Redson X Fem Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hello!! Is it alright if can i have a oneshot request for Red Son with a fem s/o where he wanted her to introduced his parents (and also wants his parents approvement of their relationship), when reader met his parents, they asked reader some so many questions about their relationship with red son cuz they were curious and also aware of reader because they think reader was using their son or etc. His parents noticed the look of reader's like in determine and love, reader answered every question with sincere & honest, prove their love & loyalty towards to Red son like how much she love him or care about him, not for fame or etc. Just loving him.

The match for their kid has to be THE ONE OK /hj

“Honest and True!” Redson x Fem!Reader(ROMANTIC)(oneshot)(810 w.c.)

cw: none I think? Demons being vaguely threatening?

pronouns: Redson is he/him THIS TIME SO IT’S NOT CRAZY CONFUSING, reader is she/her

This needed to go perfectly. One wrong move too many and any chance of Redson continuing his relationship with Y/N would disappear. What if they didn’t get along? What if Y/N wasn’t up to his parents’ standards?

“Hey, hon, you’re on fire again.” She interrupted his thoughts. Immediately, he turned off his powers, and blinked a few times to reassess where exactly they were. Right, they had been freshening up in his room in preparation for dinner. This dinner was different, though—Y/N would finally be meeting Redson’s parents. 

“Are you ready?” She asked him. He nodded, putting his worries to the side…but still keeping them within his reach. As long as no one said anything stupid, first impressions would be a breeze.

They entered the dining room, and Y/N looked around in awe at everything. Sure, she’d been over to Redson’s house before, but he’d neglected to show her every room. This place was huge! And the fact that there was lava around the platform that served as the area for the table was nothing short of impressive. However it did make for a higher temperature. But nonetheless Redson pulled out a chair for his beloved, and once she was seated he went ahead and sat himself, just as his parents entered the room. 

His mother, Princess Iron Fan, strode in, but then chose not to walk the rest of the way and teleported instead. Following behind her was the Demon Bull King. He didn’t look at Y/N until he sat at the other head of the table, and even then it was more of a side glance. Awkward couldn’t even begin to describe it.

“So you’re the Y/N that we’ve heard so much about?” Iron Fan finally spoke, and her sweet tone was laced with skepticism. 

“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Iron Fan,” Y/N smiled, sort of bowing her head as a sign of respect. She did the same for DBK, but he didn’t put up the same front of niceness as his wife. He only really grunted in response, choosing to sip on his drink instead. Thankfully Redson offered up a new direction for the conversation to go. 

“Y/N has been very kind to me, mother. She was the one who gave me that throw blanket you asked about.” He said, clearly trying to hype her up. 

“How sweet. And she didn’t charge you anything for it?” Iron Fan seemed to joke, and even smiled a little to punctuate it, however Redson knew what she was trying to imply or even get Y/N to admit. He looked at Y/N, and she had a curious look on her face.

“Of course not. It was a gift I knew Redson would like.” She said. Iron Fan liked this answer, evident in how her brows unfurrowed. 

“We wouldn’t want anyone to take advantage of our lovely son, is all.”  Iron Fan started.

“Whether for money or anything else.” DBK finished the sentence. His first spoken words to Y/N, and it sounded vaguely like a warning. Redson glanced between his parents, hoping that they’d chill out, at least a little.

“I understand that! You guys clearly hold him near and dear. I’m just here because I care about him too!” Y/N may have been addressing his parents, but she was looking forward at Redson with nothing but adoration in her eyes. Redson looked at her, too, blushing madly but very nervous to hear what the other two would have to say about it.

To his surprise, his mother and father were staring each other down. For a few moments, it looked like maybe they were deliberating on how they wanted to get rid of Y/N as fast as possible. But this wasn’t the case. In real time, it was only a minute at most, but at that table it felt like ages before their gazes softened and they actually smiled at each other and at their son. 

“Y/N,” DBK sighed, probably because he realized he’d have to be nice, “we grant you permission to continue dating our son. But so help us, if you ever break his heart—“

“Love, please. She doesn’t seem foolish enough to do that. Just treat him right, dear.” Iron Fan cut off her husband, but the last part was aimed at Y/N. She nodded, and Redson blushed again, but felt a giant weight lift off his shoulders. Now he didn’t have to worry about anything. Nothing could possibly go wrong—

“Now that we’ve finished dinner, I can break out the baby pictures. Would you like to see them?” His mother asked. Y/N grinned.

“I’d love to!”

The two women left the table, and now Redson would have to deal with the humiliation of stories from his childhood. Just wonderful…

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2 years ago

Redson x Demon fem!s/o who's the opposite of him (E.g. Calm and soft spoken) That's just as smart as him and works with him as both a Lab partner and romantic partner, but unfortunately due to her temperament she is often see as a weaker demon when in reality she's secretly (even to Red) super strong, but doesn't show it unless it's a emergency, like turning into a terrifying, giant, multi armed kaiju to protect Red.

