boys’ primary social media & internet forums of choice:
cartman – 4chan. self-explanatory. his favorite boards are /cm/, /pol/, but is also partial to /toy/ and /gif/. /Lgbt/ lurker firmly of the position that traps aren’t gay.
kenny – youtube. watches a lot of fail compilations, conspiracy theories, and doomsday preppers. occasionally he plays three hour long sigma male motivation and philosophy videos on the nature of evil in the background while huffing computer duster.
stan – snapchat. the guy that makes a bunch of annoying black background 2 am “anyone up” snaps all the time and then is upset when no one is. Mostly watches others’ stories and does not post incredibly often but is easily tricked into sending shirtless pics to girls from school despite better judgement then minorly freaks out when notified a screenshot was taken (for the purpose of light mockery at the girls’ slumber parties) to Kyle who chides him for his low self-esteem.
kyle – reddit. super annoying about it too. is a mod for 2-3 midsize subs where everyone hates him because he takes it far too seriously and is constantly making pinned posts reminding everyone of sub rules. always making snarky comments like “not sure why i’m being downvoted…” that are then in turn downvoted. Bitches to Stan about mod drama who gives it the good ol college try pretending he cares about the power struggle between him and mod u/PoohDonkey420
butters – split between Pinterest and TikTok. likes a lot of paper craft and seasonal decorating ideas on Pinterest and then makes videos of his attempts to recreate them on TikTok; becomes a minor celebrity subject to many conspiratorial YouTube documentaries about his living situation given how often Stephen interrupts a video to yell at him that butters is not tech savvy enough to cut out in their entirety.
craig – also 4chan. almost exclusively sticks to /co/ and /mu/ but likes to pop-in to /lgbt/ to remind everyone on board (see: Cartman) that traps are indeed gay.
clyde – twitter. Gets no engagement whatsoever but is posting all day every day. Is always direct messaging chicks with onlyfans links in bio to see if he can sweet talk them into nudes for free. Never does. cries to Craig about it who then calls him pathetic.
tolkien – instagram. gym thirst traps and pictures of expensive family vacations. Super into grindset posting about no days off and aspirational graphics, power of positive thinking type shit. falls victim to the charms of hot women hawking tummy tea.
jimmy – also reddit. master of fake-post-as-creative-writing-exercise posting. Frequents r/TIFU and r/jokes, then cross-posts his r/jokes post into r/standupcomedy to ask “is this anything?” and receives maybe two comments, three if it’s a good day. is the “you sir win the internet have my upvote” guy.
tweek – tiktok, but it’s a love-hate relationship. the never-ending stream of short videos is the perfect time-wasting relaxation pit due to his severe ADHD but induces extreme paranoia about what exactly the algorithm *does*. never posts, just favorites funny and/or cute videos to show craig later; Craig laughs at maybe every fifth one.