Red Like Roses - Tumblr Posts
Yeah im currently suffering. Not any wounds, not any insults, not any tragedies, just... God.
Let's talk about red like roses. (All 3 parts)
Oki need to give context. I'm glitch and I have been a... Scarred fan of rwby. I enjoyed the first four Volumes before I kinda feel off after volume 5. At first I was very much in love with it but once I finished Volume 5 I just felt hollow like I didn't want to watch the series so I left it, and I left the fandom before ever being able to interact with it.
And so as explained by my complicated relationship with Rwby I only really got back into the series because of BBtag. And then I looked into it and oh dear God it's a mess.
Apparently it's already volume 9 and apparently the writing is getting better which I find hard to believe still.
Bmblb happened which is just.. wow, took 3 volumes to finish a subplot I had no interest in because let's face it, little me didn't get sexuality because I was in a religious house hold and also because I was never exposed to that media so when first read the word lesbian. I read it as "leash-a-bin". (It sounded Spanish ok.)
Anyway I also found out about the uh... The "allegations" of rt and yeah. And obviously a combination of "i could do it better", spite, and love for rwby all mix together into me deciding to write page 1 of rwby: fate, and that's where I put my foot down and said "I'm writing this, because I need to give this series it's respect".
So now here I am 5 pages deep into Rwby fate and 63 pages deep in my own book. And I'm on my bed just looking for music to listen to and I come across.

I listened to it and it just... God it feels so strange listening to a song I barely listen to before and I'm flooded with melancholy and yet nostalgia. This song is still good despite everything and it just hurts to listen and know, this is a song for a series that has done nothing but fail and harm it's fans.
It hurts because this song, captures the idea of ruby. She's still naive no matter how you look at it. She became a huntress to be like her mother and the rest of her family as well as to follow in the footsteps of her favorite fairy tales. Fairy tales, y'know, the fairy tales that inspired the characters.
Red riding hood,
Snow White,
Beauty and the beast,
Goldi(Y)locks, (that one's kind of a stretch I know)
And thats not all of it because technically red like roses is only one a third of the whole actual song. Theres still part II in which is just a major tone shift

🎶I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute
Couldn't bear another day without you in it
All of the joy that I had known for all my life
Was stripped away from me the minute that you died
To have you in my life was all I ever wanted
But now without you, I'm a soul forever haunted
Can't help but feel that I had taken you for granted
No way in hell that I can ever comprehend this
I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone
I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong
How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay?
Now I'm stuck inside a nightmare every single effing day
It's like a movie but there's not a happy ending
Every scene fades black and there's no pretending
This little fairy tale doesn't seem to end well
There's no knight in shining armor who will wake me from the spell
I know you didn't plan this
You tried to do what's right
But in the middle of this madness
I'm the one (I'm the one) you left to win this fight
Red like roses
Fills my head with dreams and finds me
Always closer to the emptiness and sadness
That has come to take the place of you🎶
Just, holy shit does this feel strange listening to. While the other one is melancholic and quiet, only having four lyrics during the start.
Part II is just a fury of emotions that just hit me HARD. The first was so quiet letting it's music sing for it self and the second one was the flurry of spiraling feelings. The anger, the sorrow, the regret, all spiraling into each other creating a hectic and wild rhythm. And it just absolutely HITS for me. And yet this isn't my favorite part of red like roses.
That goes to-

(yes I'm using the one for the lyrics fuck you)
Part III is interesting. It's from volume yet this feels like a volume 1 song. The song unlike it's predecessors speaks a new tune, a calm, determined, tone with it not focusing only on the past but also on the now, it's collected itself and it's ready to go forward. To escape the pain and move forward.
This is all just fancy words but I do love each part of red like roses. And it still reminds me of my love for rwby and it just..
It hurts to remember every bit of rwby and the failure it's becoming, we will most likely never see rwby V10 and if we do it'll probably be the final volume.
And I'm divided, I hate rooster teeth and want them to fail but I still want rwby to get an ending. But I've gone over this dilemma.
Right now all I have to say is...
"Fuck, I love rwby."

Ruby Rose aesthetic board/moodboard

Ruby Rose aesthetic board/moodboard
I always thought it meant Ruby saw Summer die
You ever just...
Red like roses The blood of my mother fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest
Because I do. A lot these days.
How crazy to think it's been there from the very beginning. And how many fans noticed - or did not?

♫ Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest...