Bts Vampire Au - Tumblr Posts
Each chapter just gets better. I love how protective Namjoon is with OC. So good! Hopefully we will get more of Jin's boys too. The story line is thrilling and I look forward to seeing where you take this.

Moth to Flame
Chapter 13
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot
Warnings: (hoo boy) Oral Sex, Blowjobs, Cunnilingus, Double Penetration, Sloppy Seconds, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Degradation,Somewhat Dubious Consent/Hypnosis, Vaginal Fingering, Anal Fingering, Handjob, Masturbation, Cumplay, Threesome (M/M/F), Foursome (M/M/M/F), Voyeurism, Slight Stockholm Syndrome?, Possessiveness, Vampires (Biting, Blood-Sucking, Reference to Death), Language
Words: 11.1K (jesus tittyfucking CHRIST)
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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I have loved every single second of this amazing story. I have cried, I have laughed and have low key hated Namjoon (but also loved Namjoon.) I have fallen in love with Jimin and Yoongie and their love for OC and the beautifully written love story between themselves. I love Tae and his need to be loved (yay for Tannie.) Jin is a an angel, Hobi is sexy. ...... and Jungkook my sweet, beautiful, hot adorable sexy vampire, who I fall in love with a little more every time I read a chapter. Thank you for writing a beautiful masterpiece Steph, it has been a wonderful experience and you should be very proud. I look forward to the epilogue.
Sweeter than Sweet (88)
AO3 Link
Pairings: Jimin x reader, Yoongi x reader, Jimin x Yoongi, Namjoon x reader, Taehyung x reader, Jungkook x reader, Jin x reader, Hoseok x reader.
Warnings: Nil of note
Word count: 9.3k
Previous / Epilogue
So. The final chapter. It’s finally here. It’s been a long time coming and honestly, it’s been so nerve-wracking writing this and hoping that people will like it and GOD I HOPE YOU’RE OK WITH THIS ENDING. After two and a half years, trying to find a way to tie this all together has been… quite the task. But anyway, enough rambling from me.
There’ll be an epilogue after this - just a short one - so we don’t have to say goodbye quite yet but… yeah. I hope you enjoy.

“Whatcha making, hyungie? ” To your right, Jimin’s eyes remain fixed on his phone as he calls out to the elder vampire pottering to and fro between the kitchen counters and the stove. With one of Jimin’s thumbs caressing the side of your knee and his other scrolling through whatever Korean article he happens to be reading, you’re surprised Yoongi even realises his young lover is addressing him, so casual is his tone.
“ Kimchi-jjigae ,” Yoongi murmurs in reply as his knife rhythmically thunks against the chopping board, and to your left you hear Hoseok longingly sigh at the mention of food.
You can empathise with the feeling that spurred him to make such a sound. You’ve been a vampire for less than a month and already you’ve started to miss the taste of real food, unable to imagine what it must be like for those around you for whom it’s been so much longer. It’s all too easy to understand why they sometimes give in and indulge despite the inevitable gastric upset that it brings. You’d done the very same just last week, unable to resist sneaking a slice of Jin’s vanilla bean cheesecake only to lament its vengeful return back up your oesophagus just a few minutes later - an experience unpleasant enough to sufficiently silence any cravings you might’ve had since; the smell of broth wafting over to you now no more tempting than that of cut grass or fragrant shampoo.
And anyway, it’s not as though Yoongi is cooking with the intention of the meal he’s making actually being eaten. He’s cooking because it gives his restless hands something to do - a task on which to concentrate and thereby silence the anxious thoughts that would otherwise occupy his mind - and Yoongi isn’t alone in his attempt to keep pre-occupied.
One by one you’d gathered together in the kitchen as the day had drawn into night, some having woken early and some having not yet slept at all. Namjoon’s imminent arrival has everyone on edge, and rather than remain in bed tossing and turning to and fro, all seven of you had ended up gravitating towards one another instead, seeking the reassurance found in numbers.
Jin had already been here, in the kitchen, when you, Jimin and Yoongi had arrived here together, his brows furrowed in concentration as he furiously tapped away at the keys of his laptop - yelling when he’d lost at whichever game had him so engrossed. Alarmed, Nova has been giving him a wide berth every since, hiding under the legs of the furthest possible bench and glaring reproachfully each and every time Jin dares make a sound.
It was Jungkook and Taehyung who had joined you next, and they continue to occupy one another now, some hours later; Jungkook with his sketchpad in hand and tongue poking against the inside of his cheek as he tries to capture Taehyung’s likeness from where he sits posed across the other side of the table, a sleeping Yeontan in his arms.
Hoseok arrived last of all, completing the set He’s been strangely quiet ever since he joined you, yet still seems to have trouble keeping his limbs from wanting to dance as he watches various choreography videos on his phone, volume turned down low. It seems as though even in times of stress he’s unable to keep that innate sense of rhythm he’s blessed with at bay.
You can’t help but note the subtle sense of guilt that settles in your stomach as you observe them all. If it weren’t for you and your wanting to do this, Jin’s eyes might not be marred by such dark circles, nor Yoongi’s thumb-nail so thoroughly well-chewed as he stands gnawing on it in front of the stove. Jimin’s knee wouldn’t be bobbing up and down so restlessly, the two youngest might still be in bed, sleeping in as late they usually do, and Hoseok…. Well, there are a lot of things that might be different for Hoseok if it weren’t for your arrival into their lives, but the less you dwell on that the better, you suppose.
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Ooh sooo good, loving all the twists in the story.

Moth to Flame
Chapter 14
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot
Warnings: Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Anal Sex, Slight Stockholm Syndrome?, Possessiveness, Vampires (Biting, Blood-Sucking, Reference to Death), Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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Only just discovered this story and it is amazing. Clever twists and turns, through out each chapter. Each vampire so different. The pain and confusion of the oc is so real. I can't wait to continue reading this little gem.
A Drop of Heaven IV: Unravelling

[Series Masterlist]
Pairing: ot7 x reader // this chapter: Yoongi x reader, Seokjin x reader
Series summary: Seven vampires have secretly been roaming the darks of your world for millennia. Each brother selects a Feed who becomes supernaturally bound to him, whose blood will be fed on until their inevitable mortal death. They have spent their eternity hunting for the exorbitant rarity that is angel blood - the most heavenly of food for vampires that fuel them with desire, lust and satiety. So what happens when they all find you, the first angel-blooded being they’ve encountered in two centuries?
Genre: vampire au, poly au, smut, angst, enemies to lovers (e2l)
Warnings in this chapter: mentions of blood drinking, depression and suicidal thoughts, slightly gruesome, probably a lot of confusion, plot heavy chapter
Word count: 11.1k
A/N: I’m not sure if it’s just me but I feel like my writing style for this series has kind of shifted, so apologies if you don’t like the change. Thank you for being so patient with this update, I know it took forever, but I hope it was worth the wait! ❤︎
[prelude, i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, epilogue]
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Ooh this is so full of unexpected twists and turns. Love it!

