Qsmp Madagio - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Okay, I'm obsessed with the lore.... So here's some of me theories/stuff I've noticed. It's gonna be rambling in it's worst, cuz I'm way too excited.

Firstly, let's welcome Madagio! I don't know what's up with him, but here's some info we know:

- he's from some island who is connected to Quesadilla through some system.

- he can travel through servers.

- cats are his eyes and ears.

So with this out of the way, here's some of my thoughts.

- Body language -

Honestly, it's not something important, but I really love how cc! Fit uses body language to convey his character. q! Fit doesn't sprint much, cuz he knows one misjudged step, one unnoticed trap and he's dead. He looks around, afraid of every lighting, every strange noise. He looks at cats cuz how are they even here, if not every person can survive here?

Madagio himself very reserved. He doesn't move much, showing us a difference between him and Fit.

- Roses -

Okay, I'm Obsessed With The Lore.... So Here's Some Of Me Theories/stuff I've Noticed. It's Gonna Be

Boy oh boy, do I have something to say. Despite obvious connections to Pac, recently there was another moment with exactly this kind of roses. At Philza's stream on 29th of December, at one point Ramon came to Titan and started to give away these rose bushes to some eggs and Phil. It might be a stretch, but it was very strange. Ramon explained that he gave away the roses, cuz he saw one in Chayanne's arm. But with this added context, I think Ramon's admin kinda hinted at this rule. Like the rose bush is a symbol of connection and love/trust. Fit loves and trusts Pac, Ramon, Chay and Lullah, and Phil too. I might be insane, but I adore this kind of symbolism. The roses show us who he has connections to. And now we understand what's at stake for Fit.

Okay, I'm Obsessed With The Lore.... So Here's Some Of Me Theories/stuff I've Noticed. It's Gonna Be

It's not only Ramon, who's in danger. Phil, his kids and Pac (probs Tubbo and Sunny too, but they didn't get roses) are also in the middle of crossfire. Madagio knew that it's in human nature for us to connect and getting attached to others even if told otherwise. Contractor knew that Fit won't be able to cheat or escape the deal, cuz he knew the veteran will have a lot at stake. He made this contract unavoidable. I love it sm.

- Music -

Since my post about Fit and his tragedy, I believe that a lot of decisions made about videos/lore streams are intentional. Like, back in a day, when we saw first dream, we heard "Étranger au Paradise" ("Stranger in Paradise "). And this song like fits Fit (pun not intended) like a friggin glove. Cuz even still, Fit feels like a stranger, undeserving this the heaven that is Quesadilla island. For example literally today he said smt along the lines of "What did I do to deserve a son like him[Ramon]?". He loves people around him, yet he can't show it, when everyone does it quite easily. I think Stranger in Paradise can be seen also in light of relationships. Like Fit considers Pac better, he loves him, but doesn't deserve his love. Agh

So why am I saying this? Well, you see. Cc! Fit uses a few songs to use before cinematic. And today he used "We'll meet again". And there's no connection, right? But what if it's a hint to contractor? Fit'll have to meet Madagio. Veteran has no idea when or where. But he knows they'll meet again some sunny day. Like, mb it's a stretch, but I really enjoy finding this connections. To this point cc! Fit was very intentional, so mb I have something here.

- Mon Dieu éternel, je te prie -

(sorry for probably butchering it, but anyway)

Well, now I have the most unimpressive and obvious theory, that leads to more interesting one.

During this stream it wasn't confirmed that contractor is a god, but there are a lot of hints. His name being an anagram to "I am a God" (Thank you, Tumblr user, who noticed it), he can't be hury, but is able to travel through the servers, and his first words to Fit are literally a rephrased "be not afraid", that is usually connected to angels.

Okay, I'm Obsessed With The Lore.... So Here's Some Of Me Theories/stuff I've Noticed. It's Gonna Be

Also his unusual connection to cats, that are his "extensions" Doesn't seem humain at all. Yet it isn't confirmed so idk.

