Real Christianity - Tumblr Posts
In a world where it's not on trend to live a Christian lifestyle, I would like to see my generation become some of the most radical, Jesus loving FREAKS of all time.
There was a time I felt the need to hide my faith. I felt it didn't fit me and was an out of place aspect of my identity. Felt the need to seperate myself from my Jesus because you can't be A, B or C and be Christian... right? I was so wrong. I was wrong to think I must deny my individuality to be a follower of Christ or deny my Christ to be an individual.
I was ashamed of Christ in all His glory, but He was not ashamed of me in all my filth. He is proud to call me child as I should be proud to call Him Father. I am now.
In the Bible, demons knew Paul by name. Young brothers and sisters in Christ... let us live our lives so that we never have any doubt whether Hell fears us.
"But whosever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven." Matthew 10:33
I'm convinced there's nothing more Christian Punk than praising God with some kick ass, deep as hell, genuine worship songs and yelling "F**K YEAH!" when it gets to that one deep part that always makes you tear up.