Rammstein 2023 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Showman ❤️‍🔥

Black & white during the rain, it really hits differently

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1 year ago

My favourite flexible Opa


Stretching with Till (Vienna, Austria, 27-07-2023) @ elikaval

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1 year ago
This Photo Cracks Me Up.

This photo cracks me up.

“Come on Opa let’s wheel you to the stage, it’s a long way at your age”

“I’m 4 years younger than you cheeky bastard”

“Do you want to walk?….”


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1 year ago


How Did He Get That Shirt Done So Fast?! I Love It! Genius!! The Man Knows How To Laugh At Himself!

How did he get that shirt done so fast?! I love it! Genius!! The man knows how to laugh at himself!

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1 year ago

Now you know why Till had a jacket on today. 🤣

Hiding his surprise T-shirt❤️‍🔥

What's wrong with Till and Paul?? Always wearing a jacket even when it"s 30 degrees outside 😂

Actually i have a friend like that who insists it's actually cooler to wear a 'cool' jacket 😊 maybe it's a 'cool dude' thing 😊

That said, i usually wear something warm too when travelling by plane and/or airconditioned car (i assume they had been travelling by either before being photographed) and maybe they don't want to risk getting cold or sore from travelling 🌺

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1 year ago

Is Till afraid of heights he always looks like he’s absolutely seen some things on the elevator ride

Till And Paul, Poland
Till And Paul, Poland
Till And Paul, Poland
Till And Paul, Poland

Till and Paul, Poland ❤️

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1 year ago

Brussels night one was fun 🤩

Till sounds phenomenal this tour he really does.

End of tour celebrations started early with flake running across the stage with a stick (?) to whip Till during bestrafe mich.

Till humped a stanchion during the DRSG freeze (poor boy is starved I tell you!) before running off with half of Schneiders drum sticks again. Menace to society!

An adult fan jumped into Flake and Schneiders boat. The look Schneider gave Till as they ‘landed’ was 100% ‘sorry dad’.

Fans, don’t do that. It’s weird, it’s unsafe for the band. We don’t want them to stop doing it because you’re inserting yourself into the show. [rant mode off]

No real moments of emotion like there was in Berlin for me other than ‘as if I’m here to do this again’ kid in a candy shop feeling.

Can’t wait to do it again ❤️‍🔥

Brussels Night One Was Fun
Brussels Night One Was Fun

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1 year ago
Brussels Night 2.
Brussels Night 2.

Brussels night 2.

There’s probably so much I’ve forgotten. I almost got my phone notes page out.

Till still sounds phenomenal, Flake went at him with a shorter whip in Bestrafe mich this time.

Till had a mic malfunction at the start of Bestrafe. You could see him spin it in his hands about to yeet it across stage before the thought of the €400 bill crossed his mind. And if he’d have hit the tech rushing the new mic to him I could imagine the headlines about workplace bullying and him abusing his position of power (sarcasm).

Richard did a lot of what my partner calls ‘slut leg’ wafting his coat out of the way and planting his foot on his mic riser.

Speaking of feet on risers, Schneider and his audacity put his foot on Tills platforms getting a highly theatrical talking to as they bickered their way off stage.

Paul and Schneider beat Till to the drumstick theft at the first bow, throwing most of the contents into the crowd. Of course Till wasn’t outdone and when the rest left for the boats he sneaked back on stage and emptied the rest of the container throwing the sticks with such force im pretty sure the back row caught one.

No crowd boat intrusions, flake received the sparkly cap and it seemed there was an intervention by Paul and Till on Richard for his ‘bringing inflatable shit back’ problem. Both waited for him on the walkway, Paul only retreating when he was sure Richard only had a small cuddly creature (I’m assuming shark).

Mein Teil was fun, the gremlin accomplice hid below stage so the bloody menace to society tugged him back on stage by his ear.

I couldn’t watch just one thing last night, I sort of tried to take in as much of the sights and feels as I could. To feel the bass rumble and the heat of the fire.