Moth to Flame
Chapter 15
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot That is Rapidly Getting Out of Hand Dear God Why Please Help Me
Warnings: Fucking Politics and Complicated Morality, Stockholm Syndrome, Addiction, Possessiveness, Vampires (Biting, Blood-Sucking, Reference to Death), Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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A very fitting ending, to an amazing story. If you haven't read STS, then you have missed out on a masterpiece, simple as that!
Sweeter than Sweet (Epilogue)
AO3 Link
Pairings: Jimin x reader, Yoongi x reader, Jimin x Yoongi, Namjoon x reader, Taehyung x reader, Jungkook x reader, Jin x reader, Hoseok x reader.
Warnings: Nil of note
Word count: 3.1K

It’s been a good few years, now, since Namjoon has thought of the manor as home.
‘Home’ these days is a one-bedroom apartment over on the rougher side of town that he shares with not just one, but two feline companions; a safe space filled with books, bonsai trees, and a sizeable collection of plushie toys that he’s never quite been able to make himself throw away.
His excuse is that Nova would never allow it - the lady of the house is far too fond of tearing off their poor, unsuspecting heads to bid them leave - but secretly, Namjoon rather likes to see their sweetly smiling faces and soft bodies sat atop the bed you once called yours.
Not that you would know the place was anything other than his if you looked at it now. It’d taken a long time for him to even consider redecorating after having moved in - still not quite believing your generosity could possibly be real - but slowly, as the months had gone by, he’d allowed himself to start adding little touches of Namjoon here and there. He’d painted over your god awful gaudy wallpaper in the living room and ripped out the kitchen for which he has no use, fashioning it into a study instead; a quiet, secluded space to grade his student’s papers.
These days, he might even dare to say he feels happy, and whilst a lot of the progress he’s made has been down to his own personal perseverance, Namjoon still knows how deeply indebted to you he remains for setting the wheels of change in motion. It’s why he’s here at the threshold of the manor now, having answered your summoning call - it’s why he always will, regardless of what your reason or need may be.
You changed his life, showed him how to live again, and for that and so many things, he will always, always adore you.
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I love Vampire BTS. This story is so good and addictive.

Moth to Flame
Chapter 16
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot That is Rapidly Getting Out of Hand Dear God Why Please Help Me
Warnings: Cunnilingus, Mentions of Various Sexual Acts Including Blowjobs and Group Sex, Complicated Morality, Lots of Stockholm Syndrome, Addiction, Possessiveness, Vampires (Graphic Depiction of Biting, Blood-Sucking and References to Death), Depictions of……uh. Drug-Use Equivalent?, Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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Wow!! The tension in this story justs gets better everytime. So many little twists. Love the young vampires, Jimin, Tae and Jungkook..

Moth to Flame
Chapter 17
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot That is Rapidly Getting Out of Hand Dear God Why Please Help Me
Warnings: Complicated Morality, Lots of Stockholm Syndrome, Addiction, Possessiveness, Vampires (Reference to Biting, Blood-Sucking and Death), Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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Jin is a sweetheart in this chapter. Will we find out how Jungkook became a vampire? So good.

Moth to Flame
Chapter 18
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot That is Rapidly Getting Out of Hand Dear God Why Please Help Me
Warnings: Complicated Morality, Lots of Stockholm Syndrome, Addiction, Possessiveness, Vampires (Reference to Biting, Blood-Sucking and Death), Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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I have really missed this series and it continues to be amazing. The interaction between Jungkook and oc was so good. Jungkook is a sweetie.

Moth to Flame
Chapter 19
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot That is Rapidly Getting Out of Hand Dear God Why Please Help Me
Warnings: Complicated Morality, Lots of Stockholm Syndrome, Addiction, Possessiveness, Vampires (Reference to Biting, Blood-Sucking and Death), Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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I love this! You can't help but love Vampire Jungkook, He knows what he is and hates it, making Jungkook actually retain some of his humanity.
Fetish For Blood (M)

❥ pairing: vampire!jungkook x witch!reader
❥ genre: vampire au, s2l, smut [18+]
❥ summary: Strolling the streets one night in search of his next meal, Jungkook is puzzled as to why you’re not compelled by his lullaby until he meets you again and figures out why.
❥ wc: 6.8k
❥ warnings: cursing, biting (lots of it), mention of turning into a vampire, drinking blood (like a lot), lurking in the dark with intent to attack, mention and use of compulsion, mention and use of spells, oc calls jungkook a leech, biter, bloodsucker, etc., petnames, making out, grinding, like one toe bite, blood singer!oc, hair pulling, oral sex, fingering (f. receiving), handjob, slight footjob?, hex mention (jokingly), bruising, mention of being drunk due to being bitten, blood play, breast play, blood stained kisses
❥ a/n: i’ve been wanting to write this since last year (?) and never got around to it. also titled after the song freak show by alejandro lema
❥ date: October 29, 2021

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I see your hard work in it. Thank you for taking time.
"Jimin is edible" was the highlight really!🤣🤣
I loved it!!!

Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 4.4k Words
Warnings ➪ authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood and feeding; mentions of edible; not beta read;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Hey besties. I was meant to post this last month, but due to some things regarding my dad I couldn't really focus on much. Regardless though I am happy to get this out as an early present for Festa and for my own birthday. I'll continue 'Oh,baby' and should be posting a new part by the end of the month, at least I'm hoping to. As always feedback is appreciated, and if you would like to be added to the taglist please let me know.
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It hurt. Everything hurts. Namjoon could feel every last one of his nerve endings screaming in agony. His head was burning, and it was getting harder to think rationally. What was happening?
It felt like he was being moved in slow motion. He could feel the early fall breeze on his face, but also stiffness on his left side. Something was clawing at him, and he wanted it to stop.
Namjoon could hear muffled sounds, and felt a sudden warmth enveloping his chest. His heartbeat was slowing down; he was scared.
There began to be gaps in Namjoon’s awareness. When he would come to, sounds were still muffled, but he could feel and smell. The young man could no longer feel his favorite indigo blue set. A sweeping warmth on his skin was quickly followed by the bite of the cold room. He could smell damp earth, incense, and Jimin’s mellow fabric softener.. Jimin.. Yes, it smelled like Jimin. It smelled like his sweet friend. Namjoon started to feel like he was floating, the pain had stopped. He no longer felt scared. Jimin was here.
“What the fuck are we going to do,” Yoonji hissed. Jimin’s spell hadn’t worked to it’s perceived potential, they had a vampire fledgling in the younger’s work room, and they found out their newest roommate is potentially one of them. Shit was hitting the fan, and it was hitting hard.
The female vampire was having conflicting feelings about their current situation. While Yoonji was grateful for the small moment they got, she was petrified of the inevitable conversation they would be having; being sires, and that none of them were human. The elder vampire had contingency plans, having a few emails drafted if her current life would implode. Her parents taught her to be diligent, always being sure she had backups to her backups. If Yoonji, and her friends, had to hide in her Black Forest estate until this blew over, then so be it. But a small, hopeful, part of Yoonji wanted Y/n to accept them. She hoped their newest roommate wouldn’t be afraid of them.
They liked their lives here; she loves her life here. Yoonji is teaching pupils that are as passionate as she is. Seokjin is doing more of what he wants, while doing the bare minimum with the council. Jimin was still relatively new, but he had quickly gained loyal regulars that kept him busy. Things had finally set into place, and it’s dissolving in front of them. Yoonji watched as Jimin paced around their small island, and Jin was slouched forward, laying his upper body on the cold tile of the island.
If Yoonji focused enough she could hear the hissing of the hot water, and the clattering of Y/n’s products. The elder vampire could hear the shower stopping, and the clicking of nails to screen.
Jin slightly perked up, “I think..we should be truthful.”
Jimin halted, “Truthful, of what? Of us, what we are, are you insane?”
Seokjin slightly nodded, “She’s going to find out, one way or another. Your friend will wake-up within the next 36 hours confused, scared, and starving. As a new fledgling, everything will be amplified. Y/n has the right to know, to choose whether she wants to stay and witness that, or leave. The first few days of any newborn fledgling are brutal because of the thirst, and immense feeling of overstimulation. It’ll be frightening, even for you.”
The witch scoffed, “I’ve been around fledglings, they’re not scary.”
Seokjin narrowed his eyes at Jimin, highly unamused, “A newborn is different, they’re transitioning and everything is overwhelming to them. He won’t be the same person you remember him to be for a while. He’ll be constantly feeding, and losing control of himself. The slightest thing could set him off. If you’re not frightened by his unpredictability, then you’re a fool.”
Yoonji knew Jimin was aware of the changes that would be happening with Namjoon, she’d gone into detail of every fledgling transition she’s witnessed. Only one thing remained constant within those memories, fledglings were unpredictable. The female vampire saw as the tips of Jimin’s ears turned pink from Jinnie’s scolding, clearly embarrassed at being corrected.
Their witchy roommate sighed, “Are we telling her everything? What we each are, and what’s going on with Joonie?”
“I think we should,” Yoonji said. Jimin nodded, busying himself with cleaning up the bag of O negative from their sink. He sighed deeply, “What if she freaks out..what if… What if she tells someone? Hunters are still a thing. What if they find you, or Seokjin? I wouldn’t be able to live if anything would happen to either of you.”
Seokjin rose from his seat, “Min..” He enveloped the witch from behind, gently tightening his hold to comfort him. Jimin sniffled, hesitantly turning around and reciprocating Jin’s hug. The older vampire wrapped an arm across the witch’s back, and another was cradling his friend’s head into his chest. Jin delicately played with Min’s hair, “Jimin, I know you’re scared, we’re scared too.”
Jin redirected them towards the couch, clearly wanting to be comfortable during this stressful moment. Yoonji and Seokjin took the ends of the couch, not really giving Jimin any choice in arrangement. They settled in before the older vampire could continue. “A lot of things are happening too quickly, we can’t let ourselves be frightened,” Seokjin said.
He gestures towards Yoonji, asking her to say something. “I can’t say nothing won’t happen, because it will, but we will work through it. Hunters..are an unfortunate consequence of our existence. We haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But what about Joonie,” Min asked, “what if anyone saw Jin jumping on him?”
“What happened with Namjoon was an accident, Jinnie didn’t attack him maliciously. He was trying to help, and an accident happened. If, for some reason, a hunter saw him we’d deal with it,” Yoonji responded.
Jin nodded along, “We’ll be okay, we’ll work through it Min.”
The trio is huddled together, whispering, when Y/n walks into the living room. Seokjin signals Yoonji to turn towards the kitchen. She panics, stuttering a quirky greeting, “Hey, Y/n, um.. How’d you, uh, sleep?”
Y/n shrugged, “Eh, I guess, I don’t remember falling asleep.”
Jimin nudged Yoonji to keep talking. She shook her head, too unsure how to carry this conversation. They watch the human make a cup of iced coffee, looking around for any piece of the witch’s pastries. Yoonji notices Y/n is in lounging clothes, and not in her regular jeans. She’s barefaced, and is allowing her hair to air-dry into their natural waves. Her cheeks are still pink from her morning shower, and she’s wearing her glasses today.
The trio watches as their human roommate goes back and forth with each of her breakfast items to join them in the living room. She sits on the sofa chair on Jin’s side of the living room.
Y/n sighs as she adjusts into place, takes a big sip of her coffee, and looks towards the trio, “Guys, I had the weirdest dream last night.”
“Weird dream? Like what,” Jimin asked.
Y/n’s face scrunched up, “I dreamt that Jin got hurt. He was covered in blood, and he wouldn’t respond to me. There was a man at the doorway. I didn’t know him, but he was next to Jin and I was getting scared. I ended up passing out in-dream. Next thing I know, my alarms are going off, and I’m freaking out because I think I’m late for work, but I’m not late because my manager thinks that I’m sick and I don’t know what’s going on.”
Yoonji looked at Y/n in mild terror, she clearly remembered. The vampire gave her friends a look before she spoke, “Y/n.. we need to talk.”
The human looked at the trio worried slightly tilting her head. “Oh, fuck. Did I do something last night,” she rambled. “I mean, I ate an edible that’s probably why I passed out, but if I acted out of line I need you guys to tell me.”
