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A Vampire and a Werewolf Walk Into a Bar (m)
Nonsense supernatural smut trash based on Namjoon’s sinfully sexy aristocratic vampire concept in BST.
Warning: Graphic smut
Word Count: 6,538
“You’re late,” Namjoon greets you when you come rushing into the bar, windswept and breathless.
You frown at your cell phone as you clamber up on a barstool next to him, “What are you talking about? No I’m not!”
Namjoon cocks an eyebrow at you before reaching over to wipe a smudge of dirt off of your screen, making you realize that you’ve mistaken the 8 on the clock as a 0. “Oh, shit…”
“You should get a watch.”
“What?” You wrinkle your nose in distaste, “Why would I bother if I have my phone?”
“You kids these days don’t value time. What were you doing before this, ___-ah? Checking your social media?”
You shoot him a wry glare as you flag down the bartender to order a drink, “Yah, did you just speak to me informally? How old are you anyways?”
He simply smiles and takes another sip of his red wine, “Older than you.”
You squint as you eye him up and down. But no matter how you look at him, he can’t be a day over 25, max. “Are you bloodsuckers all supposed to be polite or some shit? What’s wrong with you?”
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