Lmk Headcanon - Tumblr Posts
You'll all be receiving a special valentine's gift from me to you!
Stay tuned!!!! :D

Hello, I’m back with more thoughts.
As for that OHSHC au, there’s an episode where a bunch of girls show up from an all-girls school.
Imagine if Scorpion Queen, Spider Queen, and LBD made up that trio (since they’re all villains) and they start flirting with the reader.
SQ : Hello my dear~
(Also I’m imagining all the boys in the girl outfits they wear at the end of the episode and I’m dying just thinking about it).
I had to stop everything to do this doodle bc it's so funny to me
It was so rushed but very worth it

Happy Valentine's Day! (Special!)
Here's how some of the ships and characters would be celebrating! Much love to all of you, no matter if you're alone or with a partner today!

Ships (character x character)
Freenoodles: Pigsy and Tang do the classic date night situation but with a twist. Pigsy will make dinner, they’ll eat at home, and then they go out for dessert and watch a movie. Lots of chatter afterward about what they liked, what they didn’t. Maybe a lil bit of info dumping from Tang, which Pigsy will listen to very intently. They end the night just talking on Sandy’s boat and enjoying the night sky. 10/10 very wholesome and sweet Spicynoodles: a little chaotic for MK and Red. They each have plans however there will most likely be a breakdown in communication which leads to those plans overlapping. They do what they can, which will most definitely entail a relatively fancy picnic at the park. MK in my opinion would bring flowers with meanings—probably sunflowers and tulips. Redson would probably gift MK a Very Expensive Monkey King themed item. They spend the night at MK’s apartment since it’s very homey, and the next morning Red is using his fire to make breakfast. 9/10 “we can’t see a movie and be at the arcade babe clones don’t work that way” Silktea(Sandy x Huntsman): Huntsman, with some help from the Queen(she’s much better with the webbing than he is), makes an elaborate set of coasters for Sandy’s teacups and pot. Sandy probably writes him some form of poetry(definitely consulted Macaque) and showers him in affection. They have dinner on his boat and honestly just stay in to enjoy each other’s company. Huntsman is incredibly flustered the whole time because he’s never celebrated before. 10/10 “hunts, I love all four of your eyes <3” “ASASDFFS—“ DBK x Iron Fan(do they have a ship name???): private reservation at a fancy restaurant. It ends with DBK making the waiter feel terrified but they tip well. They walk around the lava pits near FFM, since they convinced Redson to ask MK to ask Wukong if they could and he said sure. DBK’s maybe not the best at words but he loves his wife very much so he expresses it by being physically affectionate. She returns these affections and honestly when they’re not trying to actively take over the city they’re a sweet couple. 8/10 the waiter will need therapy Shadowpeach: (I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE. TURN IT UP) Wukong has a lot of ideas but he’s bad at executing them. Macaque is a romantic at heart so he does his best to figure it out. Most of their day will be spent on FFM, indulging themselves in all the fruit they want and having fun playing around like they used to. Wukong most definitely brings Macaque shiny things as gifts. Macaque has a special trunk full of shiny things/gifts from Wukong at his dojo because he doesn’t want anything to happen to them. At some point they have dinner, watch the sunset and just talk. If they’re both up for it they watch a movie or something and groom each other before they go to bed. 10/10 monkeys go brrr
Syntax x Not Mayor(what is their ship name I swear they have one-): they,,,,do their best. Syntax hates Valentine's Day whether he's alone or not, however the mayor is intent on changing that. They do a simple lunch date and then go hang out wherever is convenient for them, really it's nothing fancy per Syntax's request. But they do exchange some form of gifts, most likely chocolates for the mayor and a plant(either a succulent or a cactus) for Syntax. At the end of the day, they do love each other, even if they show it in different ways. X Reader - Gender Neutral! MK: super sweet, definitely tries to plan out the whole day to be perfect because obviously you deserve a good Valentine’s Day! He’s incredibly nervous the whole time and you’ll probably have to reassure him that you appreciate all the effort but he doesn’t have to worry so much about impressing you. He’s also pretty much attached to you the whole day but he’ll back off if you ask. Gets you flowers for sure! Redson: oh, you think MK’s stressed about planning? Redson is like 100x worse. He’s got a paper schedule or something and you will absolutely need to tell him you just want to enjoy some quality time with him, not having to hurry from place to place. The one thing he’s pretty insistent on is dressing up since it’s fun. Also nervous, but he learned romance stuff from his mom so he at least knows what he’s doing. Mei: she is the least stressed. She presents you with a few options on what the both of you could do to spend the day together, and from there you kinda wing it. One of the things I can see her doing is taking you out shopping for a bit, and then