Rengoku Kyoujurou X Reader - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I truly enjoyed this one. hopefully, more chapters could be added. buttt, these are enjoyable enough!

Kyojuro Rengoku-Delectable Fire

Foreign Chef Y/N

8 Chapters

Subjects: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Blood, Slight mention of abuse, Mature Language

Kyojuro Rengoku-Delectable Fire

Chapter One

Chapter Includes: Nothing special lol

6.2k words

You stood behind the counter, looking out the window at the empty road. Trees swaying in the breeze.

You sighed deeply as the minutes ticked by and no one came in.

Your mom and you traveled thousands of miles to Japan just for the adventure. This was your last stop on the journey. It was your moms dream to sell food in many different countries, so people would be able to experience the treasure that was her cooking. Her words, not yours. She was passionate about cooking.

She instilled all of her wisdom and skill into you. You've been cooking since you were 7. Small things, first of course, like creating doughs, baking, mixing, things that didn't require too much detail, up until you were around 10. That's when she started hammering everything she knew into your brain.

You were 13 when she decided to start the journey, and after 7 years, you've taken over. You didn't want to, but she insisted. With this being the place you would most likely live for the rest of your lives, she wanted to expand. You weren't making hardly any money here, so she wanted to go to another area of the state to see if you'd have more luck there. Well, after 7 months, nothing.

If you didn't start getting customers outside of your regulars, you would have to close and find other ways to make money. The thought made you sad. Your mom had been successful in the past but Japan was proving difficult. You had even learned to make the popular dishes here but you didn't have anyone to serve it to. Except your regulars, but they preferred your traditional home cooking. Thrilled to have experienced something different than what they were used to. They said it was like traveling, without actually having to. You're grateful to them, those regulars are the reasons you can keep the lights on.

Your thoughts were interrupted as your favorite regular stepped inside your small restaurant.

"Good afternoon Ms. L/N." He smiled brightly.

"Senjuro! We're like family." You smiled and playfully berated the young boy.

"Right, I'm sorry, y/n. Force of habit." He laughed although his cheeks warmed up, flushing pink.

This caused you to smile more. He was so proper and polite, always speaking to you formally despite how long he's been coming here and how much you know about each other. He felt like a little brother to you.

"No worries. How are you today?" You asked him watching as he took a seat at a table near the wall.

"I'm great. How are you? Have you heard from your mom since we last spoke?" He asked.

You walked over to the table, leaning against the table across from him.

"Yeah, she said her stall is doing good, she thinks people like the handheld things cause it's easy to eat. Said she'll be staying there to see if anything improves."

"That's great!" He smiled.

"Yeah it is."

"How is she doing? Is she safe?" He asked with a slight worry in his brow.

"You ask that a lot. She's safe. She actually wrote 'Tell Senjuro I am safe and well.' At the end of her letter." You laughed.

He always asked about her safety, but he never told you why when you asked. He would just say, "oh it's nothing, just making sure." Before your mom left, he did make her promise to mind her surroundings when closing at night, saying the town she was in just isn't as friendly as this one. That was the most we got from him, and we both figured it was because we're foreigners, so we let it be.

We're no strangers to people being mean and nasty just because we didn't look like or dress like them. Happened in every country we visited.

His cheeks reddened again. "Oh, tell her I don't mean to be a bother."

"You are not a bother. And tell her yourself? I know she would love to hear from you. Actually let me get the letters, she mentioned you in. I'll be right back." You told him before heading to the back, to go upstairs to your room.

At the time that your mom bought this building, you couldn't afford to find somewhere else to live, you got lucky that there was room spanning the size of the building, with a bathroom upstairs. Now that you were living alone because your mom relocated, the space felt empty and lonely. It didn't help that there were no windows up here.

You walked over to the desk and grabbed the letter your mom wrote, and blank paper for Senjuro.

When you got back Senjuro smiled.

"Thanks y/n." He said.

"No problem. So...what are you having?" You asked after you sat the papers and pen in front of him.

"Whatever the special is today, but I'm gonna wait until my brother gets here to actually order." He said.

You've heard nothing but good things about his brother. It was clear Senjoru admired him from the way he speaks about him and how his eyes brighten. You knew that he never came with Senjuro because he was a very busy guy, who works overnight.

"Oh really?" You asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Senjuro spoke his tone changing. "It was kind of a bad day yesterday, with our dad, so he asked what I would be doing today, and promised he would come meet me here. A-as a pick me up, since he wasn't there yesterday." He lowered his gaze, sadness in his eyes.

You sat down in the seat across from him. Crossing your arms on the table.

"Are you okay?" You ask quietly.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He replied. But you knew better. He wasn't. The very first time you met Senjuro he was here crying while he attempted to eat. You and your mom were so worried about the young boy you watched him carefully. He fell asleep at the table and was apologetic when he awoke, but you assured him it was okay and that he could sleep and sit there as long as he wanted. He came back everyday for a week, and by the end of the week, he told you a little bit about his dad's temperament. Quickly explaining that he was just sad inside.

Ever since then he's been coming to the restaurant as an escape when needed. Your mom adored him, and so did you. He became family fast. You never pried too hard into his life just accepting whatever he wanted to share. You still don't know for sure how things happen at home, but when he told you about his brother for the first time you felt much better. Thankful that he wasn't always alone and that he had someone while his dad was in his temporary but 'long term' state of grief.

It didn't make it okay, but you also tried not to pass judgement or speak too harshly about his father for his sake. You would always just settle for, 'you know if you ever need me, I'm here, and I can also be there if you need me to be too.' Reminding him that he never had to feel alone. Your mom would always tell Senjuro to give her the word and she would tell his Dad off so well, he'd quickly get his act together and be a good dad like he use to. Of course he'd never taken her up on her offer though. Also telling us that his dad was a powerful man.

Your mom did not care. And neither did you. Your mom had a way of cursing people out that you were so confident in, you knew she could set anybody straight. Especially after traveling for years and seeing up close and personal how huge men cowered away from your mother. She once even cussed out a King and he listened to her. You've never doubted her since.

"What do you want to drink?" You asked him changing the subject.

"Anything is fine." He answered looking relieved.

"Okay." You stood and walked into the kitchen. You grabbed everything you needed out of the cooler and cabinets. Humming a song to yourself as you made the drinks. You were making a creamy rice water drink, hoping Senjuro would like it.

When you finished, you poured some into two glasses, and made your way back to the table. You smiled as you sat down seeing that Senjuro had already filled up the front and back of a paper for your mom. As you pushed his cup over to him he smiled sheepishly.

"I kind of miss your mom."

"I know for a fact she misses you too. She's gonna be so excited when she sees you wrote to her." You laughed lightly imagining her face. She's going to cry. She thinks of Senjuro as her Japanese baby.

He took a sip of his drink, his eyes widening immediately after. "Whoa." He said before he took huge gulp. "Whoa." He replied again.

"So I guess you like it." You laughed playfully.

He nodded his head quickly, before finishing his cup.

"Let me get you some more." You said before you moved to get up.

"I'm sorry." He laughed. "You just sat down."

"Don't worry, it's fine I promise."

Once you stood grabbing his cup, the bell above the door rang.

"Brother!" Senjuro waved happily.

Your eyes lifted to the man walking over to you and it took everything in you not to drop the glass in your hand. It's just you and Senjuro here but his aura is demanding your full attention. You felt like you were in the presence of royalty or something. Someone deserving of the utmost respect.

"Hello Senjuro, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." He replied, his tone jarring but pleasant.

"Of course not. Brother, this is y/n l/n. Y/n this is my brother Kyojuro." Senjuro smiled as he introduced you two.

Kyojuro reached the table and bowed in greeting to you.

"Hello y/n, nice to meet you."

You returned it. "You too." You said quietly. "I'll be right back." You turned quickly on your heel and went back into the kitchen. Your heart was beating rapidly, and you didn't know why. There was no reason for him to be making you nervous.

You filled two cups, one Senjuro's, and walked back out to the table.

You sat the cups in front of the brothers. You could see from Kyojuro's legs that there wouldn't be much space for you to sit back down. Not without bumping into him.

"What's this?" Kyojuro asked.

As you told him the name you watched as his eyes widened while drinking it.

"Delicious!" He said very enthusiastically.

You glanced at Senjuro, who looked slightly embarrassed but held a smile on his face anyway.

"What's that spice?"

"Cinnamon." You told him, your eyes now back on Kyojuro.

"That's the most delicious drink I've ever had. Do you have more?" He asked in his same shockingly urgent tone.

His eyes glanced at your full glass still sitting on the table, when Senjuro pushed his cup to him.

Kyojuro immediately accepted the cup and drank his.

"Delicious!" He said again.

Without a word you went back to the kitchen, and poured the rest from the pot into a pitcher. You brought the pitcher out and sat it on the table.

Senjuro handed you your cup, like he was protecting it for you.

"Thanks" you smiled.

"Yeah." He smiled back.

"So Kyojuro" you said, your eyes almost leaving his face when he set his intense gaze on you, holding yours in place. "Please do look over today's menu, and let me know what you would like." You told him gesturing to the middle of the table where the menu stood.

"Hm." He replied with a nod of his head. "Do tell me what you recommend brother." He said to Senjuro.

"Everything is really good honestly, but I am going to have todays special." He answered.

"Okay, I'll have the same." Kyojuro enthused.

You watched as Senjuro smiled wider.

How cute. You thought.

"Okay give me about 15 minutes. No more no less." You said before you turned away to the kitchen.

Inside, you grabbed your dough you prepped this morning and began warming up the meat you've already made.

As the meat warms, you sprinkle out some flour before placing your dough on the counter. You knead and work the dough the couple of minutes it takes you, before you warm up your oil. Once back at the counter you hear the bell, your eyes quickly flying up to see one of your usual customers. You smile at him as he walks to the counter in front.

"Hello maker of my day!" He smiles at you.

"Hello Yoshimatsu." You say in a sing song voice, giving him the same energy he gives you everytime he visits.

"You know that I want, whatever you're giving." He beams. His eyes bright with humor.

"You got it. You're right on time actually. I’ll have it to you in just a few minutes."

"Sounds good." He says before tapping the counter turning to take a seat.

You direct your attention back to your task as you hear him greet Senjuro. He greets his brother, and the tone of Kyojuro's voice makes you look up at him. It's the same volume as before but less cheery. You glance up to see that the smile he wore wasn't present. The sight making you smile. That's the face of a protective brother. You think to yourself.

Attention back to the most important task, you fill your dough with it's necessary contents, before closing them and then dropping them in the oil. You're back and forth, quickly moving to get your sides plated, which are always warm and ready to go.

Also making more of the creamy rice water drink from before.

In just a couple more minutes you are bringing plates out to the counter.

You take Senjuro and his brother their steaming plates, watching as they both smile, similar smiles. You grab the empty pitcher and return to the kitchen filling it, and grab a water pitcher before returning and placing them back at the table. Then you grab Yoshimatsu's from the counter, bringing to him his plate and a glass of water.

