Pulp Musicals - Tumblr Posts
samuel: my comfort object is my notebook
rose: and mine is my printing press plate :]
samuel: to hit people?
rose: to hit people >:]

'Stop it, Kal. I can't heal you like this.'
What's left of Kal's corporeal form grumbles loudly, but he leans into Dakkar's side and stops disintegrating quite so fast. His hand clutches the back of Dakkar's shirt for support, nails digging through the fabric. 'Ugh, my head.'
'You need to sit down.' Dakkar says, attempting to guide him over to the slope of the hillside. Kal collapses with all the grace of a rag doll, still half a shifting cloud of fog.
'Why don't you stop playing nanny and just heal me already?'
'I can't when there's only half of you there to heal!'
'Ugh, fine!' The fog pulls itself back into a relatively Kal-like shape. Features re-emerge slowly - the other half of Kal's face, bruised around the jaw; his left shoulder and arm, hanging limp at a painful looking angle. He grits his teeth, and Dakkar winces in sympathy.
'That looks like it hurts.'
'Really?' Kal rolls his eyes, all sarcasm. 'I hadn't noticed.'
'You're a terrible patient.'
'Oh, my apologies, your highness. It's hard to be polite when your arm's hanging out of its socket.'
'Here,' Dakkar moves in front of him, puts one hand on his left wrist and another firmly on his shoulder, ignoring the hiss of protest. 'Hold still. And don't disintegrate again, you'll mess it up.'
A faint, warm glow forms around Dakkar's hands, brightening as he closes his eyes. Carefully, he lets the magic shift the bones of Kal's arm back to where they ought to be. Kal is oddly quiet, for once. When Dakkar opens his eyes again, he's looking at him with a kind of awe. It's quickly hidden behind a satisfied smirk.
'Better?' Dakkar asks.
'No. My head's still killing me. When we get back, I need a drink.'
'A thank you would be nice, for once. And you probably shouldn't drink while you might be concussed.'
'Ways, you're boring, Dak.' Kal tests out his newly-healed arm, flexing his hand a few times, then falls back against the grass. 'Alright, fine. Thank you.'
'Don't mention it.' Dakkar says, sitting down beside him.
'Sorry I get into pointless fights so often. They deserved it, though. Bastards.'
'I think if you're the one who needs healing, they technically won the fight.'
'Eh, depends on your perspective.'
'What did they say?' Dakkar's pretty sure he can guess, but he feels the need to ask anyway. Kal scowls. Tendrils of fog still swirl around him, only just visible in the bright daylight. It's like Radiance, he explained once, but harder to control. Dakkar's never asked if it's draining in the same the way the Magic Ways are.
'Nothing worth talking about. They're too scared of me now to say it again.' he shuts his eyes, grimacing. 'It's too bright out here. My head hurts, did I mention that at all?'
Dakkar laughs. 'We can go inside, if you think you can walk?'
'My dear old dad used to say, 'walking is for people without hereditary curses that let them turn into fog.''
'I thought you never met your dad.'
Kal waves a hand. 'Well, he probably said something like that. How would I know?'
He sits up, and the tendrils swirling around him darken, forming a mist that coils itself around his body. When it settles, there's no one sitting on the hillside - only a shifting cloud of fog where Kal used to be.
Even after years of knowing Kal, watching him do that is still unnerving. Dakkar's not sure about the effects a possible concussion might have, either, but Kal seemed fine, and the fog looks same as it usually does.
He can't think of anything to say, and it's not as if he'd get a reply, so he coughs awkwardly. Somewhere in that cloud, he has the feeling Kal is laughing at his discomfort.
'Okay,' he says eventually. 'I take it that means we're heading home?'
In answer, the fog drifts over, settling around his shoulders like a cloak. As he heads back in the direction of the palace, it follows, dark against the bright white of his uniform.
while the concept of samuel existing in maia's room as some sort of afterlife has been wonderfully and sincerely portrayed in some recent fanworks, it's also very funny to me because I imagine the first few moments of samuel being in the room going something like