Yesssss I love this idea. Had to look up what exactly a kaiju is, and even then I found mostly Godzilla stuff? So forgive me if my descriptions are a little messy as I tried to be more vague

"Where's My Epic Background Music?"(761 w.c)

Redson x Demon!Fem!Reader romantic one shot

Pronouns: she her

CW: little bit of bl00d, some light viol3nce

“This stupid bolt won’t stay in place!” Redson growled, pretty close to just melting the metal back to its liquid state on his own. But y/n stepped in, coming up behind her lover and handing him the fresh set of pliers he’d asked for. 

“Red, I can hear you from down the hall. Take a second, alright?” She continued holding his hand that was reaching for the tool, making eye contact. He was stiff, with the ends of his hair starting to become inflamed. But at her gentle tone, he sighed, and she could literally see the steam coming off of him as he calmed down. Slowly but surely. 

“Thank you, beloved.” He mumbled, turning away from his newest project. A new motorbike, of sorts, though she knew there had to be a transformation in there somewhere. 

“What about we go get something to eat? You’ve been cooped up in here since you got out of bed this morning.” She suggested. The fire demon hummed, looking at the blueprints he’d worked so hard on, and the bike behind him that had taken him the better part of several hours to assemble. 

“I guess we can. Where would you like to go?”

“There’s a cafe not far from the arcade, I hear they’ve got some really nice pastries.”

“As you wish. Come, we’ll take my car.”

The pair got their jackets and hopped into the large vehicle, driving from what was essentially Hell to the city. At y/n’s request, Redson abided by traffic laws, though it was tempting for him to absolutely total the stupid little car in front of them that cut them off.  

“This is the place!” She pointed to a small building with an alleyway next to it, where there was a chalkboard sign advertising some chai tea drink. It wasn’t overly cutesy, which was probably for the best. Redson would’ve gotten all hissy about being there. 

Walking in, nothing was off-putting. The service was nice and much faster than other places y/n had taken Redson to eat at. 

The real problem showed up when it came time to go back to the car and head home.

The first red flag of the situation was the stranger standing against the side of the car, which was already reason enough for Redson to get angry at. The person was lanky, though both Red and y/n could see the threatening aura they put off. In these situations, not only did Red take the lead, the problem was usually dealt with in a fast manner to avoid unwanted attention. However something about this just wasn’t right.

“It’s a nice car you’ve got here. Nice girlfriend, too.” The person complimented. Redson had no problem waltzing up to the guy and trying to intimidate them right back.

“Thanks. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have places to be.”

In mere seconds, a knife was pressed to his throat, one with symbols written on it that y/n could tell were meant to hold Red in one spot or at least leave an impact if the weapon was to make contact. 

But at the same time, y/n was willing to ditch being passive for the sake of her lover. So as soon as she saw a thin line of blood, she jumped into action. She let go of her human form and grew several sizes larger, multiple arms on her torso and primed to tear limbs if needed. She was quite a sight for both figures below her.

Enough to make the stranger drop their grip on Redson along with the weapon.

“Hey, no harm no foul, right?” They tried to reason with her. 

“Run. Far, far away, and don’t come back.” She warned. They scrambled to get moving, heeding her words immediately as they took off. Once she was sure that they were gone, she transformed back into her regular form and went up to her partner.

“I love when you get all frightening. It’s fun.” He praised her. He dusted himself off, but then held still as she inspected the cut on his neck.

“Hang on, I have some napkins.” She mumbled, digging in her pockets for the napkins she took from the cafe. When she found them, she cupped his face and moved to clean the small wound that was just beginning to drip.

“Thank you, y/n. Now, shall we?” Redson unlocked the vehicle and opened the door for her. She climbed in gingerly, giving him a smile. 

Looks could be so deceiving, could they not?

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2 years ago

Capsule I request a angst/comfort RedSon x reader? It’s mostly a thing where the reader sort of helps RedSon show his feelings to his parents.

The reader is RedSon’s happy go lucky girlfriend who recently told him that she wanted him to meet her parents! RedSon being the overachieving (and praise seeking) man he is, agreed, only to be confused when she leads him to a graveyard. There the reader introduced two gravestones as her parents, looking at RedSon expecting him to talk to them. (Ex: “Hello Mom and Dad I want you to meet my new partner! Say hi RedSon!”)

the reader’s parents died not to long ago and as a coping mechanism/comfort she would visit them and talk to their grave stones as if they could hear her. RedSon as the reader is talking to the gravestones starts to wonder what she is feeling, as in how he would feel if his parents would have died. RedSon after the meeting goes to his parents and hugs them and tells them that he does in fact love them very much.

ack my heart 😭 may or may not have cried while writing. /Pos

"Here With You" (1010 w.c)

Redson x Fem!Reader

Pronouns: she her

CW: this is very sad especially at the end bc ya know family stuff

“Are we there yet?”

Redson was, for once, not behind the wheel of his car. He agreed to meet his girlfriend’s parents. But apparently their location was a surprise of sorts.

“Not yet, just a little more to go!” She reassured him. He had to admit, though, that the route they were taking was aesthetically very nice. Lots of greenery, not a whole lot of traffic. Y/n parked the vehicle and hopped out, and Redson got out too. He assumed the building across the street, a small tea shop, was the place they were meeting at. But she took his hand and took the lead.

