Randy Meeks X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


hi !!! since i haven't gotten any requests out this weekend due to schoolwork, i decided to make these short headcanons for the main friend group in scream 1 + mickey altieri. i'll soon start writing all your requests !!!

Sidney Prescott

listen i have the feeling that she's great at cuddles for some reason.

we know for a fact that after her mother she started rejecting sexual touches or advances, but she most definetely loves cuddles.

it would be so natural for her to start cuddling if you two are together.

and she truly does enjoy physical touch, especially as a form of intimacy.

i think physical touch might just be her love language.

so she's always touching you lightly, stroking your hair, idk she's always physically there.

sid also leans a lot into you, like she does with billy at the fountain when they're talking about casey and steve

it's just natural for her.

chilling in bed with her arm around you might just be her favorite activity.

Tatum Riley

LISTEN,,, she loves cuddling you !!

she's really cuddle

tatum is very keen to physical contact with everyone, even people she doesn't know that well

so people she loves or is close too??? they're so spoiled with her touch.

probably likes bring the big spoon but doesn't mind to be the center of attention from time to time.

please cuddle her during her vulnerable to moments, all queens break </3

teases you a lot about liking her cuddles, especially if you've told her you do like them.

but in like,,, a loving and fun way.

she always has the widest smile in her face when you two are together, especially if you're alone and cuddling. this girl loves you so much <3

she also looks like someone comfortable to cuddle with

like, the kind of person that is soft and it all feels cozy and right.

Randy Meeks

i love him so much i have to write more for him.

i feel like randy in scream 1 was a bit more shy than he was in scream 2

so like,,, he will not initiate physical contact with you under no circumstances, you're gonna have to be the one

especially if you're in a relationship with him, he's gonna take everything so painfully slow

but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to cuddle you

heck, he's dying to cuddle you, he's just kind of waiting for the perfect moment to introduce it more and more. he's so silly i love him

once you do start cuddling he gets ADDICTED

please don't cuddle him while you guys are watching movies because he'll JUMP --- his body is in tension while watching movies, especially horror ones, so just... don't

but please come cuddle him while you're resting at the fountain with the others

and please come cuddle him when you stay for the night at his place

WILL get flustered if his little sister walks in on you two cuddling bc he just looks like the type

awkward moments are real with him. like, getting too hot because of the proximity and not bearing the heat, accidentally touching what's not to touch, all that stuff no one talks about when cuddling.

"randy, that's my butt."



"y/n, my arm is falling asleep, move"

Billy Loomis

he's touch starved, that's the starter

but also he's very picky about who he touches, when and how

assholy claims he doesn't cuddle like he's gonna get a fucking price or something

but he's actually a sucker for cuddles

the thing is he only ever cuddles with people he's known for a very very very very very very very long time

so there's that

please don't touch his hair while you guys cuddle, you'll get oil all over your hands

he's that motherfucker that will reject your touch and the next minute have his arm around your waist

because the fact is,,, billy is actually touchy

especially if he wants to get something

but anyways,,,

he'll cuddle you while you two watch movies, but eventually will stop since he'll rather put his whole attention in the movie

fortunately, billy is hyper aware while cuddling. no awkward moments will ever happen because he avoids touching what's not to touch every single time, and he'll do it so subtly too

he fell asleep in ten minutes the first time you guys cuddled.

that's a compliment since he almost never has his guard down, especially not during first times

please rub his back while cuddling !!!

Stu Macher

stu is probably the best one to cuddle

he's a very physical person and he loves cuddles

will beg for them if needed

but truth is, in your relationship cuddles came early and with the intention to stick around.

he just loves dropping anything he's doing to go cuddle you

will get bored soon, though, so shifting positions is a constant, and doing something else is a must.

please let him be the little spoon from time to time

he just wants to be held

please touch his hair while cuddling him !!!!!

whatever it is you're doing, come cuddle him !!!!!

"there's nothing a good cuddling session can't fix, babe"

will smile so brightly, too, because you just look so beautiful in his arms and all relaxed <3


Mickey Altieri

he's so smooth about every single move he makes in your relationship duwhdooqiw

will introduce cuddles slowly, but truth is, he has always been touching you

like,,, reassurance touches during classes, or when you guys are out with the others

somehow, he was always touching you

which gives away the fact that he loves physical contact

will cuddle you while watching movies with you, and will end up forgetting about them to instead focus on you

he always feels so calm when he has his arms around you, pulling you closer to him

mickey closes his eyes and smells your scent softly

and the first time he did so he blushed because he had never realized how much he liked you until then

will play with your hands

i don't know how to explain it but fidgeting with each other's hands and fingers is the best feelings ever

especially when cuddling

he laughs a lot when he cuddles you. he's very happy that he gets to do that with you


marry the damn killer already

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2 years ago


Randy Meeks Heacanons: Dating Randy would include.

