Regina X Janis X Reader - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Just a Kiss, Right? (pt. 1)

(pt. 2)

Regina helps teach you how to kiss because you like Janis

“Oh my goodness I really like Janis but what if I’m a bad kisser like what if she gives me a chance and-“ your rambling is stopping by Regina putting a finger to your mouth “Y/n calm down, we can just kiss and I’ll tell you how you do” “This isn’t gonna make things weird between us right?” You say cautiously “Y/n, kisses don’t always have to mean you like someone like that, me, Gretch, and Karen practice kissing all the time, I know you like Janis and since you’re my friend I want to help you” Regina says trying to get you to chill out “Well…ok then” you both lean in and kiss it’s nice really nice you both pull away before the kiss can escalate in any way “Wow you’re a really good kisser y/n” Regina says wiping her smeared lipgloss of the bottom of her lip “Oh um thanks” you say blushing a little “um well I’m gonna go thank you so much Regina I really appreciate” you say pulling her in for a hug. “Of course any time, Bye y/n” she says as you leave, Regina calls Gretchen as soon as she hears the front door close down stairs

“Hey G what’s up?” Gretchen answers “Gretchen I have a problem” Regina says a little panicked “Gina what’s the matter? You didn’t kill anybody right?” Gretchen says really concerned do to Regina’s out of character behavior “What? no? I- I think I like…(y/n)” Regina says feeling a little anxious “Oh Gina you can’t like y/n that’s totally against the rules of feminism her and Janis are like practically dating and you just fixed your relationship with Janis you don’t want to ruin it that would be like super bad” Gretchen rambles “I know, can you just come over so I don’t have to be alone with my thoughts thinking about it is stressing me out” Regina says with a sigh “yeah I’ll be over in like 10 ish minutes, k?” Gretchen says grabbing her purse and heading to the door “ok see you soon bye” “bye” Regina hangs up and screams into her pillow “god damn it Regina why are you so stupid” she tells herself


‘Oh my god’ you thought ‘I can’t like Regina I like Janis like sooo much shes like the best thing to happen to me…but Regina I don’t know why I’m drawn to her and that kiss definitely meant something to me…what am I going to tell Janis “hey remember your best friend turned enemy turned friend again? Yeah well guess who has a crush on her? Me yup but like also have a crush on you” no that’s dumb’. Your phone buzzed which pulled you out of your thoughts

👾Janis💕: heyyy beautiful I miss you

(Y/N): aw Janis I miss you too

You’re heart was pounding trying to wrap your head around these feelings


“Maybe you should talk to Janis about this” Gretchen says earning a shocked look from Regina “look I know you might think it’s a bad idea but I think if you’re honest with her and yourself, you’ll feel better” “Gretch, I mean this in the nicest way possible and you know I’m trying to be nicer but that is a horrible idea” Gretchen sighed “Regina” “ugh fine I’ll talk to her”

Reg👛: hey Janis can we talk

J👾: um sure what’s up? Is this a call or text or in person situation?

Reg👛: um call or in person but if it’s in person you can’t get mad at me

J👾: reg what’s going on?

Reg👛: can you just come over to my house please

Janis was definitely concerned, Regina said please and wants to talk to her. Janis quickly got ready and headed over to Regina’s house on her skateboard

“Ok I’m gonna go call me after you talk to her for a debrief” Gretchen said hugging Regina “I don’t even know what to say” Regina complained “just be honest, you got this Gina” Gretchen says pulling away from the hug “bye Gretch” Regina said with a sigh


Shortly after Gretchen left there’s a knock at the front door. Regina heads down stairs and answers it. “Janis, wow you got her fast” “uh yeah hi, what did you want to talk about?” Janis said leaning in her board “oh um right, let um go to my room” Regina said awkwardly, alarming Janis slightly but still following Regina upstairs. The enter Regina’s room and she closes the door. “Ok don’t get mad and don’t freak out, ok?” Regina said hesitantly “ok…?” Janis said confused but wanting to know what Regina has to say “ok so I know (Y/N) likes you and I’m pretty sure you like her too which makes sense but I decided to help her out because she was worried about being a bad kisser and you know I help Gretchen with that all the time but with (Y/N) it felt different my whole body was like tingly in a good way and I think I have a crush on her which is honestly really weird because I haven’t felt like this since- “ Regina paused her rambling and made eye contact with Janis realizing the feelings that she thought were gone flooded back like they never left “since us…?” Janis said “yeah” Regina said softly “so we both like y/n, that’s ok, feelings aren’t something you can control Reg, I’m not mad at you for liking her she’s awesome” Janis said calmly “J I- never mind” Regina said too scared to continue which was weird given her usual confidence “Reg you gotta be completely honest with me for us to work, so what is it talk to me?” Janis said putting a gentle hand on Regina’s knee to show she’s not trying to be threatening “J I think my feelings for you never went away but that doesn’t make sense because how could I like y/n and you, you can only like one person at a time” Regina said starting to be more confused with herself and feelings “that’s actually not true, you can like a lot of people, it’s called being polyamorous, I’m polyamorous” Janis said a little nervous “wait really?” Regina said with a slight head tilt “yeah, also I think I still have feelings for you too which I have definitely been trying to ignore” Janis said looking down at her hands “wait what? Really? Don’t mess with me Janis that’s not funny” Regina said getting defensive “Reg, chill” Janis said putting her hand on Regina’s thigh. Regina’s breath hitched in her throat as she looks down at Janis’ hand then back up at Janis “J, I um” Regina said blushing “oh um sorry I didn’t um” Janis said pulling her hand off of Regina, Regina stopped her and and said “Janis can I um can I kiss you?” Janis nodded starting to lean in for a kiss, Regina connected their lips the same spark Regina felt earlier with y/n was there again but with Janis. They both pulled away “wow” Janis said blushing “you’re good at that” Regina giggled

*buzz* *buzz* Regina’s phone vibrated, it was y/n calling

“It’s y/n” Regina said to Janis “answer it” said Janis “ok” Regina said answering the call

“Hello?” “Hey Gina um can we talk about are um kiss from earlier?” You said worried she be mad about you bringing it up “yeah what’s up?” Regina said “um I think it meant something to me and I’m kind of hoping it meant something to you too? Also I have to be honest I still like Janis so i don’t know I feel really confused” you said freaking out a little “hey y/n” Janis said making you freak out more “JANIS?!?!” “The one and only” you couldn’t see her but you could hear the smirk on her face the way she said it “did you um hear everything I just said?” You said sounding worried “yeah but I also heard Regina have a very similar freak out a few minutes ago so don’t worry” “wait what?” “I like you y/n…and I also like Janis” Regina said “WAIT SO WE ALL LIKE EACH OTHER?” Happy shocked “Yeah” Janis said with a small laugh “um y/n you should come over to my place, Janis is already here and I feel like maybe we should um just like all be together right now you to like figure out what this means for us?” Regina suggested “um yeah absolutely I’ll be there soon” you said putting on your shoes


*knock* *knock* “hey y/n” Janis says as she opens the door looking you up and down slowly “h-hi” you said blushing slightly

A/N: does this suck or should I write a part 2?

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10 months ago

Just a kiss right? (pt. 2)

(pt. 1)