“This way!”

They entered the cemetery gates. She didn’t hesitate once as she took a mossy brick path towards one side of the space before coming to a halt in front of two humble tombstones bearing her last name.


“Mom, dad, I told you he’d be excited to meet you! This is Redson!” She spoke, still holding his hand. Redson was less nervous, now, and more…aware? Conscious of that matter of mortality? He wasn’t quite sure himself. But he still bowed his head in respect.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. l/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m a fan of your work.” He said.

The visit, although quiet, was much more pleasant than the awkward dinner that they sat through when y/n met his parents. He went along with every part of the conversation that he could as y/n told the story of how they met, how cool he was, how he had helped to save the world. And he listened to every word she said about her parents, how kind they were, how much they cared for her.

When they bid the stones adieu, y/n was less cheery than before. Her shoulders drooped and her eyes were just slightly glazed over. He stayed close to her, hooking his elbow with hers.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Red.” She mumbled. Their shoes made rhythmic tapping on the stone ground.

“It’s no problem, y/n. I’m glad I got to meet them. Even if it threw me off at the beginning,” he nudged her, trying to get her to smile, even a little bit. “They seem like lovely people.”

She finally met Redson’s eyes with a smile that held quiet sadness behind it. They stopped walking as tears started to fall. He wiped away every one. He didn’t push her to continue walking, or even to talk about what happened. At this point all that he cared about was letting her get it all out. She buried her face in his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

“Alright. I’m ready to go.” She sniffled, pulling away from him. He still had an arm around her shoulders, but they made their way back to the car and went home. He dropped her off at her house before going back to his own.

The drive to get to his place was silent. The radio was turned off on purpose—he wanted to think. No one was there to greet him when he got home, and looking at the time, he realized he’d missed dinner with his parents. Normally, he’d be fine with this, opting to sit by himself with whatever food there was left, but this was different. The energy was different. He walked around his home in search of life, even stopping a few of the bull clones to see if they had seen his parents. Finally someone gave him an actual answer—they were in the lounge, probably watching that cooking show. From there, Redson made a beeline to the room. Instead of bursting in like he usually did, he gently pushed open the door, and just sort of stood there, waiting to be noticed. His mother looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

“Ah, you’re back. How did it go?” She asked. She was the one who, that very morning, helped him get ready and gave him advice. Don’t assert yourself heavily. Wait for them to ask about your history before you tell them, otherwise it’ll be rude. In a way, he didn’t go against that.

“I…” he swallowed, not even sure what he wanted to really say. His father paused the show, turning to him.

“You didn’t embarrass yourself, did you?” He half-joked.

“No,” his hands shook despite being buried in his pockets. He didn’t really want to, but he could feel steam coming off his face as he started to cry. His mother got up from her seat in an instant, approaching him to try and figure out what was wrong.

“What happened, dear? You’re not even yelling, that can’t be a good sign.” She cupped his face.

“I just…” he shook even more as he fought to hold himself still. “I love you guys. I don’t always appreciate what you do or even show that I care, but I really do.”

His mother was taken aback, looking at his father worriedly. The Demon Bull King knelt down to his wife and child, still confused, but now aware that this wasn’t a time to try and shame his son. He was getting better at recognizing those moments.

“Did they insult you? Do we need to go attack them?”

“They’re…not with us. It just made me think, and I don’t—“ Redson started breaking down, allowing his shoulders to move as he looked at the ground and let his tears fall. His mother pulled him into her arms, combing her hands through his fiery hair. His father sat on the ground, still much taller than both of them, but now in a position where he could easily embrace them. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“Don’t worry and overthink it, Redson. We’re not going anywhere anytime soon, alright?” His mother shushed him.

“At least, not without a good fight.” His father contributed.

They helped Redson to clean himself up, before going back into the lounge and sitting down all together to enjoy the show.

Capsule I Request A Angst/comfort RedSon X Reader? Its Mostly A Thing Where The Reader Sort Of Helps

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2 years ago

I don't know if your taking requests but i have a idea maybe red son x ember mclain (from Danny phantom) reader

Ooo ok so this came in right after I closed requests BUT I saved it since it was a good idea!!! Enjoy!

Redson x Fem?Ember Mclain!Reader Romantic Headcanons!

(ember for reference. They didn't have to pop off with her design but they DID anyways)

I Don't Know If Your Taking Requests But I Have A Idea Maybe Red Son X Ember Mclain (from Danny Phantom)


Red would think you were really cool! They wouldn't admit it at first tho

They love that you two can do each other's hair without worrying about getting burned!

(they take an odd amount of advantage of this fact)

If you play music(like Ember does in the show) then he'd like to listen to you play

Might join in to try and show off, ngl

You two are the perfect level of playfully feisty with each other :3

I think maybe it'd be a situation of "oh would you BE QUIET" "Make me, Red Boy >:]"

Races? Races! You and Red take some of their vehicles out and race like no one else exists...

....which usually ends in many accidents for literally everyone else

Unless you two are friends with Mei and MK, who would definitely join you!

Overall, 10/10

Man I miss Danny Phantom

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