Yoonji sat stunned, struggling to contain her laughter. The vampire dug her nails into her thighs to keep herself from bursting, “You acted no weirder than you usually do on edibles.” Jimin bursted in a small fit of giggles. Seokjin looked between them, confused as to what an edible was. He gestured his confusion to Jimin, who gestured back that he’d explain later.
The vampire covered her escaped chuckles with swift coughs. “No.. um.. That dream that you mentioned happened.” She watched as the human stiffened in her seat. “Last night Jinnie came home a bit.. Flustered. There was an accident, and he came home to get help..but there’s more to it.” Yoonji was starting to get uncomfortable, and she could see that Jin was staring at their carpet. “Please, listen to what we have to say.”
Yoonji took a moment to collect her thoughts, when Seokjin took over, “Last night, I was walking around to waste some time, then I smelled something. I walked deeper into the park trail, desperate to find it. It smelled so good, I just had to see what it was. I thought it was a fox, or a small deer, they’re especially delicious this time of year, but instead I saw a human. He was bleeding from his knee, he said he was fine. Next thing I know my shirt is wet with blood, and the man is passed out. I’m freaking out because I’ve never done anything like this. I bring us back to the house. Yoonji, and Jimin try to help, but I can’t hear them because everything sounds muffled, and my skin feels clammy. I smelled when you came near me, and all I could think about was blood and how yours smelled good enough to be my next meal. I was scared, and Jimin was able to sedate me.”
The elder vampire released a large sigh, as if a weight had been lifted from him. “When I bit the man, I accidentally released some venom in him. He’s currently transitioning into a vampire.”
Y/n looks at the trio, analyzing them. She takes a small bite from her breakfast sandwich, confusion riddling her face. The human gestured at them, “Are the three of you vampires?”
Jimin shook his head, “No, I’m a witch. I just moved here a couple years ago, and moved in a year and a half ago. Yoonji, and Jinnie are vampires. They’re currently part of a small group of vampires that pre-date the Joseon dynasty.”
Yoonji grumbled, hating being reminded of her age. She watched as the human continued eating her breakfast with a vacant look. To Y/n’s left Jin was trying his hardest to control his shaking leg, and was slightly chewing at the sides of his thumb. Next to him, Jimin was turning pink from the pressure of the situation.
They watched as Y/n finished her breakfast, leisurely drinkin the last of her morning coffee. She turned to them, face slightly scrunched. “So let me get this straight, Yoonji and Seokjin are vampires. Jimin is a witch. Seokjin accidently got himself a vampire kid, and I almost got eaten until Jimin knocked out Seokjin.” The trio nodded, Y/n continued speaking, “Did I get knocked out too? Where’s the new vampire? I assume since you guys are, you know, you..that there’s more of you guys? I don’t know what to call you. It feels weird to call you supernatural, because what you are is normal to you guys, and oh my god, why am I making a big deal out of this?”
Jimin was intrigued, “Like Jin said, you got a little too close to him while he was a bit overwhelmed. You didn’t know, it’s no one’s fault. We didn’t know how to explain what happened, even when we didn’t fully know ourselves.” The witch watched the human nod along to what he was saying. “The new vampling is in my workroom, he’s transitioning in a safe environment, and will be properly supported by Jinnie and Yoonji. As for the umbrella label, that's fine. In our world we just call each other by our species names, humans wouldn’t know every one of us so it’s fine.”
Seokjin stared at the human with curiosity, he couldn’t decipher any emotions from her. He was perplexed and needed to know why she was so calm. “Are you not afraid,” he blurted out, “I confessed to wanting your blood as a meal, and you’re indifferent.”
Y/n was startled by Jin’s harsh statement. “As ridiculous as it sounds, yes and no. Yes, because of course with anything unknown, fear always accompanies it. No, well if you’d had wanted to hurt me, or worse eat me, you would’ve done so the first week of me living here. Maybe not even the week. Of course the possibility that you could’ve bit me frightens me, but you didn’t and I’m here now without any harm. At this point I just wanna ask questions about your species. As well as figure out who contacted my manager.”
Jimin looked at Y/n mildly guilty, “I called her after we had settled you into your room, and made sure both Jinnie and Joonie were sedated.”
“Who’s Joonie,” she asked.
Jimin shifted in his seat, “Namjoon is the man that is currently in the workroom. Jinnie didn’t know who he was, it was a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The human turned towards the elder vampire, “Why’d you attack him?” Yoonji could see Y/n was angry and confused. They had just spent time establishing they would never harm her, just to say an innocent human was attacked by one of theirs.
Seokjin looked at their human roommate in shame, “I didn’t mean to.” He took a moment to take a few deep breaths, collecting himself back up. He looked at Yoonji, trying to gain courage from his longest friend. “Yoonie, is it okay if I talk about what happened a few weeks ago,” he asked. Yoonji nodded her consent, urging Jin to continue. “A few weeks ago Yoonji was sick, she was starving. I drank from a few donors to help her. Came home, helped her, then two days after I left for Mongolia to help with a territory dispute. During my two week stay there was a limited amount of blood we could consume, therefore only took what would keep us functional. When we came back I was denied entry to our donor wing. I called up my blood supplier, and while I waited for him to arrive, I found Namjoon. I didn’t attack him for fun, I attacked him because I was starving. For almost three weeks I was kept at the verge of hunger. I haven’t attacked a human since I was a small vampling.”
Y/n waved her hand at Jimin’s direction, “You called him Joonie.. Jimin, do you know him?”
The witch nodded, “I’ve been friends with Joon for about a year, he doesn’t know about what we are and our world. When Jin brought him home, I was so scared. I knew what happened just by looking at them. I’m upset that an innocent person is caught up in this, but I’m not upset at Jinnie. He was starving, and I know he wouldn’t have attacked anyone on purpose.”
The human sat in her chair stumped, “Damn, and now your friend is a vampire? Seokjin mentioned venom, does that make you guys like the Twilight vampires? Do y’all sparkle in the sun, because I’ve never seen you guys in direct sunlight.”
Yoonji can feel an overwhelming feeling of ick consuming her. “No, no, no, no, please,” she pleaded. “Anything, but that. First off, in Twilight they aren’t vampires, they’re blood sucking Fae that give real vampires a bad name. Vampires don’t need to exchange blood to transform a human into a fledgling. Much like werewolves, vampires have a venom they can inject into humans to turn them into vampires.”
“Okay, cool, cool,” Y/n replied, “You still didn’t answer if you sparkled.”
Yoonji grew a little infuriated with the little query, “No, we don’t sparkle, only the Fae sparkle. We’re not Fae, we’re vampires! Real vampires, dammit!”
Y/n clicked her teeth in disappointment, “Man, I was really hoping someone would say ‘this is the skin of a killer Bella’ for me.” The female vampire could feel her eye twitch in annoyance. ‘Twilight this, Twilight that. We’re way better than some snobby Fae,’ she thought.
“What do you know about vampires,” Seokjin asked their human roommate.
“I mean the pretty common tropes: aversion to holy objects, sunlight, garlic, mirrors, werewolves, silver, anything sharp that could strike the heart, decapitation, fire. ‘Think that’s it,” she answered.
Seokjin chuckled, “I don’t know when that rumor of religious items started.”
“Probably when that Irish author wrote the Dracula book,” Yoonji piped up.
“We tend to have light sensitivity in our early years,” the elder vampire explained, “Everything about us is more sensitive to help us catch prey.” Yoonji nods in agreement, continuing for her friend, “The garlic myth is just that a myth. Back when people were discovering spices they tended to go heavier, and let me tell you people weren’t as hygienic as they are now. Mix that with a sensitive nose and we made sure to keep ourselves away.”