grabbing lunch or dinner at a higher end kind of place. Super chill. I think she’d get you a plush or even chocolates. Wukong: a little stressed but keeps it lighthearted. He has loose ideas, and if any of them strike your fancy, he’ll make it work. Has a plethora of shiny things to gift you with, and is very physically affectionate. With some help from Chang’e, they prepare a nice meal for the two of you to share. He likes just being around you, even if you two aren’t necessarily doing anything. Your presence is really calming for him. Macaque: theater kid mode ENGAGED. He invites you to a special shadow play that details how a warrior met and fell in love with a wonderful person who made him feel loved, more than he ever had before. Afterwards, he gives you your favorite flowers and takes you to a nice restaurant. You two go back to his dojo and spend the evening doing some form of self care, probably like face masks and painting nails(or claws, in his case). He’s romantic through and through and it pays off. Not Mayor: he’s been planning this for weeks. He had asked you in passing ages ago how you felt about big celebrations for Valentine’s Day, and he works in your comfort zone so he doesn’t under or overwhelm you. He makes you breakfast and gives you some flowers, before laying out a general game plan for the day. You two dress up a bit and go do some sightseeing around the city, just enjoying the spaces and the quality time. He is very calm on the outside, but on the inside he is panicking because he really wants you to enjoy your time with him. When you two get home he makes dinner and you two watch a movie while you eat. It’s really nice Nezha: Nervous boy is nervous! He is terrible at acting calm, so you’ll have to remind him to breathe every now and then as you two go out for the day. He takes you to some of his favorite spots—some of them being in the Celestial Realm—and you show him some of yours. There’s laughter, there’s affection, there’s really good food(he also got help from Chang’e), and he relaxes every time he sees you smiling and enjoying yourself. He’s also probably got some form of poem or writing that he made for you that most definitely did not take him hours to come up with, ignore all the crumpled papers in his trash can
I've been dragged back into LMK by the ankles and I can't get this idea outta my head:
what about Wukong, MK, Pigsy(platonic), and Mei(platonic) with an s/o/friend who has a pet Owlbear? Maybe they found it as an injured hatchling and raised it, so now it's super protective, but when not in protection mode, it's just like a Great Dane that thinks it's a lapdog!
for reference owl bears look like this and are 10ft tall(average) on all fours

thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night!
I'm kind of adoring the concept of an owlbear as a whole :o enjoy!
SWK, MK, Pigsy, and Mei x Reader who owns an Owlbear Headcanons!
He has seen many a creature in his time. This is not one of them
More curious than anything else, like hey where exactly did this thing originate from
May or may not be the tiniest bit intimidated by it but he will not admit that
You'll probably have to gently help the two to connect. Show Wukong how to feed it, let it inspect him a little
Soon enough they'll get along just fine, Wukong is good with animals by nature so he'd get the hang of it pretty easy with your help!
He still thinks it's crazy that this big hulking creature follows you around being all scary...
but it also wants to somehow fit into your lap whenever you sit down as if it didn't just drag in a dead mouse as a gift
Wants to pet it, wants to take it for walks, literally is vibing so hard with this thing
"does it have a name??? Can I name it???"
Feels bad he's "stealing" you from the owlbear but you reassure him that the owlbear understands
Tries in vain to find chew toys for it that can last more than a day
Probably spoils it a little bit with attention even if it just knocked something over and you sprayed it with a spray bottle
Basically MK fully feeds into the dog energy it has even though it is EXPONENTIALLY larger than him
You'll need to gently explain that he doesn't need to worry, it's not evil or anything
He doesn't believe you lmao
It takes a little while for him to get used to your pet, and you can take it as a sign of generous trust when he allows you to bring it inside
He eventually starts saving meat scraps and bones for it
Refers to it mostly as "the lil fella" even though if it wanted to it could eat him
If anything he's impressed at how well it behaves
Can she please ride on its back. Please it's for science
Super excited, and like MK, she will warm up to it and treat it like a puppy instantly
It warms up to her too, and they get along great
She also probably finds a way to teach it tricks if you haven't already done that
Uses a baby voice with it too, you know how people have certain voices they use for their pets? She does that :)
10/10 she handles it better than the rest of the group on this list
Okay this isn’t OHSHC related but-
Monika -> Wukong
Sayori -> MK (probably?)
Yuri -> Macaque (deep and brooding right?)
Natsuki -> Red Son (cause tsundere)
The line-up makes sense, but I also think it’s be fun if MK was the self-aware one too, since they’re is an ending where Sayori becomes conscious.

