Rayns Asks - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

2 years ago

your thing: grunge art of niche stuff

heh think .flow has a good bit to do with that, at least the grunge side of it

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2 years ago

for your Thing ™ post... you are known for the amazing debris/mikan muzou fanart you have been creating 👁️ 👁️ keep up the awesome work!!!

hell yeah, given the very obvious obsession with them am 100% cool with that.

will do so!

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2 years ago

Rpg maker game fanart goldmine

nice! there's a lot to make fanart of and am glad its quality heh

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2 years ago

hi! can we use your drawings as pfps with credit?

Hello! Absolutely, go right ahead^◡^

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2 years ago

can i bother u for some art tips? I rly love how cohesive all your art looks with the backgrounds, even if there isn't a full detailed bg, and have no idea how you do it but it's so cool


not sure the questions being entirely understood, assuming you mean how characters and background sorta mix/blend together [sorz if thats wrong ]. kinda funny you ask that cause tend to have a hard time with it.

Think main thing that helps is having similar colours and texture; blue/green-ish backgrounds for colder palettes and warm greys/cream for warmer [which in personal context, usually means more orange heh]. Likewise if the bg has a gritty or rough texture to it so does the character to some extent, meanwhile cleaner patterns have a more solidly shaded character.

Always start on a colored canvas as opposed to pure white and found this helps a lot for kinda pre-placing mood if that makes sense. Plus lines are usually drawn with these colors using a textured [beloved beloved 2.bristles: canvas-brush from Pyteo's Concept and Illustration ♡] or pencil brush and layer is duplicated with a burn filter on lower opacity on top one which makes them blend with drawing more.

Can I Bother U For Some Art Tips? I Rly Love How Cohesive All Your Art Looks With The Backgrounds, Even

There's also having little effects or designs done in same color on both. For example the same blue and red for the heartbeat bg and Sabi's eyes and bandaids on last drawing, or the red swirls + eyes in bg on recent kaibutsu doodle.

Hope this helps! Sorz if its a bit messy n rambly, thoughts on art process tend to be a bit scattered and am not the best at getting them into words ^⌄^;

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2 years ago

your roommate's cats remind me of this for some reason

same coloration of cats very cozy in bed

Your Roommate's Cats Remind Me Of This For Some Reason


It really does look exactly like them, kinda acts like them too.

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2 years ago

Distraction ask: what was the first game you've ever played?

as in first video game in life? damn, cant really recall that far back too clearly but wanna say Donkey Kong on the gameboy advance.

unless windows xp solitaire counts, then it was probs that heh

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2 years ago

How much would you recommend playing debris?

How Much Would You Recommend Playing Debris?

a veyr decent amoutn. enjoyed the game a fair/normal bit. holyhelllovethisgamesomuchit,itfillspoorborderlinechestwithsomanyemotionsithurts.ifsomeoneweretosay'playeddebrisbecauseofyou'wouldturnintosomeuselesslyflusteredstutteringanimeboyfromit.itsnotevenfunny

But serious and overly detailed answer [assume ask wasn't meant to be taken seriously but y'know, hit right spot and WILL RAMBLE. A LOT]

If you played Yume Nikki and enjoyed it or enjoy ynfgs in general would say give it a shot. While it may not be as 'unified' in terms of atmosphere and world design as .flow it still does a good job of being consistent per say. Personally like to describe it as being similar to .flow in a sense that it's one of the more narrative [building an image of the dreamer's personality and background] fangames but relies on events rather than atmosphere.

Though it isn't without it's faults; a lot of the nexus worlds are kinda empty for how large they can feel and the bgm in them reaaaally doesn't help. If that feels like a turn off would say actually recommend Mikan Muzou [devs other game, which does seem to improve in these areas]

And uh, guess spoiler warning?

Honestly see Tatsuki as someone that's a really emotional and genuinely caring person that was unfortunately placed in a not so kind environment. On top of that they have an issue with blaming themself [they were consistently scapegoated/gaslight/emotionally manipulated and ended up internalizing it]. They tried to fight it but eventually crumbled and became the monster they feared. Miiiight be projectin a tad n jumping to conclusion with certain things but do feel like the fact such an image of them was made shows how well the game did at indirect storytelling.

