Probably Because Im A Smaller Blog Then Other Blogs - Tumblr Posts
I’m just going to do a little rant
I get annoyed when I make art, but people focus more on the random thing I had in my head, or something I reblogged
I know I should fee happy that someone else art, or rant, or whatever is being liked, but that’s what most people like other then my random non-art things (except my rants)
I spend hours on something and then something else I write or made in like 30 seconds gets more likes and reblogs! I’m not trying to sound selfish or anything, but it makes me tired and not want to make art, or just not post it here.
The main reason I post it here is because, first of, I want other people to see my art, beside my family. Second, I want constructive criticism, feedback, how I can make it better, most of the art here I don’t even show my parents it, because a) they won’t understand anything the arts about or aren’t interested in what I’m into, and b) I know they’ll give me feedback, but it feels like they say they like it even if they don’t really like it (it’s probably just how I feel and not how they actually feel but still)
This was a longer rant then what I anticipated, and I know I’m probably just being selfish or whatever, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.