Hmmm I can see it actually! I think the lineup of lads is neat! HOWEVER in all my glory I'd like to also offer up the ladies as well
Monika: LBD (obviously! And besides if anyone will hack ur shit it's her)
Sayori: Spider Queen (Sayori becomes self aware in the end, and Spider Queen is much more intelligent than people may think. She's a queen after all!)
Yuri: Scorpion Queen (it makes perfect sense in my head)
Natsuki: Mei (has the ability to come off as harsh but will get real if she thinks there's danger!)

Yeah the girl line-up makes more sense.
However, I’m also incredibly stubborn so I sketched both. /hj

Ironically I’m more proud of the LBD one since Wukong just looks goofy here.
!! :O yes!!! Pop off!!! Ya love to see it! /Gen
My mom: *sees me hard at work crafting and not talking to anyone just spacing out with my headphones in* wow I wonder what's got him so quiet?

Me: *thinking about tired MK. MK who has had enough of everything. MK who ever since the spider Queen has felt like a weapon, like if he stops training or doing ANYTHING then everything will fall apart. MK who has tried everything under the sun to feel better and cope but no one understands--not truly. Not enough that the burden of being the hero gets any lighter. Even working alongside Mei, his best friend in the whole world, he feels the need to be the leader, because as great as she is she doesn't have his powers. MK who, ever since the Lady Bone Demon, has a bittersweet relationship with the Monkey King, to the point where he can't look him in the eyes anymore because when he does it just hurts. MK who, as soon as he gets the perfect chance, goes to see macaque to see if MAYBE he has some advice, though deep down he's just worried he'll be tricked again.
Macaque is intrigued at the kid's sudden lack of energy and how everything about his energy just seems darker. Still, Macaque tells his true opinion to the kid when MK asks about the Monkey King. He's just Wukong, just a lazy immortal who only ever disregards others. And when the kid leaves with an odd sag in his shoulders he can't help but feel worried for him, even if he tries to deny actually caring about him.
MK who goes off on his own without telling anyone. MK who stops by Redson's house to ask if he knows any good demonic runes or something to make it so people can't find him. MK who disappears for a fairly long period of time and no one can get a hold of him because even though Redson thought it was a strange thing to ask for, he still complied because it was worse having to look at MK's oddly sad face.
MK who gets used to being alone. MK who never settles down, is always on the move in between different cities and towns, and he has no idea why but there's always some sort of half assed care package waiting for him by his bag in the morning, and along with it a poorly drawn doodle of him. On his birthday, there's a full note, signed by all his friends, even Macaque, not asking him why he left, but just asking him to come home safely.
MK, who, after a full year away from home, makes the trip back. He's happy to see that the city hasn't fallen apart without him, happy that he won't have to clean up a mess.
MK, who walks into Pigsy's and feels a lump in his throat when he smells his favorite recipe being cooked. Pigsy, who just about jumps over the counter to embrace his son, Tang joining in, and as if she could sense it, Mei appears too and causes the three of them to collapse onto the ground as she throws herself into them.
MK, breaking down into sobs without any words as he allows himself to be loved. The Monkey King, who goes to MK instead of the other way around, very patiently waiting his turn to speak to him because he knows this is a lot for anyone who missed the kid. Macaque showing up as well alongside Redson and both will still deny how much they care for him but they don't even try to mask their relief at seeing him safe and in one piece as he sits down to eat a proper meal.
MK, who goes to sleep that night in his childhood bedroom at Pigsy's place instead of his apartment because they both need the reassurance that the other is there.
MK, who feels refreshed after finally getting a break from everything.
Can I request a platonic (Sun wukong x reader and macaque x reader) with a trans masc reader
Like where the reader is like a younger brother to them and they come out and just headcannons of them as older brothers
(They are my comfort characters and I need more platonic content)

Macaque and SWK with a transmasc lil bro PLATONIC HEADCANONS
Ok, so first off when you tell them, they are the most chill dudes ever. Like "oh, he/him now? Sure man"
they are both super good at not misgendering or deadnaming you. AND they 100000% will correct everyone.
unless you tell them you can handle yourself or something consider yourself very protected. Macaque listens to everything, and Wukong can see through everything.
