R6s Warden - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

I wanted to make my own operator concept this is my first time and it wasn't based on any facts or research it's completely out of my own imagination I want as much feedback as I can get to improve

Real Name : Sulaiman Al Maktoum

Nickname : Sadeeq

Place of birth : Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Al madina

Age :2‪6



                        *The loss*

When he was 2‪0 years old Sulaiman was   studying psychology at a college and had a normal life with his family who were his father, and mother, his young sister,

Until the white masks attacked a mall they were  at, soon the fire took place and all of Sulaiman's  family died in it, he managed to survive, but got burned in different spots of his body

After getting out of the hospital Sulaiman refused to contact any of his relatives, he needed time

There was only one question in his mind at the time "why it happened?" this question kept running through his head over and over again

Sulaiman decided to find out the answer by himself and kept chasing the white masks for

two years

                         *The search*

Eventually he managed to enter the organization after spending a year with them the first mission was sent to his group

And It was a very simple one, catching a few hostages in France and waiting for more details

Sulaiman immediately knew that this mission didn't matter at all. Was it a show of power or a distraction? He didn't know

but the equipments they had wouldn't work against anything

The organization was simply disposing of them like they were nothing, that much he was certain of

He refused to die like this, a meaningless death for someone who probably deserves to die

Sulaiman decided to go against the mission and help the hostages escape and betray his clueless comrades

Sulaiman managed to escape with the three hostages that were captured he did it without the rest of the group noticing it

The GIGN were selected for the rescue at the  time and they encountered him with the hostages

Everything went well and there were no casualties. However Sulaiman was sent back to Saudi Arabia and he had to spend a reasonable amount of time in prison for his foolish and reckless actions


After spending two months at prison in deep thoughts and regaining faith in his beliefs and religion (still refusing to contact his relatives despite their efforts) 

He was informed about a new program to recruit former prisoners who did not have dangerous charges against them or if they had some potential

Sulaiman accepted the invite he had no reason to refuse

He was physically weaker than most of the recruits but he was fast and always calm, almost always knowing what was right to do, unlike most of his comrades who would sometimes get themselves into trouble

His father has thought him martial arts it was the only thing his father left for him and Sulaiman takes pride in it

After two years of training he was surprised by the visit of rook and lion.

They told him that These traits qualified him for team rainbow (along side another person) and that he was the first person they thought about when they were informed about the program

After joining the team Sulaiman immediately warmed up to the GIGN because of thire former encounters

Some of the operators did not trust him at first but he only took a few days to change their mind

And they gave him the nickname Sadeeq (which means friend)

Right now Sulaiman acts as the Psychologist of the team and makes sure that everyone gets along, he even broke up a fight between the GIGN and the SAS that almost got out of control

He keeps a close eye on his teammates during missions.

He even convinced lion to start a new page with doc and thatcher, and out of personal experience lion advised him to contact his relatives


Sulaiman listened to his friend's advice

He contacted his uncle Jaber, he expected everyone to be disappointed in him and kick him out of their lives but surprisingly they were relieved and happy to hear from him after all this time

After a few months jaber asked Sulaiman to marry his daughter Nawal, who immediately agreed to the marriage because she felt guilty not being able to help him despite the fact that she was nearby when his family died.

Sulaiman wasn't sure but he also agreed because he wanted to be closer them

He felt some guilt for his cousin and didn't see himself worthy of her but she keeps insuring that she's fine with it and wants to be by his side

Almost one year later nawal gave birth to a girl, it was the happiest moment of Sulaiman's life.

Insuring the future of the girl whom he decided to name Amal (which means hope) was the new purpose in his life

Now he wants to become a better man for both his wife and child


After getting married and healing his wounds Sulaiman developed a positive personality, he's very hard to hate and liked by everyone around

He has some childlike characteristics which he's aware of and can annoy some of his fellow operators (especially thatcher) so he watches himself around them

Sulaiman can see almost anything as a game or a special experience

However this might be the only way for him to forget about his painful memories

He lacks some skills and makes sure to train with his fellow operators and listen to their advices especially the elder ones

Sulaiman believes that the wounds of the heart are much more dangerous and painful than any physical wounds which might be the reason he got close to lion and now trying to befriend vigil

( right now he has access to the files of the other operators except for nokk)

He kept his white mask till this day, he feels like a different person whenever he wears it

