The Ghosts Of Antikythera - Tumblr Posts

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reblogs are fab, reposts aren't <3

I started sketching some Pulp Musicals characters around midnight last night and thought to myself, "hey, these look pretty damn good!" so I kept going until 3 am. Today I brought 'em into clip studio to play with them some more, and now I have these!! plus my silly doodles and dumb commentary + jokes. <3

and some versions w/o color! the traditional + digital sketching is a neat combination, I think.

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Pov Your Crush Just Evaporated And You Promptly Fall Into The Ocean After This

pov your crush just evaporated and you promptly fall into the ocean after this <3 (I know we’re told that there was no flash of light but what if I. Ignored that.)

Someone stop me I have so many pulp drawing ideas

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OK it’s not fully done but it’s as done as I’m currently able to give it right now!

Gunpowder and rum does it AGAIN! This was an exercise-turned-longer storyboard than I had originally planned for, so excuse a lot of this being thumbnail-type drawings. All in all, though, I’m pretty proud of the timing and vibe I was able to capture with this one!

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Pulp Musicals my beloved August can’t come soon enough

i might make these into prints if anyone is interested! idk i think that would be cool

Pulp Musicals My Beloved August Cant Come Soon Enough
Pulp Musicals My Beloved August Cant Come Soon Enough

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@pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 Day Two: Horror + Alternate: Possession

@pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 day two: horror + alternate: possession

if Kal had been slightly more sly with how he went about things earlier on, Gunpowder and Rum, Part 3 could have gone a little bit differently, I think

(an alternate version and my nonsensical explanations are under the cut, in case you're interested!)

alternate version, because I couldn't choose between the blue and the green and wanted to include both:

@pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 Day Two: Horror + Alternate: Possession

and here's my explanation for how Samuel was possessed here, although it's certainly not the only way this could have played out (I took some creative liberty with how Kal's fog works, too, so it doesn't entirely agree with canon):

in Gunpowder and Rum, Part 1, Kal doesn't do anything differently; he messes with Samuel's mind a little bit, but disappears once Rose arrives (same as canon)

Kal possesses AJ in Gunpowder and Rum, Part 2, however, at the end of the song, when Samuel comes in, he manages to trick Samuel into having a drink with AJ. the concoction he gives to Samuel is one he has engineered to be "dormant" until activated by some of his fog.

Samuel goes to Margaret, still suspicious about AJ (I would imagine Kal said something similar at the end of the encounter to what he said in canon), Something Familiar and Antikythera happen

at the beginning of Gunpowder and Rum, Part 3, Kal senses his chance and sends in The Fog™, taking Samuel's body and leaving AJ's body unconscious for him to return to as a back-up plan.

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"I Was So Frustrated And They Were In My Way. What Was I Supposed To Do?"

"I was so frustrated and they were in my way. What was I supposed to do?"

click for quality! details & process below the cut!

@pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 asked for horror for day two, so here's my go at it. Also, uh, sorry for the sads. (Rip Amos & Elijah.)

If you think this piece is cool, just wait until day four's art is posted! I worked on horror and magic together and they're a really cool duo, if I duo say so myself. 🤭

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"I Was So Frustrated And They Were In My Way. What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"I Was So Frustrated And They Were In My Way. What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"I Was So Frustrated And They Were In My Way. What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"I Was So Frustrated And They Were In My Way. What Was I Supposed To Do?"

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"In A Blinding Flash, A Woman Materialized..."

"In a blinding flash, a woman materialized..."

click for quality! details & process below the cut!

Ta-da! My art for @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024's magic prompt! I really wanted to do some cool art of Ahlaam and I am super excited to learn more about her in episode 4. I know this isn't how the encounter goes in canon, but shhhhh let Rose have her emotional support bosun.

Also, hey, this is the companion to my horror art from a couple days ago! (fun fact, I actually came up with this one first.)

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"In A Blinding Flash, A Woman Materialized..."
"In A Blinding Flash, A Woman Materialized..."
"In A Blinding Flash, A Woman Materialized..."
"In A Blinding Flash, A Woman Materialized..."

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Click For Quality! Details & Alt Version Under The Cut!

click for quality! details & alt version under the cut!

I got to beta @amethystunarmed's amazing fic for the @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 possession prompt and I loved it so much that I had to draw about it!

You can find Amethyst's fic right here and the other illustration I did for it will be tucked away in a reblog because ✨️spoilers✨️

Click For Quality! Details & Alt Version Under The Cut!
Click For Quality! Details & Alt Version Under The Cut!
Click For Quality! Details & Alt Version Under The Cut!
Click For Quality! Details & Alt Version Under The Cut!

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Once You Get A Look, You Cannot Un-see

Once you get a look, you cannot un-see ⚓️

click for quality! reblogs rock, do not repost!

alright, last one! the newest episode of Pulp Musicals has been released on spotify (give it a listen!!!! it's so good omfg) so here's some hopefully-not-too-spoiler-y art for The Ghosts Of Antikythera. details are, you guessed it, under the cut. 😆🖤

Once You Get A Look, You Cannot Un-see
Once You Get A Look, You Cannot Un-see
Once You Get A Look, You Cannot Un-see

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Enjoy This Dumb Meme That's Been In My Head For Too Long

Enjoy this dumb meme that's been in my head for too long

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