Macaque offers to take you out to look for new clothes if you'd like them, he has a much better sense of style (he is also the one who can go places without being recognized unlike Wukong)
Wukong is really good at helping out with dysphoria. I hc that he's kinda meh about his own gender, like yeah he's "male" but really he doesn't give a single shit. But he knows how it feels to hate being in your body, and he is happy to offer up coping ideas
some of these ideas include more “odd” things, like covering mirrors so you don’t have to look at yourself. But it’s mostly more “common” things like doing some exercise or eating a safe food.
one thing they both suck at is suggesting ways to go forward with your transition. Wukong being Wukong will be like “Ah no problem I can rip off your things if you don’t want em!” And you have to remind him you aren’t immortal like him lmao
macaque actually sides with Wukong on this one, however they WILL NOT if you don’t want them to.
they’ll jump through whatever hoops they have to to help you change legal documents. Legally or not, they want you to feel comfortable looking at paperwork
Having a brotherly relationship after coming out will also entail them asking how comfortable you are with roughhousing or playing around like the two of them do, or even with light teasing or bickering. They don’t want to make you feel like you’re being bullied
that being said if you say you’re alright with it you better be on GUARD bc they will show up just about everywhere
they care for you through and through, and even on your worst of days they’ll be there for you and reassure you that they always will be. No matter how you identify! :)
I just had to go through hell during a family reunion because i hate togetherness /hj
so could I request some headcanons for the characters hanging at a cookout?
I’m personally black so it might look a different for you if you’re not, but that’s okay!
lmao I hate reunions with a passion so I can relate /lh also I wasn't sure which characters you wanted so I did my main gang(SWK, Mac, MK, Mei, Redson)
LMK Characters at a Cookout Headcanons! (PLATONIC)(GN READER)
Sun Wukong - I feel like he'd have fun at a cookout as long as he knows a handful of people there. He'll stay with them for the most part and will be fine introducing himself to new people. If not, then he is going to stick to the edges of any crowd, take some food, and do his best to stay out of things. He can act calm all he wants but just know that he's screaming internally lmao. He's a little awkward as a whole but even more so if he somehow gets invited again. He might think it's a joke on him, but once you explain it's genuine he is RELIEVED.
Macaque - not a social butterfly, but will go if you're going. He's nice to whoever talks to him but ultimately he'll prefer to take a plate of food and find a quiet spot. If he knows more than one person there, he'll be less of a wallflower and more of a performer; he's excellent at small talk and a lot of people at the cookout probably end up admiring his charm. Most likely invited again but no one pressures him.
MK - oh this is perfect for him. He loves a chance to eat good food and socialize! MK's really good at meeting people and just generally being nice, and if it's a family cookout everyone's like "you should come back next time!" "Oh you're such a nice young man!" And basically he's part of the family now. He'll stick by you if you want him to, but if he hears someone talking about something interesting or something he likes, he may also gravitate towards them!
Redson - a little uptight about the whole thing, Red may panic and bring a dish of their own to the cookout to get on everyone's good side. But his mother taught him well in terms of social events, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't impressed at how easily Red can adapt to her environment. He's chatting it up with whoever approaches him and, similar to MK, will most likely be invited to the next one.
Mei - oh she's chilling! She's super happy you invited her, she loves these types of things! She'll start off super friendly, happy to introduce herself to people. But if she sees you uncomfortable with someone or if someone is rude to her, she'll switch it up and may be a little more feisty toward them. She'll try whatever foods there are even if she has no idea what it is. If something strikes her fancy she'll hunt the chef down and ask for the recipe. Also gets invited back!
@maroon-ghost-draws this one's for you :)
If the reader agrees to the ripping off...(CW slight violence and mentions of surgery)
Macaque most definitely makes you confirm dozens of times that you ARE okay with this haphazard surgery, like they will never forgive themselves if you get seriously hurt in the process :(
Wukong shows you his own top surgery scars and boasts that he can most definitely do it again
They'll both probably put some sort of numbing magic on you and/or knock you out beforehand, and Wukong has you eat an immortality peach just in case.
A few hours later BAM boom bop your top is surgeried! :D
Macaque knows a lot about the healing process from his own research and will make sure you don't do anything to mess up your system
They might ask you if you want to see what was under the skin.....it's best to decline.
7/10 simply because there's no way it was a fully sanitary environment they operated in
Can I request a platonic (Sun wukong x reader and macaque x reader) with a trans masc reader
Like where the reader is like a younger brother to them and they come out and just headcannons of them as older brothers
(They are my comfort characters and I need more platonic content)

Macaque and SWK with a transmasc lil bro PLATONIC HEADCANONS
Ok, so first off when you tell them, they are the most chill dudes ever. Like "oh, he/him now? Sure man"
they are both super good at not misgendering or deadnaming you. AND they 100000% will correct everyone.
unless you tell them you can handle yourself or something consider yourself very protected. Macaque listens to everything, and Wukong can see through everything.