"Wowww." He sighs, as he takes in the aroma.

You smile at his reaction.

"This is new." He said looking up at you.



You turn your head quickly to the booming voice from behind you. Yoshimatsu as well.

"This is incredible!" Kyojuro exclaims again.

You remember Senjuro telling you that Kyojuro was very unique with an even more distinctive relationship with food. This must be what he meant.

"Scrumptious!" He says again, taking another bite of his food.

You smile and turn your attention back to Yoshimatsu.

"Yeah, this is the first time making it here, we finally got the ingredients we needed in."

"Ohhh okay." He replied "your presentation in impeccable."

Your smile morphs into a sarcastic grin. "I just put it on the plate Yoshi."

"And it turns out like a work of art everytime." He grins back, playfully.

"Oh please." You laugh, "tell me what you think." You gesture to his plate.

You wait as he eats some of everything. His immediate reaction told you everything you needed to know, now you were just waiting on his verbal declaration.

"Amazing." He sighs when his mouth is clear. "You're an incredible chef."

"Thank you." You smile. "I'll leave you to it." You say before he nods and you walk away. You see that Kyojuro's plate is empty, and your eyes widen as you approached the table.

"That was fast." You said to him.

He laughed, loudly.

"Yes, it was simply incredible. Is there anymore?" He said his bright eyes on you.

"Yeah." You smile before taking his plate.

After getting more, you return to the table and set the newly filled dish in front of him.

"Thank you." He exclaims before immediately diving in.

"Tasty!" He exclaims.

You raise your eyebrows at the outburst, surprised he made it just seconds after a bite.

Senjuro let's out a quick laugh. "Ignore him, it's sort of an absentminded thing he does. Unless you manage to distract him."

You nod your head, an amused smile growing on your face. You look at Senjuro's plate. He's not even halfway done.

"How is it?" You ask him.

Another tasty exclamation comes from his brother, and you laugh at the timing.

"What he said." Senjuro smiled.

"Cool, I'll leave you to it." You say, your usual statement, before walking back to the kitchen. You straighten and clean up a bit as you listen to Kyojuro's outbursts.

When you're done, you stand behind the counter and talk with Yoshi. He tells you about what his night will look like, the jokes he's got planned, and the woman he's finally going to introduce himself to.

You banter back and forth until he leaves an hour and a half later. You clean and put away his dishes silently as you didn't want to be too noisy in the background of Senjuro's and Kyojuro's conversation.

When you finish you lean against the counter, internally sighing as no other customers have come by. Kyojuro's high energy voice pulls you out of your personal thoughts.

"Y/n, please, join us." He said, his eyes on you.

You smile and walk over to their table. "I didn't want to intrude." You say, glancing down at Kyojuro's legs like earlier. He honestly was in your way. Maybe not so much but you were worried about accidentally making contact with him, bumping into him as you moved into the bench.

"We're family remember? You don't have to worry about that." Senjuro smiled at you.

Your smile widened. "Yes, you're right." You glance at Kyojuro's legs once more, hesitant to sit. "Let me clear this for you first, do you need me to bring anything else back?" You grab their empty plates and cups and pitchers, balancing them carefully in your arms.

"No thank you." They both say in unison, causing them to laugh together.

"K." You say before you turn to walk away.

When you return Kyojuro is standing beside the table. He gestures for you to sit down first.

You semi nod in thanks, and then slide into the bench, sitting in front of Senjuro. Once Kyojuro sits back down Senjuro pulls the letters back out. He carefully slides them over to you.

"I hope your mom can smile from my letter. And thanks for letting me read hers." He says.

"Aw Senji, of course." You smile at the sweet young boy in front of you. You have no doubt his letter would bring joy to your mom.

"Your mom, where is she?" Kyojuro asks.

"3 towns over, testing the waters there."

"Ah, looking to expand?"

"Yes. We don't get enough customers here."

"Is that so? I can't believe it."

"Yeah, people just don't come in."

"Hmm." He said, his hand coming up to rest on his chin.

"It's a shame, they're missing out on really great food." Senji chimed in.

"They certainly are. Tell me y/n, how did you become a culinary expert?"

"Oh, I'm certainly no expert, but my mom taught me everything I know."

"I disagree. I've never tasted anything as pleasant as what you served us today. You deserve the highest title of recognition."

You smile shyly at the high praise he gave you. "I just follow my mom's recipe." You mumble.

"And you excel at executing it." His large bright eyes burning into your own, suddenly becoming way too much paired with the compliments. You look away, eyes on your fingers.

"Thank you." You reply.

"Yes." He nods.

After a few beats of silence you speak.

"So Kyojuro, Senji tells me you do really important work and are highly skilled at what you do too."

Kyojuro nods again, turning to look at his brother with a smile.

"Yes, I do my best. I'm pleased that it doesn't go unnoticed."

"What kind of work do you do?" You ask.

Senjuro gasps, his hands flying to his brother. "He's a fighter. Right Kyojuro." He looks at him with a worried look in his eyes.

You look between them both, seeing a silent interaction happening between them.

"Yes, I fight." Kyojuro said before his eyes land back on you.

That's vague, and maybe a little strange as far as occupations go, but seeing that non verbal exchange made you drop it.

"Oh okay, cool." You reply. Senji noticeably relaxed at your response.

"So y/n, where are you from?" Kyojuro changes the subject.

You tell him and he looks intrigued.

"What's it like there?"

"Mostly warm, sunny, beautiful. Some places are really sandy and dry, others are lush and green."

"Sounds beautiful." He replied.

You guys talked, getting to know each other, Senji offering random facts about each of you when it seemed as though you forgot to say them yourselves. While you were immersed in conversation it did not go unnoticed by you that still no one came in.

"I think I ought to get home, and check on father." Senji said after your conversation died down.

Kyojuro nodded to him before standing from the booth. "I'll walk you before I go on patrol."

You got up, bringing the letters with you, followed by Senji.

"It was most pleasurable to meet you." Kyojuro said smiling at you, his eyes closing with the action.

You found yourself blushing at the sincerity you felt radiating from him. He genuinely seemed pleased.

"It was, I hope to see you again." You replied, your own expression turning into a smile.

"You will indeed." He answered.

Senji held his money out to you. You were reluctant to take it, eyeing his hand momentarily. You remember him telling you that it was honorable for a man to pay for the services he received and that if you didn't accept his payment for his meals, it would reflect badly on him.

You held your laugh in when he said that, but you could see he really wasn't going to just eat for free. So you took it, but you do have all of his payments in a small box upstairs, ready to give back to him one day. You'd never tell him this though.

"Thank you." You told him to which he smiled brightly.

"Of course, see you soon." He said before he hugged you.

They turned to leave and you busied yourself with inventory and cleaning.


Yesterday was awful in terms of business but no surprise there. Only one more of your regular customers came in after Senji and Kyojuro left. You were starting to think they only came in because they knew business was super slow

You were downstairs in the kitchen after having showered, making yourself breakfast because you could not sleep. Stress had kept you tossing and turning throughout the night. At the moment you were grinding your coffee beans when a light knock on the door caught your attention. Looking up you saw Kyojuro standing outside, his hand raised in a wave. You felt heat rise to your cheeks for forgetting to close your shades because you looked a mess.

You stopped your actions and walked to the door, unlocking it before letting him in.

"Hey Kyojuro." You smiled stepping back so he could walk in.

Once he stepped inside he closed the door and locked it.

You noticed he had a sword on his hip this time.

"Did you just get off work?" You asked him, eyeing his sword.

"Are you okay?" He asked you. Looking at you intently, his brows slightly furrowed and that smile that almost never left his face yesterday wasn't present.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" You responded, worry settling into your bones. What is going on, what's this sense of urgency?

"No." As soon as he spoke, you heard a noise upstairs, like a chair scraping across the floor.

You froze in place.

"There was no else here with you right?" Kyojuro asked, his hand moving to his sword.

You couldn't speak, you just shook your head no.

He turned around swiftly closing your curtains over the windows and the door.

There was another scratching noise upstairs, before a loud thud was heard. Something falling?

"Stay right here." He said before running upstairs.

You watched him go, your eyes wide with shock.

When he got upstairs you heard commotion before a glass shattered. A few seconds later you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You were rooted in your spot, praying it was Kyojuro.

When you saw the yellow hair you sighed in relief. He closed the door to your room, turning to look at the back door.

"Do you have a handy man?" He called to you, his voice clear even though he was far away from you.

"No." You replied.

"You need one." He said.

"What's going on? Someone broke in?" You said, taking steps to bring you closer to him.

"Something." He said.

"Something?" You asked looking past him and seeing the door. The handle was broken.

"Yes, a demon." He replied turning to look at you.

You were still feeling uneasy so you stood staring at him for a few moments before what he said dawned on you.

"A demon?"

"Yes." He said.

"'re just joking with me right?" You shifted awkwardly, scratching your arm absently.

"I am not. There was indeed a demon upstairs."

"A demon?" You asked again.

"Yes." This time, his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he spoke.

There's no way he's saying what you think. They exist? Like tangibly? Not as metaphors?

"Ok, that's not funny Kyojuro."

"What ever do you mean? I don't intend to joke, I am not joking."

"Kyojuro, please, I'm serious." You whispered.

"I'm not joking."

"So you're telling me demons exist and one is in here without me knowing?"

"Was, not anymore, but yes. Are you feeling okay?" Kyojuro's tone turned from his calm to concerned.

"Mhm." You replied. Your heart was racing, palms clammy and an uncomfortable feeling was growing in your gut.

This news was unsettling, and your mind was having difficulty accepting it. It had to be a joke.

"Y/n?" Kyojuro’s voice called from far away.


Kyojuro's POV

I do hope she's okay. It's been a while.

Y/n had fainted downstairs, I think from shock. The news about a demon being here must've been too much.

I brought her upstairs to lay down comfortably and then I made sure to clear the evidence of her room having been occupied by such an unsightly creature.

Y/n finally moved. I leaned forward to get a look at her face. She was waking.

"Kyojuro." She said. Her eyes were still closed, her voice quiet.

"Yes?" I asked.

She was silent for a long while, I thought she had fallen asleep, until she sat up abruptly.

"Kyojuro...." She mused.

I had the feeling she wasn't actually calling out to me, so I remained silent.

"You're that means....I wasn't dreaming......." She trailed off.

She stood suddenly and started grabbing clothes out of her cabinet.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked as I watched her quick movements.



"To my mom."

"Right now?"


"Okay." I replied, standing from my spot on the floor. I began walking out of her bedroom space.

"Wait, please." She said stopping her movements.

"Don't leave me in here." She said softly, fear evident in her eyes.

It made me feel sad to see such a look.

I stopped and stood beside her. Nodding my head.

She turned back around and continued packing things into her bag.

I could see that her hands were shaking, she was doing her best to keep it under control though.

"What do you usually do to relax?" I asked her.

", cook...or eat." She spoke.