One more show for me tonight, I wanted to be here for the last one, but I’m almost certain while it’s the last of this run it won’t be the last last.

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1 year ago

I have trenchfoot and my hands look like I’ve been in the bath it’s rained so ridiculously hard but I had to share this before the train has even left the stadium.

Spin those lights crazy bear!

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1 year ago

Rammstein in the Rain ☔️ Brussels Night 3 / End of Tour.

I found out my coat wasn’t waterproof anymore on the walk from the tram stop to the entrance. Aces.

Bagged myself the Must have end of tour merch. The €5 rammstein bin bag poncho. Reason 476 I love this band. They’re never one to miss out on a little bit of corporate opportunism and banged a rammstein sticker on the poncho packaging. Made a mint too by the looks of it from how many people wore one.

Feuer Zone was oddly empty. I ended up pretty much where I’ve been the last 2 nights (creature of habit, hi) but 2nd row. It didn’t fill up all that much around me either. It felt quite intimate in a way, that there was just me and the few people In my periphery being performed for.

To say it rained, it rained a lot. My trainers had breached by Links and I was wet through to my underwear by the end. Most of the concert I watched through the blurry blotches of rain on my glasses as everything was too wet to try and wipe off. But I laughed, because it was so utterly ridiculous how much it was pouring down. My first night of this tour was Berlin’s 36 degree heatwave and my last is 10 degree Brussels where I could see my own breath as I sang along and the steam rising from Till as he sang and somehow still managed to sweat under the lights. His mohawk was flat before the middle of Bestrafe, even Richards usually spiked look ended up framing his face. I said in Berlin, Richard looked like he was living his best rock star life. Last night There was times his expression (and mine tbf) was that of someone definitely questioning their life choices which led them to standing out in the piss down rain for 3 hours.

Anyway, less of the weather chat.

Nothing too crazy happened, there was no mic malfunctions which given the weather was more of a miracle and there was less group wide drum stick liberation this time, Schneider was probably down to his last handful.

I’ve already shared Till joining in the stick man dance spinning his little torches. I half anticipated him coming out in an actual light suit but this was somehow better. I know whenever I’m having a bad day I’ll watch that clip back.

There was more inflatable shit brought back. Sharks, a globe, Paul had a flamingo. Till refused him landing originally with it until Paul had done some convincing. The fee seemed to be a little smooch for Till from both the blow up bird and Paul himself. Richards Intervention the previous night seemed to work as he only brought back a body board and a note. I want an end of tour photo of the band and all of the stuff they’ve collected on their boating adventures please and thank you.

Till wore a beer can helmet for mein teil. I’ve read that one can said ‘roofies’ the other ‘KO drops’ but I was too far away to confirm. Probably did though.

He stole Jens’ little go pro on a stick and caused some mischief. He didn’t stick it down his pants however which was very unlike Till.

Of the 3 Belgian shows this one felt the least atmospheric crowd energy wise which surprised me given it was the last night but I guess the weather really didn’t help.

No “see you in….” Announcement at the end which I am a little sad about but I didn’t expect anything for 2024 anyway. Wait and see. I don’t think it will be long before we know their future plans.

Rammstein In The Rain Brussels Night 3 / End Of Tour.

I’m off to the airport on 3 hours sleep, back to reality rather than my Rammstein summer. What a ride.


Rammstein In The Rain Brussels Night 3 / End Of Tour.
Rammstein In The Rain Brussels Night 3 / End Of Tour.

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1 year ago

That coat will take 4 years to dry out. I can attest 🤣


brussel3 🌦️💖

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1 year ago

Like a wind up toy that gets stuck on carpet 😂

Flake gets stuck doing Till-hammer

Brussels 2023-08-05, ig account viktor_lifad

Flake is supposed to start the next song, but is stuck till-hammering, until Schneider and Till intervene 😄🥰❤️

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1 year ago

Diva be diva-ing.