Macaque offers to take you out to look for new clothes if you'd like them, he has a much better sense of style (he is also the one who can go places without being recognized unlike Wukong)
Wukong is really good at helping out with dysphoria. I hc that he's kinda meh about his own gender, like yeah he's "male" but really he doesn't give a single shit. But he knows how it feels to hate being in your body, and he is happy to offer up coping ideas
some of these ideas include more “odd” things, like covering mirrors so you don’t have to look at yourself. But it’s mostly more “common” things like doing some exercise or eating a safe food.
one thing they both suck at is suggesting ways to go forward with your transition. Wukong being Wukong will be like “Ah no problem I can rip off your things if you don’t want em!” And you have to remind him you aren’t immortal like him lmao
macaque actually sides with Wukong on this one, however they WILL NOT if you don’t want them to.
they’ll jump through whatever hoops they have to to help you change legal documents. Legally or not, they want you to feel comfortable looking at paperwork
Having a brotherly relationship after coming out will also entail them asking how comfortable you are with roughhousing or playing around like the two of them do, or even with light teasing or bickering. They don’t want to make you feel like you’re being bullied
that being said if you say you’re alright with it you better be on GUARD bc they will show up just about everywhere
they care for you through and through, and even on your worst of days they’ll be there for you and reassure you that they always will be. No matter how you identify! :)
hello! Im here to request a platonic x reader with Macaque, Wukong, MK, and Redson and they're all playing mario party? If you do not want to do multiples then can it just be Macaque
I’m so sorry this took so long, I literally had no idea what to do for an actual plot SO I hope you’ll accept my compromise of the different characters playing video games
Macaque, Wukong, MK, and Redson - How they Play Video Games! (Headcanons)
Macaque - cheats constantly. He’ll use his shadows to sabotage whoever else he’s playing with. He’ll listen to the future so he can get himself the best odds that he can. It’s a little annoying, but he’ll ease up if you want him to. Can be a bit salty if he loses but it’s not a huge deal. He prefers strategy games because he likes testing himself, and hates VR with a passion because of the sensory experience of it. Also he is DEFINITELY the type to pick Rainbow Road in Mario Kart.
Sun Wukong - plays fair! He loves having a good time when he plays games, hence why he put so much effort into his own. He has an impressive collection of different games he’s collected over the years, and somewhere in his junk room there’s an original Gameboy or something. He can get a bit competitive but in the end he’s happy to spend time with people. His favorite genre of games are the battle royale types—don’t come for me but I think he’d absolutely play Fortnite. He also loves the games where you can take care of pets/animals, he thinks they’re fun.
MK - definitely competitive and has cheated before, but he doesn’t cheat all the time. He’s a good sport about losing however beware because he’ll do rematches all night if it means he might win. Likes classic, 8-bit games the most for the visuals. He doesn’t like horror very much but he’s not opposed to it. Rhythm games and music games are also his thing—he’s super good at Beat Saber and even DDR if he’s at the arcade! The one thing he refuses to touch is dating sims. Redson - insanely competitive, but surprisingly not a sore loser. He breaks the odd controller but once he’s got a good handle on how a game works he’s fairly chill. That, and he’ll replace the controller because of course he knows how to either make a new one or where to find a new one. He hates dancing games and dating sims, but likes horror games since it’s rare for things like that to actually startle him. One of his guilty pleasures is the Cooking Mama games. He once applied a technique he saw into something he was cooking with his father and when DBK asked where he learned that, Redson simply replied “a very wise woman”.
Hello! I was wondering when you have time, can I request wukong,macaque,nezha and Mk with an Angst to fluff with their s/o who got possessed in the fight with Lbd but then un-possessed s/o leaving them injured bc the attacks didn’t do as much damage as she thought?
I think I understand what's being asked but if I got it completely wrong please correct me! Also this is going to be Headcanons because it makes more sense for my brain ;-;
Wukong, Macaque, Nezha, and MK x S/O who was previously possessed by LBD (Angst to Fluff Romantic HC's)
Wukong - a wreck. Absolutely furious at himself for letting this happen to you, how could he be so stupid and let you be possessed by his enemy? Even worse, she had abandoned using you as her host and you were hurt! Probably trying ridiculously hard to keep up a positive front but he is breaking down on the inside. After it's all over he takes you back to Flower Fruit and gives you the best healing magic he can find. Lots of attention, and you'll have to reassure him you're okay and that it's not his fault because he 10000% thinks it is. He loves you very deeply, so the thought of losing you is just super overwhelming for him. He stays as close as you'll allow him to be while you recover, and is at your beck and call. This is a perfect time for you to either exploit this and get whatever you want OR coax him into doing self care with you. Or both :)
Macaque - beyond pissed. If anyone should've gotten hurt, it should've been him! You shouldn't have been anywhere close to this situation, and there you were being used as her host! As soon as he sees your discarded body he gets you someplace safe until the fight is over, and then he takes you home to help you recover. He might pretend to be a bit mad at you for having been involved but just know he doesn't really mean it, what he means is that he is utterly relieved you're okay. Once he has you set up with whatever medical supplies are needed, a drink, and a warm meal, he cuddles up to you and keeps watch while you get better. Apologizes over and over.