"Hmm...would you like to try doing one of those things? We can go get food?"

She stood up from where she was kneeling in front of her cabinet, leaving her bag on the floor.

"Okay. I can cook." She replied. Her tone and her eyes aloof.

She absently played with her fingers as she walked past me, making her way to the stairs.

I followed closely behind her. Pausing when she did at the bottom of the stairs.

"Y/n?" I called from behind her.


I placed my hand on her shoulder, "you sure you can cook?"

"Yeah." She replied before continuing her walk to the  kitchen.

I stood in the doorway watching as she pulled ingredients out and washed her hands.

"Coffee?" She asked in that same far away tone.

"Sure." I answered. I didn't want her to do anymore work, but if it would calm her then I welcome it.

She began grinding the beans, before putting them into a small pot. I watched intrigued as she moved on to making food, I couldn't tell what she was making but I knew it would be grand. As she cooked and maneuvered through the kitchen I saw her become more relaxed, her hands no longer trembling. She was in her zone.

I noticed though that every so often she would look at me, as if checking that I was still standing in the doorway.

I smiled at her antics although I also felt sympathy for her.

A few minutes later and she handed me a hot cup of coffee.

I drank it immediately.

It was like a taste of joy. It was sweet and strong. Setting my senses on fire.

"Yum!" I said, needing to express the excitement coursing through me.

She smiled at me. "Not too hot?"

"No, not at all!" I told her.

"Interesting." She mused.

"How so?"

"Just is."

"Okay." I laughed.

"You can go have a seat. I'll bring the food out to you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She replied.

I walked out to the front and sat at the large table in front of the counter. I drank the rest of the yummy coffee she made me before setting my cup down. I'd need to send a message to Senjuro, he may be expecting me home, but I have no idea when I'll get there. She's doing better but for how long?

Y/n brought out the food and all my other thoughts ceased. When she sat down in front of me I dug in. I was aware of the surprised expression she wore at my outbursts but I didn't care much. This food was most delightful and I couldn't hide that.

Y/n picked over her food, worry on her face.

"You need to talk?" I asked her.

"I don't think it will help." She said.

"Want to try?"

She looked up at me, like she was deep in thought.

I held her gaze, holding my remarks as the taste of her food was still overwhelming my mind.

"Yeah." She replied finally.

"Okay. Unload your thoughts, and questions." I said.

"I.....I guess....I don't know where to begin."

I didn't respond. I just sat quietly, waiting for her to find the words, for her to find where she wanted to begin.

A minute later she spoke.

"So...demons...are evil...they want to hurt you right?"

"More than likely."

She looked fearful and surprised.

"There's speak of demons who don't harm humans, but if you see a demon....and it looks like a demon, it's best to run away and call for help."

"How do I know if one won't harm me?" She asked.

"You won't know. You can never be too sure, but demons who disguise themselves to blend in with humans may be the ones, but again, don't take that chance. Assume they all want to hurt you."

After a few beats of silence, "so the one that was here....would've killed me?"

"Yes." I told her truthfully.

I noticed she was trembling again.

"So how did you...kill it? And how did you know it was here?"

"I sensed him as I was in the area. And I beheaded him."

"You....weren't scared?" She asked.

My laugh left my throat before I had time to think about it.

"Of course not."

"Because you've known they existed?"

"That and because I'm a demon slayer. It's my duty to kill them."

"A demon slayer?" She seemed shocked.

"Yes, there are many of us. Not nationally known or recognized but we're a whole organization, my father was one as well, in fact I followed in his footsteps."

I continued to explain to her my position, my job, and the oath I set upon fulfilling.

"Wow." She answered wide eyed. Then, for the first time today she smiled. "I see why Senjuro didn't tell me what you really do, but shared his admiration for you and your father."

I smiled as well. Im delighted to know Senjuro is proud of me. Of his father, despite who he's become.

"Thank you Kyojuro, I'm indebted to you for saving my life today."

Her smile remained, her voice sincere.

"It is an honor to have removed the filth from your home and establishment. I would do it a million times over."

Her smile grew bigger. "You say the word, and anything I have to give you is yours."

"Really?" I beamed. I could already think of something only she can give me.

"Yes! Without a question."

"Yesterday, you made the most splendid of would be such a gift to have again today."

"Say no more. Give me just a couple of minutes." She stood from her seat. Reaching for my now empty plate.

"Okay." I responded smiling at her before sitting back in my seat.

As she moved about the kitchen, I kept my eye on her. She was indeed doing better but I wanted to make sure. Just in case.

Our eyes met a couple times. I think she was checking to make sure I was still there. It was cute honestly because of the small embarrassed smile she gave me everytime.

When she brought me more food and a pitcher of the sweet drink from yesterday I thanked her.

"No problem." She smiled.

We were silent as I ate, except from my remarks of the quality of the food. I really couldn't help myself. Y/n only smiled at me when I made them.

"Where did you say your mom was located?" I asked her after I finished all of the deliciousness she provided me.

Retelling me, my eyes narrowed as I thought about how long her trip would be. It would take 8 hours for her to get there.

"By the time you get there it will be dark. The sun sets an hour earlier there." I said to her.

Her eyes widened briefly. "Oh yeah? I didn't think of that. But I'm sure I'll be fine."

I nodded. She would be fine. I'll make sure of it.

I helped her with her dishes much to her disdain, before accompanying her up stairs so she could get her bag and change her clothes.

She was wringing her fingers as we ascended the stairs, and she paused before stepping beyond the dividers to her sleeping space.

I could hear her rustling through her cabinets and chests before hearing the movement of her getting dressed.

"Kyojuro.." she called.

"I'm here." I replied.

She stepped back into the living space, a small smile on her lips.

"You're so quiet, I thought you disappeared."

"Sorry." I smiled.

I followed behind her down the stairs, admiring her outfit unabashedly. Her attire was indicative of her culture I believe, based off of the description she gave of the environment. She was wearing a wide brimmed hat, a flowy blouse that swayed and bounced with the movement, and a floor length skirt that flowed with her movement too. At her waist was a red sash with the most beautiful floral designs embroidered into it.

She turned and examined the back door, her mouth dropping open when she realized she couldn't close the door leading to her room. I had to tie the handles together so that no one could come in through the broken back door.

"Thank you Kyojuro." She said. "I didn't know what I was going to do."

"You are welcome." I stated simply.

I followed close by as she turned off the lights, and then headed to the front door.

As she locked the door I admired her attire further, as the breeze caught the fabric of her clothes.

When she turned around to face me I smiled.

"Thanks for everything Kyojuro." She said.

"Of course." I nodded. "Please be careful on your journey today."

"I will."


"Bye Kyojuro." She smiled.

"Goodbye Y/n." I smiled back. When she turned away I remained in my spot, I would watch until she was no longer in sight.

I began to worry after a few minutes when she hadn't turned back at all. Is she not aware of being watched? Can she not feel someone's gaze on her?

As if I had spoken directly to her, she turned around and waved at me. I would be lying if I said it didn't make me smile and feel warm inside. She was almost a mile away, but let me know she was aware of my presence.

Maybe she will be okay.

She will be okay.



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1 year ago

imagine matching with rengoku kyojuro on tinder...

Imagine Matching With Rengoku Kyojuro On Tinder...

❀ tinder date kyojuro who has a long ass bio, written in all caps and with an excessive amount of exclamation marks and fire emojis, but his introduction is so sweet and endearingly to the point that you ignore the possibility of him being another weirdo.


❀ tinder date kyojuro who has only uploaded three pictures of himself: a selfie featuring the most intense eyes and radiant smile you've ever seen, a shot of a table covered in various delicious-looking dishes and a full body shot of him right after a training session, displaying a very sculpted and very sweaty upper body.

❀ tinder date kyojuro whose friend, uzui, was the actual mastermind behind the idea of introducing him to online dating (and who is to blame for the addition of that third picture everyone say thank you tengen).

❀ tinder date kyojuro who isn't partial to the idea of matching for a hook-up because that's far from his style.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so pulled in by your profile when it appears that he doesn't even swipe right, he superlikes instead.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who forces himself not to stare at your swimsuit pictures because he thinks it's disrespectful, but at the same time can't stop admiring how pretty your face and smile are.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so ridiculously giddy when he matches with you (even more if you had already swiped right on him before he superliked you) that he messages you immediately.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who couldn't come up with a pick-up line to save his life, so he just started with a very simple, very straightforward "HI! I'M KYOJURO! I THINK YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! 🔥🔥😃"

❀ tinder date kyojuro who is admittedly bad at replying because he's generally very disconnected from his phone, but when he does answer he can engage in hours-long conversations if nothing else demands his immediate attention and, of course, if you're up for them.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who respectfully ends chats with other matches the moment he becomes hopeful and optimistic about the direction of his conversations with you, because he would never, ever ghost other people if he stopped being interested.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who has actually taken notes of the hints you drop from time to time, like preferred date types and spots, hobbies, your favorite flowers, what kind of drink you order at coffee shops...

❀ tinder date kyojuro who doesn't rush meeting you in real life because he's genuinely content just chatting with you and learning more about you, but is unmistakably excited when you decide to exchange phone numbers.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who is smitten with the first voice note you send him, especially because it was of you wheezing at some funny inside joke he had referenced, and he had thought you had the most stunning kettle laugh ever (he lets you know that).

❀ tinder date kyojuro who physically fist bumps the air when the topic of your actual first date together comes up, and he can't help gushing to uzui about every detail he arranges with you. "a picnic, tengen! isn't it just the most wonderful idea for a first date?"

❀ tinder date kyojuro who turns up at the park only a few minutes later than you, apologizing for making you wait with a lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who is absolutely delighted (and, flankly, a little blown away) that you had prepared some homemade food for the picnic (some of which he remembers having mentioned he likes).

❀ tinder date kyojuro who hasn't even held hands with you yet, but thinks he could marry you on the spot after the first bite of your cooking; he's the literal embodiment of the saying "the easiest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" (and yes, of course he goes "UMAI").

❀ tinder date kyojuro who loses track of time when he's with you, and visibly deflates like a scolded puppy when it gets dark because it means it's time to say goodbye. it helps, just a little, that you ask him to walk you home, and he complies without hesitation.

❀ tinder date kyojuro, whose disappointment at having to part ways with you is easily fixed when you confess that you'd love to see him again as soon as possible, and he has to actively fight the urge to squeeze the life out of you right there by your doorstep.

❀ tinder date kyojuro who deletes his tinder account as soon as he gets home because he knows it in his bones that there's no need for further searching.

Imagine Matching With Rengoku Kyojuro On Tinder...

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1 year ago

Win Stupid Prizes (rengoku x you)

wc: 0.49k

note: another hashira partner drabble because this man is so husband i cannot get enough of him.

likes/reblogs/feedback is much appreciated :)

Win Stupid Prizes (rengoku X You)

you groan, rubbing your eyes with one hand while the other slaps around his side of the bed for a body that isn't there. you flip over to find him gone but the sheets still warm. he must have left recently. "husband?"

