Queen Elizabeth I Of England - Tumblr Posts
The fact that people apply the Reign fantasy world to history really annoys me. Mary Queen of Scots was not a competant ruler, she was not the one true Queen of England robbed of her throne either. If you are going to say with your full chest Mary QoS had a better claim to the English throne than Elizabeth I, then you must be insane. Like where has this idea come from? Mary Qos traces her claim through her GRANDMOTHER, who is elder sister to Henry VIII, you are telling me that claim has more substance to it than Henry's actual daughter. I can already hear someone saying 'Elizabeth was a bastard', let's be real, no she wasn't, Henry was playing stupid games, but yes let's for historical accuracies sake acknowledge Henry called his marriage to Anne illegitimate and Elizabeth a bastard. He restores her to the succession, in his will he specifically names her third inherit, even if he didn't, but it must be acknowledged that he does, her sister and Mary I (Queen of England) names Elizabeth as her heir. Mary is not robbed of the throne of England, because she has no right to it while Elizabeth is living, the only reason anyone in that time period tried rebelling against this perfectly sound series of inheritances, and trying to put Mary Qos on the English throne is because some people didn't like the fact Elizabeth was protestant. Also the idea that Mary would make a better monarch to England is genuinely insane, in the end Scotland doesn't even want her, she makes so many political mistakes that I don't have time to sit and mention them all here. Reign is a great show, but at the end of the day it is just that, a show made to paint an arguably terrible political mind into a lovable character. And is Elizabeth I perfect, no, by absolutely no means, but suggesting Mary was a better ruler than the woman who brought about a golden age for England, especially within the arts, is just idiotic and historically incorrect.
(Is this my usual content, no, but by God I've seen one to many just insane comments)
A Simple Dance - by ME
- England/ Arthur Kirkland x Elizabeth Tudor/ Elizabeth I of England
- Inspired by the ninth chapter of the Fanfic story Memories of Ghosts by thesketchytepe (link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12749399/1/Memories-of-Ghosts)
Margot Robbie as Queen Elizabeth in the first trailer for the upcoming movie ‘‘Mary: Queen of Scots’‘