Random TMNT Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Ohhhhhh interesting thoughts! I love where your mind wanders. And now, Leo's in trouble

Ohhhhhh Interesting Thoughts! I Love Where Your Mind Wanders. And Now, Leo's In Trouble

Random Isolated Turtle Event Thoughts:

💙It wasn’t his fault. Truly it wasn’t. Leo had absolutely no idea that ice could do that. Stimulate that sort of response. It sent zings up and down his spine as it spilled onto his crotch, igniting a simmering burn that made him feel as though he would surely orgasm at any moment. Ice? Who knew? Well, he did now! 💙

❤️The day Raph was able to lift more weight than he had available in his little alcove in the lair, he was forced to celebrate on his own. His brothers and father, leaving only a mere thirty minutes before, to go hang with Casey and April. To this day, he consistently lifts more than a ton. He’s not called The Muscle for nothing. ❤️

💜Donnie carries a small weight. Literally. Around five years ago, he was messing with an experiment. One that involved various strands of his and his brother's DNA. He wanted to learn everything he possibly could about who and what they were. How the mutagen made them different and what they had to look forward to as they got older. Donnie accidentally spilled a small amount on his right wrist, causing the bones there to separate and form a third bone, trailing down into his thumb. A small knot can be seen at the base of his wrist. 💜

🧡Mikey. Oh sweet, Mikey. Boy knows way more than he lets on. He knows he’s special and that the mutagen that runs in his veins may as well be made of pure immortality. For you see, not too long ago, Mikey fell. One small misstep and he was careening towards the pavement below. He fell pretty far and when he landed, his right hip fractured into a million pieces. He was alone, his brothers patrolling elsewhere in the city. Mikey cried out in pain, dragging himself across the alley, desperately clawing his way towards the shadows. When he finally made it, his back against the cool red brick of a nearby building, he took in a sharp breath, realizing that his bones were slowly knitting back together. To this day, he’s not breathed a word to his brothers about what happened.🧡

Random Isolated Turtle Event Thoughts:
Random Isolated Turtle Event Thoughts:

@wynndigogh @thelaundrybitch

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