Pussdeath - Tumblr Posts

I'm sorry lobo for removing all your braincells
Chapter 6 of The Golden Hourglass is here at last!
And yes, the chapter count went up again, hopefully for the last time; nine is a good number for this story. (And Puss in Boots: The Last Wish fanfiction in general.)
You know what? I'll do it too.
Expect one daily SFW Death in Boots drabble (exactly 100 words) for each prompt posted on my AO3 account when the event starts.
Happy Pride Month, everybody!
What are you going to do for pride month?

I just posted chapter 9 of The Golden Hourglass!
Only one chapter to go before the end!
In the meantime, I will be participating in DeathPuss Week (see the details on this post): I will be posting one drabble per day for the event, from June 15th to June 21st. I hope you like them!
Words Unspoken
Jack Horner’s wish had cataclysmic consequences.
All magical creatures were stripped of their powers or disappeared outright. Those who remained were entirely at the mercy of an all-powerful tyrant.
Puss could no longer talk, wield a sword, or stand on his hind legs. But he remembered who he was.
The wolf remembered him too. Puss had known as soon as they had met again, red eyes locked on green.
He looked from the cat to the former pie factory turned magical fortress. They were headed the same way.
Words were unnecessary. Their intent was clear:
‘We’ll take him down together.’
Pestilential Tide
Death waited by the riverbank of Hamelin.
A black tidal wave rose and collapsed, narrowly missing the tabby running from the giant swarm of rats.
Wild-eyed, claws out, the cat growled around the ancient rat trapped in his maw, swatted fiercely at the rodents that came too close, shook off the ones that jumped on his back, without slowing down.
Puss jumped into the river, claws gripping a drifting log. The rats tried to swim to their captured leader. They got swallowed by the wild currents like black foam.
"You’re giving me a real workout," Death shook his head fondly.
And I already started to think when this ship will be in my feed.

Kitty: you gotta stop flirting with death Puss
Puss: yeah, he's probably not into me
Kitty: I meant stop putting yourself in danger
Death: I am not trying to seduce you
Puss and kitty:.....
Death: would you like me to seduce you?
Also puss and kitty: blushing mess, while screaming internally

✧*。Over and Over, I Keep Going Over The World We Knew✧*。
My way of life has become my favorite Deathpuss fanfic since I started liking the shipp and this story always moves me every time I read it again.
so to start from now on in this Tumblr app I decided to make a drawing of the last chapter of Puss already dead and in limbo :)~♥.

I don't know what to do so I'll just upload some silly doodles I made
The sixth thing he loved doing the most is drawing fanfics that I read on ao3.

I think the fanfic is called Thieves and Beggars

I had this saved but wasn't sure whether to post it or not.
Hades and Persephone....*˘.。*♡

I was reading a Deathpuss fanfic that had this theme and I liked it so much that I wanted to make a small drawing even though I have other doodles saved
(I'm still waiting for a new story update :'3)
Falling from the rabbit hole into the bear's mouth...

This is something that occurred to me while listening to a song (I don't remember the name) and it gave me an idea to draw this from an episode of My way of live.
(I don't even know why you loved that fanfic so much but I do~♡)
Maybe fate is on your side for today....

Drawings from chapter 10 of My way of live.
I know he's been drawing a lot about this fanfic lately but I can't stop :'3
I was calmly drawing while I had Spotify on random and it started playing "El mar sabe tu nombre" And as I listened more carefully to the lyrics I realized that it practically narrates the events of My way of live!!

Call me crazy if you want but by analyzing the lyrics I was able to fit the song with the fanfic.

Bueno, hace un año leí My way of the life, es un fanfic precioso y tarde un año en superarlo jajaja aquí un fan art de la escena del puente.
No estoy segura como imaginarme esto pero aquí está, el dibujo es de hace meses pero no me animé en publicarlo, hasta ahora. 🙂↕️

Necesitaba publicar algo jaja.