"dearest! good morning!" his melodically enthusiastic voice responds from the other side of the house, but he doesn't come to you immediately. you huff, throwing around the pros and cons of getting out of bed and deciding to try your luck again. it was kyojuro, after all. he'd bring you the universe in a jar if you asked.


"lover!" he calls again, but still no return to your bed. you can hear the enduring smile in his voice and it takes all your patience not to feel irritated at his absence by your side. you wanted to be selfish with him. you allowed yourself to be selfish with him because no one else loved him like you did. what the hell was he doing so early? and why was it taking so damn long?

"husband." your tone goes flat with light annoyance but, if he cares, he doesn't show it. your arms briefly leave the warmth of the blankets and you just as quickly flop back onto the pillows. whatever he was doing, it definitely wasn't worth getting up so early.

"beloved!" the adoration in his tone doesn't waver. you can faintly hear clattering in the kitchen and pray he doesn't accidentally knock something over, lest you have to shoot out of bed and make sure he's okay. it was your day off, after all, yet he was choosing to make you call for him before the sun is even a quarter in the sky. you take a deep breath, steeling your nerves to yell properly.

"HUSBAN-oh." your voice catches in your throat when you see him standing confused in the doorway holding a tray of food, your favorite foods. "what is...kyo...what is this?" he beams at you, setting the tray on your lap and unnecessarily fixing the pillows behind you. the warm steam of the food wafts into your senses and you hum contentedly. you chuckle when he leans down to press a kiss behind your ear, your hand unconsciously brushing up to cup his face.

"i believe our day off should be celebrated in proper fashion." he finally returns to his place by your side, sitting with you as you stick a forkful of food into your mouth. his voice is soft and raspy, seemingly uncharacteristic for his typically loud demeanor. not many got to see him like this, intimate and gentle, but you did. he'd drag down the constellations if you only asked. "is it-"

"delicious," you finish, pulling him closer to lay back against his chest. the warmth he radiated was more valuable than any sun or star. "thank you, husband. you are everything to me."

"and you to me, my love."

Win Stupid Prizes (rengoku X You)

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1 year ago

Cherish You Forever | Kyojuro Rengoku x f!Reader


Content Warning: Mention of night terrors, Kyojuro survives but he retired yay, Kyojuro being a loving husband T^T

Word Count: 1.3k


You awoke upon hearing a loud crash coming from outside your room and sat up immediately. The lamp was turned off and it was still dark outside. The sound of crickets signaled that it was still the middle of the night—or, at the very least, early morning before the sun rose.

You touched the space next to you to wake up your husband, fearing that it was a burglar. Your husband, however, was not in your shared futon. You instantly realized what had occurred: your husband was awake and probably made that sound.

You left your warm futon and made your way out to look for your husband, worried. You tried hard not to make any noise with your steps, worried of startling your husband. It was not difficult to find him because the kitchen door was wide open.

When you peeked inside, you saw your husband kneeling and scooping something up from the floor. His cane was resting against the counter.

"Kyojuro-sama?" You called out his name softly as you turned on the light switch.

Kyojuro glared over his shoulder, a dark circle beneath his eye apparent. He stopped picking up the shattered porcelain cup he had dropped on the floor.

You snatched a rag from the kitchen counter and crouched next to him, helping him in picking up the fragments of the cup.

"Another night terror, dear?" You asked calmly as you wrapped the pieces and tossed them into the trash bin. You took his hands in yours and lifted him up, gave him his walking stick. Kyojuro kept his gaze fixed on the ground and did not respond to the question you asked. "Why don't you wait in the dining room, hm? I'll make you a cup of tea, yeah?"

You let go of his hands and went to make the tea, filling one of the kettles and boiling it on the the stove. A strong arm wrapped around your shoulder as you switched on the the stove. Kyojuro sighed and leaned his chin against on top of your head.

"I'm sorry," he croaked out, "It was your favorite cup, wasn't it?"

"Well, yeah but they still sell it in town. It doesn't matter, dear." You turned around, staring up at your beautiful husband.

Kyojuro kept his eye on you while his hand placed yours on his left cheek, near his eyepatch. Your lips tugged up in a small smile.

When you first met Kyojuro, you were curious about what had happened to his left eye. However, you did not dare to ask him about it. You had only recently met. You didn't want to be impolite, especially with your parents, his father, and Senjuro in the room. After all, you'd be marrying the man in a year. You had plenty of opportunity to get to know him.

Kyojuro only told you about his left eye incident on your first night as newlyweds. He let you open his yukata and his eyepatch. You uncovered what was beneath the patch after a year together. Deep scars sewn over his blind eye, as well as a massive scar on his abdomen. Kyojuro kept his gaze fixed on you as you stroked your gentle finger over his battle scars.

Then he told you about what happened while he was a Hashira. He was almost killed by an 'Upper Rank Demon,' but he was lucky since dawn was approaching and the demon fled. He had to go through numerous treatments to heal his wounds. Kyojuro's recovery was challenging, especially when he began having night terrors regarding his near-death experience. The ease with which the demon's hand pushed into his abdomen, the pain he felt when he was carried back in a stretcher, the moment he saw his late mother and realized he was about to join her in the afterlife. Kyojuro, who was half-blind and forced to walk with a walking stick, had no choice but to retire from the corps. That's when his father came up with the proposal of matching him with you, a daughter of an old acquaintance.

Nothing had ever prepared Kyojuro for the moment you told him he was strong and beautiful despite his wounds. He still got flustered now, even with the fact that you've been married for two years.

You caressed his cheek and drew him in closer, kissing the tip of his nose softly. Kyojuro's brow furrowed, and his nose pricked. You laughed and lightly slapped his chest.

"Go wait in the dining room, dear. I'll bring you tea."

"Yes, Ma'am."

The water was quickly brought to a boil. You put some tea leaves in a teapot and filled it with hot water. You carried the teapot and two cups to your dining room on a tray.

Kyojuro sat on the tatami floor, his legs hidden beneath the warm kotatsu table. He appeared to be feeling better, with a faint smile on his lips as he watched you sit down next to him and place the tray on the table.

"So," you started, "how are you feeling?"

"Much better, now you're here." Kyojuro answered. He got back to his usual cheerful tone, though not as loud. Understandable, since the two of you just woke up in the middle of the night.

You sighed and hugged his torso from the side. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Of course I didn't want to disturb you." Kyojuro kissed the top of your head. "Besides, this is something I've grown accustomed to."

"I know, but I still want to be there for you, I want to help you."

"(Y/N), dear, you're already helping me. I lost my career, I had no idea where to go, what to do. You gave me a reason to keep living."

You looked up to your husband, waiting if he wanted to continue talking.

"You were supportive when I said I wanted to study history, hoping that I can be a teacher someday. You always take care of me when I'm sick, or helping me when I'm struggling to do something... even if I say I can do it on my own. You befriend my ex colleagues. Tengen and his wives, Sanemi and Giyuu, even young Kamado. You were so patient whenever I had my night terrors, holding me in your arms until I calmed down. You do it every time, for two years until it got better lately. You've done a lot of things to help me already, (Y/N)."

You hummed, not really knowing how to respond to Kyojuro.

"I used to feel pathetic, defeated, useless. All because of these," Kyojuro waved his hand, motioning to his body, "But now I see it as a blessing. Because without these injuries, I wouldn't have marry you, the best partner I could ever asked for."

"Kyojuro... sama..."

"I love you, (Y/N)... and I'm going to cherish you forever, even in the afterlife, even in our next life." Kyojuro lifted up your chin and pressed a chaste kiss on your lips.

You slowly took off Kyojuro's eyepatch and kissed his left eye, before you kissed his nose again. He giggled and pecked your forehead.

"I don't know where you learn to speak like that." You covered your face out of embarrassment.

"Ah... Tengen, perhaps?"

"Perhaps," you patted his cheek and turned to the teapot. "Come on, let's drink our tea and get back to bed."

"I'm not sleepy yet, though."

"We can talk until we fall asleep."

Kyojuro grinned from ear to ear, "I would love that."

You poured the tea into each of your cups and the two of you drank in silence. It was comfortable, it felt right.

"Oh, by the way..."

Kyojuro turned to you and raised an eyebrow.

"I love you too, Kyojuro-sama. Always will."

────────────────────────────────────────── I wrote this at one am bcs i'm under the weather and i miss Kyojuro T^T

Thank you for reading! Find me on Ao3 and Twitter

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1 year ago

when you’re inebriated and don’t recognize them — gyomei, kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu

Author’s Note: a lil lighthearted (+hopefully humorous) fluff for tn. 🥰

when you’re inebriated and don’t recognize them — gyomei, kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu

When Youre Inebriated And Dont Recognize Them Gyomei, Kyojuro, Sanemi, Giyuu

Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader

Word Count: ~1,400

CW: alcohol, explicit language

Suggestion Fulfilled: how do you think the hashira will react when you're clearly drunk and they want to help you, but you push the away, clearly not recognizing them, and then you say something along the lines of, " No I have a S/o, don't touch me”


When Youre Inebriated And Dont Recognize Them Gyomei, Kyojuro, Sanemi, Giyuu

“Don’t touch me! You! Gigantic! Oaf!”

*big sigh* 🥲

Smiling gently to himself, Gyomei takes another slow step forward

Thank goodness we’re home he thinks to himself, well aware of how this current situation would appear to unknowing onlookers 🙃 

“I’ll bite you!” 😤

Newsflash: slapping at his outstretched hands is doing next to nothing 🥴

The man is a wall 🧱

“Please,” he tries again, “Let me help you.”

You huff, eyes rolling, “I don’t need help.”

“Your shoes are still on, as is your coat, and you’re heading in the opposite direction of the bedroom.” 🤨

Somehow, the calmness of his voice riles you even further 😒

“How do you know?” you scoff, “Maybe I’m taking the long way around.” 🙄

“Love, I live here,” he can’t help the fond exasperation creeping into his tone, “I live here with you.”

“No,” you snort, “You wish you lived here with me, but that honor belongs to my amaaazing boyfriend.” 😌

“And where might he be?” Gyomei asks politely

“He-” your eyes narrow, confusion clouding your vision as you frown slightly, “I’m not sure.” 😖

“Well how about you call him?”

Glaring at the looming (actually, Gyomei is standing quite casually and relaxed) man in front of you, you tug your phone out of your pocket

“Hey Siri, call The Love of my Life.”

Interesting Gyomei’s heart flutters —> you’ve never actually showed him his contact info

—Fortunately for you, he’s too much of a sweetheart to ever hold this secret against you

—What happens when you’re drunk, stays with when you were drunk 😉

“NO WAY!” you exclaim as his phone begins ringing, “YOU’RE HIM?!” 😳🤯😭

“Yes, love,” Gyomei chuckles tiredly, “I’m him.”