MK - this poor boy DOES break down. If he had done better, if he had been stronger, he could've stopped the Lady Bone Demon before she was able to possess you! He's crying a bit as he's fighting because he knows that you're probably in so much pain, just like he was whenever she was speaking to him. The fight ends, and he's absolutely RUSHING to get you home so you can get medical attention. He doesn't leave your side, he feels like if he does then something bad will happen to you. Similar to Wukong, he will find a way to get you anything you want, because you deserve the best, especially from him. Very clingy afterwards, but if you ask him to he will back off a bit so you can breathe.
Nezha - so so so concerned. How could he have been so blind? In dealing with Wukong and getting his ass handed to him he left you vulnerable! He feels incredibly guilty like he's let you down and multiple times throughout recovery he asks if you honestly want to keep being with him. He gets you to Heaven's best doctors, and urges you not to lift a finger until you're completely healed. He's super protective and may overreact to small things, just make grabby hands at him and he'll soften up and give you cuddles or whatever it is that you want.
How about a one shot (or at least headcanon if that's not possible) with Sun wukong (Macaque too if you want) with a s/o who's a sassy nerd who could pick a fight (physical or verbal) with God if you get on their nerves and fiercely protective of loved ones...even if they might not win.
S/o could've said something like this at some point "No, I don't care how powerful or immortal they are, either you talk to your friend or I talk to them. No one steals my mooncakes."
Optional but s/o could have a past of being bullied for some angst but that's your choice.
I have never related to something so much as "sassy nerd who could pick a fight with god"
SWK and Macaque x GN!Sassy!Reader Headcanons
Probably freaking out laughing when he sees you giving attitude to whoever you feel like
every once in a while he might play into it specifically to see how far you'll go
he'll back you up in some arguments but sometimes he's the one trying to hold you back
that being said, who's gonna hold you back when he's just eaten some of the mooncakes you specifically told him not to eat??
he may be immortal a million times over but he is a dead man walking
there's just so much danger in your eyes when you open up the box to see it empty, he teleports away as fast as he can while he still has his limbs attached
he gets you like a bunch more just in case :D
he never ever fails to match your energy
with the nonexistent self-preservation he has, he'll be right there with you if you decide to pick a fight with god(or whatever celestial being or demon you happen to want to argue with)
he likes to push your buttons sometimes since he thinks it keeps things interesting
this can lead to him disappearing into the shadows before you can beat his ass
on that fateful day you were out getting some snacks for your weekly movie night you had with him and he was at the house already
he was hungry, okay?? too hungry to read the little sticky note on top of the mooncakes that CLEARLY stated "Y/N'S MOONCAKES. DO NOT TOUCH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES"
as soon as he realized his mistake he rushed out to get you more, but you got home before he did
cue screaming from him as you chase him around
Quick Headcanon (season 4 stuff but not angst!)
So Azure is a lion right? A big cat. With claws, probably, and so he has to trim em every once in a while.
I'm picturing wayyyyy back when everyone still got along and yes, they're demons and don't TECHNICALLY HAVE TO CUT THEIR NAILS BUT CMON THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME THIS WEEK HES NICKED YELLOW TUSK ON THE ARM--he is a HAZARD
So the brothers have to chase him down to try and get him to stay still enough so they can cut his claws
At some point Azure runs up a tree but then once he realizes he's in a tree he can't get down and starts panicking
Cue Peng going up to grab him and bring him down again
Then it takes all of their combined strengths to hold him still enough they can finish the mission
He hisses at them and scratches on one of the trees(like a cat tree but y'know. On wood)
That is all :)
Hello, new Anon here!
I just so happen to come across your "x readers" and I wanted to ask if you do Character x Character.
Because if you do may I request a BigBrother!Wukong x LittleBrother!Macaque??(Platonic obviously) could be a hurt/comfort with Macaque being injured or something.
Because as someone who Headcanons them as brothers, I've been starved for content! there is very little content about it, and I can't really seem to find any good platonic fanart/fanfics of them since everything is intended to be shadowpeach (no hate to the ship though! I'm aware that both the ship and the siblings thing is a headcanon)
If you do it I'll be really thankful. Thanks!
"Where'd All the Time Go?" (470 w.c) (PLATONIC SHADOWPEACH ONESHOT)

The Mountain of Flowers and Fruits was a beautiful place that was home to many different creatures. With its many varieties of flora and fauna, anyone was happy to live there. Two of the most notable residents were of course the Handsome Monkey King and the Six Eared Macaque. The two had been good friends since the moment they met, and were close enough that they even called each other brothers. Some described them like the sun and the moon; they were so starkly different, and yet they worked so well together.
