse as you had hit your head on the counter you were working under. “Sorry! Are you alright?” He recoiled as he heard tools begin to clatter. “Yeah, I’m good. What’s up Jim?” You assured as you slid out from under the table, covered in grease and various other unidentified debris. “Well” Jim hesitated as he rocked on his heels with his hands held behind his back. “Brought you some water and a snack because Scotty said he hadn’t seen you leave the engine room since lunch yesterday” he finished in a rush as he held out the food and drink. “Aww, thanks you didn’t have to do that” You thanked him as you stood up. “Hey could ya open those for me” you requested, referring to the bag of pretzels Jim had brought. “Greasy hands” you explained as you waved your hands up in evidence of your point. “As you wish” Jim smiled as he opened it for you. “Oh hey, before you go, can I ask you a favour?” You asked Jim just as he set the pretzels on the table you had just been working under. “Of course, Y/N. What do you need?” Jim agreed instantly, “it shouldn’t take long, but it would be great if you could hold some wires in place for me while I secure them” you stated. Jim was already getting on the ground next to you as he said once more “As you wish”. ——— Or this morning when he was making a run for coffee and asked if you wanted some. Would have asked other people if they didn’t already have their own coffee, right? “Hey, Y/N! I’m getting coffee, you want some?” Jim asked before heading over to the turbo lift. “Yeah, could I have mine with ice though?” You asked, “As you wish” he replied just before hopping into the turbo lift. McCoy turned to you, “How in the stars are you still single?” He remarked, “What are you talking about?” You asked. “His ‘as you wish’ business?!?” McCoy pointed out, “I’m sure he says that to everyone!” You argue. “Oh bless your heart, he doesn’t say that to anyone else, and have you never seen the Princess Bride?” McCoy rambled. “No, what has that got to do with anything?” You ask defensively, “you’ll see, come to my quarters and we’ll watch it after my shift is over” McCoy stated simply, it wasn’t so much an offer as it was an order. Kirk came back a few moments later with coffee that you quite honestly forgot you had asked for. “Thank you” you said as you took it from him, “Of course” Jim replied, giving a cordial nod. ——— The shift had passed slowly, but it was over now and you were on your way to McCoy’s quarters to see a movie that would supposedly clear things up. You put the pin in the keypad (not that you’re supposed to have it, but what Starfleet Command doesn’t know, won’t hurt them). “Oh, hey!” McCoy greets before pausing a moment, “how’d you get in?” He asked in realisation. “I’m in engineering” you state plainly. Leonard seems a bit concerned by this, but moves to put on the movie anyway. “Sit down, you’re not gonna wanna stand the whole time” He says looking up to you from the couch. ———

An hour and a half later and all you could really remember of the movie was When he was saying as you wish, what he meant was I love you. You turned slowly to look at Leonard “and Jim’s seen this movie?!?” You ask in disbelief, “one of his favourites in fact” McCoy stated casually, as if this weren’t Earth shattering information. You ran out of the room and down the hall to Jim’s quarters. You had to do this before your courage ran away from you. You knocked on the door (you’re not really sure why you did it since there’s bell, but moving on), it was only a few moments before the door slid open. “May I have some tea” you requested quietly, you were banking on him saying it again, otherwise this didn’t work and it was just a random request for tea. Jim smiled down at you “As you wish” he declared softly and simply as he moved for you to come in. “I love you too” you had said just as he was turning around. You had said it so quietly that for a moment you weren’t sure Jim had heard you, if that were the case you were entirely prepared to forget about this. He turned toward you again and pulled you into a hug, it was full of warmth and it was tight. He pulled back to give you a kiss, just as warm and pleasant as his hug. Jim pulled away “Did you still want that cup of tea” he asked with a smirk, “as long as you’re offering” you say as you walk the rest of the way into his quarters. Something could vaguely be heard one room over, but you figure nothing of it. ————— Bonus scene: McCoy and Scotty had run into Spock’s quarters to put their ears against the wall closest to Kirk’s room. “Pay up, Scotty!” McCoy nearly shouts, “I told you I could do it!!” Scotty grumbles to himself as he pulls out his wallet. “Excuse me gentlemen, but I would appreciate it if you could leave now” Spock deadpanned, Leonard and Scotty look over to see Spock, wet and still wrapped in a towel. “I really hope you sleep in pyjamas, otherwise that’s a mental image I really don’t need!” McCoy spit as he and Scotty went back to their respective rooms.

As You Wish

Also this is what I used as the layout for the quarters in case you were wondering.