“I’m sooooo sorry,” you whimper, suddenly falling willingly and clingy into his arms, whining now as you pout up at him, “I’m going to have the worst hangover eeeverrr,” gasping dramatically, “Gyyyomeeeei!!!!!”

When Youre Inebriated And Dont Recognize Them Gyomei, Kyojuro, Sanemi, Giyuu

“As flattered as I am by your interest, I have a boyfriend,” you say, politely brushing off the warm hands of the stranger attempting to help you as you sit haunched on a bench 😮‍💨

Aforementioned stranger’s brow furrows, mouth pursing before stretching into a bright grin, laughter ringing through your ears 🤗

The hell is this guy on? 🧐

“I promise your boyfriend would be okay with me helping you,” Kyojuro chuckles, arms crossed as he watches you carefully 

“Oh yeah?” you mutter, hiding your confusion beneath a cool tone, “What’s his name then?”

“Rengoku Kyojuro!” he immediately answers, still grinning, “Not many people look like him…” ❤️‍🔥

Your face crinkles as you take in the man’s appearance once more, eventually shaking your head as you huff

“Nice try,” you smirk, “But if I was really drunk, then my Kyojuro wouldn’t think twice about getting me home, no matter how difficult I was being.” 😌

*cue a particularly fond memory of Kyojuro carrying you all the way home from the bar when you refused to get in a cab but didn’t want to walk and definitely wasn’t sober enough to sit on the handlebars of a bicycle* 😝

Kyojuro blames the blossoming warmth in his stomach at your my Kyojuro for his next actions

Aka scooping you into his arms and hoping his cologne does the trick 😅

(it usually does — he assumes his sweatshirts go missing for this exact reason 🫢)

“PUT ME DOW- 🤬 BAAABYYY! 😍” you squeal as soon as his sweaty, familiar scent hits your nose, “You do love meee!!!!!”

“I absolutely do,” he murmurs adoringly, unfazed by your sudden switch in demeanor, “After all, your Kyojuro always gets you home, right?” 🥺

“Right!” you beam up at him, your hostility all but dissipated as you nuzzle into the crook of his shoulder, “M’gonna sleep now, ‘kay?” 🥱

Kyojuro thinks about how long the walk home is, flexes his forearms, and smiles 🥰

“Of course. Sweet dreams, my heart.” 😴

When Youre Inebriated And Dont Recognize Them Gyomei, Kyojuro, Sanemi, Giyuu

Send help pls and ty 🙃

This man is at his wit’s end

On one hand, you’re refusing to Uber home with him 😕

On the other hand, he can’t just leave you at the bar 😒

And the last thing he wants is to order two separate rides home, and then have to patiently explain that he isn’t stalking you, nor is he breaking in, because 

“For fuck’s sake, I’m literally your boyfriend!” 😐

“My boyfriend would never speak to me like that!” you retort, eyes narrowed 😠

Actually Sanemi thinks wryly to himself Your boyfriend doesn’t know how to speak in any other way

“Because your boyfriend’s so damn perfect?” he growls, “Doesn’t ever cuss or lose his patience?”

“Well,” you begin pertly, “He is perfect! He brings me breakfast in bed, holds open doors for me, mends the holes in my socks, washes my back when we shower together…” ☺️

Sanemi is very pink rn 😃

He’s torn between wanting to kiss you square on the mouth and never doing a nice thing for you ever again 🫠

“... but he,” you trail off, tears abruptly brimming as you come to a startling realization, “But he’s so ruuude,” wailing as Sanemi simply watches you unfold, “He teases me whenever I stub my toe on something, pushes me off the bed when we wrestle, and, and, and-”

“And what?” he asks dryly

You gulp, refusing to meet the gaze of the handsome, persistent man still standing in front of you — despite your resolute rejections of him, “I think you might actually be my boyfriend.” 😭

He actually laughs, arms opening as you barrel into him, sobbing into his embrace, thin olive shirt sticking to his skin as you squeeze his sides

“Sanemi,” you whisper, embarrassment coating your voice

“Mmm, darling?” his own rich with amusement

“I want to go home,” you mumble 😔

“You sure?” he smirks fondly, “Even with me?”

Groaning loudly, you press your face harder into his chest, eyes closing as you focus on the steady warmth of his heartbeat 💓

When Youre Inebriated And Dont Recognize Them Gyomei, Kyojuro, Sanemi, Giyuu

Dismay might as well be Giyuu’s middle name

Because he has no idea how he’s going to get you home 😓

Shinobu abandoned you guys earlier, flitting from one bar to the next

And for the sake of his dwindling dignity and pride, Giyuu is not about to interrupt Tengen and his wives at their table to ask for ~assistance 😬

Kyojuro would be an option, if he wasn’t the lightest weight of all, and already home in bed (he left over an hour ago) 🙃


“Hey,” he waves at you, heart in his throat

“Hey yourself,” you glance up at him, frowning, “I told you like five minutes ago, I. Have. A. Boyfriend.” 😒

The urge to curl up into a ball and cry has never been stronger 😃

For Giyuu, that is 😭

“I know, I know,” he holds his hands up in a careful surrender, awkwardness in his movements as he ponders his next words, “I just… I think you should go home.”

“As in, go home with you?” 🤨

“Uh…” yes 😞

“Look, you’re super attractive and all, but you’re not my boyfriend.” 🙄

Giyuu is hitting his forehead against a brick wall 😵

Repeatedly 😵

Internally, ofc 💀

“What if I was?” he winces as his voice cracks at the end 🥲

Damn it 🫠

“Well that would mean breaking up with my boyfriend…”

He’s staring at you equally exasperated and in love 😖🥰

All you process, unfortunately, is deadpan 😐

“Speaking of which, where is he?” you mutter 😕


Giyuu is still hitting his forehead against a brick wall

+screaming every time he makes contact

Internally, ofc

“Can I at least give you my number?” 🥺

“How about this,”  you snap, “You find my boyfriend for me, and ask him if that’s okay.”

Regret isn’t an option as Giyuu immediately spins in a circle, striking a Tada! Pose when he faces you again 😎

🧐🧐🧐 <— you rn

“It’s me, your boyfriend. Tomioka Giyuu.” 🥳

You blink

He holds his breath

“Y’know what,” you finally say, “I believe you.”

Giyuu doesn’t bother digging for details

He grabs your hand (and exhales when you promptly intertwine your fingers with his, hugging his forearm to your chest 💞), and heads toward the exit

“Why did that convince you?” he asks the next morning, breath soft on your skin as he sprinkles soothing kisses across your forehead

You smile slyly—despite your pulsating headache—all four limbs squeezing tighter around his body to keep him in place as you murmur quietly, “Because only my boyfriend could make me cringe that hard.” 😌

“Heyyyyy,” he whines, pouting as he squirms in your embrace, exchanging his kisses for gentle bites as you shriek playfully, “That’s not very nice.” ☹️

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7 months ago

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

Synopsis: Your husband is working hard to train the members of the Demon Slayer corps in preparation for the upcoming battle with Muzan. However, they seem a bit stressed. You decide to help in other ways, like a good wife. Pairings: [SEPARATE] Uzui x Reader, Giyu x Reader, Obanai x Reader, Sanemi x Reader, Rengoku x Reader, Gyomei x Reader

Content: MDNI, fem! reader, oral male & female receiving, dacryphilia (Uzui), bath sex (Uzui), bondage (Obanai), pregnancy (Himejima), unprotected sex, rough sex (Sanemi), overstimulation, breeding (Rengoku), I hope I didn’t forget anything else but sorry if I did.

Word count: 7.2K (bruh)

A/N: Just finished the Hashira Training Arc. No anime episode has ever stressed me more than that finale...Added Rengoku as a hypothetical what-if since he's my favorite hashira. Muichiro excluded since he's a little baby but I still love him.

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

Uzui Tengen: Former Sound Hashira

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

“Move your asses! If you don’t finish the last rep, no dinner for you tonight!”

Your husband’s loud voice carries a great distance, no surprise coming from the former sound hashira. This allows you to find him and your other co-wives fairly easily as you make your way up the mountain side where Tengen’s endurance camp had been set up.

You’re met with a somewhat…comedic(?) sight..of your flashy husband dressed in a casual kimono swinging a wooden sword at the fallen demon slayers who were clearly on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. You couldn’t help but feel pity for the poor kids.

“If you don’t get it together you’ll never survive what the other hashira have in store,” Tengen huffed, seemingly more annoyed than angry.

“Now now, Tengen-sama, don’t be so hard on the kids,” you sigh, setting down the extra pot you had been tasked with bringing to help prepare dinner. “You’ll end up giving them all nightmares.”

The way Tengen’s face lights up when he sees you makes your heart flutter. "Y/n! I was wondering where you went off to."

"I asked her to go back home to grab another stew pot," Makio chimed in, all while throwing a subtle glare towards a Suma. "Since someone forgot to do what they were told and bring it like asked.

Suma proceeds to hide behind you and Hinatsuru as you help her with the rice for the onigiri. "Uwahh! Y/n-san! Hinatsuru-san! Makio-san is targeting me again!"

"Please, don't start," You sigh.

"We all need to do our part," Hinatsuru said, like the mature woman of the group she was. "Let's do our best with dinner so that we aren't inconveniencing Tengen-sama."

With four sets of hands, you guys get dinner done by sundown, the smell of fresh onigiri and beef stew wafting through the air. However, the poor demon slayers were so worn out from your husband's brutal training, you don't think any of them would have the energy to even think about eating. Still, Tengen snaps at them to do so as to not let you all's hard work go to waste.

"Tengen-sama, please try to relax a little," you gently say, tugging on the end of his kimono. You offer him a bowl you had prepared. "It's not good to get so worked up."

Although grateful, Tengen doesn't say anything as he takes the food you offered, sipping the broth in silence.

That night, you soak in the Uzui Manner's private onsen, the stress of the day clouding your thoughts. You’re worried. You know the final battle against Muzan will inevitably happen, but you’re terrified. For your friends. For your family. What if Tengen has to come out of retirement to help? What if you and your co-wives are caught in the middle like in the Red Light District?

You’re so in your head that you don’t even hear the door open and someone enter. “What a surprise. I thought you were in bed by now.”

Tengen’s voice startles you and you’re quick to sink into the water to cover yourself. Your husband’s laughter fills your ears. “What are you being shy for?” Clad in nothing but a towel, you gawk at your husband’s physique. Despite officially retiring from the Demon Slayer Corps, his consistent training kept him in shape.

“You just surprised me…that’s all…”

Tengen settles behind you in the bath, the water sloshing as he enters and pulls you into his lap. You relax against his chest. “You wanna tell me what you were thinking about?” He asks, tracing his hand down your side making you shiver involuntarily.

“N-no….its nothing. But you seemed stressed earlier, Tengen-sama. Is there anything I can do for you.”

Tengen sighs, leaning back against the edge of the bath, arms spread and muscles tense. “It’s nothing, love, don’t worry.”

