R6 Ying - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Honestly A Little Done With How Tumbler Is Very Picky With What Pictures I Can Post And Have Them Not
Honestly A Little Done With How Tumbler Is Very Picky With What Pictures I Can Post And Have Them Not
Honestly A Little Done With How Tumbler Is Very Picky With What Pictures I Can Post And Have Them Not
Honestly A Little Done With How Tumbler Is Very Picky With What Pictures I Can Post And Have Them Not

Honestly a little done with how Tumbler is very picky with what pictures I can post and have them not turn out weird.

That's okay though, this is just the tired talking. It'll be all fine and dandy again in the morning.

But here's the end of Seigetober and by God I cannot stick to a schedule.

Some life skills I really need to work on appear to have shown their ugly heads this month.


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3 years ago
New Stickers In My Redbubble For R6!
New Stickers In My Redbubble For R6!

New stickers in my redbubble for R6!

AmethystPenguin is an independent artist creating amazing designs for great products such as t-shirts, stickers, posters, and phone cases.

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5 years ago

How to fix R6 siege operators part 5


My aim is to give her more choices in her loadout without making her annoying to deal with, in her current state the scorpion has the worst recoil of all the primaries and is not reliable on 10 meters or longer so most people are running her with a shutgun

Here's what I would do

Give the scorpion a normal recoil pattern like other deffender weapons but reduce the magazine size from 40+1 to 30+1 at maximum or 25+1 at minimum. Buff the damage to 26 at maximum. I know that the weapons are supposed to be as close to their real life counterparts as possible but this is for balancing sake (or they could just replace the scorpion with a weapon that we already have and isn't broken)

Her shutgun isn't op and people need to remember that it's her only competitive choice right now, and the spetnaz shutgun is nearly the same but no one complains about it because no one is using it (i personally hate semi automatic shutguns especially if they have more than 7 bullets and reload very fast) if i had to nerf it i would remove the extended barrel but increase the damage from 35 to 40 because it is supposed to be a close range weapon

Her traps do not cause any damage but they can put you at a severe disadvantage. Unlike other traps, ela can hide them anywhere and they're not bound to certain places to be effective, they have a big proximity, and you can't find them unless you have an IQ, so the best thing to do is to give them a beeping sound similar to nomad's air jabs

Although I main ela and I find her speed to be the most fun aspect about her, i think that turning her into a 2 speed like all the trap operators could be a good thing


Although her win rate (along with kapkan and ela) is at the top i think this is because people usually forget about thire traps at the last few seconds

Her traps are very dangerous but obvious/easy to spot and weak

So I think she could use a small buff and it's simple

Make her traps harder to spot

Like this

How To Fix R6 Siege Operators Part 5


Her gadget is fun but arguably useless

Her loadout is good

there's only three buffs that she needs

Make her gadget more quiet

Barricades won't break until she goes through them

She won't stop for a split second for whatever reason (idk if it's a bug or intentional)

This will give her more chance of surprising her enemies


After her candela's cooking mechanic got reversed her pick rate went down

Before players would throw all of her candelas and rush inside, it was overpowered and certainly not a fun thing to go against

Si to increase her pick rate I think she needs a few buffs

Increase Her LMG's rate of fire from 650 to 685 at maximum

Increase the range of her shutgun

Reduce the time it takes to fully cook her candelas

And one of the next buffs

A forth candela

Sutn grenades to deal with ADS

Smoke grenades


After his vision nerf he became the worst attacker

Even after recent buffs to reduce the movement penalty he's still at the bottom of the board with a win rate of - 5% which is lower than tachanka, clash and warden

His gadget is well balanced and his DMR is a good weapon but he can't help his teammates unless he has long range so here's what I would suggest

Replace one or both of his secondary weapons with automatic secondaries (the C75 has to be one of them) to allow him to enter the building like other attackers then hold angels

Increase the magazine size from 10+1 to 20+1

Remove frags to keep him in a sniper support role

Please share your thoughts with me on this

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