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2 years ago

U a good possum

U A Good Possum

ღ◠⸜⸝╹ )ノ am a screaming furry trashball [so yes]

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2 years ago

Another ask! What's your favorite song or music album?

Genuinely think am physically incapable of answering this ꒦ິ⸜⸝꒦ີ

Tastes are kinda broad and all over the place and what am in mood for might as well change by minute, you could probably limit it to genre and would still not be able to answer. like today have listened to death metal/metalcore, happy hardcore, experimental ambient, and according to this soundcloud artist, "IKEA"

Closest thing that comes to mind as counting would be album listened to from start to finish most times, which is probs either t+pazolite's Answer from X Girlz, Kobaryo's Mixspeed Action, or Eisbrecher's Liebe Macht Monster.

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2 years ago

wouldve sent this sooner but I fell asleep, but what are your roommate's cats names? what are they like?

gonna be honest reason for answer being so late is same, was tired.

The longer one is Oreo and kinda never learned or got down a name for the one curled up so call her either Mocha or Squeakers [she'll meow so fast she cuts herself off]. Oh man theyre both really talkative and affectionate, the kind you could wink at from across the room and they'd run over meowing. It can be a bit much at times when you need to get out of bed but someone's laying on your arm and hes very vocal about not wanting that to change heh

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2 years ago

sleep paralysis sucks fr

Had a weird dream a few days where i was stuck in the warehouse again and then being chased by a person/thing before i manage to forced myself awake at 4 am or something

So I hope you do get a good night sleep

gonna be honest am genuinely scared of getting it at some point, it sounds horrifying and heart goes out to those that get it frequently.

Wow, that sounds not fun at all. Though guess in a sense you got away via waking up since it can't really chase you out of the dream. But still having to wake self up like that sounds awful.

Thank you, actually felt 'woken up' as opposed to the usual 'brought back from dead' so would say it was pretty good. Hope you're able to get some rest as well!

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2 years ago

btw I picked up debris bc of u, it's super interesting so far! the only real like. lore thing I've seen is a girl and like. a Masada/enderman type guy in the sort of planty hallway with all the lilies


Am really glad you like it! ꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ

Btw I Picked Up Debris Bc Of U, It's Super Interesting So Far! The Only Real Like. Lore Thing I've Seen

You mean these two? Heh am curious what your take on them is since you called em lore. Always found this room really interesting [it almost feels surreal but in a ghibli or ps1-era adventure game way if that makes sense] but have zero idea what to make of it or them.

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2 years ago

there is an oddly eerie aquarium but I do not care bc fishies


Completely understand why it comes off as eerie, but personally found it really relaxing. Think it gets down the feeling of, "The ocean is a vast unknown land that can be horrifying, but it can be breathtakingly beautiful too." but leans towards the pretty part heh

also yes, fishies. good friends that are not food

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2 years ago

I also picked up debris because of you! Really enjoying it so far :D


Happy to hear you're enjoying it!!

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2 years ago

just finished debris n now I'm curious what your thoughts on lefia and/or the true end are

NICE! Hope ya enjoyed it!

As for thoughts HOOOOH BOY


Have way too many of them that are all over the place. Gonna warn you this is a really scattered wall of text heh

First of all Lefia and her relationship to Tatsuki

Personally don't think Lefia's a real person [have seen some theories that she's Tatsuki's sister] and is more of an imaginary friend of sorts. The image shown when you find her in the apartments looks more sketch like the other drawings as opposed to an actual photo. Think Tatsuki might have been the one to draw it. As the contents are never actually shown thinks possible to have been either a more picture heavy child's book or journal.

Lefia could have been a character from or based on said book that they really liked/would've wanted to be friends with if she was real so they imagined they were friends. As Tats seems to feel lonely and unable to connect to people they sought comfort from Lefia constantly.