You frown. You then turn so that you’re straddling Tengen’s lap, the water splashing with your movement. Tengen raises a brow in confusion, but doesn’t question your actions. “P-please allow me to help you, Tengen-sama.”

Tengen chuckles, cupping your cheek gently. “You already do more than enough for me, and for that I’m very grateful.” The kiss he pressed against your lips starts off soft, only to grow more intense and desperate. You squirm, letting out a small whimper.

Feeling you rock against him, Tengen groans, his cock beginning to harden. He scoops you up underneath your thighs with one hand, not breaking your kiss. As he lays you down on the onsen deck, you shiver at the cold feeling of the stone. Tengen trails gentle kisses down your neck while his fingers grace your clit, stimulating the sensitive nerves.

“W-wait. W-wait,” you suddenly protest. Tengen pulls back, worried he hurt you. “I-I want to be of use to you, Tengen-sama. Please let me please you.”

Tengen wears a rather perplexed expression before chuckling. He sits back on the end of the bath. “Ok then, please me.”

You drop to your knees before your husband, taking his cock gently into your hands. It’s already stiff with arousal, pre pearling at the fat tip. Your finger traces the thick vein running up the side of Tengen’s length, making him twitch.

Tengen groaned as your warm mouth enveloped him, his head leaning back in satisfaction as his fingers gripped your hair tightly. You immediately began to suck, feeling your jaw strain as he began to swell in size. Tears prickled in your eyes, and you rest your hands on Tengen’s thighs to steady yourself.

"Mhmm fuck," Tengen moaned deeply. His low raspy voice only turned you on more. He gripped Your hair harsher and pulled you closer; you nearly gag. "Fuck. Don't stop. Use your hand. Fuck. There you go.”

You eagerly obliged, sucking him harder and taking more of him, or as much as you could cause he was just so damn big. Tears trickle down your cheeks, and it takes all Tengen’s willpower to not buck into your mouth. The sight of you looking at him so innocently, crying as you try to take his size almost has him coming down your throat. You can tell he’s close to his release from the way he tenses, muscles tightening, yet he quickly pulled you away.

“T-Tengen-sama?” You question, out of breath. Before you can react, Tengen has you pulled into his lap and your knees pressed to your chest with his arms wrapped under your legs in a rather embarrassing position that has your cunt exposed. In a single thrust, the tip of his cock kisses your cervix and you’re crying out.

Tengen rests his head against your back, breathing heavily. “You’re so good to me.” He groans at the feeling of your warm cunt wrapping snuggly around him. “I love you so much.” Tengen’s grip tightens, pulling your legs back further as his hips buck up, stretching you further. The slightly uncomfortable position makes you whimper.

“But tonight, I’m going to fuck you like I don’t.”

Iguro Obanai: Serpent Hashira

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

You know how ruthless and impatient your husband can be, so you pity the poor slayers who were stuck in the vicious vice-like hold Obanai’s training has. Most of them had been there for at least a week, if not more, unable to perform at a level that satisfied your husband. So, you’ve taken on somewhat of a nurse role, providing first aid to the many bruises, welts and rope burns the slayers received as part of the training. Your hope was that your treatment would lessen the pain of entering the baths.

“There! All done,” you say, closing up your first aid kit having just treated the cut on one member’s face. “Next time, remember to guard your vital spots. You’re lucky it was only training. A demon wouldn’t be so forgiving.”

“R-right! T-thank you Mrs. Iguro!”

You wave the slayer off as you finish packing your things up. Though you try to ignore it, you can still hear the whispering about your husband.

“How did such a sweet woman end up with a man like the serpent hashira?”

“Yeah the only real demon here is him…”

You grit your teeth in annoyance, prepared to say something when the sliding doors slam open. The atmosphere tenses as your husband walks in, a very angry and intense aura surrounding him.

“If you have time for idle chatter then you must not have worked hard enough,” Obanai scowled, Kaburamaru hissing around his neck. The slayers all quickly scramble to their feet and ran to grab their swords and avoid Obanai’s wrath.

You tug on his haori, stopping him from moving. “Dear, be nice.”

The scowl on his face somewhat softens only to immediately return when a new person announces their presence: Kamado Tanjiro.

“I look forward to training under you,” Tanjiro says, as cheerful as ever. Either he didn’t see your husband’s murderous look or he didn’t care. “Ah! Hello to you too Mrs. Y/n!”

You return the bright smile with one of your own. “It’s great to see that you’ve recovered well, Kamado-kun.”

“Oí! Don’t be so casual with my wife like you’re friends!” Obanai snapped. “And the rest of you stop gawking at her!”

You can only sigh. Of course, anything that you said practically went in one ear and out the other, and Obanai was so rough with the trainees you were surprised he didn’t break anything. Poor Tanjiro in particular seemed to get the brunt of your husband’s annoyance, leaving him with thankfully only some bruising since the training was conducted with practice swords instead of real blades. However, Obanai wouldn’t let treat anyone’s wounds this time around. The moment he ordered for them to scram somewhere, he dragged you out the dojo and back to the main house.

His grip on your wrist was tight, and you knew better than to protest when he was in his foul moods. But the fact that he hadn’t uttered a single word was making you somewhat anxious for what was to come. Was he somehow pissed off at you too?

Once you make it to your shared room and Kaburamaru slithers off somewhere, Obanai closes the sliding door. It’s just the two of you, the tension in the air is suffocating.

“U-um…O-Obanai…a-are you mad?” you try to break the silence only to receive the most piercing glare from your husband’s dual colored eyes, making you hush up instantly.

“Mad?” Obanai scoffs. “Nothing you do can make me mad at you. But…” His eyes trained to yours as he backs you into your shared futon. “I hate the way those idiots gawk and act too friendly with you. You’re my wife. You’re mine and mine alone.”

Obanai grabs your chin roughly, forcing you to look at him. His intense gaze while nerve racking is so insanely attractive that you’re whimpering quietly, trying to rub your thighs together in desperate need. Obanai picks up on this and lets out a low chuckle.

“I guess I have to remind you in other ways that you belong to me. Clothes. Off.”

You quickly start taking your kimono off, untying the Obi sash. Clearly you don’t move fast enough for your husband’s liking as he flips you on to your back and starts pulling the fabric off of you.

“W-wait, O-Obanai!” Your cheeks flush in embarrassment. Obanai ignores your pleas, and proceeds to use your obi to intricately tie up your l your wrists behind your back, pinning your arms almost uncomfortably together.

“Don’t you look pretty,” Obanai hums in amusement, pleased with the way the bindings were. He grabs your wrists and forces you to bend over, ass in the air. Obanai nudges your legs up to have a clear view of your dripping cunt, to which he inserts a finger, then two. You helplessly squirm against the restraints, keening against his touch.

“You’re so greedy,” Obanai scoffs. “You’re just sucking my fingers in.”

“Please, Obanai,” you beg. “I need you inside me.”

“Hm…since you asked so nicely.”

You hear him shuffle around, presumably to remove his clothes. You then feel the heat of his chest as he leans over you. Although he was somewhat rough with the restraints, Obanai is tender when he kisses your shoulder blade.

With one hand on you waist and the other on your wrists, Obanai inches his cock into you, groaning at how tight you feel around him. He bottoms out easily and you moan at the uncomfortable arch the position puts you in.

“M-move…p-please…” you whimper.

Obanai chuckles. He pulls out just to the tip before thrusting back in, setting a rough yet steady pace. His cock reaches so deep thanks to the position he has you in, making you gasp each time it kisses your cervix.

“Fuck…you feel so good…” Obanai groans. Usually he’s not one to be overly vocal during sex, but the heat of your cunt was just so addicting and he thought he would lose his mind.

“P-please…” you stumble over your words as he pounds into you. “C-can I hold you?”

Obanai falters briefly, his chest feeling strangely full. How do you always find a way to be so sweet to him? You were going to be the death of him.

Nonetheless, he unties the knot to release your wrists. He flips you over, realigning his throbbing cock at your entrance. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist to pull him close. Both of you let out shaky moans as he thrusts back in. You gently kiss at the scars on his mouth, and he shivers in response, taking one of your hands to intertwine with his.

“I love you,” he mutters so quietly you almost don’t catch it. You nuzzle into his touch.

“I love you too.”

Shinazugawa Sanemi: Wind Hashira

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

You’re currently pissed at your husband and ignoring him. You ignoring him has him even more pissed off, so the Shinazugawa mansion is tense and a literal war zone. The impending war against Muzan is inevitable. While you understand that, you see no reason why your husband has to be such a dick to everyone. Especially to his own younger brother.

“That damn bastard, who does he think he is, going off the rails like that,” you angrily mutter under your breath as you threat Genya’s injuries. He winced at the antiseptic on his cut. You frown. “Sorry sweetheart…”

“It’s ok…Y/n-nee…” Genya says half heartedly. The recent fight between the Shinazugawa brothers ended up escalating to a dangerous point. If it weren’t for Tanjiro’s interference, there probably would’ve been more injuries. And having known the Shinazugawa brothers since childhood, you were fiercely protective of Genya. So seeing Sanemi attack his brother the way he did without any hesitation was literally your last straw.

“I’m sorry…” Genya said.

“Hm? For what?”

“For causing trouble in you and nii-san’s marriage…” the younger boy avoids looking you in the eye. “if only I could use breathing techniques and weren’t so weak…then maybe he’d acknowledge me.”

“Awe, Gen, don’t say that,” you say, pulling the younger boy into a tight hug against your chest. “Your actions have nothing to do with my marriage. Your brother is just being a pain in the ass but that doesn’t mean I still don’t love him. I know he has a shitty way of showing it, but he does care. I’m sorry that you’ve somehow gotten in the middle of our marital problems. I promise things will get better. For all of us.”

You finish tending to his injuries before placing a tender kiss on his forehead, like you used to do when you were kids. Still, Genya’s face explodes red at your babying, making you laugh as you take your exit. As you leave, you’re surprised to see your husband standing outside the door with his arms crossed. Your face sours.

“The fuck you want?” You snap.

“Still got a fuckin attitude?” He retorts.

“Says you.” You walk off in a huff. Sanemi sighs and runs after you.

“Y/n, wait. Please talk to me.”

“About what?” You say bitterly. “I don’t got shit to say to you after the stunt you pulled. I don’t want to hear anything from you unless it’s an apology.”

“Fuck, fine I’m sorry! Now will you listen to me?!” Sanemi desperately said, grabbing a hold of your wrist to stop you. Your eyes narrow, not trusting his words. “Look. I know I was wrong but I can’t take anymore of you ignoring me and doting all over Genya.”

You snatch your hand away, scowling. “So now you’re jealous of your kid brother? I used to change his goddamn diapers.”

“That’s not…ugh fuck. Come with me!” Once more Sanemi grabs your arm, dragging you through the manner against your protests. He brings you to your shared room, which for the past few weeks you’ve stopped sleeping in out of spite. Sanemi closes the door, locking it shut.

“Now what? You got me alone.” You scoff.