Now, Black Concrete is closely tied to Cucurevil and can have bad effect on a person. The only people, who interacted with it and weren't affected at all, were Fit and Philza. Why? What if it's because they're protected by Gods? Like, fitza have a lot parallels in their lore, and mb it also hints at devine nature of Madagio? Rose protects Phil and his close ones out of kindness (I guess) and sends birds to cheer up her protège or show her support. Madagio literally does the same thing. But he sends cats not to show support, but to remind that he is always there, he sees and hears everything. Does it prove my theory? No, I guess. But it gives smt to think about.

- End -

At the end we see Fit waking up (smt that we've never seen before) and sees a cat. They look each other in the eyes and veteran convulsively shakes his head, refusing to something implied. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I didn't really understand what he refused to? Was he saying he didn't need contractor's help? Idk. And this whole montage of moon, cat, and Madagio is very interesting, but I can't put my finger on it.

After browsing for a literal second, I have some ideas. Moon typically represents the rhythm of time, as it symbolizes the cycle. So maybe Contractor reminds Fit how little time he has. Like, time's running out. Cats, though, have a lot of different meanings, but I guess the most important to this case are freedom and mystery. Madagio is free and mysterious, so ig it fits.

- And just my thoughts ig -

God, i loved it so much. Fit's lore is subtle yet very important and interesting. It shows a character and builds on it so much, while explaining the world itself. Guuugh I love it so much.

And here's just some screens that shows how much Fit has grown.

Okay, I'm Obsessed With The Lore.... So Here's Some Of Me Theories/stuff I've Noticed. It's Gonna Be
Okay, I'm Obsessed With The Lore.... So Here's Some Of Me Theories/stuff I've Noticed. It's Gonna Be

He is no longer doing everything for himself only. Now he cares for others, breaking a simple rule made by contractor.

P. S.

I feel like this picture rn

Okay, I'm Obsessed With The Lore.... So Here's Some Of Me Theories/stuff I've Noticed. It's Gonna Be

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1 year ago

While everyone is talking about cinematic and the plot, I'll talk about music.

After listening a little harder, I recognised it. It's a cover of "Polovitsan Dances" From an opera called Prince Igor. This opera is based on an old book, "the tale of Igor's campaign". This story is about Russian Prince (knyaz) Igor, who decided to go on a campaign against Polovitsans. Despite winning the first battle, he ultimately loses and gets captured by the enemies. He spends some time in a foreign land, before escaping with some help. In the meantime his wife, Yaroslavna, cries, worrying for her husband.

Though, enough of the synopsis, let's get to the song. Polovitsan Dances is an unbelievably beautiful song, but I'd like to talk about lyrics. Ofc they are in Russian, but there are translations in English. Anyway, the song starts with Polovitsan maidens singing about their homeland. About beautiful mountains, bright sun, endless sky, freedom etc. The latter part of this song is sung by men and sings praises to Khan. Though, women's part is the most popular.

Idk why I just told you that. It's just a nice detail. I know Fit loves using his music as metaphors and hints, but I don't think it's the case here. A lot of people know this song as just a beautiful melody and don't know of it's origins (I too discovered it pretty recently), I don't think it leads anywhere. If I squint I can imagine it's maaay refer to Madagio missing his island (the way it used to be). His freedom, friends and beautiful paysages. But it's a reach.

Anyway, thank you for listening to my tedtalk

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1 year ago
Square Up Motherfucker

Square up motherfucker

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1 year ago

Assuming my theory on what’s going to happen is correct, I’m literally winning in 12 days.

If Fit gets kidnapped — whisked away by Madagio to some unreachable wasteland — do you realize what that will leave behind?

An angry Brazilian motherfucker with a pension for impossible escapes, a kid under his protection that can’t afford to lose another father, and an insane chip on his shoulder. Plus, if you consider meta, Pac’s gonna have plenty of time to let the anger gradually build, which means possible training arc as he realizes just what kind of hellscape he’ll be diving into to find his lover.

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