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Eve: What has you in the downs, Brother?
Satan: Have you ever wanted to strangle one of your kids?
Eve: Goodness no! Reprimand, surely. But I could never be cruel to my children as you are yours.
Satan: Yeah yeah, Good and Merciful God I get it.
Eve: So tell me what clouds your mind to anger?
Satan: Lilith and L6 just fucking up that girls life... Do you ever feel like Fate put too much in her?
Eve: Perhaps. But we cannot interfere, Brother.
Satan: I might have to soon, Evie.
Vanelope, glaring at the giant wall of Party City costumes: the glorification of witches is outrageous! None of us would ever wear such things and the fact that the companies slander what my mother gave her life for is atrocious!
Siren, walking out of the dressing room in a skimpy witch costume and hat: Uh... Should I change?
Quincy: I see you found some poor soul to love you.
Lilith: Go away, Adam.
Quincy: What'd you do? Bribe him? Sprinkle a little demon magic on him?
Lilith: No, I didn't.
Quincy: You must've done something.
Lilith: He decided that he loved me, what's so hard to accept?
Quincy: That you, the real you, would be able to make even a dumb fucking human want you. Unless, he doesn't know who you really are.
Lilith: I said go away.
Quincy: Ah, there it is. He still thinks you're some abused little orphan girl, doesnt he? Enjoy his love while you have it, Snake.
Minyoung: "When people don't text you back.."
Melanie: "Minnie... That's a Rotary phone-"
Kyungah, coming into Minhyuks room and sitting on the bed: "Oh Min, it's awful. Our concerts are cancelled because of the virus"
Minhyuk: "Virus?"
Kyungah: "Yeah? The virus that's been spreading though the world the past few weeks?"
Kyungah: "the reason none of us can go outside?"
Min: "...out..side?"
Siren: "So can we really not go outside?"
Melanie: "Nope"
Siren: "Okay but I'm bored as fuck"
Mel: "Then go find something to do babe."
Siren: Pauses for a minute before getting up and grabbing a box of hair dye from the closet "Im dyeing my hair blue"
Mel: "sIREN NO"
Minhyuk: "I'm just wondering, if physical energy can be turned into thermal energy, how hard do I have to punch a raw chicken to cook it?"
Eunmi: "So he broke up with me"
Kyungah: "Why aree you looking up?"
Eunmi: "I need to cry but this foundation was 48 dollars!"
Siren: "My boyfriend said I'm the most beautiful girl in the world"
Eunmi: "Haha, yeah my boyfriend said the same thing to me yesterday-"
Siren, stabbing her: "There can be only one"
Amasa: "Dabbing is still cool right?"
Melanie: "No, uncle Ama. It's not anymore-"

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What is your thought on Bakugou redemption arc,do you think it's good,or it's bad writting in some aspects?
Thanks for the question, @birekuden.
There are just to many things to say but anyway, lets start. I will talk about why i dont like the way story portrayed Bakugou in another post, here, i will talk about Deku and Bakugou’s relationship.
Bnha is a story about abuse. In hero society, there is a system that support abuse & violence and many people are victim of this system. Narrative also shows how much wrong it is.

Bakugou is also abuse victim and victim of system, just like others. Yeah, maybe his mother loves him but still, the way her mother treats him is abuse.

Also the way society treats Bakugou is the reason Bakugou is like this. Bakugou has very toxic mind, it hurts both himself and others.
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I just want school to end. Right now.