“Ugh just shut up!” Sanemi yells, grabbing your chin and kissing you frantically, almost desperately. Your response is muffled and your knees immediately go weak as he forces his tongue in your mouth to deepen the kiss. You’re gasping for air by the time Sanemi pulls away. He buries his head into your shoulder, inhaling your scent that he’s missed so much.

“I’m sorry…dammit…” Sanemi’s voice cracks slightly. “I don’t want to lose you too. I couldn’t bear losing another person so important to me…so please, stop being mad at me…I’m sorry.”

“Nemi…” You cup his cheek before pinching it harshly making him hiss. “You dumbass. That’s what this was all about?I didn’t realize you were this goddamn emotionally constipated.” You sigh, Sanemi now glaring at you while rubbing his cheek. You gently kiss the tip of his nose. “I’m not going anywhere any time soon, okay? I promise.”

Sanemi exhales, almost like a sigh of relief. “Okay.” He kisses you again, this time gentler as if he’s afraid you’ll leave. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper. “I’ve missed you.” Sanemi muttered. His hands begin to wander, trailing up the side of your waist under your uniform.

“Did you miss me, or my body?” You tease.

“Mhm? Both.”

“You’re such a tease.”

“Yet you love me anyway.”

Sanemi kisses you again with more force, all while guiding you down to your shared futon. His hands are rough, groping your breasts, pinching your nipples that stiffen at his touch. You roll your hips upward to press against the growing bulge in his pants. Sanemi groans, biting your lip.

“You like testin’ my patience, don’t you?” Sanemi huffs.

“That depends,” you taunt, beginning to unbutton your uniform top. Sanemi swallows thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “You gonna do something about it?”

Sanemi grit his teeth. He grabbed you by the waist, flipping you on your backside, the rest of your clothes torn off from his own impatience. “It looks like I’ll just have to fuck the attitude out of you.”

Your husband makes do of his promise, fucking you senseless into the sheets, weeks of built up tension between the two of you finally being released. He’s aggressive and rough, gripping at your hips so tightly they’d probably bruise. Your neck is littered with bite marks, while Sanemi’s already scared torso has fresh red scratches from the way you grabbed at him. Not that he minded.

“F-fuck,” Sanemi groaned, relishing the way you clenched around his cock. His hips snapped against yours, making you gasp and shudder. “Fuck I missed this. I missed you. Don’t ever fucking ignore me again.”

“N-Nemi, please, I’m close,” you whimper.

Sanemi grins. He puts your legs over his shoulder, pressing down to pin your thighs back in a mating press. The position, though uncomfortable, allows for his cock to reach even deeper. You feel so deliciously full, Tears prickling in your eyes. you cover your mouth trying to hide the sultry moans leaving your lips.

“Nope, I need to hear you,” Sanemi pants, pulling your hair. Your cries are music to his ears. “I need everyone to know how good I fuck my beautiful wife.”

He uses the pad of his thumb to wipe away your stray tears before kissing you tenderly. His pace faltered just a bit, making his thrusts more sloppy as his low grunts turned into airy moans. "Ah fuck I'm gonna come."

Sanemi gave one last deep thrust that had you gasping for air. You shivered feeling yourself be filled while your own orgasm hit. After he was sure he finished, Sanemi pulled out and sat back on his heels. He stared down you with a satisfied look on his face as some of his seed leaked from your swollen sex.

He scooped up some that spilled on to the bed and shoved it back into you. You whimpered from the overstimulation. "N-no more."

"Don't tell me what to do," Sanemi huffed. He aligned his cock at your entrance again and sank in with ease. He lets out a satisfied sigh and pulls you to his chest. "There. Now it'll stay in."

Tomioka Giyu: Water Hashira

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

“Tomioka-San? Hello! Tomioka-San? Excuse me? Are you there? Sorry to bother you. It’s Kamado Tanjiro!”

It’s the third day in a row the young boy has come by. At this point, you find it quite comical but you can tell your husband is losing his patience.

“Just entertain him, dear,” you say, folding up the laundry. “You know he’s not going to stop until you answer.”

Giyu doesn’t say anything before picking up his katana and leaving the room. You sigh. He had been so distant since the hashira training started. For some reason, he opted not to participate, and you could only assume that’s why Tanjiro’s been by every day to convince him otherwise. Nothing you could say would really change his mind either. The last few nights Giyu had been staying out later, only returning when he knew you’d fallen asleep and leaving first thing in the morning.

You didn’t want to push and pry, but you hope he’d open up soon. Or maybe, hopefully Tanjiro could talk some sense into him. You decide to at least go to the door and greet the boy.

“Giyu-San!? Maybe he’s not home…”

“He just left, in fact,” you say, opening the door. “Maybe you can catch him for me.”

“Ah! Y/n-san! H-hello! Sorry if I disturbed you!” Tanjiro said with a bow.

“No not at all! You’re always welcome here.” You then sigh. “Sorry my stubborn husband is causing you such trouble. If it’s not too much to ask, please talk some sense into him. I’m sure whatever it is it’s important.

Tanjiro smiled. “Of course! Leave it to me!”

For the next five days, Tanjiro shows up, trying to get your husband to talk to him. You’re thoroughly entertained by the situation that you do little to mitigate, ignoring Giyu’s obvious and desperate looks for help. After almost two weeks of this, Giyu finally comes home early one night with a rather defeated expression. You’re in bed reading when he enters your shared room and immediately collapses on the futon.

“Rough day?” You tease.

“Tanjiro doesn’t know when to quit,” Giyu sighs. He sheds his haori and places his is katana off to the side. “He wanted to have a soba eating contest?”

You laugh. “Did you win?”

“No. I yielded and promised to help with the hashira training.” Giyu doesn’t seem to thrilled by it from the tone of his voice. You frown, close your book and motion for your husband closer. Like a child, he crawls into your lap, laying his head against your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist. Giyu sighs contently, inhaling your scent.

“Why were you so against participating in the first place? I’m sorry, but I’m having trouble understanding,” you say, gently running your fingers through his long hair, pulling it out of his usual ponytail.

“Can we talk about it later?” Giyu mumbles. He nuzzles his face into your chest. “I just wanna hold you right now.”

You cup Giyu’s cheeks, forcing him to look at you. You smile. “It’s ok. I’m here for you.” You kiss him gently. Giyu relaxes into the kiss, groaning at the softness of your lips. “I love you so much. Don’t forget, okay?”

Giyu exhales. “Okay.”

He kisses you again, this time with more urgency. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him close as you lay back down into the futon. Giyu trails kisses down the side of your neck, leaving love bites in their wake. His wandering hands tug at your nightgown, exposing your breasts to the cool air. His hair tickles your cheek making you giggle.

“Come on,” you tease, unbuttoning the top of Giyu’s uniform. “Clothes off.” His cheeks were flushed red, and his arousal was evident from the growing bulge in his pants.

“Help me, will you?” Giyu asks, shyly hiding his face in the crook of your neck. He watches while you unbuckle his belt and losen his trousers so that they fall to the floor. He could almost sigh from the instant relief when you release his erection from the confines of his boxers.

You give his cock a few languid strokes, making Giyu shudder in response. He twitched in your hand as you rub your thumb over the sensitive tip, precum beginning to leak out.

“A-ah…f-feels good…” Giyu groans. He has to steady himself on his elbows, resting his forehead against yours. It takes all his strength not to cum right there on the spot. He hikes your leg up around his waist and aligns his cock at your dripping entrance. “Relax, okay? I got you.”

Giyu slowly thrusts in, your wetness causing little resistance. You both groan at the feeling of him stretching you out. Your hips buck upwards, searching for more.

“G-Giyu, m-more,” you plea.

Your husband grunted and picked up the pace. He couldn't get the enough of the way you felt around him. The way your gummy walls would convulse with each snap of his hips. Your high pitched and needy moans for him and him alone nearly drove him over the edge.

"T-there! A-again!" You beg. You wrap your arms around Giyu’s shoulders to hold him close. Capturing your lips again, Giyu sucked hard on them in order to bruise. His thumb jabbed against your clit.

The action caused You to cum. You squealed, biting down on his tongue, making him growl. Your clit pulsated, feeling like it was still vibrating. Tingles raced through veins, rocking your entire body.

"F-fuck, I'm close!" Giyu pants.

His own high was reaching. His thrusts became less rhythmic and more sloppy. Low grunts and moans left his lips. The feeling of You tightening around his dick even more was enough to send him over the edge.

He comes with a low groan. His body rocks and he collapses on top of you, burrying his head into the crook of your neck once more. You squirm feeling him release into your womb.

Giyu pulls out, almost reluctantly and pulls you into his chest. He holds you close as you lull off to sleep. Before you doze off you hear your husband mutter a soft “I love you.”

Himejima Gyomei: Stone Hashira

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

“Damn it!” You huff. “Why…huff…did his…huff…training…huff…have to be on top of a stupid mountain!”

You slowly waddle your way up the top of the mountain side, on your way to deliver lunch to your husband who had been preoccupied for weeks with the Hashira training. He barely had been home. If he was, it was usually long after you had gone to sleep just to check on you and your unborn child. Then, he was gone before dawn to resume the training.

You missed him dearly. You hated how empty and cold your futon felt without his warmth. You hated how antsy you felt with not only the fear of the upcoming battle with Muzan looming in the distance, but the anxiety knowing that your due date was approaching within the next month. Sitting around was driving you crazy, so you took it upon yourself to make your husband a home cooked meal and bring it to him, asking the crow to guide you. What you didn’t expect was him to be at the top of a literal fucking mountain.

“Ugh I can’t do this…” you groaned, pausing at a random tree to rest. “My feet are cramping and if this child kicks me in my bladder one more time…”

“Eh? Mrs. Himejima?”

“Eh? Ah! Genya!” While you’re thrilled to see the boy that you’ve quite honestly grown attached to like your own child, he on the other hand is freaking out. Why were you out here alone in your condition? Did Himejima know that you were here? What should he do? Help you get home?

“Genya, have you seen Gyomei?” You eagerly ask, grabbing the boy’s hands. “I was trying to surprise him with lunch, but I kinda got lost on my way up here. It’s such a ways away from the other hashira isn’t it.”

“U-um I-I,” Genya stammered. He then sighed. He couldn’t say no to you when your expression was so innocent. He also wouldn’t forgive himself he let you get hurt. “Ok. I’ll lead the way. P-please be careful. Let me know immediately if you need anything!”

“Of course!”

You follow Genya down a path, asking the boy how his training has been with the other hashira. Eventually, the sound of roaring water fills your ears and you both arrive to a massive water fall.

“Namu Amida Butsu,” someone chants and you realize that there are demon slayers standing under the water, bracing the impact.

“Oh my, this is Gyomei’s training?” You gasp.

“Only the first part,” Genya sighs. “Most people collapse and don’t get past the rest.”