“We also didn’t have an aversion to mirrors, some were just so horribly made lots of us didn’t bother,” Seokjin added. “You can still see our reflections on surfaces, and we film well. To keep ourselves safe is why we avoid any form of documentation via film and why the mirror and reflection myth started.”
“Werewolf bites are, unfortunately, deadly to us. Decapitation is kind of obvious, no one could survive that. As well as a stake to the heart,” Yoonji continued. “No silver aversion, again started by some old fart that considered himself a monster hunter.” She sighed trying to remember all of the things Y/n had asked about. She snapped her fingers, urging herself to remember. “Oh, fire obviously hurts, but it is not deadly to us.”
Y/n nodded along, “Alright cool, cool. Uh, so, what exactly is going to be done about the man/newly turned vampire.” Yoonji could tell their human roommate was trying to handle the onslaught of information with humor. “I don’t know about you guys, but this is my first time with a fresh out of the oven vampire. I don’t know what to expect. Should I even be here?”
The human gestured towards Jimin and herself, “Should we even be here? I mean, I know Min is a witch, but still, he's still edible, right?”
Seokjin could no longer hold in his laughter, and neither could Yoonji. The vampires found amusement in the human’s worries. Jin could feel small tears forming at the corners of his eyes, and the worry he was carrying himself has started to melt away. “If you wanted to get technical, yes Jimin counts as being edible,” Yoonji says. Jimin scoffed, clearly unamused.
Y/n mumbled in acknowledgement, she readjusted herself to be laying across the couch. She had a calculating look on her face, Yoonji could clearly see the human was trying hard to understand them. The vampire knew it was a lot, hell the small incident that was currently happening wasn’t even the worst in her and Seokjin’s long friendship. There was always a clusterfuck of things happening around them to the point they have agreed that come with the territory of being who they are within their society.
Jimin excuses himself to check on Namjoon in the other room, Seokjin offering to go with him, just in case he says. The two women are left alone in the large living room. Yoonji doesn’t know if she should keep talking about what they are, or stay quiet as Y/n is clearly overwhelmed.
Yoonji lets the human be, cleaning up the remaining dishes on the coffee table into the dishwasher. She fixes herself another blood infused coffee, happy she no longer has to hide her coffee cup. She goes back to the living room, settling back into the corner she was formerly in.
Y/n doesn’t make a movement, or a noise for 25 minutes. She’s overwhelmed by the information given to her. Her roommates aren’t human, that much was established. There’s a man in the house currently turning into a vampire, and she almost got turned into a meal. What was racking her brain the most was, how did she never notice.
Y/n always thought Seokjin was eccentric, lots of people these days love dressing up in vintage clothing. He’d be working at odd times of the day, but she chalked it up to it being the runner of the family business. He loved taking pictures of himself, and he always ate dinner with them. He always complained about the sun being too harsh, even on overcast days. He was always the first one up in the mornings, more times than not being the house’s wake-up call. She could never tell when he slept, and he never showed signs of being exhausted. He wasn’t that up to date with current pop culture, sometimes having to explain what a certain joke or meme meant. He didn’t use social media, only using an email that Yoonji had made him create. He still used a flip phone, because newer phones were too complicated, he had said. That was until his infamous pink flip phone officially bit the dust. Seokjin was a big eater, there had been days where he had ordered enough takeout for three. He traveled all the time, and never spoke of anything preventing him from going.
Yoonji was the complete opposite. She was a bit of a night owl, and a reluctant early riser. Y/n would catch her drinking iced coffee from a large tumbler every day. The female vampire was sluggish, like she didn’t get enough sleep. She’s always avoided the sun, preferring to stay her pale shade, because she claimed to tan unevenly. She would spend hours working on rearranging pieces to her pupils playing level, as well as creating her own. Yoonji would eat meals with them, but she was more of a watcher than an eater. She’d always say she’d get full watching them eat their meals so well. She’s always up to date on memes due to her pupils, some days even repeating some of the new slang to them. Y/n had found out Yoonji likes to upgrade her electronics every couple years, funnily enough the female vampire had taken Jin to finally join them in the modern world with a brand new phone. Yoonji was always vocal about her distaste for Seokjin’s eccentric way of dressing. “Jinnie you’ve been using those pants since the first industrial revolution, please let them go,” She’d heard her say, now thinking back it could’ve been literal.
Jimin reminded Y/n of her grandmother. She was a bit of an herbalist, and practiced small rituals that her mother used to do in her home. The little things would start to tip her off. Jimin was big on making his own tea blends, and enjoyed gifting a small amount to his returning customers. She’s seen Jimin read tea leaves, and tarot for his customers. He had done a big ritual with the change from summer to autumn. Hell, she remembered that Jimin had knocked her unconscious without so much as touching her. Everything had a purpose, even when one would think otherwise. She’s caught him talking to their plants more times than she can count. Jimin liked to keep the house safe, and she’d see him draw protective sigils around the property. The witch loved to bake, and insisted his pastries could cure anything. Y/n could feel the love, and care Jimin would fill his creations with. He always left the house with a small kit for foraging in his satchel, along with a notebook, and various small drawstring bags.
More than anything she felt slightly guilty. She’d been basing her knowledge on vampires from ‘Twilight’, and ‘The Vampire Diaries’. How was she supposed to know vampires apparently live in the outskirts of the city? With roommates? Maybe Taika Waititi was right, vampires are weird and a little reclusive.
Y/n had a ungodly amount of questions for them:
How long have you been vampires?
Have you ever been dormant?
How long have you owned your current home?
Are you paying off a mortgage?
How is your skin still so silky smooth?
Do you sleep in a coffin, if so do you air it out?
Yet every question she came up with somehow felt more, and more like her brain running on fumes. Y/n would try to sneak glances at Yoonji, but somehow they kept making eye contact, must be vampire instinct.
Upon having more of a look, Y/n realized the little things gave them away. Yoonji, and Seokjin always had claws, not human type nails. A few times a month she’d see Yoonji fixing her nails, and Jin’s. The permanent dark eye circles that gave away their lack of need for sleep. Yoonji had gone weeks without eating, but still looked relatively healthy when Y/n saw her again. They also carried themselves differently. Both vampires always seemed regal in the way they moved. Yoonji’s extensive knowledge in music should’ve been a dead give away, as well as Seokjin’s very extensive closet.
But as much as she racked her brain, the more she thought of how they resembled people their age. Yoonji was in love with Kuromi, and had a whole corner dedicated to her collectibles. Seokjin might not be social media savvy, but he was always in the know about the trending restaurants and cafes. The eldest vampire would game for hours, if he had no responsibilities, while Yoonji was a big fan of the local aquarium. Even with the complaints about sun sensitivity, Seokjin was always a nice tan color that made him even more handsome. Though Yoonji looked scary, she actually hated horror movies, or anything of the horror genre. She was terrified of large bugs, and always had to ask Y/n or Jimin to get rid of the creepy crawlies.
Nothing could’ve tipped her off.