Its more Pulp art time because I have listened to to the new ep and I ! Have feelings ! :") Spoilers ahead if you haven't listened to The Searcher in the Shadows already (which you should do. Now. I am threatening you with buttons), continue at you own risk !
Thank Gravity for Episode 4 introducing my new favorite character Dakkar, he's a little creature to me and I adore him endlessly. Jesse did an AMAZING performance for him !!
I have never GASPED harder than I did while listening to this episode !! The whole Mags fam reveal was crazy, nobody hit me up until Ep 5 drops, maybe my jaw will have closed by then. Probably not
Anyway I have never seen two ugly siblings in pulp musicals fr 👇🏼

Enjoy this dumb meme that's been in my head for too long
Kal and Dakkar from Pulp Musicals are divorced!!!!
Kal and Dakkar from Pulp Musicals are Divorced!

Not sure about Cyrus and Mary Katherine, but Bonaventure is a Saint from the 13th century. At least, I think that's who the name is based on. Not sure who he is in the pulp universe, but the irl guy was a philosopher and theologian, and the patron saint of bowel disorders. I don't think that last part is relevant in any way; I was just not expecting to read that on his Wikipedia page.
We had more clues at the end of episodes 2 and 3 about where the story would go next. Mentions of the Ellen Austin and the Mysterious Island. This time, we don't really get that. Or at least, I haven't been able to find much yet.
And I think Sia's apologizing because Margaret's remembering bad stuff that happened to her old friends. Or because Margaret's remembering some sketchy stuff Sia did for the sake of the "greater good", like maybe erasing her memories or letting people die for the sake of saving Margaret. Not entirely sure if it's a "I'm sorry that happened to you," or a "I'm sorry for what I did."
hey margaret what is the bonaventure. is it a ship. who are cyrus and mary katharine. why is sia apologising. margaret? hello??
Kal possessed aj because it’s cheaper to possess a guy than to pay for top surgery
Pulp Musicals Silly-Billy to Serious-Billy Ranking
This was as objective as I could make it, but this is obviously a subjective scale, so. Here's the (named) Pulp Musicals characters from who is most to least of a silly-billy!
1. Ahlaam (Probably THE silliest-billy in the show. I love her <3)
2. Kal (Eternal silly billy /derogatory)
3. John (He tries so hard to not be silly until he throws in the towel and accepts that he is very silly <3)
4. Anna (Comes across as sillier than she actually is, but that doesn't mean she's not still silly)
5. Charles (This was tricky since he's so serious it wraps around to him being silly. ...still ends up with him being silly though)
6. Rose (She's very earnest in her silliness, but she's still great at being silly!)
7. Sia (She takes her role and the situation very seriously, but she's definitely still silly~)
8. Taavi (Granted, all we know of him so far is the illusion Kal created, but assuming that's accurate + his official portrait he seems like at least something of a silly-billy)
9. Morgan (Morgan's very light-hearted and open, but generally not that silly!)
10. Addison (Ranking may change when we learn more about her, but so far she seems to be a great mix of silly and serious)
11. Samuel (Can definitely be silly when he's around people he trusts, but leans a bit more on the serious side)
12. Chester (He's not so much silly vs serious as he is just... kinda pathetic?)
13. Amos & Elijah (Put them together because they are a pair do not separate. From what we see of them I think they could be silly in the right circumstances, we just don't know enough to really tell)
14. Margaret (She has her moments, but she's usually dealing with enough that I don't think she even considers being silly very often)
15. Dakkar (Usually pretty serious and it's like, yeah, no, that's totally fair given everything)
16. Benjamin (Love the guy but he could stand to be a lot sillier. Would probably be good for him)
17. Itzal (Yeah, dude seems, uh... pretty serious)
18. AJ (The most serious of billies)
"Would you fuck a clone of yourself?"

(Did I decide to make this because the joke I could make with AJ amused me? Possibly.)