Another possibility is she's a sort of idealized alter-ego they made as a form of escapism. They have serious self-hatred problems and wish they were someone else so they pretend to be Lefia in their head to get away from themself. In this case the red book could've been a journal Tats made to document their stories as Lefia, and maybe helping them further distance self.


Bit of a note on that; in the underground looking are this npc sitting next to door gives you a look when enter. The figure inside the room looks like they're sitting in a way reminiscent to someone in an interview or discipline lecture. Pressing the button plays a series of weird drawing, and personally think they give off the same sort of feelings as those drawings

Given that you have to use the stop effect and door becomes translucent Tatsuki might have kept her a secret from others, sometimes even going off and hiding to spend time with/as her.

The True Ending

God thoughts on this are all over the place and honestly still not sure what to make of Tat's mouth getting messed up before going off. Best idea is its showing how they snapped and turned into a monster, but even that doesn't seem to click right.

During her part, Lefia puts away several childs toy then enters a glitched/messed up version of Tatsuki's room with Tats asleep in their bed. She walks slower and gets a shadow over her face. After this there's the path scene where Lefia blocks Tats. Am convinced this is a metaphor for Tatsuki giving up their innocence [putting away childs toys and 'killing' their imaginary friend]. Lefia block path to area with the two corpses could be that part deep down trying to save them. Walking away means they chose not to give in, but the scenes with them looking at the book on the ground then sitting on bed looking down imply they lost the comfort it provided and ultimately just gave up and became an empty shell [they're trapped somewhere they're miserable, entirely alone, and failed to escape so what's the point of trying anymore? whatever hope they had the future could be better is gone.]

Choosing to stab Lefia of course means they 'threw away their innocence' or stopped trying to stay a good person. [theorize they had trouble controlling emotions, especially anger, and either got berated/punished and called a monster when they lost control or viewed themselves as such and was scared that's who they could become.] After this am not really sure what to make of everything, tho think Tat's corpse being in the field heavily implies they died.

As Tats and the chaser meet up at the park think its safe to say the two had some sort of relationship, either as genuine friends or a 'friend' that bullied Tats. Personally lean more towards genuine friends. Feel like the area underwater with the chaser looking down and sitting in an isolated n closed off could show that Tatsuki saw her as someone that was also lonely and the two became close friends due to being able to relate to one another so well. In this case you can play with possibility the red book was either a gift or something the two enjoyed together which is why they have it with them when meeting. yknow, if you want the ending to sting more heh


An interesting detail is the area the ending happens in seems to resemble this area. Not sure if the npc that turns into a child when using upside-down effect [which can be taken as either 'seeing things as they are' or Tatsuki's distorted view, which can really shape view of the chaser as she's usually tame and using effect shows her in chaser form.] or house with two active and fast chasers really means anything but think its something worth noting.

Sooo yeah, there's thoughts. Hope it was a fun and/or interesting [and intelligible] read!



also there’s a doll that resembles lefia in Mikan Muzou

Just Finished Debris N Now I'm Curious What Your Thoughts On Lefia And/or The True End Are

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2 years ago

ooooooh how come you think the chaser is a genuine friend? since she shows up places where tatsuki seems to find comfort/friendship (purple princess, before lefias room) I thought she was probably someone who kepts tatsuki away from recovery, esp since with purple princess, the princess gets trapped with thorns and tatsuki gets surrounded by chasers, I figured that means she had sort of extorted the both of them to cut contact

Would say am more 50/50-ish but go back and forth. Like believe both equally but also lean more towards one at times if that makes sense. For a while mainly thought she [calling her Kubinashiko/Kubi for convenience and thats name on wiki] was someone that pretended to be nice but was emotionally manipulating Tats.

Think it's mainly due to all the places she's in make her come off as lonely, like her sitting in the faces canal and spot underwater. The underwater one especially since she herself is looking down and isolated. Probs need to double check this but feels like she's more often than not on her own/away from other npcs, thus the connect due to loneliness thing. Course this could also be a sign of her trying to isolate Tats by always having them away from others.