“I see.” You’re not that surprised that your husband’s session was the seemingly most physically challenging and demanding. It would of course be no issue for him as his giant stature and inhuman strength made even the most impossible of tasks look like a breeze. But you feel for the younger ones who haven’t quite figured out how to unlock that same inner strength.

“Eh? Wait? Is that Zenitsu!?” You exclaimed, realizing you recognized a head of yellow hair floating down the river. “Ehh! Oh dear! Zenitsu!”

“Wait! Mrs. Himejima!”

You’re already waddling toward the riverbed, trying to reach out and grab the seemingly unconscious boy. You strain as you try your best to grab him, but he slips past you. The rocks are slick with water and before you realize it, you lose your balance. Before you tumble forward, someone grabs you by your waist and gently lifts you out of the river.

“My love, what ever are you doing here?” The low, calm rumble of your husband’s voice fills your ears. Your cheeks warm as your face lights up in excitement.

“Gyomei!” You turn in his arms to hug him around his neck. “I missed you! I bought you lunch! Come on, let’s eat it before it gets cold.”

Gyomei chuckles. “Let’s get you out of the wet clothes first so you do not catch a cold.” He looks over to Genya and gives a slight nod. “Thank you for looking after her. You can be done for the day, Genya.”

“R-right! Thank you, sensei.”

You talk your husband’s ear off about nonsense, him listening with a smile on his face as he carries your back home. By the time you make it back though, you’re sneezing, shivering slightly from the cold.

“My love, what ever were you doing up there?” Gyomei asks, setting you down. He gently unties your Obi, sliding the wet kimono off your shoulders. “You could’ve been hurt, dear.”

“I wanted to surprise you with lunch…” you say somewhat bash fully. “I haven’t seen you much and I’ve really missed you.”

Gyomei softly smiles. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel neglected.” He unties the juban undergarment and you’re left completely bare and exposed before him.

You feel slightly self conscious. Your body has changed so much from the pregnancy. Your breasts were constantly swollen and tender. Your stomach now round and full with stretch marks streaking across your thighs. Yet, Gyomei’s hands are gentle as he explores the new changes to your body. His fingers grace over the curve of your belly, smiling as he feels his baby…your baby…kick against his palm.

“It’s ok…” you let out a shaky breath. “I know it’s your job.”

“No, my first priority is you and will always be you,” Gyomei insists.

“M-mei, can you touch me?” You plea.

“But you’re so far along now. I do not wish to hurt you, my love.”

“You won’t!” Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones. Or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been missing the gentle intimacy with your husband due to his busy schedule. Either way, you’re finding yourself overcome with desire, wanting nothing but for Gyomei to take and fill you up. “Please?”

Gyomei sighs. He can’t say no to you. “If I hurt you at any point please let me know.”

Laying down, Gyomei pulls you by your waist over his face, his hot breath tickling your core. Your face flushes. “W-wait, Mei, I’ve gained so much weight cause of the pregnancy. I’m so much heavier now and-“

“I don’t care,” Gyomei says, his gentle hands caressing your skin. “You can sit.”



The command leaves your legs weak and you settle down over your husband’s face. He grips your waist as he begins to eat you out. You gasp, for some reason more overly sensitive than usual.

“M-Mei-“ you whimper. You rock your hips in tangent with his tongue. Gyomei’s touch tickles your skin. He traces the curve of your stomach, making you shiver. He cups your breasts. They feel larger, and more swollen than usual in preparation to breastfeed. Your nipples are more sensitive too, stiff from Gyomei playing with them.

Your thighs try to clench shut, which Gyomei puts an immediate stop to. He forces your legs open wider to have deeper access to your dripping cunt as he greedily laps up everything you drop. Your essence is so sweet and he can never get enough of you.

As much as he hates to admit it, he’s hated how much his responsibilities as hashira have taken his focus away from you. He’s missed your touch, your taste. He’s missed your scent and your presence. He has noticed all the subtle ways your body has changed and he hates that he hasn’t been around more often to witness it.

“A-ah, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper, gripping at Gyomei’s hair. You let out a soft cry as your orgasm hits. Your body shudders and you feel your clit tingle as Gyomei sucks on the sensitive nerves. He laps up your release, squeezing your hips to ground himself. “W-wait. T-too much.” Suddenly, a second orgasm rocks your body that leaves you gasping. Your legs have lost their feeling, and you couldn’t stand even if you wanted to.

Gyomei pulls you into his lap. He hugs you into his chest, his hands snaking under your stomach to lift it gently and provide you some sort of relief. You sigh contently now that some of the weight was lifted.

“Are you alright my love?” Gyomei asks, kissing the back of your neck.

“Mm..” Your cheeks flush as you can feel your husband’s straining erection by sitting on his lap. His hard cock presses against his pants, yet he makes no effort to deal with it. “M-mei, do you…um want some help with…”

Gyomei chuckles, his chest rumbling. “Please do not worry about me, love. Your comfort and pleasure is my first priority.”

Rengoku Kyojuro: Flame Hashira

Hashira Training: Wifely Duties

Like Uzui, Rengoku came out of retirement to help with the Hashira training. His session would take place after one passed Tokito’s endurance training and focused on working on Total Concentration Breathing.

Seems easy, no?

Reality is most people pass out due to their inability to regulate their breathing correctly, thus having to start the process all over again. Your job is to go around a bring water to keep the slayers hydrated. But most are unable to drink due to the constricting feeling of the lungs after trying to recover from constantly using total concentration breathing. That along with the other physical strains it puts on the body. So you just do your best to encourage people to drink when they can.

“Come now! You must focus on the flow of your breathing and raise your awareness of your entire body!” Your husband’s loud voice carries across the training grounds. You can even hear him when inside. “Mastering this will even allow you to detect the most hidden injuries and slow the progression of poisons”

“Darling, don’t overwork them,” you say, coming outside with a new pitcher of drinks and cups. You offer him a cup, which he gratefully takes. “Let them catch their breath first.”

“Very well! 3 minutes then we shall start the next rep!”

You can feel all the gracious looks from the junior slayers as they can finally recuperate for a moment, even if brief. You know your husband isn’t intentionally trying to be harsh. He just gets so passionate about something and sometimes seems to forget that others do not possess the same strength or stamina as him.

“Hello? Rengoku-San?” A familiar voice calls out. It’s a face you and Kyojuro haven’t seen in a minute.

“Ah! Kamado! Long time no see!” Kyojuro exclaims. “I’m glad to see you’re in good condition!”

“It’s good to see you again! You too, Y/n-san!”

“I’m glad you’re doing well,” you say cheerfully. “Good luck with the training.”

Since Tanjiro had already had some experience with Total Concentration Breathing, his session was slightly modified. He’d have to tackle the XL gourd, bigger than the one he did at the Butterfly Mansion and then would spar with Kyojuro. If he stopped his Breathing he’d have to restart. But before any of that, for a warm up, all slayers had to run a 5K while maintaining their breathing.

By the time the sun set, just about everyone was passed out, beyond exhausted from the day. Kyojuro was still in overly good spirits, and full of energy as if the training didn’t even cause him to break a sweat.

“Kyo, I think it’s best to call it a day,” you deadpan.

“Really? But it’s not even dark yet?” Your husband has the most innocent look on his face.

You frown but then an idea strikes you. You lean in close to Kyojuro so that others around you can’t hear the next filthy words that leave your lips.

“If you still have so much energy left, why don’t you use that to put a baby in me like you’ve been wanting.”

You walk off without letting him respond, so you miss the way Kyojuro’s face explodes red. He rambles off some sort of excuse to the other slayers about training concluding for the day before rushing off to find you.

You wait patiently in your room, undressing so that you’re in nothing but your underwear by the time your husband arrives in a frenzy. Kyojuro’s face is flushed, chest chest heaving. The moment he spots you, he picks you up and pins you to the nearest wall, kissing you with urgency.

You groan as Kyojuro’s tongue forces its way into your mouth. His hands gripping the meat of your thighs tightly as he presses his growing erection against your exposed core.

“Feel so big, Kyo,” you whimper, rolling your hips against his.

“My flame, did you mean what you said earlier?” Kyojuro pants, his voice husky and airy as what little restraint he had started slipping away. He needed to fill you up and feel you around him bad, but he wouldn’t unless you were serious.

“Put a baby in me, Kyojuro,” you all but demand.

“If that is what my lovely life wishes,” Kyojuro chuckles. He lays you on the futon and sheds his clothes quickly. “Then I shall fulfill.” His cock is already stiff against his abdomen, twitching in his hand as pre cum oozes from the tip. You trace your fingers down his scared torso, noting the way Kyojuro’s muscles tense at your touch.

“I can’t wait to see what you look like when you tummy’s all swollen and full with my child,” Kyojuro said, aligning his cock at your entrance, his cheeks flushed. “You’ll make such a good mother.”

In a single thrust, Kyojuro sheathed his cock into your cunt to the hilt. The penetration left your eyes watering, crying out in pleasure. Kyojuro groaned. You felt so snug and warm around him that it took everything to keep from pounding into you right away.

“G-gods…you feel so good…”

“K-kyo, m-move,” you beg, trying to move your hips for some sort of friction.

Kyojuro grunts. He pins your legs to your chest, With a languid roll of his hips, he experimentally pulled his length out from the clamp of your hole. And with a sharp snap, he drove himself back into you. The sheer force of his scorching length shot the first wave of pleasure through the both of you. The two of you let out low moans. That first penetration gave way to a succession of increasingly rougher thrusts that had your body burning with pleasure.

Kyojuro’s body shuddered slightly anticipation. You clung to him and dug your nails in his shoulders trying to keep him close. The way his cock stretched you out had you feeling so full and lightheaded, leaving you babbling his name like a mantra.

Kyojuro groaned. He hovered over you, leaning down the kiss you passionately. His hands trailed up side to your nipples that became erect from pleasure. Lips trailing up the side of your neck, he left several bite marks.

"Ah a-ah t-that feels funny." You squirmed. "Kyo ~"

The sound of you moaning his name made Kyojuro’s cock throb. He fumbled slightly, his aggressive and frantic rutting becoming slower and slightly sloppy, instead.

“Ugh, coming,” Kyojuro groaned. He buried himself all the way to the hilt inside you. His orgasm hit and it hit hard. His dick pulsated with each subsequent spurt of cum. His hips still as he emptied inside you.

Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel your insides snap. Your pussy clenching tightly around Kyojuro, practically milking him as your own high shakes your body.

“S-shit,” Kyojuro gasps. He pulled out of your abused hole, watching the way his seed trickled out. The sight made his dick twitch. “This won’t do,” he chuckled while pulling your legs up around his waist. “At this rate, I won’t get you pregnant. Guess I’ll just have to fill you up again and again until it sticks.”

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2 years ago
Y/N: Man, I Only Ever See You Awake, Do You Ever Shut Down Or Stop Running?

Y/N: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? 

Rengoku: Oh, I'm always running 

Y/N: The question is from what

Y/N: Man, I Only Ever See You Awake, Do You Ever Shut Down Or Stop Running?

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