Fic Masterlist
You pushed them too far this time.
Seokjin warned you and so did Jimin.
"Beware of us creatures who crawl through the night."
A vampire's patience, just like their humanity, is faded. For them you're but a sack of blood wrapped up in expensive paper.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
These thoughts among others, cross your weakened human brain, while Taehyung and Jungkook drain you out.
Namjoon's eyes piercing through me from across the room, as I'm pinned to the velvet sofa, indulging himself to another glass of absinthe.
Green, like his eyes.
Sweet, like his lips.
Through half closed lids I see him and Yoongi approach us.
"You'll be our finest bride. Our new vampire queen." he whispers to my ear.
A queen.

Pairing: Vampire Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, supernatural
Word Count: 1.6 k
Disclaimer: if you are under the age of 18 please know that this contains heavy sexual themes and mature language.
Author's note: This story was penned two months ago for Junkgook's birthday but such is life that I never really got around to posting it. Halloween presents an excellent opportunity for me to introduce this indulging vampiric treat. I hope you enjoy it. Also, please excuse any syntax or grammar errors because this gal was too lazy to proofread once more before posting, oops...

“What a beautiful, good girl you are” the last thing I can remember from last night, fading, drifting away from memory. The vibrato of his voice still ripples all over my skin. A warning, a farewell, an invitation.
The maknae was not one to mess around for too long. Maybe him saving me, if salvation is as such, is the universe buying me some time. Escaping though seems impossible.
“…and it is sweetness” his voice but a breathy whisper haunting the corners of my mind. He can hear me. I forgot about that. I feel so weak. I am not even sure where speech wavers and thought takes over.
His wicked lips on my neck and then my thigh, the juiciest veins of his vessel, his plaything, his nourishment, all wrapped up in the frame of me. I think I should mind and try fighting but nothing seems to be in my control not even my own limbs and skin.
“I overdid it once again precious. I can’t let you drift away now. What will become of me, depraved of your sweetness?” his monologue, a selfish reminder of what has become of me. It’s the second time now where we’ve almost reached the point of no return and truly I wish he’d drain me out already but it doesn’t seem that his intentions of keeping me are in vain.
The maknae ruled upon his own word. When the whole town was slaughtered in just one week, we all knew the careless acts of hunger were his. We waited like sheep to the knife, trapped. I wonder if the people who thought of his existence to be a mere piece of lore died of shock before his brilliant sharp teeth had a chance to tear their flesh.
How long ago was the great massacre? How long have I been here? Where is here?
I get tucked in once again, feeling the blood, my blood all dried up on my skin mixed with his saliva. If beasts cruel like him got to look so angelic then what was hell actually like. Gazing upon him you’d think that God was true and just and that his angels walked indeed amongst our tragic existence. The red betrayed him. Those bright red ruby eyes, sparkling murder.
Rump and ruff around the edges. That is how the town, my town, knew me. Good enough to hold a house and probably marry off someday. Nothing special. I was appointed assistant to the head pharmacist of the dominion, my father. As brilliant as he, that’s what they’d say. Although, I was mostly out gathering ingredients for our salves and medicines and potions, I felt valuable in our community in contrary to the other women my age. My parents did not wish to force me into any arrangements that I would not enjoy or approve of, therefore life, my life was sweet.
The high families, as we called them, ruled in underground means. We all knew of them without having much to do with them. I didn’t want anything to do with them.
“...Yet, here you are…” he raises his head from where it is buried in my thighs. His tongue chasing after the trail of blood that weakly escapes the bite marks.
“You were meant to be here you know. Here with me. It’s been 5 weeks and though I expected you to cry yourself to death, here you are. Persevering.”
“If crying really could push me to the edge of death, I am sure you’d yank me back to you with a vengeance.”
“I would.”
He looks at you for a moment. Contorting his features, in an effort to honestly seek an answer himself. Why would he? He didn’t know how or when but somewhere along those few weeks of being with you, feasting on you, a different hunger grew. It planted a spark of need at the pit of his belly, torching his loins. Desire. He would do anything for you. He would do anything to keep you. For your delicious plumpness was the only reason he chose to feed off of the damned nook that nestled the warmth between your thighs. The plush redness of your lips as you drank his own blood at the end of every visit.
He would, of course he would, for when he lays to rest and wraps his hand around his cock it is your velvet touch that he imagines to bring himself to bliss. Day in and day out. Like poison you slowly but surely gained your ground in his head. He made sure to take care of you without making it seem too obvious. He knew from the beginning, that damned day his hyung dared to lay his eyes on you boasting about how he’d drain you not to the point of death but close enough so he could bring you back again and make you one of them. An immortal. A monster.
He couldn’t bear the thought and that’s when his anger took the best of him. He killed them all. His hyungs, the townspeople, everyone in his vicinity but not you. Never you. He wanted, for the first time in thousands of years, to preserve something and it happened to be you. He almost turned you, twice but he couldn’t go through with it. What if your luscious peachy scent were to faint as you transformed? He couldn’t live with himself. Of all the crimes he has committed that would be the greatest one. It seemed like a joke.
His head tilts. There is an unmistakable playfulness in his eyes.
“I wish to try something… It has been gnawing on my brain for a while.”
“What is it?” you sheepishly ask, intrigued by what is to follow. You’d deem anything intriguing after weeks of nothingness and utter darkness.
“Close your eyes” he commands.
Death is finally here, you think. He’s putting an end to this miserable story of yours. You close your eyes awaiting the sharp teeth of the beast to tear you limb by limb.
He creeps closer instead. His breath, warm, fans your face. His lips ghosting over yours, stealing away your weak breath. Tracing softly from one edge to the other, teasing.
“You smell like peaches.” he deftly whispered. He kissed you. Reverently. Carefully. As if he held the most precious rose blossoms.
“I was curious to see if you tasted like so. Your blood does carry a floral, fruity tone but maybe I thought tasting you in other ways might be more effective.”
With your eyes still closed and with him now laying fully on top of you, the kiss deepens. It escalates into something more. His strong hands roamed your curves in adoration as he devoured your lips. You couldn’t help your moans as they escaped you. Of all that his done there was none you could forgive, but you could not deny him. You hated that part of you that lusted after the beast. Every time he drank from between your thighs you’d fantasize about his kisses trailing off to the place you needed him the most.
“Look at me… You precious thing. You crave me, of course you crave me. It is how I am made. It is all that lures you in. The camouflage. This is the skin of a killer.”
He languidly thrusts your thigh as his lips wonder away. His actions contradicting his words entirely. As his lips marked your neck in ways he’d never dared before, his hands seek for your softness under your skirts. Bunching the fabric barrier as done so many times in your previous meetings, only this time he’d go one step further and leave you entirely bear. His ruby eyes pierce through yours as a wicked grin appears. Softly his fingers find your clit. Circling ever so skillfully to draw out a moan. He started mercilessly fucking you with his fingers and as you was about to reach another type of sweet death he draws them out. Sucking on them one by one as if he dipped them in the most decadent honey.
You couldn’t understand how everything happened so fast. No more than a second later his face was buried in your cunt, licking and sucking your juices out of you. The vibrations from each grunt that escaped him send shivers of pleasure throughout your body and by the time you reached your fifth peak of the day you grew sensitive unable to take anything more.
“I can’t” you weakly protest as your fingers unclench from his locks and brush them off his face.
He molds over you as he steals your kiss once more. Only this time his tenderness comes up to the surface.
“I can’t let go. I can’t let you go. How could I leave without you?”
“I’m not going anywhere…”
“Maybe not now. At some point, down the line, you’ll leave me forever. You’ll pass away to the one place I cannot meet you.”
Speechless. This sudden surge of emotion has left you more confused than ever. Words seemed of little to no substance as his grasp on you was seconds away from breaking you. There was nothing left for you. Nothing but him.
“Then let me walk this path with you forever. If that is something you’d want, I wouldn’t oppose as I have nothing but my own life to lose.”
Cradling your face he looks into your soul as if searching for something to prove you wrong. He found nothing of the sort.
“I have crossed eons to find you. Today Peach we’ll become one, as it is your wish as well.”
His lips kissed yours one last time. His fangs pierced the tender flesh of your neck, fully set on finishing the deed this time around. You held onto each other as blood married you into one. From his, you were reborn, from yours he rejoiced for finally, he had found that one missing piece. A soulmate.
sate • jjk

↳ Summary: It was forbidden, your love for him. The glances you’d both steal when no one was looking and the whispered sweet nothings he’d say when you were alone. He would never be yours and his thirst would never be sated until you were his.
↳ Genre: Vampire!AU, Prince!AU, mutual pining, slight angst, smut,
↳ Word Count: 14k
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/Reader, Taehyung/Reader
↳ Tags: Virginal sex, praise kink, slight begging, eating out, fingering, finger fucking, multiple orgasms, biting, blood drinking, forced orgasm, squirting, dirty talk, unprotected sex,
Note: it’s spooky season and this oneshot is a big rabbit hole to halloween!verse so prepare yourselves.