“Ok so this isn’t a prank? and you both actually like me? Don’t get me wrong, I trust you guys but you guys have also destroyed each other’s lives and this would be the perfect way to destroy mine but I’m not saying that you guys would do that I’m just…scared” you said freaking out and rambling “I totally understand why you’re worried but I promise this isn’t a prank, we really like you y/n. we’ve worked past our conflicts and we’re doing a lot better” Janis said with a reassuring smile “there’s still stuff we have to work on and honesty is going to be very important in this- for us” Regina added on “does this mean we’re girlfriends or does this just mean we like each other and we’re gonna see what happens because I’m fine with either but also saying I’m dating the two most beautiful girls I’ve ever met would be awesome” you say smiling like a dork, earning a small chuckle from Janis “girlfriends?” Regina said looking at Janis “you don’t have to say yes, I don’t even know why I brought it up, god I’m so stupid” saying the last part under your breath hoping the girls didn’t hear you “don’t say that y/n, you’re not stupid, you’re smart and kind and funny and so not stupid don’t ever talk about yourself like that again” Regina said a little upset, not at you necessarily but upset that you would think about yourself like that “I’ll leave it up to you Reg because I’d absolutely love it but I don’t want to make you feel lol you have to if you’re not ready” Janis said looking at Regina “I think I want this but I’m scared…” Regina said looking down at her hands, you gently grab Regina’s hands and she looks up at you, her eyes starting to fill up with tears “Reggie what’s wrong, talk to us” you say wiping a tear that fell on Regina’s cheek “I don’t know this is just a lot- a lot of new, it’s a good new but” Regina was cut off by a big hug from you and Janis “can we just not tell people yet I’m not really ready?” Regina said leaning on you “of course Reg, we’ll wait till you’re ready, I’m really proud of you for communicating your feelings I know that’s hard for you sometimes” Janis said kissing Regina’s forehead “So girlfriends but not telling anyone yet?” You asked “mhm” Regina said with a nod “sooo my amazing blonde girlfriend can I give you a kiss” you say with a little giggle “get over here you dork” Regina says pulling you in for a kiss “um I’m feeling a little left out over her” Janis said pretending to be offended “uh oh y/n it looks like we gotta smother Janis in kisses” Regina says trying not to laugh “oh yeah definitely” you say starting to attack Janis’ cheek with kisses and Regina kisses Janis on the lips, when Regina pulled away Janis said “I think I can get used to this” you all started giggling. “Wanna watch a movie?” Regina asked “ooo yes” you said laying on Regina’s big bed “J, can you set up a movie while I get snacks” Regina asks stoping in her bedroom door frame “of course I can” Janis says turning on the tv to find a movie. By the time Regina comes back up you and Janis are snuggled up waiting for her with a movie you guys have seen a million times but still love “aw you two are adorable” Regina says after setting down the snacks and taking a picture “Reggie get over here and cuddle with us so we can start the movie” you three cuddle and eat snacks for most of the movie till you notice Janis starting to dose off “psst Reggie, I think our girlfriend is getting sleepy” you whisper over to her “oh baby I think you’re right, hey bubs you sleepy?” Regina asks Janis “hmm mhm sorry” Janis mumbles cuddling in closer to the blonde “good night J, we’ll be here when you wake up, get some rest cutie” you say kissing her forehead. Janis falls asleep between you and Regina while Regina puts on a second movie. You both eventually start falling asleep too. “Reggie?” You mumble “hmm baby?” Regina replied sleepily “I’m getting sleepy” you say then yawn “me too baby, go to sleep you’re safe here” Regina said reaching over Janis to boop you on the nose “good night babe” you say dosing off “good night baby”

A/N: tbh forgot about so I’m sorry if it sucks lol

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10 months ago


Fluff-🤍 Smut-❤️‍🔥 Angst-💔

~Coming soon~

Mean Girls:


I’m lonely and it’s raining 🤍

Hanging out takes an interesting turn 🤍❤️‍🔥

Sleepy 🤍

Library 🤍

Cute math class girl 🤍

More than friends? 🤍

(not yet) Naked (but) in Manhattan (pt. 1) 🤍


Naked in Manhattan (pt. 2) ❤️‍🔥


Like a dog (pt. 1) 💔

Like a dog (pt. 2) ❤️‍🔥

Cutie (pt. 1) 🤍

Cutie (pt. 2) ❤️‍🔥

Cady’s Cousin (multi part):

Cady’s cousin Reader x Janis

Cady’s Cousin (pt.1) 🤍

Cady’s Cousin (pt.2) 🤍

Cady’s Cousin (pt.3) 🤍

Cady’s Cousin (pt. 4) 🤍

Just a Kiss, Right? (multi part):

Janis x Regina x Reader

Just a Kiss, Right? (pt. 1) 🤍

Just a Kiss, Right? (pt. 2) 🤍

CRUSH 2022:


Art Presentation 💔🤍

*cough* *cough* sick day 🤍

Grumpy 🤍

Leave me alone 💔🤍

Careful 🤍

Darby and the Dead


Kids 🤍

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