As You Wish

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11 months ago

I Don’t Know Where My Spleen Is

Jim Kirk x gn!reader

⚠️: I don’t think there are any

~at this point it’s just my goal to find concerning titles~ word count: 355

It was shore leave, one of the few that you genuinely got to have without fighting some alien or being invaded by tribbles for. For god only knows what reason, the crew (and by crew I mean Kirk) decided that it would be fun for the crew and officers to try American football 🏈. So far it’s caused a lot of injuries, a headache for Bones, and the current situation. ——— “You’re crushing my spleen!” Kirk shouted as I had an elbow in his ribs and was trying to pry the ball away from him. “Oh come on, Captain!” I tried prying a little harder before continuing, “you don’t even know where your spleen is, there’s no way you would know if I were crushing it” I said through gritted teeth. “You’re right” he said before flipping me over and getting up, “I don’t know where my spleen is” just as he was about to run I grabbed him by the ankle and he fell face first (this had to be against the rules, but I don’t think we’re really playing by the rules anymore). Bones could be seen standing on the sideline and shaking his head. I climbed up over Jim so we were face to face. I smiled at him (he should have known I was planning something right then) I leaned in and began kissing him. I could hear a chorus of disgusted groans and sighs from all around the field, “Get a room!” Scotty shouted from one end of the field. I slowly worked my hands around to Jim’s sides. I snatched the ball and ran. Meanwhile behind me, Jim was still laying on the ground, dazed over and staring up at the sky. “Alright, Jim, I think that’s game over for you” Bones said as he helped Jim off the ground and onto the bleachers. I blew Jim a kiss from the end zone and he blushed, just before I got tackled to the ground by Nyota. “Serves you for making out during the game” she playfully chastised before sprinting to the other end of the field with the ball.

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11 months ago

New sensory motivation!

I love typing with my Bluetooth headphones on because it makes this really satisfying clacking sound right in my ear. So this is my new motivation to try to keep writing stuff. I also wrote this post basically just because I like clacky sound 🥰🥰🥰

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11 months ago

TOS headcanon

Reactions to finding out Ostaran!reader’s ears are real


Is curious, but not particularly surprised

what really gave you away was when the engine core went out in the middle of the night and you came out in pyjamas and a night cap and still had ears through them

He won’t mention it though until you’re ready to talk about it.

when you are ready to talk though, he has a million questions about your ears.

you will ask if he can touch them just once… for scientific purposes.


He’s always known

Your hair can’t always be covering where your human ears would be.

He can basically see your lack of humanoid ears every time you tilt your head

but if no one else has noticed, he’s not gonna be the one to tell them

Similarly to Spock he won’t mention it

but he does have to confront you about it when it’s time for your first checkup, he’s a doctor, he can’t just ignore your big floppy ears.

very nice about it though

might jokingly offer to get you carrots at the end of your checkup for being a good patient

will be slightly taken aback if you just say something like, “actually I’d love some carrots right about now”


The only one who you would actually have to tell

listen he’s really stressed and really busy alright, you can’t blame him, you’re always wearing a hat

will also ask you lots and lots of questions

his are less scientific though and more like:

how do you wash your hair with them??

can you lift your ears?

okay, now what about just one?

do not let him touch your ears unless you’re prepared for him to ask you all the time from now on

genuinely has always thought they were adorable though, loves them even more now that he knows they’re actually your ears.

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11 months ago

The Birthday Captain

Jim Kirk x gn!reader

⚠️: none

word count: 520

I woke up with a start as my alarm went off, scrambling to turn the thing off before it woke up Jim, I was unfortunately too late on that one. He woke up and pulled me back into his chest as soon as I moved. I knew he was awake now “Happy birthday” I whispered to him as I turned over in his hold. “Hmmm, glad you remembered” Jim murmured cheekily as he started laying butterfly kisses on me. “I’ve been apologising for that since the 23rd last year” I whined, “mmm, stay here in bed with me and we’ll call it even” Jim smiled into my neck. “But I have something for you!” I say lightly batting him away. “Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow” he took my hand away and intertwined our fingers. “Noooo” I whine, “I want you to have it now” I take my hand away and boop his nose. “It’s my present I thought I was supposed to be impatient for it, not you” he joked and tried to take my hand back. “I’ll be right back!” I shout as I jump up out of bed and run out to the couch. I reach under and feel around for the box I had hid there. I found it and then ran to the kitchenette for the other one. Finding right where I left it, I ran back to Jim. “Here!” I say and toss him the one from the kitchen. Turning it over in his hands you looks up at me sceptically. “You know I don’t really drink” he looks at me sadly before looking back to the bottle in its paper bag. “No, but your CMO does” I smirk at him, “and from what I hear, you owe him quite a few drinks” I say playfully, knowing he still hasn’t seen that I have a second. “Let me get this right” he looks me in the eye with that impish glint, “you got Bones a present for my birthday?” He asks. “Don’t get yourself in a twist, I got you one too” I say and toss him the box as I hop back into bed. He opens it eagerly, tossing the scraps on the ground. I roll my eyes, not that he sees, I’ll clean up after him later. Jim looks to me “You shouldn’t have!” He smiles brightly as he runs his hands over the new blanket, still in its box. “Well, take it out” I urge with a knowing smiling. Jim whips the blanket out of the box and a book goes flying out. Jim rushes to get it and tears prick the corners of his eyes as he looks back at me. Flipping through all the pictures of us he asks, “How did you even get all of these?”. I smile at him, “It was easy, I’ve had the whole crew taking pictures of us together, also since the 23rd” I grunt as Jim pins me in a tight hug. “I love it thank you!” He exclaims, only slightly muffled by the face full of my shirt he currently has.