Warnings: Swearing lol, probably typos or bad constructed english

Edited?: Like always, no.

Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.

Summary: Dating Randy headcanons!!

Author's note: RANDYYYYYYYYYYYY not enough works for him, so i gotta keep up with his requests. also kudos to alex for requesting constantly with great ideas :) i had so much fun making these.

criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas. in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, tatum riley, sidney prescott, mickey altieri, kirby reid, chad meeks martin, mindy meeks martin, tara carpenter, anika kayoko and laura crane.

a lot of forehead kisses

cheek kisses too

he just looks like the type. he's gotta go to class? have a cheek kiss. you're meeting up? cheek kiss. you made him laugh? cheek kiss. going to sleep? cheek kiss. whatever, cheek kiss.

him being rather shy at the beginning of your relationship, but growing bolder as the time passes.

holding hands!!!! he loves holding hands. he actually blushed the first time you guys held hands, he's that cute.

getting along with his little sister martha!!! even teaming up against him with her lmao.

lots of dates, and a lot around getting food/eating/cooking/going to restaurants.

but i'm also not gonna lie, movies and dates are a big deal.

movie marathons! movie nights! going to the theater!

cuddling with randy (headcanons here)

you better not like guilty pleasure movies too much because if he has to cinematically roast you HE WILL.

learning a lot about movies and cinematography because he doesn't shut the fuck up.

but it's not like you want him to shut up like, ever.

competing to see who can insult people more 'culturally'

(like homo-repressed mama's boy, creepy tarantino film student, leatherface, pussy ass-wet-rag)

he likes dancing with you and will do so with absolutely every excuse he can think of.

the kind to get drunk, flirt with you and get really sad when you tell him you have a very loving boyfriend (he doesn't realize that's him)

really sweet

if he ever meets your parents, he'll most probably win them over. he's still walking on eggshells around them.

compliments you/what you're wearing every single day.

even if it's just your socks, he always says something nice to you.

he's so greatful to have you.

the type to walk out of arguments when things get heated, before any of you can say anything you'd regret.

he adores you, he could listen to every single thing you say for the rest of his life.

randy doesn't care if you're just talking about your favorite type of pen, he'll listen like you're trusting him with the secrets of the universe.

he remembers a lot of little details because of this.

call him 'pretty boy' and he'll be yours forever.

not a cheater :) (THE BARE MINIMUM---)

he rarely ever lies to you. he'd let you go down to the basement with him in a horror movie, and that's a shit lot of trust.

quotes different romantic dialogues from different movies, but it's always at the most unexpected/worst timing.

he's so goofy i love him.

always making sure you're okay, no matter where you at. it doesn't have to be a frat party for him to worry about your well-being

randy walks you everywhere, no matter how impractical that can be.

especially at night. he doesn't want you to go out alone when it's dark.

overall, he's a really good boyfriend, although i'm not getting involved with the angsty stuff.

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1 year ago

TRAIL OF TEARS! | randy meeks x GN!reader (platonic)

SUMMARY: after a rough breakup, your best friend randy is seeking for comfort. and you being as close to him as you are, give him just that.

WARNINGS: mentions of breakups, provocation, hurt, loneliness, loss, small angst

WORD COUNT: my bet is that i didn’t check.. (I CBA)

TRAIL OF TEARS! | Randy Meeks X GN!reader (platonic)

If I live to see, the seven wonders!

I’ll make a path to the rainbow's end..

You were slowly swaying to the soft beat of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Seven Wonders’ through your headphones. God, you loved Stevie Nicks.

I'll never live to match the beauty, again..

You’d only came down to the kitchen to get a snack, but why not take the voice of Stevie with you at the same time?

The music was only playing faintly in your ears, enough for you to hear a knock at the door. Multiple friends had gave you advice on not having your volume up too loud, ranting about how you wouldn’t be able to hear shit as you grew up.

You weren’t exactly one for caring, but whatever..

Removing the headphones, you quickly turned the song off, wondering why the hell someone was at your house at 11:30pm on a Saturday night.

Plus, you were home alone. So that really didn’t make the eerie feeling any better.

You opened the front door to see Randy shivering under your porch, soaked to the bone. His nose was bright red and his eyes looked rather watery.

“Jesus, Randy! Why aren’t you at home? It’s pissing down outside!” You scolded, ushering him into your house.

“Sorry,” He sniffled, following behind. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

You laughed. “Me? Being asleep by this time? Please. I’m an insomniac for god’s sake.”


You cocked your head to the side, squinting your eyes slightly. Something was off about him. Very off..