Of course, they had their differences. For instance, Wukong loved warm weather. A cloudless sky over grassy hills to play on. As much as Macaque liked playing too, he preferred to do so in the rain. Cooler temperatures with lots of puddles and frankly, mud to slide on.
This was one of those days. The morning had been gloomy, and it wasn’t until the early afternoon that the clouds decided to unleash the rain they’d been threatening. Wukong now sat idly in the opening of one of the caves as he watched Macaque hold his tongue out to catch droplets, before laughing and jumping around. A small smile crept onto his face. He hated getting wet; he’d had quite enough water when he jumped through a raging waterfall to get his title and he was most definitely not a good swimmer. But he wanted to spend time with his brother, and what better time than the present?
“Mac! Wait for me!” Wukong called, and stood up from his spot on the ground. The hard part would be stepping out of the cave. Closing his eyes, he braced himself for that icky feeling of being soaked, but it didn’t come. Wukong opened his eyes again and came face to face with Macaque, who had found a very large leaf and was holding it over the ginger monkey.
“C’mon, we can just walk in the woods.” Macaque smiled, his ears twitching. Wukong took hold of the leaf as well and they began to stroll, stopping every once in a while to look at a newt or salamander that was along the path. Then they would laugh as it scurried away from them.
“Monkey King? Why don’t you have an umbrella? You’re gonna get a cold!” MK looked over at his mentor, who was in his human disguise as they were out running some errand or another. MK had a full raincoat, boots, and an umbrella, since he refused to get his clothes wet. Wukong chuckled.
“I can’t believe I have to keep reminding you that I’m immortal, bud. I don’t get sick!” He refrained from ruffling the boy’s hair, simply because it would be inconvenient whilst holding onto a bag of food.
“And besides…I happen to like the rain.”
(LMK)Hao Yang HC's (that are technically just facts abt him since I made him lmao)
He has never been with anyone romantically before Wukong! He had no idea what romantic attraction even was until PIF explained it to him
Him and PIF are basically siblings and in certain situations he calls her jiejie and she calls him didi, it's super cute and wholesome but they both won't do it in front of certain people (namely the TLT, since they have reputations to keep and the kids can be RUTHLESS)
Yang sometimes took the time to visit Nezha when he was guarding the map just to check in, Nezha denies this ever happened
His eyes do that thing where if you point a light at them in the dark it looks like they glow and he accidentally spooked Macaque once
Glamoured, he's super short. Like he's taller than MK at most. but completely unglamoured he's taller than everyone, even DBK. Half glamoured he's as tall as Sandy!
He ain't autistic coded. He's just straight up got the tism. And we love him for that 💖
He canNOT see. If it's super bright out, the most he can see is blobs. But if it's dim to pitch black, he can see everything super clear--think like a night vision potion from Minecraft. It works out well for his hatred of overhead lights.
He used to have a habit of biting everything he came across, kinda like how sharks will bite something to see if it's food. Thanks to PIF and Wukong, he grew out of that

What about Red Son reacting to the reader being LBD's host and the aftermath?
Redson x LBD host!gn!reader + aftermath Headcanons (romantic??)

Okay so this boy will be stressed out of their mind. First his father has to play host(which was scary enough) and now one of the VERY few people he cares about has to do it too??? WHY CAN'T THEY HAVE ANYTHING THESE DAYS
You're at stake. That's plenty of motivation to want to team up with the Monkie Gang a little faster.
I Headcanon that those under LBD's control are aware of what they're doing--since when Wukong got possessed he moved as if it was a struggle. So you're forced to do all these terrible things because LBD needs a vessel and you're a good fit.
You see Redson fighting, fighting for you, fighting for their parents. And you feel helpless because it's not your fault she's so powerful, you don't want to hurt anyone, especially not Redson
The main battle happens, and you're yeeted away from her control. You're super weak from what little fighting against her you were able to do, but the last thing you see before passing out is Redson.
When you wake up, you're on Flower Fruit with all the others, post-battle. You're laying on the ground with something draped over you....it's Redson's jacket :D
He sees you're awake and immediately starts asking you how you are, do you need anything, are you in pain, etc
You're kinda amazed he's being this nice, especially in front of the others.
"Red." "I--yes?" "Relax." "yup you got it."
He's extra mindful of you for a bit. They let you sleep at their place, they send you with runes for protection whenever you're on your own, and perhaps the best privilege is getting his soft side.