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11 months ago

Purr-fectly Tipsy

Jim Kirk x gn Vulcan!reader

⚠️: drinking, tipsy reader, extra clingy drunk

word count: 500

Sure, neither of you really drank much, but it was a night after a long shift and everyone was gathered in the recreation room eight. So now you were a little buzzed and looking for your boyfriend because, "I miss his pretty face," is what you had said when Bones asked. You had been pointed to one of the pool tables by Chekov. When you looked over your already flushed face lit up and you made a beeline for him. "I missed you!" You let out when you reached him, clinging to his despite the fact that it hindered his ability to play. "Hi sweetie," Jim cooed and booped your nose. You preened at the affection and leaned even further into him. His pool cue now planted firmly on the ground as he turned his attention to you fully. "Love meeee," You demanded as you shifted your weight and were now practically hanging off of the man. "I do love you sweetie. How much have you had to drink?" He didn't mean it as an insult, he was just concerned that maybe it was time to take you back to your quarters. "Not that much," you bubbled, Jim briefly glanced at Bones who was still at the bar and pointed at you with a questioning look. When Bones gave him a silent thumbs up in response Jim turned back to you in acceptance. "Okay," he answered, putting down his pool cue and leading you to a chair. He sat you down in a chair and then moved to his own, only to have you ditch your seat to climb into his lap. He wasn't complaining by any means, but it was unusually clingy of you (at least for there being so many people around). "Hello there," Jim joked as you put your face in the crook of his neck and nudged him with your nose. You sighed and tugged at his sleeves, getting the hint Jim wrapped an arm around you and began to rub your back. If it were even possible, you melted even further into his touch and purred, a soft vibrating that came from deep within your chest and radiated through your whole body. "Woah!" Jim exclaimed, Spock smiled slightly at his reaction. "They do that sometimes, it's a vestigial trait of Vulcans," Spock explained from across the table. "Would've been nice to know before you nearly gave me a heart attack," Jim whispered to you and you giggled. "I've never done it while sober, so I never really thought bout it," you mumbled truthfully. Jim hummed in response and continued to rub your back, beginning to feel comforted by the purring that was emanating from you. "Mmm, maybe it's time to head up to bed," Jim thought out loud to you, "mmph," you grumbled, not opposed to sleep, but opposed to moving. "What?" He asked, "don' wanna get up," you mumbled. "Fine," Jim conceded and swept you up bridal style, "How's that?" He asked you triumphantly.

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11 months ago

sorry, is meant to say agere, not where 😇


Jim with agere reader Headcanon

your wish is my command

Absolutely adores you to no end (not that he doesn’t anyway)

loves the opportunity to take extra care of you

This man IS huggable teddy bear shaped

if he learns that you’re super clingy and prone to fits when he has to leave

Sorry, Is Meant To Say Agere, Not Where

You cannot tell me he doesn’t get you one of these

Definitely melts every time he sees you dragging the little fella around with you

will watch cartoons with you on his off time

seriously spends all day on the couch with you, in a blanket fort watching whatever cartoon you pick.

Also, matching pyjamas are a major yes for him, especially comfy fuzzy pyjamas

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11 months ago

TOS headcanon reacting to finding your nest in their quarters

Ostaran!reader (I mean the implication of nesting is kinda fem, but no pronouns or real description used for reader, so take it as you will)


Losing his mind

Like OMG, You put your nest in his room?!?!

Loves it so much

can’t believe you feel comfortable enough to put one so near his bed

tries so friggin hard not to even breathe in its direction

if you invite him to snuggle in it he will die

if you let him, he’ll start collecting you more blankets and pillows and things

like you’ll come to your new nest and find a new pile of materials near by


Honoured, but a little put off by the fact that you made it right in the doorway

Still won’t move and avoids stepping in it like the plague

will ask very kindly if you might move it to a more convenient location

would even help you to move your nest if you allow it, otherwise he’ll just read his book and let you do your thing.

the internal mushy feelings are real though

like won’t let anything happen to your nest at all

if you invite him to snuggle in your nest he will await your explicit instructions so as not to mess it up

Might start brining you little pieces for your nest that you express any interest in


Okie dokie

Doesn’t mess with it, but won’t bring it up unless you do first

it if you wait too long to bring it up he’ll look at you over the edge of the bed with a raised eyebrow as you snuggle into your nest

“Did you wanna join me?” He just shakes his head, “not what I meant,”

his words do not however match the action that is instantly plopping into the nest with you

he won’t go super out of his way to bring you more material, but he does think your nest looks a little sparse so if he sees something he thinks you’ll like he’ll get it for you.

he also definitely leaves little snacks next to your nest for you.

seriously, you accumulate a whole stash

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