“Are you sick?” You asked.


Somehow, Randy just wasn’t Randy tonight. He wasn’t as loud as usual. Not even that, you were still surprised he was here stood in front of you. Randy would never turn up to your house unexpected and uninvited. The thought of disrupting other people’s privacy made him awkwardly uncomfortable. Especially at this time of night.

“Cmon up to my room, it’s cosier in there.” You motioned for him to follow you upstairs. Yes, your snack and headphones were both being abandoned back in the kitchen, but curiosity was getting to the best of you on behalf of why Randy had showed up like this.

When the two of you finally reached your room, you took his drenched coat from him, hanging it up nearby.

“So, what’s up?” You said, flopping down onto your back. Randy just quietly sat down on the foot of your bed.

He just sort of shrugged his shoulders, anxiously not really knowing what to say.

Now you definitely knew something was up. It was one thing if he was slightly awkward, but Randy Meeks giving someone the silent treatment? Nah, shit was getting weird.

You watched as he fiddled around with his rings, his hands beginning to shake.


He finally looked up at you, ready to break at any moment. Tears began to spill out of his crystal blue eyes. Your heart sank when you saw his little lip quiver. It was obvious the poor love was desperately trying to keep everything in, but it was no use.

“Oh, Randy.” You whispered, sitting up and pulling the distraught, younger boy into a deep hug.

His sobs were muffled as he cried into your shoulder, just hearing them made you want to burst into tears yourself. Randy was never one to cry, ever.

He was willing to listen to other people when it came to them being upset, but no one had ever wanted to give him the same sort of action back.

Your friend group always saw him as some geeky idiot, following you guys around during all this years for whatever reason. Though, you would never bring yourself to agree.

Randy was only a regular teen, trying to enjoy himself most times. Whether it be making his best attempt to get people to laugh, or blabbing on about all movie genres he loved, you liked having his presence nearby you.

No matter the joke, he sure as hell always managed to get a giggle out of you. You’d remember that.

Pulling away from you, Randy wiped at his eyes furiously. “God, fuck.. i’m so sorry Y/n. You shouldn’t have to put up with this shit. I better go-”

“Randy Meeks don’t you dare apologise for being a human in front of me, boy!”

He chuckled slightly, still rubbing away at his now tired eyes. You offered him a tissue from the box nearby, motioning for the flustered male to take some.

He took a couple and thanked you, dabbing them around his nose. Now was your chance to get to the bottom of why he was in this current state.

“Okay stinker, spill. What’s wrong with ya?” You blurted out in a goofy tone regularly used by your other friend, Stu, rather than yourself. It didn’t matter. If it was willing to make Randy happy again, you’d do it.

On cue, Randy let a small laugh escape his lips. “If I do tell you, you won’t say anything to them, right?”

By them, you knew he was referring to Billy, Stu and Tatum. Sidney would never judge, but you and Randy both knew better than to trust the others with keeping their mouths shut about drama. Especially when it involved tears.

“Course I won’t.” You smiled softly at him, placing your hand on top of his larger, yet shakier one.

Randy sighed, scratching his chin. “You uh- you know Leslie from Science class?”

You bit your lip as you already knew what was coming. “Yeah, your
 um- girlfriend?”

“I guess that term didn’t age well..”

‘Man, this kid would be in a grave before anyone would allow him to settle down and be happy..’ You said to yourself, internally. You’d always pitied him. He never seemed to get a break.

“Eh, her loss. In two years time she’ll be flashing her shit all over town. You deserve better, Randy. Much better.”

He perked up a little at your words. “You mean that?”

You giggled. “Why wouldn’t I? Your a good kid. Plus, I think Sid might have her eye on you.”

Randy raised both his eyebrows with surprise. Billy and Sidney were over one another and had broken up quite a while ago. The only couple still surviving in the gang was Tatum and Stu. But even at that, it was only really constant playfulness and flirting. Nothing the rest of you were sad that you had to miss out on.

“Hell, i’d never even thought of that.” He smirked.

“See!” You beamed. “There’s plenty of fish in the sea for you horror nerds.”

He rolled his eyes and snorted at your snarky joke, but he’d always feel comfortable knowing that when you added in little comments like that, they would always be nothing but a JOKE. Nothing more, nothing less.

You took a brief look at your watch. “Oft, it just hit midnight.”

“Shit!” He cried. “I gotta get back! I only told my Mom and Martha that i’d be back within an hour.”

“Relax, i’m home alone for the weekend, just crash here. We’ll order food from wherever the hell is open right now. You can call your mom from the house phone and explain. Perhaps we can have a late movie night?” You offered.

“I’d like that.” Randy smiled.

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