“Don’t look so depressed Y/n- maybe he doesn’t remember?” Those were not the words you wanted to hear. Of course you wanted to imagine that maybe he didn’t remember, maybe this was just a coincidence, it could be a lot of things. And if you really wanted, you were sure you could convince yourself with enough past humiliation and lingering embarrassment that he definitely didn’t remember. If he had, remembered it of course. The Prince, was a gentleman and had never brought it up, but on the days when your neck was exposed and you’d bend over a little too far to grab something in his presence, you could swear, you could feel his gaze lingering on your chest.
Just the thought had your cheeks flushing red and your body pulsing in both shame and arousal. You had grown up in the castle, having been there since the royal guard stumbled upon you in the remnants of a crashed carriage, left out in the cold night of October, abandoned by your parents, you never knew a life outside of these stone, gothic walls. You always saw the Prince and he would ever so often see you, but nothing more than a passing glance between maids while passing you down the hallway, or perhaps when you stood off to the side when the king was holding court. He had seen you, but he never truly saw you
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Fetish For Blood (M)

❥ pairing: vampire!jungkook x witch!reader
❥ genre: vampire au, s2l, smut [18+]
❥ summary: Strolling the streets one night in search of his next meal, Jungkook is puzzled as to why you’re not compelled by his lullaby until he meets you again and figures out why.
❥ wc: 6.8k
❥ warnings: cursing, mention of scars (fang marks), biting (lots of it), mention of turning into a vampire, drinking blood (like a lot), lurking in the dark with intent to attack, mention and use of compulsion, mention of humans being drunk and on drugs, mention and use of spells, oc calls jungkook a leech, biter, bloodsucker, etc., petnames, dehumanization of humans (blood packs), making out, grinding, like one toe bite, blood singer!oc, hair pulling, oral sex, fingering (f. receiving), handjob, slight footjob?, hex mention (jokingly), bruising, mention of being drunk due to being bitten, blood play, breast play, blood stained kisses
❥ a/n: i’ve been wanting to write this since last year (?) and never got around to it. also titled after the song freak show by alejandro lema
❥ date: October 29, 2021

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Pairing- VampireKing!Jungkook × Human!Reader
Genre- Arranged Marriage AU (Sort of?), Enemies to Lovers, Soulmate AU
Summary- Jeon Jungkook was known to be a tyrant, destroying anything and everything to get what he wanted. And this time, he wanted you.
Warnings- Mentions of blood, gore and murder scenes, eventual smut, JK is definitely a hard dom and mad possessive, vampire bites and blood sucking.
A/N- Even though I have tagged the people who asked to be tagged, there will be no taglist for this series from here on. I only tagged you guys to sort of let you know this series has started. It's a big struggle to keep all those usernames up to date so you might wanna turn on the notifs :)
Please find the introduction to the world of Amour Mort here!