I think Dakkar should play that organ while they’re on the Nautilus.
Translating Starcanwreckedpulp into German
Starkid: Sternjugendliche
Tin Can Bros: Blechdosekumpels
Shipwrecked Comedy: Schiffbrüchige Komödie
Pulp Musicals: Zellstoff Musicals
Translating Starcanwrecked into Finnish
Starkid: Tähtilapsi
Tin Can Bros: Metallipurkki veljet
Shipwrecked Comedy: Haaksirikko komedia
"The Motto of this Craft, the phrase that I hold dear, Mobilis in Mobili"

One of my favourite things to do with Pulp is to take these mechanics that are introduced and ground them in the story. Obviously we have jackie's art in the broadcasts that does a lot of the heavy lifting in this regard- her scenic work transports you into the world of the show. But, when you don't have the broadcast in front of you the imagination is bound to wander. When I first listened to Searcher I had imagined the Nautilus as a capital S Ship. Phrases like Addison walking from Bow to Stern or perhaps the inclusion of a library/study had me thinking of those huge old galleons, or even something smaller. Something like the Ellen Austen, or the Antikythera. Wood Panelled walls and creaking ropes. Remember treasure planet? That ship that trolled the stars? in my mind that was the nautilus. Then I saw the broadcast and it was nothing like I Imagined (and that's kind of beautiful isn't it? The differences in how the artist, in this case Matt and Jackie, imagine the world versus how the audience interprets it?) The Nautilus is instead this sleek red thing, because Dakkar is just so ahead of his time. The man has scanners for god's sake of course his spaceship is a Ferrari! But even then I couldn't let go of the literal "Space Ship" that wormed it's way in from my initial impression, so above is my interpretation of the Nautilus as it stands.
It draws a compromise between my initial interpretation and the artistic intention. A sleek, red, futuristic thing with glass panelling and sharp fins and a map room below a bridge, both with windows that can look out into the galaxy. The top deck is encased by this big glass shell, so the passenger could go out and feel as though they are standing in amongst the stars- of course equipped with it's own airtight doors and purple button. But nonetheless, a ship. A place of familiarity in amongst the unknown.

POV: the mysterious Miss Cavendish heard you gossiping about her at a gala (New York, 1835)
click for quality!
I don't have the best motivation when it comes to studying anatomy and whatnot so I thought I'd try making it more fun and interesting by practicing poses and looking at fashion at the same time. (And drawing my favorite characters, of course.) The pose is from Adorkastock and I found the dress on the Met's costume archive!
I actually drew this before Searcher came out and was waiting to post it until I had a small batch of them, but I'm having some art troubles at the moment and wanted to post something fun in the meantime. :]
something I find really interesting is Samuel’s self confidence. It seems perfectly fine until Kal shows up. He devalues Samuel’s work as a writer, and in turn himself. This only gets worse when Samuel goes to Lincoln Island and sees everyone else’s accomplishments (Rose being the key to save the blazing world, Margaret reconnecting with her home and her brother, John getting a girlfriend.) He doesn’t feel fully confident in his ability to act until Samuel and the sun reprise. That all makes sense, but I can’t help but wonder if these were pre existing insecurities that were only worsened. Great moon hoax!Samuel seems very confident in himself and his work, but did Chester Thomas make him feel bad about it? I love how much he thinks his sister is incredible, but did he ever compare himself to her? I don’t know.
Pulp doodlesss :))))) I'm dropping them all here

I'm not fixing the shitty cropping lol hope you guys like them

Some more pulp musicals doodle requests I did in the Blinky's Rewatch Party discord! Don't... mind the Sia one that's a vampire au-
the pulp vampire au belongs to @oswaldpettyeye ! I just like drawing Sia in it. :]

i did something insane and made minecraft map art of the four pulp album covers !!!
the images on the left are a bird’s eye view, and the right are the actual maps :]
more than 52 hours of work and a total of 65,536 hand placed blocks all the while listening to pulp :D (a total of seven times heehoo)
shoutout to the folks at brp for keeping me motivated and sane while working on this the past week love y’all
(please do not copy the work or repost these images ty <3)