Yeah, 10/10 :]]
How about a prompt (one shot or head canon, your choice) for wukong and Macaque with a S/O (platonic) who is an introverted pacifist (most of the time) but if provoked can show a display of power rivaling the monkey king.
SWK and Macaque x Introverted but scary!GN!reader (Platonic Headcanons!)

SWK - At first he's like "aw sweet person who likes hanging out with me :)" and he's absolutely adoring how nice you are. He's convinced you can do no wrong! But then you get provoked and it's a whole different story. He sees your abilities and he can't help but be a bit intimidated. He hesitates to ask you about it. If you talk to him about it first, he'll be more calm and probably more openly curious. But if he has to come to you, he'll be a little more cautious. He doesn't want another Macaque situation in any capacity, so he treats you as well as he's able to....he still thinks you're fun to be around though!
Macaque - he likes hanging out with you! You just get it. He's introverted too, but even on days where he's a little low on energy he's happy to make some time for you. He likes enjoying some quiet time with you, reading or listening to music. He's generally much nicer to you than others since he feels you two understand each other. When he has an opportunity to see what you're like when provoked, he can't help being a little fearful. After all he thought you were relatively harmless. This new side is a bit intriguing to him, but he knows now to keep himself in your good graces.
Just a random idea, Monkey having a toddler monkey child reader (maybe 2 to 3 years old) that he keeps hidden on Flower Fruit Mountain for protective reasons, imagine everyone's reaction to meeting this little cutie when they only came to FFM to visit.
Aww I love that actually
Monkey King w/ Toddler Monkey Child reader! Headcanons
You're in good hands! Or, well, paws??
He keeps you very safe. There are lots of monkeys he trusts to take care of you if he's unable to
You live with him in his hut primarily, but there are tree nests scattered throughout flower fruit if ever he wants you two to sleep under the stars
He leaves a few duplicates with you if he has to leave for an extended period of time
When he finally lets the gang meet you he makes sure you're secured to him the whole time--he doesn't want anyone else picking you up or anything especially if you're not comfy with it.
MK and Mei absolutely adore you, Mei wants to take a bunch of pictures and put you in cute pic outfits! And MK just wants to hug you tight
Pigsy and Tang are questioning Wukong like "how old are they?" "do you take care of them properly??" "Do you need a set of actual babysitters??"
Sandy is probably the best with kids so he gets attached to you easily! But he won't like grab you off the ground to hug you--he doesn't want to make you upset
Redson is indifferent, he only came along because MK and Mei dragged them into it but he guesses you're pretty cute for the child of his parent's enemy
Macaque thinks you're really adorable and of course his parental instincts kick in but he'd never admit it
Over time the gang becomes like your adoptive family in a way and Wukong trusts them with you if he's not able to take care of you at the moment.
It's all very sweet :)) and you are treated with the utmost love and care(you're also spoiled rotten but really what's the problem with that?)
hello! Can i ask for a platonic freenoodles(pigsy x tang), macaque & sun wukong with a teenager reader (platonic as i mentioned) Who does ballet and acting, but gets a little nervous before actuations just comfort & fluff tysm
Awwwwww I love this so much, I think I got dad vibes from the prompt but if it's a different case lemme know (I think I understood what you meant combination wise forgive me if I mixed it up)
Freenoodles and Shadowpeach(separately)x GN!Teen!Theater Kid!Reader (Platonic Headcanons!)
So supportive. Tang knows much more about theater than Pigsy does but that's okay! Pigsy makes sure you don't miss any rehearsals or anything and Tang helps you run through your lines and what not at home if you want to practice! Alternatively, if you're doing tech support, costumes, etc, they'll lend any assistance they're able to!
When opening night comes along they're both sitting towards the front cheering you on(quietly of course). No matter who you end up playing(be it a tree, a villain, or a hero)they are invested in your performance!! If you're doing tech support or whatever they're very excited to see all the hard work you've put in! Afterwards they get pictures of you, give you a little bouquet, and Pigsy makes whatever you'd like for dinner.
Wukong isn't nearly as excited as Macaque but that doesn't mean he doesn't care! He just doesn't have a thing for dramatics the way that Mac does. Macaque is already asking a million questions--what show are you doing? Who do you play? Or are you working behind the scenes?--and then when he's gotten answers he will most likely do something to celebrate. Might take you out for ice cream or something! After that, expect both monkeys to offer you whatever help you need in terms of rehearsing or crafting for the show!
Wukong gradually becomes more invested the closer it gets to opening night. Macaque got them both front row seats and he might even dress up for it lol. They both love seeing you perform or seeing the artistry you put into the show! Afterwards they're cheering and giving you a standing ovation. They tell you everything they loved about the show, how well you did, and then take you wherever you want for a nice post-show dinner!