You ran through the forest, tears in your eyes making it difficult to see the path ahead, but you could tell you were venturing deeper into the more dangerous side. At the back of your mind, you were very aware that you shouldn’t be here past midnight, and that if someone found you breaking curfew, you would probably be executed by the throne, thinking you were some sort of rebel revolting in the recent uprisings. But all of that paled in comparison to the despair gnawing at your soul.
The branches clawed at your skin, leaving angry red marks, but you didn’t slow down, only realizing you had come here barefoot when tiny stones began hurting the bottom of your feet. You were being chased—not by a person, but by your own thoughts and the relentless ache in your chest. Your father’s words would not stop playing in your mind, your palms pressing against your ears as you closed your eyes in an attempt to silence his voice.
"You're nothing but a burden to me. I wish you had never been born!"
Suddenly, a sharp pain seared through your right foot, sending you stumbling and falling to the ground with all the air being knocked out of your lungs. You winced, letting out a whimper as you managed to look back, gasping at the bear trap that had clamped around your foot. Its teeth dug into your flesh, and blood pooled on the dead leaves beneath you.
“No…” you cried out, sobbing at your misfortune, the pain from your wound shooting through your leg in waves. A thought came to you: maybe this is how you die, completely alone and unloved, with no one to care that you weren’t at home right now.
‘That’s not true! Lila cares…’
Your mind screamed at you, your sister’s pretty face popping into your head. Well, this was true; your sister did care about you. But really, there was only so much she could do when your father did not even acknowledge you as his daughter. You still remembered the party where a guest mistook you for a maiden working in the mansion. It had truly hurt you, but there was nothing you could say, not when that is probably what your father wanted the world to think. A part of you thinks he hates you because your mother died just five days after you were born, but how could you, a mere baby, be at fault for that?
Gathering all your energy, you began to drag yourself to a tree nearby, wincing and whimpering with every wave of pain that washed over you. You could even feel the burn on the skin of your forearms where it rubbed against the rocky and muddy ground, convinced that the sleeve of your dress was beginning to tear. Were you even going to make it back home? Did you even want to make it back home?
Upon reaching the giant tree, you pushed yourself up, managing to rest your back against the trunk, finally getting a good look at the steel trap wrapped around your foot. Meant for animals, it was likely a tool for the poorer vampires who couldn’t afford human slaves and fed on animal blood instead. It was the one law that favored humans: vampires were forbidden to feed on them freely. But nonetheless, it was always the innocent ones who had to pay the price. The night-walkers were given the gift of strength and brutality that they used against the weak, be it you or an animal.
Your chest rose and fell quickly, your breathing growing harsh, and your vision growing blurry. It was the blood loss, and you couldn’t even feel the pain anymore. Either you were getting used to it, or your body had started focusing on the fact that you were dying instead. Whatever was happening, it was not good, and you had no idea how to help yourself.
“You shouldn’t be here. Not at this time.” A voice broke through the darkness, making you jump in surprise, your eyes immediately landing on a man’s silhouette standing just a few steps away from you. Your heart hammered in your chest, and, swallowing thickly, you pressed yourself further against the tree, hoping that would make you disappear.
Was this someone who was going to turn you in? Maybe the cause of your death was going to be execution and not a bear trap?
Your silence only prompted the man to move closer to you and into the moonlight filtering through the trees, your lips parting as you took in his face. He was truly breathtaking, with black hair that fell across his forehead and eyes that seemed to pierce through the night. There was black ink peeking at you from under the collar of his black shirt on his neck, more patterns emerging from under his rolled-up sleeve right up to his knuckles, making you wonder just how much of his body was tainted like this.
“N-neither should you,” you said bravely, though your voice was small and weak.
He chuckled in response, making you purse your lips as you watched him kneel down beside you, your body subconsciously shifting backward even though there was nowhere to go, every single thought in your mind long gone in the presence of this man.
His eyes slowly moved across your body, taking in your tear-stained cheeks, your tattered dress, and your bloody foot, tutting at the condition of your wound.
“This is why you shouldn’t be here, little human,” he said, your eyes widening as you caught a hint of amusement on his face, your blood running cold at the realization. Your breath was caught in your throat, and you were suddenly very aware of the blood you were soaked in, your eyes nervously flitting between him and your poor foot. If you had to die, you didn’t want to do so at the hands of a vampire. In fact, you couldn’t even imagine the pain that was probably about to suffocate you when he ripped your heart right out of your chest.
“Please don’t kill me,” you begged, staring into his eyes with tears in yours, shaking your head when he smirked and leaned in closer to you. Closing your eyes, you let the tears fall freely and turned your face away from him, his breath fanning your neck and making you whimper.
“You must taste exquisite.” He inhaled deeply, your chest heaving as his words made your heart thump harder in your chest. This has to be it. He was going to drain your body right now, and no one was going to find out ever.
Preparing yourself for the attack, you closed your eyes shut and gripped the skirt of your dress, thinking about your family for the last time before your life was taken from you.
“But I’m not going to do that.” Came his voice, your eyes slowly opening as you glanced over at him, noticing the sudden distance he had put between the two of you. A frown etched on your forehead, your tears drying up on your cheeks as you processed his words. He was not going to hurt you?
“I’m too old to lose control over a bit of blood.” He gestured nonchalantly towards your foot, shocking you at how he thought this was just a bit of blood. You were literally going to pass out soon.
“Wh-why are you here?” you stammered, biting your tongue when his expression hardened, his eyes sending daggers your way and letting you know that you shouldn’t have asked him that. Silence engulfed you both, your eyes failing to look away from him. It was almost as if he was holding you prisoner under his gaze, a flash of guilt disappearing from his dark eyes as soon as it came.
“I had to get away before they caught up to me,” he confessed, a cool breeze ruffling his hair as he stood up and stared down at you, his eyes reading the confusion in yours.
“My sins,” he responded before you could even ask, his thick boots crunching the leaves on the gravelly path as he walked in front of your stretched-out leg and sat down on one knee. A flash of lightning struck through the sky at that very second, as if to show that the heavens had heard his confession too. And when the thunder illuminated his face, you could swear you had seen the very face of evil.
“Are you scared of me?” he asked, tilting his head as you swallowed thickly, shaking your head hesitantly. But you knew he didn’t believe you when he let out a small laugh. It sounded bitter to your ears, like he was mocking you for being so weak yet trying to fool him at the same time.
“Well, you should be.” In one quick motion, his hand ripped apart the trap into two pieces, your flesh being freed from the sharp claws that were jammed into it. Dots filled your vision as your lips parted in a silent scream, your chest hurting as if you were having a heart attack, and maybe you were because you felt your body go limp as your eyes rolled back into your head.
Strong arms held you before you could hit the ground, your head suddenly resting against a firm chest as your breath came out all raggedy. You could feel sweat beading on your forehead, your body not having any energy to even let you open your eyes for a second.
“W-why…” you breathed out, your voice a bare whisper in the night. And the next thing you knew, you felt a hand pressing against your lips before a metallic taste filled your mouth. With all the energy left in you, you opened your eyes wide and grabbed the tattooed arm feeding you blood, your attempts at pushing it away failing miserably.
“Sshh, you need this. You need me,” the vampire whispered above you, his chin resting atop your head as he ran his free hand through your hair. Knowing that you couldn’t fight him off, not like this, you gave up and swallowed the disgusting liquid that made your body feel warm all of a sudden. You could hear your heart pumping and your breathing steadying as the blood worked its way into your system, your senses sharpening, and your strength slowly returning.
After what felt like an eternity, he pulled his arm away, and you let out a string of coughs, gasping for air while the awful taste lingered on your tongue. It was truly ironic how the blood of someone dead could heal a living being. How a killer could give life to someone. And you were sure that this man who had saved your life was a killer too. Why else would he talk about his sins catching up to him?
“What did you do that you had to run away?” you asked as soon as you found your voice, your tired eyes glancing up at the man holding you. His eyes flitted between your eyes and your lips, sending shivers down your spine when he brought up his thumb and rubbed away some blood from the corner of your mouth.
“What’s your name?” He avoided your question smoothly, pretending you hadn’t spoken a word to him. Frowning, you thought about it for a moment, wondering whether it was a good idea to tell him who you were. But at the same time, you weren’t a very valuable human. There was really nothing he could want from you that would make him hunt you down.
“Y/N,” you said, averting your gaze to your foot, which was now void of any wounds. Your skin looked completely smooth and untouched except for the dried blood staining it, leaving you staring in awe.
“Well, Y/N,” he started, regaining your attention, “you’re gonna find out tomorrow.”
You frowned at his words, wondering if this implied that he was going to see you tomorrow to tell you what sin he had committed. Too lost in your head to notice that he had stood up, you saw him offer his hand to you. Your fingers hesitantly took hold of his cold ones. With ease, he pulled you up as you slightly lifted your dress and examined your foot, pleased with the fact that there was absolutely no pain anymore.
“This is-” You turned to glance at the man, only to be met with darkness. The vampire was gone, the forest was silent, and you were alone once again.
Taglist: @scuzmunkie @girl8890 @adasboredom @acrazybiotch374 @tutnotmytea @leilei-9 @yoonjinhusbands @kumakoyan @ttanniett

The laws of Night World are very clear: humans must never learn that Night World exists. And members of Night World must never fall in love with a human. Violate these laws and the consequences will be terrifying for everyone involved.
Knowing the laws, are you prepared to face the consequences of the Council? ↳ YES | NO
Welcome to the most deadly game of love there is.

OVERDRIVE || JJK » read here.
— i love you against every fiber of my being.

DOOMED || MYG » read here.
— you should have killed me when you had the chance.

INSTINCT || PJM » read here.
— i’ll give you everything, if you let me.

VISCERAL || KNJ » read here.
— i won’t fail you like i have before.

DEVOUR || KTH » read here.
— careful, or i’ll eat you up.

MERCY || JHS » read here.
— it’s the only way we can be together.

DROWN || KSJ » read here.
— you know, i think i’ll keep you around.

all rights reserved © junqkook | DO NOT REPOST.
I need some help finding a fic!
I saw this fic a while ago and have been meaning to read it, but I can't find it anywhere now. I was an ot7 vampire au, where they are idols, and the reader becomes their blood donor of sorts after attending their concert. I don't exactly remember the rest, but if anyone knows what fic this is, please let me know! Thank you!!