Qsmp Admins - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A supposed ex-admin for the QsmpPOR also spoken up, the admin(they/he/she) also provided some screenshots as evidences, I translated their thread here, and I will also include her screenshots.

"I started as an admin around a week before the Brazilians arrived. At first, when they came in, we were just 3 people and one of them soon couldn't help anymore; It took around a week to add another admin, and a few more days for another one.

A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots
A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots
A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots

No, we were not (AND STILL NOT BEING) paid, at least the brazilian team and the BR supervisor too, it is 100% voluntary work

No contract was offered, just confidentiality. They NEVER sent a document to be signed.

It was a lot at the beginning, following lives and posting updates, translating the content of the threads to post the translations, editing clips. It took months for the team to reach 6 people and even then the schedules were complicated because only one person could take care of TazerCraft In fact, on the first day, it was me and another an admin who translated Richas' signs, the account was being used by one of the supervisors while they asked for translation

Anyway, I obviously got exhausted after a while. I really wanted to leave, but taking care of such an important project prevented me from really taking action and ask [to leave the project]

In the end I didn't even need it, they took me out because apparently I slowed down

A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots
A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots
A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots

When I left it was the first time I was offered something, Quackity merch. I accepted, but they never took the matter forward

One of the people who was a supervisor was Lala. Supervisors have a much heavier job than the administrators themselves. Like me and the others, she received nothing.

I even understand that we don't get paid, but a lot was required and I was super sad to know that not even the poor supervisors were paid.

To this day, the QsmpPOR team is small because they reject most of the forms sent. If there are 10 people it's a lot

They were very negligent with the [QsmpPOR] team's opinions and almost never listened to our advice.

Thank you very much for all your support, genuinely

I ended up spending late nights even though I had class the next day just to do something about the project, I mentally exhausted myself for months and was always scared to death of bringing up the subject

Support the admins, please"

A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots
A Supposed Ex-admin For The QsmpPOR Also Spoken Up, The Admin(they/he/she) Also Provided Some Screenshots

Link of the thread

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1 year ago

i saw a clip on youtube of tazercraft entering the nether with their own train, taking pictures of everything, and and

They are amazing and insane!! too bad that the admins took away the photos. The moment q!pac noticed that they're gone, i had to rewind. there you can see the exact moment when the photos leave his inventory. deleted by the admins! Tazercraft are too strong for the server!

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10 months ago

Okay yall, so I know a few people that have asked about the online accounts of some ex-admins, and I’ve kept up with quite a few. So here is a list of some of the names I know!

Here are some of the ex-admins that are Twitch streamers:

CherryBee_ (Empanada)

Pancks_ (Agent 18 / Xaninho)

Lionheartedmuse (a writer)

Arteamissing (Ramon)

Dandelionryans (Sunny)

LittleMissSunMin (Chayanne)

HarumiVT (Leo Bonita)

Elkcrown (head writer) (Not sure how much he streams, but I saw him on Shelter earlier)

MrPastelitoo_ (game dev)

AMZ3T (Bobby)

Aaaand here are some non-streamers’ Twitters:

Lumi_Pomme (Pomme)

Dapper_no (Dapper)

sunkissedAmaaa (Lullah)

linastubborn (Pepito)

That’s what I know for now! Go ahead and comment if you have any more suggestions that should be added.

Also! Please know that these people are not just the characters they played or the jobs they once did for the server! Be normal when talking to them or following their future projects <3

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