Huh, didn't realize chasers in that event were Kubi. Always thought they were the lil black guys running around area and that it was supposed to be the princess getting tired of Tats and cutting them off; the princess herself was a case of friendliness is a face. Esp with how the princess's face gets covered if you use the upside-down effect. That's a really good theory though °◇°!

Ooooooh How Come You Think The Chaser Is A Genuine Friend? Since She Shows Up Places Where Tatsuki Seems

not entirely relevant but when going back to check noticed the purple princess smiles when you have the beast effect active which is kinda interesting since thats the scare npcs effect. course she smiles at the mouse so maybe she just likes animals heh. before this thought she was just smiling cause uh ratsuki's cute [she's right and she should smile]

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2 years ago

also hesitant to believe this one given tats is awake during the true end but it could symbolize that like. panic induced fucking up your own life type thing, cutting off their coping mechanism, cutting off their friend, running away without a plan

but if that were the case, I still have no idea what the mouth is supposed to mean-

Thing about that is if they were awake then how could there have been the corpses of them and Kubi in the field? Personally took that bit to be more of a rep of what's going on in Tat's head/their mental state and part after to actually be in real world.

Ooh never thought of that. Really like that take, it's super interesting! Can see it working well with idea that the glass effect and events of them getting shattered is showing how they're falling apart/failing to keep it together so they finally just snap. though damn, given the noises after the screen goes black think it did not go well for them at all.

DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS UP WITH THE DAMN MOUTH BUT AM SO BOTHERED BY IT. IT COMES OUT OF THE BLUE AND IS JUST???? Hi quick question WHAT THE HELL? WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? It'd be different if it were the usual creepy smile but it looks like their mouth is torn/messed up?

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2 years ago

ALSO thoughts on the hospital?

Sooooo for starters LOVE THE HOSPITAL AREA, ITS SUCH A NEAT AREA . Also the clones event is one of favorites, it's so bizarre and unnerving and am really intrigued by it and just love it [granted miiiiiight be into medical aesthetics considering am into menhera n that kinda imagery. and might just be a weirdo]

Kinda messy/more throwing around notes [yes am going through and re-visiting areas cause am like. that.] than an actual coherent thought

First off there's the weird backgrounds for the connection to the hospital [according to terminal are titled 'mouth' and 'tear']. Think it could mean Tatsuki has a distrust of/views doctors as manipulative?


Nother thing is the room you start in is titled 'Isolation Ward.' [might be nothing other than names to make coding easier but still wanna note it]

Not entirely sure how to word this but it doesn't give off the usual hospital feeling that other games with them do, might be due to walls being yellow instead of white and abundance of chairs.

Obviously feel like something traumatic happened to Tatsuki at one. The clones event [terminal says room's titled Decay] maybe being them going through multiple near death experiences at one or just the fear of dying while in a critical state at one. Also possibly something like a fever dream or delirium induced by state or medication. Since there's the two bodies in hallway of alt hospital could be that they saw someone else die and got scared they would as well.

There's also the odd doctor that changes the menu and not any other staff around so maybe during stay the staff treated Tatsuki poorly and came off cold and distant or neglectful which lead to Tats having a distrust/dislike of doctors.

note: the terminal is a Linux thing. It's a text based interface that's used to run the games and stays open while game is open. bad at explaining things so here's photo of it 'running' game with game window next to it


know nothing about rpgmaker development and am essentially kinda guessing based on what it spits out.

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2 years ago


found this doll n it reminded me of lefia, found it bc i was gna draw her as a porcelain doll but art block hit heh, thought id at least show someone else lol

oh wow, honestly if the dress was simpler + slightly different colors + sleeves were pink would say it's pretty spot on.

NEAT! always associated her with plushies so a doll sounds really cool. art block will do that heh, understand it's supposed to mean its blocking stuff but think 'it hits like a block' could work too.

greatly appreciate being shown! ◠⸜⸝◠

also not entirely relevant but this kinda resulted in realizing Lefia high key resembles Hinaichigo from Rozen Maiden


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