Because of his experience he has a fear of fire and hates the smell of burned meat and doesn't like looking at mirrors because of his burners

                *Relationships *


Thamer : Father (dead)

Eman : Mother (dead)

Fatimah : Young sister (dead)

Jaber : uncle

Nawal : cousin and wife

Amal : daughter

Friends and comrades

Sulaiman gets along with everyone but he has special relationships with the following

Maverick and capitao : Sulaiman has a fear of fire and Dosen't like being near them when they use their gadget, especially with capitao since he uses it in an offensive way

Gambler : they are part of the same unit and despite their philosophical differences they both share a "brothers like" relationship, Sulaiman keeps gambler out of trouble since the latter doesn't get along with many people especially thatcher

Lion : despite thire different religions, culture, and beliefs they are both very close friends, maybe because they both know the feelings of loss and how it is to regain faith and having a new start in life, they have decided to help each other in becoming better

Doc : they're both very emotional compared to their comrades. Both of them keep an eye on the health of their partners on the field which made them get along

Rook : because of their close age and positivity, they get along very well and like working with each other

Fuze : fuze is one of two people who helped Sulaiman develop his gadget, he respect him and makes sure that no one misunderstands the man's intentions

Smoke : smoke is the other person who helped Sulaiman developing his own gadget. They have a friendly rivalry

Jackal : jackal acts as a mentor to Sulaiman.  Sulaiman is aware of jackal's condition and with the help of doc he keeps a close eye on him

Mira : he highly admires her for her work, he even asked her to turn his white mask into a simple gas mask which she agreed on despite seeing it as a pointless thing to do

Blitz : sometimes Sulaiman will comment on blitz's jokes by saying that they are not funny and stupid but he can't hide the fact that he like them because of their timing, they both like to talk and joke with the recruits

Warden : they like to play chess together and  they're both very good at it

Six : six has asked him to act as the psychologist of the team and fix the relationships between the operators. Even family problems between Ela and Zofia. Sulaiman agreed to do so. He knows that six is the smartest person he'll ever meet and fears him for that

I Wanted To Make My Own Operator Concept This Is My First Time And It Wasn't Based On Any Facts Or Research
I Wanted To Make My Own Operator Concept This Is My First Time And It Wasn't Based On Any Facts Or Research
I Wanted To Make My Own Operator Concept This Is My First Time And It Wasn't Based On Any Facts Or Research

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5 years ago

How to fix R6 siege operators part 1

Warden and nokk

(This is a series that I want to start and right down my ideas on how to fix the operators

I won't say that my ideas are %100 right, this merely me giving my opinions and i would like to hear yours)


plan A

His gadget will get the same charging system as nokk

Give him 2 stun grenades that works like ela's minds and 2 smoke grenades as his secondary gadgets, this should make him less dependent on the attackers (I'm afraid this will make him overpowered or won't work)

He'll stay as a 3 armor anchor

The P90 will get a damag buff from 22 to 24 and a recoil reduction by 10-20 percent, if he's too powerful with an acog the then the recoil will be reduced by 20-30 percent and the acog will be removed (it will also affect doc and rook because the weapon is really not used in a competitive environment and could see more use this way)

If he's too powerful then he'll lose the SMG-12

Mabye replace clash's pistol with kaid's

Note : i thought of giving him a secondary shutgun but i didn't see a scenario where he would benefit from it, i also thought of giving a DMR but there's also no scenario where he'll sacrifice an automatic weapon for it

Plan B

His gadget will get the same charging system as nokk

He'll become a 3 speed roamer

MPX damage will be buffed from 26 to 30 (this will affect valkyrie to help her a little)

His secondary gadgets will become : impacts and C4

This should put him in a similar position to vigil, where the gadget itself does not see a lot of use but the guns makes up for it


She'll become a 3 speed

Her walking and crouching speed (even when ADS for console players) when she's using her gadget will be increased by a reasonable amount to give her an advantage

She'll get her stun grenades back

The FMG9 will get its fire rate increased from 800 to 900 (this will affect smoke to make his the gun more dependable) , or she'll get one of the next weapons

Jager's carbine

Vigil's K1A

Kaid's AUG A3

These 3 weapons are similar to that of the attacker's but do not have an acog (ubisoft has announced that during development she was overpowered with an acog)

Note : i thought of giving her the R4C but one is enough to deal with already

Please tell me weather you agree or not and what will you do instead

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