Or maybe just how wet through he got last night which wrecked his spikes really was the last straw as the others won’t agree to his guitar station having a little roof 🤷🏻‍♂️

I Do Not Like What I Am Reading... Does He Trying To Give Us Heart Attack?

I do not like what I am reading... Does he trying to give us heart attack?

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1 year ago

Richard has always been a drama queen, at each album and tour he used to say it was the last one but this time it sounds more like it will be different, not ending.

Haha he is the reason I have such FOMO for Rammstein tours because his little diva gremlin voice is in the back of my mind saying “well you know it could be the last one, he’s always said…”.

I don’t think they’re done, I truthfully don’t think they’re done until one of them drops dead.

It might be different in terms of what we see; new stage has already been rumoured as has a run of festivals rather than their own stand alone shows. Different management/ direction; binning universal, other promotors potentially.

I saw that show last night and while it was fun as always it’s not their end. End of this cycle maybe but not the end of it. It was far too low key in a ‘we’ve given them a good time, now get me home to my own bed’ feeling.

Diva be diva-ing

[and thank you random anon for my first ask 😘]

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1 year ago

My post concert blues, mixed in with the viral souvenir I brought back from Brussels needed these photos today.

My favourites ❤️‍🔥

"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 Comes To An Explosive End In Brussels! Over 30 Shows In 15 Countries
"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 Comes To An Explosive End In Brussels! Over 30 Shows In 15 Countries
"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 Comes To An Explosive End In Brussels! Over 30 Shows In 15 Countries
"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 Comes To An Explosive End In Brussels! Over 30 Shows In 15 Countries
"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 Comes To An Explosive End In Brussels! Over 30 Shows In 15 Countries
"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 Comes To An Explosive End In Brussels! Over 30 Shows In 15 Countries
"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 Comes To An Explosive End In Brussels! Over 30 Shows In 15 Countries

"Rammstein's Europe Stadium Tour 2023 comes to an explosive end in Brussels! Over 30 shows in 15 countries – thank you to all who came from across Europe and the world!" © Jens Koch & Frédéric Batier @ rammsteinofficial

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1 year ago

I remember watching the Anaconda im netz interview with Till where he mentions sometimes when he’s stressed he thinks about the things he’s seen on his travels. References going inside himself and filling up ‘a little glass of travel preserves for the soul’.

This is that for the fans. Something we can look back on when the noise is a little too much.

Moments worth to share again and again 🫂

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1 year ago

Maybe because I’m an absolute nerd but I really hope if they have a documentary come out it includes stuff like the design and build of this stage set because it’s mighty impressive. And I’m going to miss it a little bit 🥲

Some more behind the scenes view

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1 year ago

Wiggly Till 🥰

Just adorable 🥰

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1 year ago

Till is absolutely the St Bernard puppy that doesn’t realise he’s bigger than a small elephant but still wants to play with the little dogs at doggy daycare.

Ausländer Outro, Munich 11.06.2023

My video of Rammstein's Ausländer outro from the fourth and last show in Munich, 11.06.2023. This is when Paul Landers and Richard Z. Kruspe kneeled in front of each other and finally kissed...

...only to get interrupted by Till Lindemann. Nonetheless, it was a nice moment, and I am glad I got to witness the last outro Paul and Richard did together. While Richard's solos are good, I love the beauty and simplicity of this outro, there was something special about the two guitarists playing it together on stage.

While the video has been posted on Instagram already, I figured I would post it on Tumblr as well. Unfortunately, I had to take down the quality a bit due to size restrictions on uploads. Please don't repost in other social media, and please credit if you use it for anything.

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1 year ago

Till loves dicks. Nothing will change my mind 🤣

 Groningen, 07-07-2023
 Groningen, 07-07-2023
 Groningen, 07-07-2023
 Groningen, 07-07-2023

🤣 Groningen, 07-07-2023

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